Re: Is this right? Seems at odds with wicket philosophy

2008-08-14 Thread Matthijs Wensveen
Why not create a wicket components for the comment div and the 
makecomment link. Then in the onClick override of the makecomment link 
you can set the visibility of the comment component. This does require a 
roundtrip to the server, but is IMO more the wicket-way (tm).


Wayne Pope wrote:


so I'm new to this, however things have been progression ok for my first day
with Wicket.
However it seems to me that I must be doing HTML markup manipulation in java
when the manipulation only concerns the view and not the data behind it.
This seems at odds with wicket philosophy. Let me explain:

I have a very simple news feed that I want to be able to comment on, this
textarea should only be visible once I click on a link.

the markup


As there are lots of news items, I need to assign a unique id (markup id,
not wicket id) to the  element and the corresponding onclick attribute
in the anchor.

So in the java I have to do it this way:
ListView items = new ListView("newsItems",feed) {
protected void populateItem(ListItem item) {
FeedItem news = (FeedItem) item.getModelObject();
item.add(new Label("title", new
item.add(new Label("description", new

final int index = item.getIndex();
item.add(new WebMarkupContainer("makecomment") {
protected void onComponentTag(ComponentTag tag) {

false;"); }

item.add(new WebMarkupContainer("comment") {
protected void onComponentTag(ComponentTag tag) {
tag.getAttributes().put("id","comment"+index); }



Ok so that code is just to demonstrate what I mean. The point is I need to
manipulate the attributes of elements, just so I can setup some javascript
stuff. Is there no better way of just doing this in the markup or some form
of wicket:tag that can insert the current list item index?



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Re: sneak peek - brix - wicket/jcr cms

2008-07-09 Thread Matthijs Wensveen
Cool. I'll definitely try it out. We're currently using jackrabbit for a 
wicket project so I'm interested to see what we could gain by using brix.


Igor Vaynberg wrote:

a few of us have been quietly working on a wicket/jcr cms called Brix
for a while now. it is almost at a point where we are ready to release
a beta, just waiting for wicket-m3 build to go official. in the
meanwhile, if you are not afraid of building from source and want a
sneak peek, you can check it out here [1].

brix is more of a cms framework/library than a full blown cms. it is
designed to be integrated into wicket applications that require cms
functionality as part of their feature set. for example, at my company
we have built a set of ecommerce tiles (brix tiles are dynamic
components that can live inside a cms page) that allow us to build
webstores on top of brix.

brix includes a url coding strategy (which will hopefully become part
of wicket 1.5) that allows for stateless pages as well as url
contribution from tiles and query/indexed parameter mixtures. it has
been designed with scalability in mind although we have not yet built
a caching solution, nor tested if one is necessary.

to hopefully preempt some common questions:
brix uses a simple plugin system to allow extensibility. we did not
use osgi because our time is limited and running wicket inside osgi or
osgi inside wicket is not straight forward yet. will we switch to osgi
later? maybe. we did not use spring because we did not need the
overhead and spring's jcr support is broken because its
jcrsessionfactory does not support multiple jcr workspaces so we would
have to roll our own anyways.

suggestions, feedback, etc are welcome as well as any help. we have
not been working on this very long so it is not extremely polished
yet. for more info see the website.



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Re: generics

2008-07-09 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

Timo Rantalaiho wrote:

On Mon, 07 Jul 2008, Matthijs Wensveen wrote:
The thing is that when using Ajax you have to specifically add 
PersonViewer to the AjaxRequestTarget when 'some other component' 
modifies the Person object. The problem is that 'some other component' 
might not even know about or have access to PersonViewer (maybe it's a 
3rd-party component). OnModelChanged does not work in this case, because 
there is no call to setModelObject, just to some setter of the Person 

Yep, in our current project we use the WICKET-1312
"broadcaster" approach to solve this. This means that the
logic of which component needs to be repainted when
something happens is in the UI components. (The domain logic
itself we try to put in the domain objects.) 

So in our model, the other component modifying the Person
object would broadcast a PersonModifiedEvent to all
PersonModificationReceiver components, who could then act
accordingly (typically add themselves to the Ajax request
target). There's not a lot of automagical intelligence
there, but we have found this way clear and effective. All
relationships are "static" on component class level and
navigable in the IDE. The proliferation of events and
receivers must be watched out for though.

I knew about WICKET-1312, but hadn't thought of broadcasting domain 
object typed events, just things like onClick and such which gives too 
little information. Thanks for the eyeopener!

While Ajax does very nice things to the GUI, it kinda messes up the 
model-driven (as in wicket model) approach to gui development. That is 
why I was thinking about some aspect-oriented solution to let components 
know about model updates, even when they keep a reference to the same 

That's true. It's a pity that for now, Java AOP solutions
are still a bit invasive (AFAIK, if you know of some really
neat and transparent implementation without -javaagents or
special compilers or some such nuisance, I'd be glad to hear

We tried sharing models and making them more intelligent and
models sending events to registered listeners and whatnot
dead chickens before arriving at the current
broadcast/receiver approach. When the components are
"physically" far away from each other, sharing the model or
handling registration and deregistration can get hairy. And
to avoid memory leaks, removing the listeners when
components are being replaced (e.g. repeater children
recreated) should be taken care of carefully in a
traditional event-listener mechanism.

Maybe listeners could be registered using weak references so that the 
objects are still garbage collected even when the listener is still alive.

However, more experimentation is definitely needed on this,
and I'd be very interested on hearing any experiences and
ideas!  It seems that ajax will be around for some more
years, whether we like it or not, so best to make the best
out of it :)

Best wishes, Timo


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Re: generics

2008-07-08 Thread Matthijs Wensveen
I always find using PropertyChangeSupport and ProperyChangeListener is a 
lot of work and kinda pollutes your code. But it is a solution. Maybe a 
combination of ProperyChangeListener and AOP could be made to reduce the 
required boilerplate code.


Johan Compagner wrote:

thats just a listener interface for example PropertyChangeListener (but you
can make it more specific interface)
Just make a base model that has add/removePropertyChangeListener and let
your components listen to that


On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 8:28 AM, Matthijs Wensveen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Timo Rantalaiho wrote:

On Fri, 04 Jul 2008, Matthijs Wensveen wrote:


How do you cope with deeply nested model properties? For example:

public class PersonViewer extends Component {

some other component does:
person.getOrders().get(0).setAmount(0); // first order for free (as in

I have no idea of Johan's project, but normally you just edit an object in
one place at a time, and PersonViewer would be a read-only component with a
model that always pulls the freshest version of the person it is displaying
from the database.

Best wishes,


The thing is that when using Ajax you have to specifically add PersonViewer
to the AjaxRequestTarget when 'some other component' modifies the Person
object. The problem is that 'some other component' might not even know about
or have access to PersonViewer (maybe it's a 3rd-party component).
OnModelChanged does not work in this case, because there is no call to
setModelObject, just to some setter of the Person object.

While Ajax does very nice things to the GUI, it kinda messes up the
model-driven (as in wicket model) approach to gui development. That is why I
was thinking about some aspect-oriented solution to let components know
about model updates, even when they keep a reference to the same object.


Matthijs Wensveen
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Re: generics

2008-07-06 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

Timo Rantalaiho wrote:

On Fri, 04 Jul 2008, Matthijs Wensveen wrote:

How do you cope with deeply nested model properties? For example:

public class PersonViewer extends Component {

some other component does:
person.getOrders().get(0).setAmount(0); // first order for free (as in beer)

I have no idea of Johan's project, but normally you just 
edit an object in one place at a time, and PersonViewer 
would be a read-only component with a model that always 
pulls the freshest version of the person it is displaying 
from the database.

Best wishes,

The thing is that when using Ajax you have to specifically add 
PersonViewer to the AjaxRequestTarget when 'some other component' 
modifies the Person object. The problem is that 'some other component' 
might not even know about or have access to PersonViewer (maybe it's a 
3rd-party component). OnModelChanged does not work in this case, because 
there is no call to setModelObject, just to some setter of the Person 

While Ajax does very nice things to the GUI, it kinda messes up the 
model-driven (as in wicket model) approach to gui development. That is 
why I was thinking about some aspect-oriented solution to let components 
know about model updates, even when they keep a reference to the same 


Matthijs Wensveen
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Re: generics

2008-07-04 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

How do you cope with deeply nested model properties? For example:

public class PersonViewer extends Component {

some other component does:
person.getOrders().get(0).setAmount(0); // first order for free (as in beer)


Johan Compagner wrote:

There are many state things in a component. Wicket itself has only a
few like model/visibile/enable. But a developer could add many many

In our project this is easily handled by our components. Every
component knows when it is changed, what ever it is and then a visitor
adds them to ajax. We have a fixed set of components so its not a big

On 7/4/08, Matthijs Wensveen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Matej Knopp wrote:

On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 9:51 AM, Matej Knopp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


And there is some functionality in there that Wicket might
be better without. For example, onModelChanged / Changing
things become tricky when you share the same model between
different instances. And when using setModelObject() with an
object that is equal to the current model object, but a
different instance (such as a Hibernate-persisted object
bound to the correct session), you have to either do
getModel().setObject() or change the model comparator.


setModelObject isn't the best idea IMHO. Models should support some
kind of state change notifications, we might want to improve that for
1.5, though it probably wouldn't be very easy to do.

Well, we can hardly detect change of propertypromodels unless we pull
and compare the value every time...


Better state change notifications would be a huge improvement IMO
because that way components could add themselves to AjaxRequestTarget
when needed. Currently all Ajax functionality requires Ajaxified
components to know about each other and when they should be displayed.
Some kind of even mechanism as described in would definitely help,
but a model-driven approach would be even better.

I was thinking to support this using annotations and aspects and the
likes, but I haven't had the time to create a proof of concept.


PS. Thread subject has become little different than thread content :)

Matthijs Wensveen
Func. Internet Integration
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Re: generics

2008-07-03 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

Matej Knopp wrote:

On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 9:51 AM, Matej Knopp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

And there is some functionality in there that Wicket might
be better without. For example, onModelChanged / Changing
things become tricky when you share the same model between
different instances. And when using setModelObject() with an
object that is equal to the current model object, but a
different instance (such as a Hibernate-persisted object
bound to the correct session), you have to either do
getModel().setObject() or change the model comparator.


setModelObject isn't the best idea IMHO. Models should support some
kind of state change notifications, we might want to improve that for
1.5, though it probably wouldn't be very easy to do.

Well, we can hardly detect change of propertypromodels unless we pull
and compare the value every time...

Better state change notifications would be a huge improvement IMO 
because that way components could add themselves to AjaxRequestTarget 
when needed. Currently all Ajax functionality requires Ajaxified 
components to know about each other and when they should be displayed. 
Some kind of even mechanism as described in would definitely help, 
but a model-driven approach would be even better.

I was thinking to support this using annotations and aspects and the 
likes, but I haven't had the time to create a proof of concept.


PS. Thread subject has become little different than thread content :)

Matthijs Wensveen
Func. Internet Integration
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Re: configuring wicket:id from Java code in in a page

2008-07-02 Thread Matthijs Wensveen
You might want to use wicket:message in cases like this. See:


Rakesh Sinha wrote:

Thanks Igor. That works.

Thanks Apache Wicket team once again for a wonderful framework.

On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 12:37 AM, Igor Vaynberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[title will be here]

just like the span...


On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 9:01 PM, Rakesh Sinha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am trying to have the title of a given page, populated from the code.




message will be here

Java: ( only)

public class HomePage extends WebPage {
  public HomePage(final PageParameters parameters) {
   // Add the simplest type of label
   add(new Label("message", MESSAGE));
   add(new Label("mysiteName", "mysite"));
   // TODO Add your page's components here

   static final String MESSAGE = "If you see this message wicket is
properly configured and running";

I am getting the following error.

ERROR - RequestCycle   - The component(s) below failed to
render. A common problem is that you have added a component in code
but forgot to reference it in the markup (thus the component will
never be rendered).

1. [Component id = mysiteName, page = pages.HomePage, path =
0:mysiteName.Label, isVisible = true, isVersioned = true]

org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException: The component(s) below
failed to render. A common problem is that you have added a component
in code but forgot to reference it in the markup (thus the component
will never be rendered).

1. [Component id = mysiteName, page = pages.HomePage, path =
0:mysiteName.Label, isVisible = true, isVersioned = true]

   at org.apache.wicket.Page.checkRendering(

Can somebody help me here.

I am using this with Wicket 1.3.4 . (with Jetty engine).

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Re: Firefox 3 Back button and BaseTree

2008-06-29 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

Is there a bugzilla id we could track (spam :) )?

Matej Knopp wrote:

Firefox caches the wrong version of DOM with the page. Unfortunately
the only workaround I know about is to force firefox reloading page on
backbutton by sending the no-store header. Look at WebPage#setHeaders.


On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 11:06 PM, Kaspar Fischer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I derive BaseTree and have run into a problem with Firefox 3 (FF 2 and IE 7
work fine). If I expand an node of the tree, click any link on the page,
and hit the Back button, FF 3 returns to the previous page but has -- in
contrast to all other mentioned browsers -- the tree closed. Clicking on
the tree shows the following message

 There was a problem updating the tree. It might be caused be the
 old page being cached by the browser. It is recommended to reload
 the page. Do you want to reload it?

Is there any workaround for this? Many thanks,

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Re: Client side validation

2008-06-29 Thread Matthijs Wensveen
Yes, of course. But the form is not posted when the client side does not 
validate. Of course the posted form is validated on the server too.

Anyway, the nice thing is that you only have to say something like 
setClientSideValidation(true) and it just works. It's all very 
transparent, which is cool. I'm not a M$ fanboy or anything (if I was, I 
wouldn't even be typing this), but I did like that particular feature.

Johan Compagner wrote:

Fallback? That should always be done fallback or not, clientside is
jus a quicker feedback to the user, the real validation should always
be done after that on the serverside

On 6/26/08, Matthijs Wensveen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I know ASP.Net has this too, and falls back to the server when client
side validation is not possible (or is hacked by a smarter than average
user). Something could be done. I think would be worth the time when you
have it (time, that is). I'd start with a separate project, so that
people can try it out.


Manuel Corrales wrote:

Hi, i dont want to be flamed by this post, i have read on some places some
not very polite things about wicket vs taperstry. I think that all
frameworks have pro and cons. Here is the thing, i was using Tapestry 5
a while, and now i am developing with wicket. One thing i liked about T5
the "magic" on the client side validation without the need to write
javascript, and it worked pretty good. I really do not have the time now,
but it would be great to accomplish something like this:

RequiredTextField tf = new

my approach would be to borrow the T5 code to generate the required

Is this idea worth the time?

Best regards.



Matthijs Wensveen
Func. Internet Integration
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Re: redirect page in the constructor

2008-06-29 Thread Matthijs Wensveen


Igor Vaynberg wrote:

if you can find another way to abort creation of a class instance in
java feel free to let us know.


On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 4:29 AM, Eyal Golan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

That is what we used before.
Then I looked on the links above, tried the setResponsePage and found out
that it works.
After your answer, I understand that it does pollute the page map.

I'll change to use the Exception instead.
IMHO it's not a "nice" way to implement such a feature.

On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 5:11 PM, Igor Vaynberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

use restartresponseexception instead


On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 5:36 AM, Eyal Golan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

After reviewing some discussion regarding the issue.

and[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg30288.html

What is the conclusion?
Is the original page being mapped or no?


Eyal Golan


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Eyal Golan


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Re: Client side validation

2008-06-27 Thread Matthijs Wensveen
I know ASP.Net has this too, and falls back to the server when client 
side validation is not possible (or is hacked by a smarter than average 
user). Something could be done. I think would be worth the time when you 
have it (time, that is). I'd start with a separate project, so that 
people can try it out.


Manuel Corrales wrote:

Hi, i dont want to be flamed by this post, i have read on some places some
not very polite things about wicket vs taperstry. I think that all
frameworks have pro and cons. Here is the thing, i was using Tapestry 5 for
a while, and now i am developing with wicket. One thing i liked about T5 was
the "magic" on the client side validation without the need to write
javascript, and it worked pretty good. I really do not have the time now,
but it would be great to accomplish something like this:

RequiredTextField tf = new

my approach would be to borrow the T5 code to generate the required

Is this idea worth the time?

Best regards.



Matthijs Wensveen
Func. Internet Integration
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Re: Setting HiddenField name attrribute value

2008-06-22 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

Something like:


final PackagedTextTemplate template = new 
PackagedTextTemplate(ThisComponent.class, "ThisComponent.js.template");

Label script = new Label("script", new Model() {
   private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

   public Object getObject() {
   Map variables = new HashMapString>();

   variables.put("markupId", ThisComponent.this.getMarkupId());
   return template.interpolate(variables).asString();


|document.getElementById("${markupId}").onmouseover = function() {|| alert("Hello 
world!"); ||};



Ritz123 wrote:


Those are good suggestions. I would have gone server side myself. There is a
trade off user experience vs. more robust and it just so happened this time
we are going with better user experience hence the use of javascript. The
javascript, I want to use is very basic, thats the reason why I am not doing
AJAX as there is no need to even go to server side partially. Javascript
will be used purely on the client just to update inner html. Just to give
you an idea - this is for the e-commerce checkout where the entire checkout
can be done from 1 page only with very few clicks, it wont be possible
without the use of javascript.

I didnt find any documentation on using templates for javascript - will
appreciate any pointers.


Matthijs Wensveen-2 wrote:
Is there any specific reason you don't want to do this server side? Not 
using javascript would make the application more accessible, and 
probable also more robust and secure. Unless you're targeting some very 
specific user group, I always try not to depend on javascrip / ajax 
(that's why I love the AjaxFallback stuff in wicket so much).

Just my 2c.

PS. If you must use javascript, why not use the hidden field's id, which 
can be controlled with setMarkupId. But it might be better not to use 
setMarkupId (to avoid id collisions). You could write some javascript 
(with use of templates) that fills in the markupId (getMarkupId) 

Ritz123 wrote:


Is it possible to set specific name to the hidden field component?

Here is my usage scenario - 

1. I have radio group for shipping options on a page.
2. Depending on the shipping option selected, I need to show the order
2. radio has associated model which obviously contains more information

just the shipping price

The only way I can think of doing this efficiently without going to the
server side is by using hidden fields for shipping costs. Using the
javascript to update the total on the page. Problem is, seems like hidden
field names cannot be specified or controlled and hence cannot be
by javascript precisely.

Correct me if I am wrong, also let me know if there is a better way of

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Re: Setting HiddenField name attrribute value

2008-06-21 Thread Matthijs Wensveen
Is there any specific reason you don't want to do this server side? Not 
using javascript would make the application more accessible, and 
probable also more robust and secure. Unless you're targeting some very 
specific user group, I always try not to depend on javascrip / ajax 
(that's why I love the AjaxFallback stuff in wicket so much).

Just my 2c.

PS. If you must use javascript, why not use the hidden field's id, which 
can be controlled with setMarkupId. But it might be better not to use 
setMarkupId (to avoid id collisions). You could write some javascript 
(with use of templates) that fills in the markupId (getMarkupId) 

Ritz123 wrote:


Is it possible to set specific name to the hidden field component?

Here is my usage scenario - 

1. I have radio group for shipping options on a page.
2. Depending on the shipping option selected, I need to show the order total
2. radio has associated model which obviously contains more information than

just the shipping price

The only way I can think of doing this efficiently without going to the
server side is by using hidden fields for shipping costs. Using the
javascript to update the total on the page. Problem is, seems like hidden
field names cannot be specified or controlled and hence cannot be referenced
by javascript precisely.

Correct me if I am wrong, also let me know if there is a better way of doing

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Re: Modal Window question

2008-06-19 Thread Matthijs Wensveen
The javascript to close the ModalWindow is returned by a private method 
of ModalWindow:

* @return javascript that closes current modal window
   private static String getCloseJavacript()
   return "var win;\n" //
   + "try {\n" + "win = window.parent.Wicket.Window;\n"
   + "} catch (ignore) {\n"
   + "}\n"
   + "if (typeof(win) == \"undefined\" || typeof(win.current) 
== \"undefined\") {\n"

   + "  try {\n"
   + " win = window.Wicket.Window;\n"
   + "  } catch (ignore) {\n"
   + "  }\n"
   + "}\n"
   + "if (typeof(win) != \"undefined\" && typeof(win.current) 
!= \"undefined\") {\n"
   + "window.parent.setTimeout(function() {\n" + "

   + "}, 0);\n"
   + "}";

There ya go.

mfs wrote:

Isn't there a way to call the appropriate javascript which does the

mfs wrote:


I am posting this question yet again, hoping to get some feedback...

The problem is regarding modal windows, as to how close it, when a form
(within it) is submitted in a new window. Any suggestions

Thanks in advance 


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Re: Modal Window question

2008-06-19 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

Awkward.. that's the first letter in AJAX! :D

mfs wrote:

That is certainly an option, but i dont like the idea of the timer, since
there could be scenarios where the user does the form submission (resulting
in a new window), and lets say i set the timer to 2 seconds, now in case the
user decides to close the new browser window rightaway, and comes back and
while he is trying to click some other button on the modal window (which has
other forms too), the modal window all of sudden vanishes and that would
just be a bit awkward, thats just one example, even if the timer is set to a
shorter time the response itself might take a while (due to load/traffic or
other reasons) and user might see this sudden invisibility of the modal when
he was trying to do somethingthats why i would rather close the modal
window as soon as the new browser window loads up or even before..

Matthijs Wensveen-2 wrote:
Hmm, that's a hard one, because you have a requestTarget that does not 
even look at the modal window (I think). A solution (albeit a bit hacky) 
is to set some parameter in the session. Then, add an 
AbstractAjaxTimerBehaviour to the modal window that checks for the 
session parameter in onTimer and when it is set calls 
ModalWindow.this.close(target). Of course the ugliness lies in the 
session state tweaking, so if there's a cleaner solution for that, that 
would be preferable.


mfs wrote:

No i mean a separate browser window, where i display the results of the

Matthijs Wensveen-2 wrote:

What do you mean by "submitted in a new window"? The modal window

mfs wrote:


I am posting this question yet again, hoping to get some feedback...

The problem is regarding modal windows, as to how close it, when a form
(within it) is submitted in a new window. Any suggestions

Thanks in advance 

Matthijs Wensveen
Func. Internet Integration
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Re: Modal Window question

2008-06-18 Thread Matthijs Wensveen
Hmm, that's a hard one, because you have a requestTarget that does not 
even look at the modal window (I think). A solution (albeit a bit hacky) 
is to set some parameter in the session. Then, add an 
AbstractAjaxTimerBehaviour to the modal window that checks for the 
session parameter in onTimer and when it is set calls 
ModalWindow.this.close(target). Of course the ugliness lies in the 
session state tweaking, so if there's a cleaner solution for that, that 
would be preferable.


mfs wrote:

No i mean a separate browser window, where i display the results of the

Matthijs Wensveen-2 wrote:

What do you mean by "submitted in a new window"? The modal window itself?

mfs wrote:


I am posting this question yet again, hoping to get some feedback...

The problem is regarding modal windows, as to how close it, when a form
(within it) is submitted in a new window. Any suggestions

Thanks in advance 

Matthijs Wensveen
Func. Internet Integration
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Re: Generic component placeholder

2008-06-18 Thread Matthijs Wensveen
With Panel you know you always have the right markup so that is good. 
The disadvantage is that you'd then have to write panels for everything 
the ComponentFactory should be able to produce.

Maybe you could always return a container that overrides onComponentTag 
and set the tag's name according to the contained component. I don't 
know if this will even work, but you still have the disadvantage that 
you have to know the tagname for everything that could be produced / 
contained and do a lot of instanceof's. For some components this is even 
impossible, for example Link, which works on any html tag (for other 
tags than  it writes an onclick handler).

You can also do things with IMarkupResourceStreamProvider. That way the 
markup could dynamically be produced to be according to what you need.

Anyway, it quickly becomes complex. Igor's suggestion has the advantage 
that it's very clean and comprehensible. So if the ComponentFactory 
produces only a few components, write panels for them and your problem 
is solved.


Igor Vaynberg wrote:

wicket's default components do not mutate markup, so you cannot do
that. a better contract is eg

componentfactor { panel getpanel(string id); } eg ITab in extensions.
that way you know it will always work.


On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 7:39 PM, Dreamage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


If for example I have the following panel:

 < span wicket:id="genericComponent"/>

And I want to insert a component at the place of span tag, but the component
is not instanciated by the panel ... it's provided by a factory. Here is the
code :

public class MyPanel extends Panel{
   public MyPanel(String id, ComponentFactory factory) {
   //Create a new generic component using a specific id


The problem is that if the factory returns a TextField, the placeholder tag
need to be a input tag instead of a span. Is there a generic wicket tag that
could allow me to indicate where a component goes without binding it to a
specific tag ? If not, can this be done another way ?

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Re: Modal Window question

2008-06-18 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

What do you mean by "submitted in a new window"? The modal window itself?

mfs wrote:


I am posting this question yet again, hoping to get some feedback...

The problem is regarding modal windows, as to how close it, when a form
(within it) is submitted in a new window. Any suggestions

Thanks in advance 

Matthijs Wensveen
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Re: isVisible vs. setVisible

2008-06-17 Thread Matthijs Wensveen


Johan Compagner wrote:

Igor already has plans to fix/change that

something like isVisible and setVisible both final
and then you can override visible() that we check for you in the isVisible()
method (but first also we check our own flag)
so both setVisible() and your overridden visible() are working fine. (and we
can test other stuff like isVisibleInHierarchy and so on.


On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 11:52 PM, Matthijs Wensveen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Of course I have a few things to learn, and I hope I never stop learning.
The article you provide is interesting.

My opinion is that for domain entity objects, getters and setters are
certainly not evil. For classes that are more service-like, getters and
setters could be useful but should be considered well. In case you choose
not to have a getter and a setter one should be extra careful when choosing
method names. I usually expect a setVisible method when there is also an
isVisible method. Immutable classes, or classes with read-only properties
can choose to only provide a getter for some properties. But if a method
like isVisible is intended to be overridden something like public boolean
visible() might be better. But I guess this is also a matter of style and

As for Component.set/isVisible, I like that I can do both, even if it gives
me the possibility of ambiguous code like new Component() {isVisible()
{return true;};}.setVisible(false) or something like that (it is actually
not ambiguous at all of course, but you do have to read extra careful). So
whatever reason you (core devs) originally had for providing a setter, I am
thankful for that.


Jonathan Locke wrote:

i think you may have a few things to learn and it is not exactly
controversial to prefer immutability or encapsulation... setters break
encapsulation and i think it is safe to say decades of experience with
object systems is on my side, including industry luminaries like:

Matthijs Wensveen-2 wrote:


Jonathan Locke wrote:

in the isVisible impl you could lazy-init cache a transient Boolean
end request where you set it null.
setters are evil.


..but it's good to have choice. *And* setVisible is not a normal setter,
because it returns the component, which makes it easy to add an initially
invisible component like: add(new Label("profanity",
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]").setVisible(false));

Also, with is/setVisible you van use the component with a propertymodel
to have some other component toggle the visibility of another component.
This way you have the best of both worlds.

A little off-topic: It scares me a little when core developer make bold
statements like: "setters are evil" and "I wouldn't mind final was the
default in java". Maybe I'm just being paranoid here...


egolan74 wrote:


Yes but ...
isVisible may be triggered several times, while setVisible should only
called once (say if I do it only once after creating the component).
Usually I prefer the state driven way, but what if the logic has a lot

Jonathan Locke wrote:

isVisible is generally better imo because it is state driven.  if you
push instead of pull, the state can get stale.



Matthijs Wensveen
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Re: isVisible vs. setVisible

2008-06-16 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

Never underestimate the power of the Dark Side! :)

Jonathan Locke wrote:

i imagine setVisible came from me.  just because setters are evil and you
should avoid them when you can does not mean you should not use them when
you need them.

Matthijs Wensveen-2 wrote:
Of course I have a few things to learn, and I hope I never stop 
learning. The article you provide is interesting.

My opinion is that for domain entity objects, getters and setters are 
certainly not evil. For classes that are more service-like, getters and 
setters could be useful but should be considered well. In case you 
choose not to have a getter and a setter one should be extra careful 
when choosing method names. I usually expect a setVisible method when 
there is also an isVisible method. Immutable classes, or classes with 
read-only properties can choose to only provide a getter for some 
properties. But if a method like isVisible is intended to be overridden 
something like public boolean visible() might be better. But I guess 
this is also a matter of style and taste.

As for Component.set/isVisible, I like that I can do both, even if it 
gives me the possibility of ambiguous code like new Component() 
{isVisible() {return true;};}.setVisible(false) or something like that 
(it is actually not ambiguous at all of course, but you do have to read 
extra careful). So whatever reason you (core devs) originally had for 
providing a setter, I am thankful for that.


Jonathan Locke wrote:

i think you may have a few things to learn and it is not exactly
controversial to prefer immutability or encapsulation... setters break
encapsulation and i think it is safe to say decades of experience with
object systems is on my side, including industry luminaries like:

Matthijs Wensveen-2 wrote:

Jonathan Locke wrote:


in the isVisible impl you could lazy-init cache a transient Boolean
end request where you set it null. 

setters are evil.
..but it's good to have choice. *And* setVisible is not a normal setter, 
because it returns the component, which makes it easy to add an 
initially invisible component like: add(new Label("profanity", 
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]").setVisible(false));

Also, with is/setVisible you van use the component with a propertymodel 
to have some other component toggle the visibility of another component. 
This way you have the best of both worlds.

A little off-topic: It scares me a little when core developer make bold 
statements like: "setters are evil" and "I wouldn't mind final was the 
default in java". Maybe I'm just being paranoid here...


egolan74 wrote:

Yes but ...
isVisible may be triggered several times, while setVisible should only
called once (say if I do it only once after creating the component).
Usually I prefer the state driven way, but what if the logic has a lot

Jonathan Locke wrote:

isVisible is generally better imo because it is state driven.  if you
push instead of pull, the state can get stale.




Matthijs Wensveen
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Re: isVisible vs. setVisible

2008-06-16 Thread Matthijs Wensveen
Of course I have a few things to learn, and I hope I never stop 
learning. The article you provide is interesting.

My opinion is that for domain entity objects, getters and setters are 
certainly not evil. For classes that are more service-like, getters and 
setters could be useful but should be considered well. In case you 
choose not to have a getter and a setter one should be extra careful 
when choosing method names. I usually expect a setVisible method when 
there is also an isVisible method. Immutable classes, or classes with 
read-only properties can choose to only provide a getter for some 
properties. But if a method like isVisible is intended to be overridden 
something like public boolean visible() might be better. But I guess 
this is also a matter of style and taste.

As for Component.set/isVisible, I like that I can do both, even if it 
gives me the possibility of ambiguous code like new Component() 
{isVisible() {return true;};}.setVisible(false) or something like that 
(it is actually not ambiguous at all of course, but you do have to read 
extra careful). So whatever reason you (core devs) originally had for 
providing a setter, I am thankful for that.


Jonathan Locke wrote:

i think you may have a few things to learn and it is not exactly
controversial to prefer immutability or encapsulation... setters break
encapsulation and i think it is safe to say decades of experience with
object systems is on my side, including industry luminaries like:

Matthijs Wensveen-2 wrote:

Jonathan Locke wrote:


in the isVisible impl you could lazy-init cache a transient Boolean until
end request where you set it null. 

setters are evil.
..but it's good to have choice. *And* setVisible is not a normal setter, 
because it returns the component, which makes it easy to add an 
initially invisible component like: add(new Label("profanity", 
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]").setVisible(false));

Also, with is/setVisible you van use the component with a propertymodel 
to have some other component toggle the visibility of another component. 
This way you have the best of both worlds.

A little off-topic: It scares me a little when core developer make bold 
statements like: "setters are evil" and "I wouldn't mind final was the 
default in java". Maybe I'm just being paranoid here...


egolan74 wrote:

Yes but ...
isVisible may be triggered several times, while setVisible should only
called once (say if I do it only once after creating the component).
Usually I prefer the state driven way, but what if the logic has a lot

Jonathan Locke wrote:

isVisible is generally better imo because it is state driven.  if you
push instead of pull, the state can get stale.



Matthijs Wensveen
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Re: isVisible vs. setVisible

2008-06-16 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

Martijn Dashorst wrote:

On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 3:48 PM, Matthijs Wensveen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

A little off-topic: It scares me a little when core developer make bold
statements like: "setters are evil" and "I wouldn't mind final was the
default in java". Maybe I'm just being paranoid here...

Why? Are we not allowed an opinion?

Why off-course! Am I not allowed to be scared? ;P

 And from an OO point of view, I
can see how setters break encapsulation: they expose the internal
state of an object. In the case of setVisible this is exacerbated
because the semantics of the following are vague:

Label l = new Label("l", "foo") {
@Override boolean isVisible() { return false; }

So either you'd want final to be the default, or you'd consider
setters evil. :-D

Hehe. Maybe in that case you should override setVisible as well to throw 
an UnsupportedOperationException?

I disagree that you expose internal state. It's hardly internal when 
there is a public setter. But I agree that it is often very useful to 
override the getter (isser for booleans?)  when there is a hard 
dependency between the component visibility and some other state. As I 
said: it's good to have choice.



Matthijs Wensveen
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Re: isVisible vs. setVisible

2008-06-16 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

Jonathan Locke wrote:

in the isVisible impl you could lazy-init cache a transient Boolean until
end request where you set it null. 

setters are evil.

..but it's good to have choice. *And* setVisible is not a normal setter, 
because it returns the component, which makes it easy to add an 
initially invisible component like: add(new Label("profanity", 
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]").setVisible(false));

Also, with is/setVisible you van use the component with a propertymodel 
to have some other component toggle the visibility of another component. 
This way you have the best of both worlds.

A little off-topic: It scares me a little when core developer make bold 
statements like: "setters are evil" and "I wouldn't mind final was the 
default in java". Maybe I'm just being paranoid here...


egolan74 wrote:

Yes but ...
isVisible may be triggered several times, while setVisible should only be
called once (say if I do it only once after creating the component).
Usually I prefer the state driven way, but what if the logic has a lot of

Jonathan Locke wrote:

isVisible is generally better imo because it is state driven.  if you
push instead of pull, the state can get stale.



Matthijs Wensveen
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Re: Chaining components

2008-06-16 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

That's what I said ;)

Johan Compagner wrote:

i think they are pointing to this one:

On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 9:21 AM, Jonathan Locke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


what bug # is that one?

igor.vaynberg wrote:

On Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 11:38 AM, Martin Makundi


When I chain components, comboboxes and tables etc., I find myself
repeatedly solving the same problem:
* the parent component causes a data reload

if you chain your models properly (make child's model depend on
parent's model) this should work transparently.


* the parent component causes an ajax refresh

if the parent component repaints itself then all child components are
repainted as well...


Has someone found a generic eventlistener-like solution to this?

there is a patch in jira for a generic event/listener mechanism, but
it wont happen until 1.5 because it requires api breaks.



My current inline implementations have become quite messy to follow
and I must make some major refactoring soon, as I am beginning to
understand how the Wicket framework operates - and it would not hurt
to plug in some neat ready solution you have come up with that keeps
the code clean and structured. I am thinking something along the lines
of a hashmap, I would just push the reloaders and refreshers there out
of sight  ...


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Re: Chaining components

2008-06-16 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

Martin Makundi wrote:

I've been thinking about writing aspects that fire Component.onModelChanged
even  when the model's object changed (possibly deep within an object

Do you have a demo about this?

Unfortunately no, I didn't have the time to convert my brain contents to 
java code...

I am about to write a HierarchicalAjaxRefreshTargetPropagator soon
just to get a feeling if it is a bad idea... I will let subscribers

If you just need a reference to the AjaxRequestTarget then you can do 
RequestCycle.get().getRequestTarget() and do an instanceof with 



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Re: Chaining components

2008-06-15 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

Martin Makundi wrote:

Now if I change the country, I must change the list of allowed values
for cityCombo.

Thanks, I remember seeing that but already forgot about the idea that
a dropdown choice can be a model, and a smart model too.


interface statechangedlistener { protected void 
onstatechanged(ajaxrequesttarget t); }
city.onupdate() { getpage().visitchildren(statechangedlistener.class) {...}}
there is your basic listener support.

Ok. Something like this. I do not know if I want to bind it directly
to the page hierarcy though, it might be some other construct just for
that purpose. And I do not know if I want a listener interface if I
can make the models reload themselves -> in that case the construct
should maybe automatically attach onchangelisteners? Maybe, e.g.,
mutable/immutable treenodes...

I've been thinking about writing aspects that fire 
Component.onModelChanged even  when the model's object changed (possibly 
deep within an object hierarchy). Another option would be to use 
PropertyChangeSupport. Either way, you'd never require listeners or 
other complex notification structures. This  would be especially useful 
with AJAX, because then all components that get onModelChanged can add 
themselves to the AjaxRequestTarget.

By the way, the jira patch Igor mentioned: I really like it.


Matthijs Wensveen
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Re: Making Component easier to Generify

2008-06-14 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

Eelco Hillenius wrote:

It's good to know that when you reach the same conclusion it is a deliberate
BTW, interfaces are useful for this, but not a necessity. Or am I the only
one thinking that

No, I agree with you mostly. However, I was trying (back then) to
define separate dimensions of components (the fact that they can be
rendered is one, and for form components for instance, the fact that
they can validate is another). If you have a bunch of useful
distinctions like that, you can just decorate them for specific
purposes. Maybe.

Yeah. Some problem domains are better suited for this kind of 
interfacing than others. In one project we work on we have interfaces 
like PropertyHolder and TemplateHolder, but other projects keep to a 
stricter OO hierarchy with only one or two interfaces at the base (or top?)

I can see merit in interfaces like IRenderable and IValidatable. An 
interface for lifecycle could be useful too. One problem could be that 
when only Component (or somesuch) implements all the useful interfaces, 
people are never going to implement one of the interfaces themselves. An 
interesting framework could be Qi4J, to be able to independently 
implement the interfaces. They gave a presentation at the wicket meetup 
in amsterdam (I wasn't there, but heard about it and looked it up).


(I seem to be... hmm...). More interfaces mean even more
scrolling through the I's in the javadoc, no, lol.

Indeed, it gets ugly pretty fast. Mixins and interfaces with
implementations like scala has would be wonderful here, but alas,
we'll have to work with Java.

Java is not so bad. We'll just have to wait until someone writes a 
java2scala conversion app :)


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Re: Making Component easier to Generify

2008-06-14 Thread Matthijs Wensveen
Ah, you beat me to that. I should've read the thread entirely before 
posting :)

Martijn Dashorst wrote:

Or with qi4j (


On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 5:37 AM, Eelco Hillenius

It's good to know that when you reach the same conclusion it is a deliberate
BTW, interfaces are useful for this, but not a necessity. Or am I the only
one thinking that

No, I agree with you mostly. However, I was trying (back then) to
define separate dimensions of components (the fact that they can be
rendered is one, and for form components for instance, the fact that
they can validate is another). If you have a bunch of useful
distinctions like that, you can just decorate them for specific
purposes. Maybe.

(I seem to be... hmm...). More interfaces mean even more
scrolling through the I's in the javadoc, no, lol.

Indeed, it gets ugly pretty fast. Mixins and interfaces with
implementations like scala has would be wonderful here, but alas,
we'll have to work with Java.


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Re: Making Component easier to Generify

2008-06-13 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

Eelco Hillenius wrote:

True, it's been weighing the disadvantages vs the advantages, and so
far, ensuring that we wouldn't paint ourselves in the corner too
quickly won over flexibility.

To make this 'painless' though, we'd probably need a whole bunch of
interfaces. We've looked into moving to a more interface based
approach in the past for Wicket, but we concluded that it just got too
crazy, increasing the complexity of the API considerably, and had all
the disadvantages of interfaces over abstract classes (no guaranteed
behavior, everything has to be public and abstract). We might just
come to that same conclusion again.

It's good to know that when you reach the same conclusion it is a 
deliberate one.
BTW, interfaces are useful for this, but not a necessity. Or am I the 
only one thinking that (I seem to be... hmm...). More interfaces mean 
even more scrolling through the I's in the javadoc, no, lol.


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Re: Making Component easier to Generify

2008-06-13 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

Igor Vaynberg wrote:

On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 2:44 PM, Matthijs Wensveen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

By the way, the article I supplied and the article on wikipedia do just the
same thing. If you look at VerticalScrollBarDecorator.draw you'll see that
it delegates the method to the wrapped Window.

decorator classes in the onjava article do not perform method
delegation across all methods in JComponent, therefore its not a
decorator by your own definition?

It's still is a decorator, but I agree it does not do exactly as I 
thought a proper decorator should do. The delegation is still there, but 
it is hidden because the wrapped class is added as a child to the 
decorator. The calls take care of calling the needed methods 
on the wrapped class. But this only works for hierarchies like swing.

Hmm.. if I were very puristic, I might not call this decoration at all, 
in the OO-sense of the pattern. This really just takes a component and 
puts it somewhere else. It *is* transparent to the (api) user however. 
It doesn't need to know or care this has happened, so in that sense it 
is a decorator.

Also, I did say: "It is not entirely impossible to decorate a class with 
final methods, you just can't delegate the final methods" . So, "my 
definition" does not enforce that every method should be delegated. You 
may read the words "Implementing each and every method of a class and 
delegating to another class is indeed what is needed" as "Implementing 
each and every method of a class and delegating to another class is 
indeed what is *usually / generally* needed" :)


Also look at the C++ example.
C++ doesn't have interfaces. So, maybe this is a ui decorator as well...?

actually c++ does have interfaces, they are modeled as "pure virtual"
classes, which is what the c++ Window class in the wikipedia article

Okay, but then abstract classes in java are interfaces as well :). You 
said decoration *only* works with interfaces, and there was no way for 
me to know that your notion of the term interface included classes as 
well (because then what are we even arguing about :) )

Hm, anyway, let's drop the almost religious fanaticism. We could argue 
about the definition of the term decorator all year, presumably, but 
whatever it is called, what I want can't be done in wicket because of 
some final methods that are in the way. The Link.onClick problem is 
still unsolved.




the end of the article there is a list of other design patterns from the GoF
book, unfortunately I couldn't find anything about the software decorator
pattern you mentioned (also googled it without avail).

So, okay, let's end this discussion for Godwin's sake.

I really do want to know how to add behaviour in a transparent way to an
existing Link's onClick method. Using Behavior or some other means. AOP is
an option but feels hacky just to do this (pointcuts should generally match
more than one joinpoint). Event listeners are another (but I won't dare
begin that discussion again).

Best regards,

Igor Vaynberg wrote:

looked over the article. what they do is a ui decorator, it is not the
software decorator pattern. there is no method delegation to the child
component. what they create is a composite, you can do the same thing
in wicket with a Border.


On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 9:55 PM, Igor Vaynberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


right. so when you would do it with a class you will actually have to
rewire all the methods to forward to the delegate instead of calling
super. that is pure insanity and does not make any sense when methods
hold logic. that is why it works with an interface, no logic for you
to override and forward to the delegate, only the message dispatch
itself. sure, technically you can do it even with a concrete class,
but you can also do a lot of other things that dont make sense.


On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 5:54 PM, Matthijs Wensveen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Igor Vaynberg wrote:


look at the java example. notice Window is an interface.

Yeah, but that's just because it's good practice to use the interface
there is one. Notice that the actually decorated class is a new
SimpleWindow() in DecoratedWindowTest. Window might as well have been an
abstract class, or even a concrete one. The idea is that the contract of
class you wrap is maintained, if that is an interface your decorator
implements that, when it's a class your decorator extends it. Same idea.
course, interfaces are cleaner and you can even decorate more then one
interface when you want to, but decorating a class is not uncommon
(at least where I come from).



eg you cant do: add(new Decorat

Re: Making Component easier to Generify

2008-06-13 Thread Matthijs Wensveen
I am not aware of a distinction between software decorator and ui 
decorator. But seeing as wicket is a ui framework, I'll go with ui 
decorator. Border looks somewhat like a decorator, but since it does not 
wrap another component, it is not. Also Border needs different markup 
than the component it 'decorates' which makes it nontransparent, which 
is kind of the point of decorators. I like to thing of decorators as 
classes that piggyback behavior on existing instances.

Implementing each and every method of a class and delegating to another 
class is indeed what is needed, but is certainly not insanity. If you 
use eclipse you can do this easily by adding a member field of a certain 
type, right-click it and select Source > Generate Delegate Methods. When 
decorating a class is common and intended use of that class, an API 
usually supplies a SomethingSomethingDecorator class (extends / 
implements SomethingSomething) that delegates every method by default. 
You'd then only have to subclass that class.

Calling super in methods that only implement an interface as in your 
reply is just not possible (does not even compile), you need to subclass 
in order to be able to do that.
To return to the final method argument. It is not entirely impossible to 
decorate a class with final methods, you just can't delegate the final 
methods. An important one to be able to delegate in wicket is 
MarkupContainer.add. Otherwise you'd break the hierarchy with a 
decorated MarkupContainer.

By the way, the article I supplied and the article on wikipedia do just 
the same thing. If you look at VerticalScrollBarDecorator.draw you'll 
see that it delegates the method to the wrapped Window. Also look at the 
C++ example. C++ doesn't have interfaces. So, maybe this is a ui 
decorator as well...? At the end of the article there is a list of other 
design patterns from the GoF book, unfortunately I couldn't find 
anything about the software decorator pattern you mentioned (also 
googled it without avail).

So, okay, let's end this discussion for Godwin's sake.

I really do want to know how to add behaviour in a transparent way to an 
existing Link's onClick method. Using Behavior or some other means. AOP 
is an option but feels hacky just to do this (pointcuts should generally 
match more than one joinpoint). Event listeners are another (but I won't 
dare begin that discussion again).

Best regards,

Igor Vaynberg wrote:

looked over the article. what they do is a ui decorator, it is not the
software decorator pattern. there is no method delegation to the child
component. what they create is a composite, you can do the same thing
in wicket with a Border.


On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 9:55 PM, Igor Vaynberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

right. so when you would do it with a class you will actually have to
rewire all the methods to forward to the delegate instead of calling
super. that is pure insanity and does not make any sense when methods
hold logic. that is why it works with an interface, no logic for you
to override and forward to the delegate, only the message dispatch
itself. sure, technically you can do it even with a concrete class,
but you can also do a lot of other things that dont make sense.


On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 5:54 PM, Matthijs Wensveen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Igor Vaynberg wrote:

look at the java example. notice Window is an interface.

Yeah, but that's just because it's good practice to use the interface when
there is one. Notice that the actually decorated class is a new
SimpleWindow() in DecoratedWindowTest. Window might as well have been an
abstract class, or even a concrete one. The idea is that the contract of the
class you wrap is maintained, if that is an interface your decorator
implements that, when it's a class your decorator extends it. Same idea. Of
course, interfaces are cleaner and you can even decorate more then one
interface when you want to, but decorating a class is not uncommon practice
(at least where I come from).



eg you cant do: add(new DecoratedComponent(someOtherComponent));

No, because component has final methods that you can't override so you can't
delegate to them (that whas my point), but not because you can't decorate a


PS. If you insist on that you can only decorate an interface, I'll call it
wrap-extend or something :)



On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 5:05 PM, Matthijs Wensveen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Why would the decorator design pattern only work with interfaces? Maybe
we're talking about two different this here? (I'm talking about this one:

I can see why behaviors were introduced. A simple example: a factory

Re: Making Component easier to Generify

2008-06-12 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

Igor Vaynberg wrote:

look at the java example. notice Window is an interface.

Yeah, but that's just because it's good practice to use the interface 
when there is one. Notice that the actually decorated class is a new 
SimpleWindow() in DecoratedWindowTest. Window might as well have been an 
abstract class, or even a concrete one. The idea is that the contract of 
the class you wrap is maintained, if that is an interface your decorator 
implements that, when it's a class your decorator extends it. Same idea. 
Of course, interfaces are cleaner and you can even decorate more then 
one interface when you want to, but decorating a class is not uncommon 
practice (at least where I come from).


eg you cant do: add(new DecoratedComponent(someOtherComponent));

No, because component has final methods that you can't override so you 
can't delegate to them (that whas my point), but not because you can't 
decorate a class.


PS. If you insist on that you can only decorate an interface, I'll call 
it wrap-extend or something :)


On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 5:05 PM, Matthijs Wensveen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Why would the decorator design pattern only work with interfaces? Maybe
we're talking about two different this here? (I'm talking about this one:

I can see why behaviors were introduced. A simple example: a factory method
creates a link. In my subclass I want the same link with the same onClick
behavior but I also want "hello" to be outputted to System.out. How would I
go about doing this with a Behavior? I couldn't figure it out... (which
isn't saying it's impossible).



decorators only work with interfaces, component class is not. This is
part of the reason why we have behaviors


On 6/12/08, Matthijs Wensveen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Some useful design patterns like Decorator don't work with final
methods. Wicket components sometimes have overridable factory methods
for child components. The decorator pattern could be very useful here,
because you'd be able to decorate the original component with some extra
functionality (Link.onClick for example). Unfortunately this doesn't
work because some methods are final.


Igor Vaynberg wrote:

i mean generally, for methods, fields, and func args :) most of this
stuff can stay final, but people dont bother doing it because its
extra typing.


On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 8:38 AM, James Carman


You mean like C++?

On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 11:35 AM, Igor Vaynberg

indeed. i wouldnt mind if final was the default in java :)


On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 8:18 AM, Martijn Dashorst


Without the use of final wicket would not have made it this far.


On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 5:08 PM, Brill Pappin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I understand the reasoning, however I think "best practice" can be
To use your example Swing allows the user to override quite a bit,
doesn't make any (or very few) assumptions on what should and should
not be

I don't like API's that assume I'm an idiot and prevent me from
them how I see fit. If I cause a bug that I have to deal with, thats
problem to resolve.

In my book (and I'm not the only one) excessive use of final is an

- Brill Pappin

On 12-Jun-08, at 10:01 AM, cowwoc wrote:



This is actually an API "best practice". Classes fall into two
ones designed for subclassing, and ones designed to be final. The
for methods. Swing is full of examples of what goes wrong when
override methods in classes that haven't been designed with
subclassing in


Brill Pappin wrote:

on removing the finals

The final members are the worst thing I've had to deal with in
so far.
Although I understand that there may be a reason for them, they
more a hinderance than anything else and seem to be trying to
users from themselves".

- Brill Pappin

On 12-Jun-08, at 1:03 AM, cowwoc wrote:


Have you considered moving from subclassing to composition in

Currently it is quite common for developers to subclass a
in order
to override isVisible() and other properties. I am proposing that
the component classes become final and properties may only be set
setter methods. The setter methods would take Callable instead
T, so
for example setVisible(boolean) would become

Re: Making Component easier to Generify

2008-06-12 Thread Matthijs Wensveen
Why would the decorator design pattern only work with interfaces? Maybe 
we're talking about two different this here? (I'm talking about this 

I can see why behaviors were introduced. A simple example: a factory 
method creates a link. In my subclass I want the same link with the same 
onClick behavior but I also want "hello" to be outputted to System.out. 
How would I go about doing this with a Behavior? I couldn't figure it 
out... (which isn't saying it's impossible).



decorators only work with interfaces, component class is not. This is
part of the reason why we have behaviors


On 6/12/08, Matthijs Wensveen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Some useful design patterns like Decorator don't work with final
methods. Wicket components sometimes have overridable factory methods
for child components. The decorator pattern could be very useful here,
because you'd be able to decorate the original component with some extra
functionality (Link.onClick for example). Unfortunately this doesn't
work because some methods are final.


Igor Vaynberg wrote:

i mean generally, for methods, fields, and func args :) most of this
stuff can stay final, but people dont bother doing it because its
extra typing.


On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 8:38 AM, James Carman


You mean like C++?

On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 11:35 AM, Igor Vaynberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

indeed. i wouldnt mind if final was the default in java :)


On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 8:18 AM, Martijn Dashorst


Without the use of final wicket would not have made it this far.


On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 5:08 PM, Brill Pappin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I understand the reasoning, however I think "best practice" can be
To use your example Swing allows the user to override quite a bit, and
doesn't make any (or very few) assumptions on what should and should
not be

I don't like API's that assume I'm an idiot and prevent me from
them how I see fit. If I cause a bug that I have to deal with, thats
problem to resolve.

In my book (and I'm not the only one) excessive use of final is an

- Brill Pappin

On 12-Jun-08, at 10:01 AM, cowwoc wrote:



This is actually an API "best practice". Classes fall into two
ones designed for subclassing, and ones designed to be final. The
for methods. Swing is full of examples of what goes wrong when people
override methods in classes that haven't been designed with
subclassing in


Brill Pappin wrote:

on removing the finals

The final members are the worst thing I've had to deal with in
so far.
Although I understand that there may be a reason for them, they are
more a hinderance than anything else and seem to be trying to
users from themselves".

- Brill Pappin

On 12-Jun-08, at 1:03 AM, cowwoc wrote:


Have you considered moving from subclassing to composition in

Currently it is quite common for developers to subclass a component
in order
to override isVisible() and other properties. I am proposing that
the component classes become final and properties may only be set
setter methods. The setter methods would take Callable instead
T, so
for example setVisible(boolean) would become

The benefit of this approach is that you could introduce static
methods to the Wicket components which would make them much easier
to use in
their Generic form. You could then introduce various helper classes
create Callable for constant values, such as
Callable.valueOf(true) would
return a Callable that always returns true.
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Re: Making Component easier to Generify

2008-06-12 Thread Matthijs Wensveen
Some useful design patterns like Decorator don't work with final 
methods. Wicket components sometimes have overridable factory methods 
for child components. The decorator pattern could be very useful here, 
because you'd be able to decorate the original component with some extra 
functionality (Link.onClick for example). Unfortunately this doesn't 
work because some methods are final.


Igor Vaynberg wrote:

i mean generally, for methods, fields, and func args :) most of this
stuff can stay final, but people dont bother doing it because its
extra typing.


On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 8:38 AM, James Carman

You mean like C++?

On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 11:35 AM, Igor Vaynberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

indeed. i wouldnt mind if final was the default in java :)


On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 8:18 AM, Martijn Dashorst

Without the use of final wicket would not have made it this far.


On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 5:08 PM, Brill Pappin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I understand the reasoning, however I think "best practice" can be debated.
To use your example Swing allows the user to override quite a bit, and it
doesn't make any (or very few) assumptions on what should and should not be

I don't like API's that assume I'm an idiot and prevent me from manipulating
them how I see fit. If I cause a bug that I have to deal with, thats *my*
problem to resolve.

In my book (and I'm not the only one) excessive use of final is an

- Brill Pappin

On 12-Jun-08, at 10:01 AM, cowwoc wrote:



This is actually an API "best practice". Classes fall into two categories:
ones designed for subclassing, and ones designed to be final. The same
for methods. Swing is full of examples of what goes wrong when people
override methods in classes that haven't been designed with subclassing in


Brill Pappin wrote:

on removing the finals

The final members are the worst thing I've had to deal with in Wicket
so far.
Although I understand that there may be a reason for them, they are
more a hinderance than anything else and seem to be trying to "protect
users from themselves".

- Brill Pappin

On 12-Jun-08, at 1:03 AM, cowwoc wrote:


Have you considered moving from subclassing to composition in Wicket

Currently it is quite common for developers to subclass a component
in order
to override isVisible() and other properties. I am proposing that
the component classes become final and properties may only be set
setter methods. The setter methods would take Callable instead of
T, so
for example setVisible(boolean) would become

The benefit of this approach is that you could introduce static
methods to the Wicket components which would make them much easier
to use in
their Generic form. You could then introduce various helper classes to
create Callable for constant values, such as
Callable.valueOf(true) would
return a Callable that always returns true.
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Re: enclosure around listview

2008-06-11 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

Gwyn Evans wrote:

On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 10:34 AM, Matthijs Wensveen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Is there a way to hide a listview with an enclosure when there are no items
to display? One way to get it working is to toggle the visibility of the
listview based on wheter or not the list is empty or not.

I think that's the normal way, in that you'd typically have both the list
and a "No items found" label, then set one or the other as visible...


I was expecting this would work out-of-the-box though...

JIRA ( covers "Wishes" as well
as "Bugs"! :-)



I wish I knew what to wish for exactly... :D

Matthijs Wensveen
Func. Internet Integration
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enclosure around listview

2008-06-11 Thread Matthijs Wensveen


Is there a way to hide a listview with an enclosure when there are no 
items to display? One way to get it working is to toggle the visibility 
of the listview based on wheter or not the list is empty or not. I was 
expecting this would work out-of-the-box though...


Matthijs Wensveen
Func. Internet Integration
T +31 20 423
F +31 20 4223500 

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Re: ComponentPropertyModel

2008-06-11 Thread Matthijs Wensveen


CompoundPropertyModel does somewhat of the inverse of what I'm trying to 
CompoundPropertyModel binds some model to an expression that is the id 
of a component, while ComponentPropertyModel binds the model of the 
component that it is used in to some expression. In the first case you 
get to choose the model, in the second case you get to choose the 
expression. But, alas, it does not work. Now I just use normal 
PropertyModels. I could write some ComponentProperyModel as I think it 
should work, but no time for that now, unfortunately... :S

As a side note. I don't like using the wicket id's as property 
expressions. It places a tight coupling between a component's markup and 
the component's model. This may be okay when the model is the component 
itself, but not when the model's object is a domain object (which may 
change at any time during development. not to speak of changing markup).


Maurice Marrink wrote:

In all my years i have never used the ComponentPropertyModel. I always
use the CompoundPropertyModel.
public class MyPanel extends Panel {
 public MyPanel(String id, IModel model) {
  super(id, new CompoundPropertyModel(model));

  add(new Label("name"));


On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 2:49 PM, Matthijs Wensveen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I'm trying to use ComponentPropertyModel as a replacement of PropertyModel
in some cases. The javadoc leads me to beleave I can do:

public class MyPanel extends Panel {
 public MyPanel(String id, IModel model) {
  super(id, model);

  //add(new Label("label", new PropertyModel(model, "name")));
  add(new Label("label", new ComponentPropertyModel("name")));

..which would have the advantage that the model that is bound to the
component is taken when needed instead of a hard reference to the model
passed in as an argument to the constructor.  This would allow the label to
still display the correct value even when myPanel.setModel(..) is called
after constructing MyPanel.
Unfortunately the ComponentPropertyModel always throws an
IllegalStateException because the 'wrapped model' should have been used. I
don't know what that means exactly, but the classes where
ComponentPropertyModel is used call :


I'm not very in to wrap music, but it seems ComponentPropertyModel is not
doing what I want. What is the intended usage of ComponentPropertyModel?

Of course, the workaround is to not call myPanel.setModel, but
myPanel.setModelObject, so the reference to the component's model is
preserved. That way PropertyModel can be safely used.


Matthijs Wensveen
Func. Internet Integration
T +31 20 423
F +31 20 4223500

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Matthijs Wensveen
Func. Internet Integration
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2008-06-10 Thread Matthijs Wensveen


I'm trying to use ComponentPropertyModel as a replacement of 
PropertyModel in some cases. The javadoc leads me to beleave I can do:

public class MyPanel extends Panel {
 public MyPanel(String id, IModel model) {
   super(id, model);

   //add(new Label("label", new PropertyModel(model, "name")));
   add(new Label("label", new ComponentPropertyModel("name")));

..which would have the advantage that the model that is bound to the 
component is taken when needed instead of a hard reference to the model 
passed in as an argument to the constructor.  This would allow the label 
to still display the correct value even when myPanel.setModel(..) is 
called after constructing MyPanel.
Unfortunately the ComponentPropertyModel always throws an 
IllegalStateException because the 'wrapped model' should have been used. 
I don't know what that means exactly, but the classes where 
ComponentPropertyModel is used call :


I'm not very in to wrap music, but it seems ComponentPropertyModel is 
not doing what I want. What is the intended usage of ComponentPropertyModel?

Of course, the workaround is to not call myPanel.setModel, but 
myPanel.setModelObject, so the reference to the component's model is 
preserved. That way PropertyModel can be safely used.


Matthijs Wensveen
Func. Internet Integration
T +31 20 423
F +31 20 4223500 

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Re: wicket-extensions javadoc

2008-05-09 Thread Matthijs Wensveen
I understand that the 1.2 docs must be on hardware, and that they 
are still available there. I just want the most recent version of the 
wicket-extensions javadoc to be available too, somewhere, anywhere. Doug 
did just that, so a big thanks there!


Martijn Dashorst wrote: is not the main site. is

As you can see, redirects to

The 1.2 docs are still available for reference, and *must* be hosted
on the hardware (they are not released under supervision of


On 5/7/08, Doug Donohoe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


 I had to host javadoc for my own wicketstuff-annotations project, so I
 decided to put the Wicket docs there (since the main site isn't up-to-date).
 I added wicket-extensions to the site:


 Matthijs Wensveen-2 wrote:
 > Hi,
 > I'm not sure this is the right place, but anyway. The online javadoc of
 > wicket-extensions at
 > is of
 > version 1.2-SNAPSHOT, but the latest release is 1.3.3. The javadoc that
 > maven pulls in is more current. Could the online javadocs be updated
 > please?
 > Thanks,
 > Matthijs
 > --
 > Matthijs Wensveen
 > Func. Internet Integration
 > W
 > T +31 20 423
 > F +31 20 4223500
 > -
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Matthijs Wensveen
Func. Internet Integration
T +31 20 423
F +31 20 4223500 

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wicket-extensions javadoc

2008-05-07 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

I'm not sure this is the right place, but anyway. The online javadoc of 
wicket-extensions at is of 
version 1.2-SNAPSHOT, but the latest release is 1.3.3. The javadoc that 
maven pulls in is more current. Could the online javadocs be updated please?


Matthijs Wensveen
Func. Internet Integration
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Re: [announce] wicketstuff-annotation 1.0 released

2008-05-06 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

Doug Donohoe wrote:

I am pleased to announce the 1.0 release of wicketstuff-annotation.

Nice. But the name 'wicketstuff-annotation' does not say anything about 
what it does, just 'something with annotations'. IMO 
'wicketstuff-mount-annotations' or somesuch would be better.

Just my 2c.

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Re: comunication between panels

2008-02-18 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

Timo Rantalaiho wrote:

On Mon, 18 Feb 2008, Mazzanti Luca wrote:

i have a question: how can i comunicate between panels in wicket?

The normal Wicket way is to share models, pass references etc, 
but it has its limitations. 

You can find an example of a push-type mechanism here

though it is done with just one page in mind.

This patch is almost what I want, cool!

A question though: When sharing models between components, or using 
PropertyModels on a shared model, I would like to have onModelChanged 
events when something in that model changes. That way Components that 
use the model could use the onModelChanged method to add themselves to 
the AjaxRequestTarget (using AjaxRequestTarget.get() or 
(RequestCycle.get().getRequestTarget() instanceof AjaxRequestTarget) in 
wicket-1.2.x). Unfortunalety onModelChanged is only called when a model 
or model object is explicitly set on a component.
Is there a way to make this more transparent? I was thinking along the 
lines of adding PropertyChangeSupport to all my model objects, but that 
would be very laborious. An aspect-oriented solution might do the trick too.

Any ideas?


Matthijs Wensveen
Func. Internet Integration
T +31 20 423
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Re: Block second click

2008-02-11 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

Ah, thanks for clearing that up.
In my case the processing has to be done once and only once, so 
setEnabled(true) need not be called. After successful processing 
setResponsePage(..) is called. So this should still work just for me, 
right? I'll try tomorrow. If that doesn't work, I'll look at JS solutions.

Thanks for all the help,

Johan Compagner wrote:

this code doesn't work at all.

the onclick method isn't called at the same time by 2 request (2 link
They are synchronized by wicket itself.

So what happens with the code below is that the first request sets the
enabled to false
then does the processing, then wicket blocks the second request in the mean
then the processing is finished, the link is enabled again. That request
does its processing rendering
after it is finished wicket will release the second request and that does
exactly the same thing as the first.

So the heavy stuff is always done twice, but it is done twice in sequence
If you don't want that then the only solution is to block the second click
in the browser using javascript magic.


On Feb 6, 2008 5:12 PM, Timo Rantalaiho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


On Wed, 06 Feb 2008, Matthijs Wensveen wrote:

I have a Link (not Ajax) on a component that does some heavyweight
processing in onClick. During this processing I want to block other
clicks from the same user. Is there a generic way to block multiple
requests on the same link? I would prefer a solution without Ajax /
JavaScript, but if that's impossible then that's okay.

Components are stateful, so maybe you could just keep the
state in your Link?

 @Override onClick() {
 if (!isEnabled()) {
 return;  // this shouldnt happen though?
 try {
 } finally {

This creates a little race condition but if you can produce
it you could try using a real lock mechanism.

Best wishes,

Timo Rantalaiho
Reaktor Innovations Oy >

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Re: Block second click

2008-02-09 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

Martijn Dashorst wrote:

On 2/7/08, Matthijs Wensveen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The if(!isEnabled()) will happen though, because the link is not really
disabled on the client side, but it does prevent
doSomeHeavyWeightProcessing to be called the second time which is what I

The problem is that the href of the link points to the old version of
the page, and that has the link still enabled.


Okay, so that won't prevent doSomeHWProc. Would a private member 
variable do the trick? Following the same logic, I'd say no.
Any ideas as to how this could be done? A session scope variable 
probably, but that would be *very* ugly. Is there a scope beyond the 
versioned page but smaller than the session? Page-global or something 
like that?

Hmm... does the version of the page that the link points to really have 
the link enabled? Isn't that version the same version that is doing the 
processing? And before that, setEnabled(false) is called... The same 
goes for the private member variable trick. I'm wondering...


What are the pros / cons of (ab)using setEnabled for this instead of
just a member variable)?


Timo Rantalaiho wrote:

On Wed, 06 Feb 2008, Matthijs Wensveen wrote:


I have a Link (not Ajax) on a component that does some heavyweight
processing in onClick. During this processing I want to block other
clicks from the same user. Is there a generic way to block multiple
requests on the same link? I would prefer a solution without Ajax /
JavaScript, but if that's impossible then that's okay.

Components are stateful, so maybe you could just keep the
state in your Link?

  @Override onClick() {
  if (!isEnabled()) {
  return;  // this shouldnt happen though?
  try {
  } finally {

This creates a little race condition but if you can produce
it you could try using a real lock mechanism.

Best wishes,


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Re: Block second click

2008-02-07 Thread Matthijs Wensveen


The if(!isEnabled()) will happen though, because the link is not really 
disabled on the client side, but it does prevent 
doSomeHeavyWeightProcessing to be called the second time which is what I 
What are the pros / cons of (ab)using setEnabled for this instead of 
just a member variable)?


Timo Rantalaiho wrote:

On Wed, 06 Feb 2008, Matthijs Wensveen wrote:
I have a Link (not Ajax) on a component that does some heavyweight 
processing in onClick. During this processing I want to block other 
clicks from the same user. Is there a generic way to block multiple 
requests on the same link? I would prefer a solution without Ajax / 
JavaScript, but if that's impossible then that's okay.

Components are stateful, so maybe you could just keep the
state in your Link?

  @Override onClick() {
  if (!isEnabled()) {
  return;  // this shouldnt happen though?
  try {
  } finally {

This creates a little race condition but if you can produce 
it you could try using a real lock mechanism.

Best wishes,


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Block second click

2008-02-06 Thread Matthijs Wensveen


I have a Link (not Ajax) on a component that does some heavyweight 
processing in onClick. During this processing I want to block other 
clicks from the same user. Is there a generic way to block multiple 
requests on the same link? I would prefer a solution without Ajax / 
JavaScript, but if that's impossible then that's okay.


Matthijs Wensveen
Func. Internet Integration
T +31 20 423
F +31 20 4223500 

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Re: can auto fire the ajaxLink onClick function without click on the link?

2008-01-29 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

kenixwong wrote:


i wish once the page is load, it will auto pop up the modal window. From the
wicket example, the modal window will only display once the user click on
the ajaxLink. So, is there any solution to auto fire the onClick function
without click the ajax Link.? 

my page constructor  involved the modal window and the ajaxLink:

final ModalWindow cancelModal = new ModalWindow("cancelModal ");
cancelModal .setPageMapName("cancelModal ");
cancelModal .setCookieName("cancelModal ");
cancelModal .setResizable(false);   
cancelModal setInitialWidth(30);
cancelModal .setInitialHeight(12);
cancelModal .setWidthUnit("em");
cancelModal .setHeightUnit("em");

	cancelModal .setPageCreator(new ModalWindow.PageCreator()  

public Page createPage()
			return new  
CancelModal Page(CurrentPage.this);

add(cancelModal );
cancelModal .setOutputMarkupId(true);

add(link = new AjaxLink("cancelReportModalLink")
 public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target)
 triggerTarget = target;;
// is there i wrote in this way, the onClick function will fire once
the page is load  

can anyone give help ? or any idea on it...

thanks in advance

You only need an AjaxRequestTarget, not necessarily from onClick. You 
might add an AbstractAjaxTimerBehavior to cancelReportModal and then in 
onTimer(ART t) { target.add(cRM);; this.stop(); /* you only 
want this once */ }

Or something alike (if it doesn't work, maybe add the behavior to the 
container or something)


Matthijs Wensveen
Func. Internet Integration
T +31 20 423
F +31 20 4223500 

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Re: How to read the properties file in wicket?

2008-01-17 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

Rama-o-Rama wrote:


I am trying to read the property file like in the wicket.
I have done previously like servletcontext.getresouceasstream().

what is the wicket way of reading the file.

If the properties file 'belongs' to a Component, like, I'd recommend using PackageResource. To load a 
Properties object you would do


I think using an IResourceStream implementation is more wickety than 
getting the servlet context. Only use javax.servlet.* classes when you 
really really need them. Who knows, maybe one day someone implements 
wicket on top of AWT (crazy but probably possible) and then you're in 
trouble (not really, but you get the point right?).

BTW, you can get a resource from any Class or ClassLoader instance, so 
you could also do 
this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResouceAsStream(..) but I would 
still recommend PackageResource.


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Re: How to dynamically generate HTML page?

2007-12-06 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

Hi Praveen,

Attached is the I've just re-written it so that 
it implements IComponentResolver.
Parts of the code might be too complex and need to be refactored (some 
parts working with org.w3c.dom), but for now it works. If you have 
additions or modifications, please let me know. We plan to release this 
code anyway either as part of a Qti framework, or just this panel as 
part of some wicket-contrib  / wicketstuff project.


PS. Wouter has uploaded his slides to slideshare:

Pen wrote:

Thanks Matthijs,

I got a chance to look at Wouter Huijnink slides. This is what exactly I am
looking. Can you please forward the AutoComponentPanel code. That would be


Matthijs Wensveen-2 wrote:

Hello Praveen,

Wouter Huijnink presented something similar to what you need at the 
wicket meetup in Amsterdam. We generate html dynamically from xml, using 
xslt. A component called AutoComponentPanel parses the html and adds 
components to the hierarchy accordingly. This is actually a two-step 
process. The first step is telling wicket you want to supply markup 
yourself instead of letting wicket read it from the corresponding html 
file. You can do this by implementing IMarkupResourceStreamProvider and 
if applicable also IMarkupCacheKeyProvider. Then you need to parse the 
markup stream and add components.

If you're interested I can send the AutoComponentPanel code. It still 
needs some work to make it shine, but we plan to open source it anyway 
as part of a wicket-based QTI framework.

PS. Unfortunately Wouter's slides aren't uploaded yet.

Pen wrote:

thanks Johan for your reply. I did take look into your slides. 

We can generate HTML pages, we have no issue with it. But how to display
this newly created HTML pages which only exists in memory, there is no
physical file. And also to navigate to this new HTML page.

For example If I create a simple HTML page at runtime like below
How to display it and navigate to it. As it also requires corresponding This is simple one. But what if we have wicket:Ids we need
construct the Java files with all the action listener also.


   Hello world! 


Johan Compagner wrote:

Generate on one side the html by a servlet or special template
generator, that reads in your db data and generate the component
structure on the other side.

Look at he slides i put on of the presentation that i did for the
wicket user group in the netherlands

2007/12/4, Pen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I looked into the example wicketstuff-crud, this is basically in memory
database with basic CRUD operation. this is not what exactly I am
Let me restate the question. We have application where in user can
webpages using web designer by drag-n-drop where is html elements like
image, selection box, combo box and save it in DB.
It will be Json format parse it to POJO and store in DB. for example
object looks like this
which has got position, style, etc .
[{"position":({left:60, top:40}),

Now we need to read from the DB and reconstruct the same Image object
html page. We can construct the above object with HTML tags.
But the question is how to display this html pages, since it exists
memory and also how to navigate to this newly created page.


igor.vaynberg wrote:

see how wicketstuff-crud does it in wicket-stuff svn


On Dec 3, 2007 6:30 PM, Pen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am a new wicker user.  We need to construct/generate  a HTML page
dynamically at runtime from the HTML elements like image and text. 


page only exists in memory(session/cache) and  there is no physical


how to generate such page and corresponding java class. How this can


for static elements like image and text versus dynamically for form
Also how to navigate to this newly generated html page.

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Re: IComponentResolver question

2007-12-06 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

Igor Vaynberg wrote:

icomponentresolver does exactly what its javadoc says - match markup
tags to components. if you want you can create those components on the
fly - but remember that this happens at render time so it might have
some side effects for you.

The javadoc mentions "component  names", but you can create components 
based on anything of the ComponentTag.  Would "IComponentResolvers are 
responsible for mapping ComponentTags to Wicket components." be a better 
Of course, you don't even have to look at the component tag to create a 
component (i.e. RandomComponentResolver) but that would be pretty useless :)

you dont need to rewrite your panel as a component resolver and add it
to application settings - not many global component resolvers make
sense unless you use namespaced markup tags.

instead it is most times easier to simply let your component implement
the interface directly - it works that way too.

Okay, that's good to know. I'll do that.
Do I need to add the created component to the container with 
container.autoAdd() ?

if you want to see how it is meant to be used then simply search our
codebase for references to it.

I did do that, but I was unsure whether or not to use it myself.

Thanks for the explanation,


On Dec 5, 2007 7:15 AM, Matthijs Wensveen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I have developed a panel named AutoComponentPanel that automatically adds 
wicket components based on (dynamic) markup. Looking at IComponentResolver I 
noticed some similarities. Can someone explain this class and its uses to me? 
Is it
something that I should want to use for AutoComponentPanel?

We use AutoComponentPanel as a base class for some other panels that
provide dynamic markup. For example transformed xml (xml -> xslt -> xhtml + 
wicket:id attributes).
Would it be better (aka the wicket-way (tm))
when AutoComponentPanel is re-written as an IComponentResolver that can
be used by the currently subclassing panels? They would then need to
implement IComponentResolver too but can call my rewritten
AutoComponentPanelAsResolverSomething in their implementing methods.

Would this be a better way to go?

How should this work when I add my resolver with

Matthijs Wensveen

Matthijs Wensveen
Func. Internet Integration
T +31 20 423
F +31 20 4223500

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Matthijs Wensveen
Func. Internet Integration
T +31 20 423
F +31 20 4223500 

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IComponentResolver question

2007-12-05 Thread Matthijs Wensveen


I have developed a panel named AutoComponentPanel that automatically adds wicket components based on (dynamic) markup. Looking at IComponentResolver I noticed some similarities. Can someone explain this class and its uses to me? Is it 
something that I should want to use for AutoComponentPanel?

We use AutoComponentPanel as a base class for some other panels that 
provide dynamic markup. For example transformed xml (xml -> xslt -> xhtml + wicket:id attributes).
Would it be better (aka the wicket-way (tm)) 
when AutoComponentPanel is re-written as an IComponentResolver that can 
be used by the currently subclassing panels? They would then need to 
implement IComponentResolver too but can call my rewritten 
AutoComponentPanelAsResolverSomething in their implementing methods.

Would this be a better way to go?

How should this work when I add my resolver with 

Matthijs Wensveen

Matthijs Wensveen
Func. Internet Integration
T +31 20 423
F +31 20 4223500 

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IComponentResolver question. Was: How to dynamically generate HTML page?

2007-12-04 Thread Matthijs Wensveen
I was looking at the code of AutoComponentPanel and found similarities 
between this and IComponentResolver. AutoComponentPanel has an 
overridable getMarkupComponent(ComponentTag, MarkupStream) where 
IComponentResolver has resolve(MarkupContainer, MarkupStream, 
ComponentTag). Can someone explain this class and its uses to me? Is it 
something that I should want to use for AutoComponentPanel?

We user AutoComponentPanel as a base class for some other panels that 
provide dynamic markup. Would it be better (aka the wicket-way (tm)) 
when AutoComponentPanel is re-written as an IComponentResolver that can 
be used by the currently subclassing panels. They would then need to 
implement IComponentResolver too but can call my rewritten 
AutoComponentPanelAsResolverSomething in their implementing methods.

Would this be a better way to go?

How should this work when I add my resolver with 

Matthijs Wensveen

Matthijs Wensveen wrote:

Hello Praveen,

Wouter Huijnink presented something similar to what you need at the 
wicket meetup in Amsterdam. We generate html dynamically from xml, 
using xslt. A component called AutoComponentPanel parses the html and 
adds components to the hierarchy accordingly. This is actually a 
two-step process. The first step is telling wicket you want to supply 
markup yourself instead of letting wicket read it from the 
corresponding html file. You can do this by implementing 
IMarkupResourceStreamProvider and if applicable also 
IMarkupCacheKeyProvider. Then you need to parse the markup stream and 
add components.

If you're interested I can send the AutoComponentPanel code. It still 
needs some work to make it shine, but we plan to open source it anyway 
as part of a wicket-based QTI framework.

PS. Unfortunately Wouter's slides aren't uploaded yet.

Pen wrote:

thanks Johan for your reply. I did take look into your slides.
We can generate HTML pages, we have no issue with it. But how to display
this newly created HTML pages which only exists in memory, there is no
physical file. And also to navigate to this new HTML page.

For example If I create a simple HTML page at runtime like below 

How to display it and navigate to it. As it also requires corresponding This is simple one. But what if we have wicket:Ids we need
construct the Java files with all the action listener also.


   Hello world! 


Johan Compagner wrote:

Generate on one side the html by a servlet or special template
generator, that reads in your db data and generate the component
structure on the other side.

Look at he slides i put on of the presentation that i did for the
wicket user group in the netherlands

2007/12/4, Pen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I looked into the example wicketstuff-crud, this is basically in 

database with basic CRUD operation. this is not what exactly I am
Let me restate the question. We have application where in user can 

webpages using web designer by drag-n-drop where is html elements like
image, selection box, combo box and save it in DB.
It will be Json format parse it to POJO and store in DB. for example
object looks like this
which has got position, style, etc .
[{"position":({left:60, top:40}),

Now we need to read from the DB and reconstruct the same Image 
object has

html page. We can construct the above object with HTML tags.
But the question is how to display this html pages, since it exists 

memory and also how to navigate to this newly created page.


igor.vaynberg wrote:

see how wicketstuff-crud does it in wicket-stuff svn


On Dec 3, 2007 6:30 PM, Pen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am a new wicker user.  We need to construct/generate  a HTML page
dynamically at runtime from the HTML elements like image and 


page only exists in memory(session/cache) and  there is no physical


how to generate such page and corresponding java class. How this can


for static elements like image and text versus dynamically for form
Also how to navigate to this newly generated html page.

View this message in context: 


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Re: How to dynamically generate HTML page?

2007-12-04 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

Hello Praveen,

Wouter Huijnink presented something similar to what you need at the 
wicket meetup in Amsterdam. We generate html dynamically from xml, using 
xslt. A component called AutoComponentPanel parses the html and adds 
components to the hierarchy accordingly. This is actually a two-step 
process. The first step is telling wicket you want to supply markup 
yourself instead of letting wicket read it from the corresponding html 
file. You can do this by implementing IMarkupResourceStreamProvider and 
if applicable also IMarkupCacheKeyProvider. Then you need to parse the 
markup stream and add components.

If you're interested I can send the AutoComponentPanel code. It still 
needs some work to make it shine, but we plan to open source it anyway 
as part of a wicket-based QTI framework.

PS. Unfortunately Wouter's slides aren't uploaded yet.

Pen wrote:
thanks Johan for your reply. I did take look into your slides. 

We can generate HTML pages, we have no issue with it. But how to display
this newly created HTML pages which only exists in memory, there is no
physical file. And also to navigate to this new HTML page.

For example If I create a simple HTML page at runtime like below test.html.
How to display it and navigate to it. As it also requires corresponding This is simple one. But what if we have wicket:Ids we need
construct the Java files with all the action listener also.


   Hello world! 


Johan Compagner wrote:

Generate on one side the html by a servlet or special template
generator, that reads in your db data and generate the component
structure on the other side.

Look at he slides i put on of the presentation that i did for the
wicket user group in the netherlands

2007/12/4, Pen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I looked into the example wicketstuff-crud, this is basically in memory
database with basic CRUD operation. this is not what exactly I am
Let me restate the question. We have application where in user can create
webpages using web designer by drag-n-drop where is html elements like
image, selection box, combo box and save it in DB.
It will be Json format parse it to POJO and store in DB. for example
object looks like this
which has got position, style, etc .
[{"position":({left:60, top:40}),

Now we need to read from the DB and reconstruct the same Image object has
html page. We can construct the above object with HTML tags.
But the question is how to display this html pages, since it exists only
memory and also how to navigate to this newly created page.


igor.vaynberg wrote:

see how wicketstuff-crud does it in wicket-stuff svn


On Dec 3, 2007 6:30 PM, Pen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am a new wicker user.  We need to construct/generate  a HTML page
dynamically at runtime from the HTML elements like image and text. 


page only exists in memory(session/cache) and  there is no physical


how to generate such page and corresponding java class. How this can


for static elements like image and text versus dynamically for form
Also how to navigate to this newly generated html page.

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Matthijs Wensveen
Func. Internet Integration
T +31 20 423
F +31 20 4223500 

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Re: Multiple tags on a single base page?

2007-11-05 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

Yes Stefan, I would think that would be a better approach to use a new set of 
tags. It also allows you to choose more correct naming (because inheritance 
isn't actually a parent/child relationship so the word child just confuses the 

Maybe wicket:abstract in the base and wicket:implements (nice - thanks to 
whoever suggested that) or wicket:override in the derived (extended) markup.

I think using IDs up front would also be great, if not necessary, because in 
Java as would probably occur in wicket mark up, you can have intermediate 
classes that don't implement all abstract methods in a base class. Without IDs 
you won't know exactly which abstract method an intermediate class is 

This example hopefully demonstrates what I mean:



A header for all pages to do with pumps

Note: no body implemented here - deferred until a more specialized 
class/markups: WaterPumpsBase and OilPumpsBase

Note: no header implemented here - the general PumpsBase one suffices for all 
pumps pages

A body discussing water pumps

Note: no header implemented here - the general PumpsBase one suffices for all 
pumps pages

A body discussing oil pumps

I think the tag pairs abstract/implements flow much better from an OO 
perspective than child/extends. It hurts my brain way to much to think of a 
base class as a child.

Wouldn't this essentially be the same as using id="header"/> and using WebMarkupContainers on the java side?




   A header for all pages to do with pumps

Note: no body implemented here - deferred until a more specialized 
class/markups: WaterPumpsBase and OilPumpsBase

Note: no header implemented here - the general PumpsBase one suffices 
for all pumps pages

   A body discussing water pumps

Note: no header implemented here - the general PumpsBase one suffices 
for all pumps pages

   A body discussing oil pumps

On the java side you'd have to addOrReplace(new 
WebMarkupContainer("header")) but it's essentially the same. Or am I 
missing some point?

I think the power of wicket lies in its component-based approach and not 
(necessarily) in its OO features.


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Re: Changing IDEs to eclipse

2007-10-26 Thread Matthijs Wensveen
Double-click the server, click the modules tab, uncheck 'enable 
reloading' on the module that is the project you are working on.

BTW, I use Eclipse and Maven and it just works great together. 
Unfortunately there is no support for WTP 2.0 yet for the maven eclipse 
(or should I say eclipse maven) plugin. So everyone, go nag at:


Johan Maasing wrote:

However, I just downloaded the latest Eclipse (OSX/ for Java EE, see
and ran it on a new workspace. By default, only *.launch is being
filtered. Those other resources must be added by a plugin is what I

I have the same experience with using Tomcat in WTP. Clean install of
J2EE-Europa (Eclipse 3.3). Created a new dynamic web-project. Put the
required wicket JARs in lib, configure the http-filter and it just
works. Eclipse does not filter the html files.
It does redeploy the entire app when a file changes (instead of hot
swapping only the changed files) but that is ok for my small project.

All this without having to install the user friendly maven ;-)

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Re: Link embedded in localized Label/Message?

2007-10-16 Thread Matthijs Wensveen
The problem is that you want the link to appear within the localized 
message, right?
The easy way is to split the localized message into 3 parts: a localized 
part before the link, a localized link label and a localized part after 
the link. This is a little cumbersome but works without much hassle.

If you need this a lot, you could write a component that parses the 
localized string to generate it's own markup (replace all {myLink} with 
) and then add the link to that component. This is 
not very easy to do but can save time if you need it a lot.


Thies Edeling wrote:


In your HTML the label is a child of the link so do it the other way 
around, add the label to the link

Link l = new Link..
l.add(new Label..



is it possible to have a link in a localized label?
I would like to have something like this in my output:

Please click here. And then do 

--> Is there a possiblity to use a StringResourceModel here? 
Something like

pagexyz.usermessage=Please click {mylink}. And then do...

How would I now add the link to the message?
myLabel.add( new Link( does not work...

If this is not possible, how is the standard way of doing such a thing?
Thanks for your help!



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Re: enable / disable MarkupContainer and all children

2007-10-16 Thread Matthijs Wensveen


Summary: how to disable a component and all of its children in one call?
And also: what is the expected behavior of a disabled parent component 
in the light of its children?

A quick look in the source of FormComponentPanel tells me that this code 
does not disable or enable its children when it itself is disabled or 


PS. The onBeforeRender implementation I have (uses IVisitor to disable 
children) works well enough. This mail is just because I'm curious how 
this should be done.

Matthijs Wensveen wrote:


I have a Panel (myPanel) containing some child components. When I say:
I want to disable the panel, but also disable all children.

Preferably, I'd override setEnabled, but since it is final (sigh), 
this is impossible. A less elegant way to do it is to supply a public 
setChildrenEnabled method, or something. Usually, the applications I 
build try to be as implementation-agnostic as possible regarding the 
specific component subclasses, i.e. declare myPanel as Panel or even 
Component where possible. In that case, classes that use myPanel don't 
see setChildrenEnabled unless they cast it to MyPanel.

Another way would be to override onBeforeRender and use a 
Component.IVisitor to call setEnabled on all children. This works, but 
seems to me like the wrong moment to do this. Also, it would not allow 
you to disable myPanel but enable some specific child (since that 
would be overruled in onBeforeRender of MyPanel).

I think it comes down to the semantics of setEnabled. What does it 
mean when a component is disabled? What does it mean to a child when 
its parent is disabled? (this is starting to sound like a charity ad.)

Anyways. Any ideas?

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enable / disable MarkupContainer and all children

2007-10-09 Thread Matthijs Wensveen


I have a Panel (myPanel) containing some child components. When I say:
I want to disable the panel, but also disable all children.

Preferably, I'd override setEnabled, but since it is final (sigh), this 
is impossible. A less elegant way to do it is to supply a public 
setChildrenEnabled method, or something. Usually, the applications I 
build try to be as implementation-agnostic as possible regarding the 
specific component subclasses, i.e. declare myPanel as Panel or even 
Component where possible. In that case, classes that use myPanel don't 
see setChildrenEnabled unless they cast it to MyPanel.

Another way would be to override onBeforeRender and use a 
Component.IVisitor to call setEnabled on all children. This works, but 
seems to me like the wrong moment to do this. Also, it would not allow 
you to disable myPanel but enable some specific child (since that would 
be overruled in onBeforeRender of MyPanel).

I think it comes down to the semantics of setEnabled. What does it mean 
when a component is disabled? What does it mean to a child when its 
parent is disabled? (this is starting to sound like a charity ad.)

Anyways. Any ideas?

Matthijs Wensveen
Func. Internet Integration
T +31 20 423
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Re: how to forward request to an external URL

2007-10-09 Thread Matthijs Wensveen
For completeness sake:

Igor Vaynberg wrote:

requestcycle.setrequesttarget(new redirectrequesttarget(url));


On 10/9/07, Nili Adoram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all,

Suppose I want to forward the HTTP request to some external url (NOT a
wicket page, e.g. a JSP page).
I want to end the request cycle at this point ( not include this URL inside my 
How can I simulate request.getRequestDispatcher(url).forward() within a
wicket page?

Nili Adoram

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Re: new class reloading solution JavaRebel

2007-10-09 Thread Matthijs Wensveen
Looks promising. A lot of people here complain about having to restart 
jetty or tomcat every time they modify their classes. Too bad it's 
commercial :(

Eelco Hillenius wrote:

Hi people,

I haven't tried it myself yet, but Jevgeni Kabanov (from Aranea
framework[1]) just released 'JavaRebel' which is a transparent class
loading solution. It should work well with Wicket, since Wicket is a
pure Java framework.

Jevgeni is interested in user experiences and he'd like to write an
article about Wicket + JavaRebel if he gets a few confirmations of
people successfully using it.

Read more about it here:,
and let us (this list or Jevgeni) know what your experiences are.

Have fun!



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Re: A button that does NOT submit form?

2007-10-08 Thread Matthijs Wensveen
Most (if not all) browsers, whether text-based or graphically, support 
submitting of forms, regardless of what the server does with the 
submitted information. On the other hand, not all browsers (fully) 
support javascript. So in my opinion a button that submits a form but 
does nothing with that data is better that a button that uses javascript 
to emulate a link.  I did not say *anything* about using a real link, 
that is, 

So if you want a *button* that does what the original poster wants, use 
setDefaultFormProcessing(false), but you might want to consider using a 
link proper.

And yes, let's talk accessibility, it's very important for some people. 
When it's possible to make an app that works for both groups with a 
little bit of extra effort, do so. Provided, of course, there is time 
(and money) to do so.


BTW: Do we like top-posting or bottom-posting? I really don't care, but 
if there is a convention (as some mailing lists have), I'll conform to that.

Igor Vaynberg wrote:

if you are going to start talking accessibility then that link should
be an anchor period, not a button. buttons are bad if you do not need
a form-submit :)


On 10/7/07, Matthijs Wensveen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Al Maw wrote:

Stanczak Group wrote:

I don't want the cancel button to submit the form, is this the best
method? I'm not sure I see how to do this. Is there examples?
   protected void delegateSubmit(IFormSubmittingComponent
component) {

Also have a look at Button#setDefaultFormProcessing(false);



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Button.setDefaultFormProcessing does submit the form (in the HTTP sense)
but the form's model is not updated. I think this is a better solution
because it doesn't require javascript (a Link on a  element
generates onclick), and thus more accessible.


Matthijs Wensveen
Func. Internet Integration
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Re: A button that does NOT submit form?

2007-10-07 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

Al Maw wrote:

Stanczak Group wrote:
I don't want the cancel button to submit the form, is this the best 
method? I'm not sure I see how to do this. Is there examples?

   protected void delegateSubmit(IFormSubmittingComponent 
component) {


Also have a look at Button#setDefaultFormProcessing(false);



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Button.setDefaultFormProcessing does submit the form (in the HTTP sense) 
but the form's model is not updated. I think this is a better solution 
because it doesn't require javascript (a Link on a  element 
generates onclick), and thus more accessible.


Matthijs Wensveen
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Re: Changing html-template programmatically?

2007-09-27 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

wfaler wrote:

Is it possible to change the default html-template file loaded for a class
programmatically (for instance, changing from a classpath file, to a file in
another file-directory)?
For instance, if I want to change the underlying html-template on the fly,
but keeping the same component hierarchy?


Hi Wille,

You can implement IResourceStreamLocator and set an instance of that on 
your application: 

You can then return an IResourceStream from any source you might have 
(another directory, a database, anything)
A nifty trick (I think) is to use the locator that is already set on the 
application to fall back to when your locator can't find the requested 
resource, but that is up to you and your requirements.

When you don't want to set a IResourceStreamLocator globally, but just 
for a component, you can have that component implement 
IMarkupResourceStreamProvider (and preferably also 
IMarkupCacheKeyProvider). This way you can return a desired 
IResourceStream based on some model property if you like.

Be careful that you do add the required components to your hierarchy. 
This is especially true when you generate markup dynamically.
Also, take a look at the custom template / resource loading examples at:

BTW, does anyone know what the purpose of 
application.getResourceSettings().getResourceFinder() is?


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Re: how to add dynamically typed form components?

2007-09-26 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

Eelco Hillenius wrote:

Any thoughts on the viability of this approach? Any alternative approaches?

Sounds complicated. But if you want to preserve the markup of your
source file, using xsl might be the way to go.

An alternative or additional tech is to create custom wicket tag
handles (e.g. to handle ) that dynamically inserts
(auto)components in those spots. Look at the existing ones for ideas.
Or you could just use a factory for building your form dynamically
using the XML file as input. But that would only work well if you
don't want to preserve your markup (e.g when you'd only have
'interaction' regions and maybe a very limited set of primitives for
defining layout such as ,  etc)



The markup comes from a database and can be seen as content rather than 
structure. So the first experiment we did was to implement 
IMarkupResourceStreamProvider so we could supply markup form a different 
source then the source html file, namely the model (or a property 
thereof). This works like a charm and opens up all kinds of dynamic 
component stuff.

The wicket:interaction idea is kind of the same as what we suggested but 
then using specialized tags for our purpose, right? I'll look into that 
as it sounds like a possible option.
I don't quite understand how the factory in your 2nd suggestion would 
work. I see two problems. 1: The factory creates a component that we add 
to the hierarchy, but it should also be referenced in the markup. I 
think we might work around this by using panels, because they have their 
own markup. 2: I see a problem with the nested nature of the input xml. 
We'd have to insert snippets of ill-formed xml as labels into the 
hierarchy. This is something the factory could do of course but feels 
'just wrong'.

I said in another mail in this thread (parallel to this mail) that 
parsing the xml in java code is harder than using xslt. If I understand 
the factory suggestion correctly, this would problem would still remain.

Thanks and regards (to all),

Matthijs Wensveen
Func. Internet Integration
T +31 20 423
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Re: how to add dynamically typed form components?

2007-09-26 Thread Matthijs Wensveen
Okay, I took a look at the the ws-crud project and I think the main 
difference is that ws-crud works on a flat list of properties, so you 
can use a listview to add panels that are appropriate for the type of 
property you want to crud (TextEditor etc), whereas what we want to do 
is deeply nested (see Wouter's example).

We'd need to parse up to

 some silly info here

Insert that using a Label or a Panel containing a Label or something. 
Then insert a TextField (or a Panel containing..) for

 [custom stuff for this

Then keep on parsing:

 even more info here, and a nested element:

This might all be possible but has a few drawbacks:
1. We're inserting Labels with ill-formed xhtml. It will become well 
formed again when the parsing and inserting is done but it feels very 
dirty (in a bad way).
2. Parsing and examining the x(ht)ml in java code is hard, especially 
the somenamespace:interaction elements. Using xslt to transform to 
meaningful xhtml is *much* easier.

The proof-of-concepts we have done with our method have proven 
successful so far, but we like to do things 'the wicket way'. That is; 
if there is a solution within the framework, use that.

Igor Vaynberg wrote:

see wicketstuff-crud project in wicket-stuff svn. that should give you all
the good ideas.


On 9/25/07, Wouter Huijnink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi list,

I've seen some threads on dynamically adding components to a form, but
those mainly concern a dynamic *number* of components of the same type.
Our use case concerns adding dynamically typed components to a form. The
idea is as follows:

We have XML consisting of XHTML elements and optional nested  xml
elements from another namespace - something like:

  some silly info here
  [custom stuff for this
  even more info here, and a nested element:
[custom stuff for this

What we want to achieve, is to create a (Form?)Component subclass that
can add a FormComponent to itself (or to the form?) for each
interaction, where the actual component created depends on the 'type '
attribute of the interaction.

So the xml snippet should in the end be displayed in the user's browser

  some silly info here
  even more info here, and a nested element:


Our thoughts on this:
1. Transform the XML to wicket markup. Temporary result:

  some silly info here
  even more info here, and a nested element:


2. Feed this markup to a Panel subclass that overriding

The panel overrides getMarkupResourceStream thus:
public IResourceStream getMarkupResourceStream(MarkupContainer
Class containerClass) {
String markup = String.format("%s",
return new StringResourceStream(markup);

In the constructor of this panel the provided wicket markup is set as
its model, and the associated markup stream is iterated to dynamically
add form components backing the generated input tags:

public MarkupProvidingPanel(String id, IModel model) {
// model contains a modelObject of type String containing wicket
super(id, model);

final MarkupStream associatedMarkupStream =
while(associatedMarkupStream.hasMore()) {
MarkupElement element =;
if (element instanceof ComponentTag) {
ComponentTag componentTag = (ComponentTag) element;

if ("input".equals(componentTag.getName())) {
String type =
componentTag.getAttributes().getString("type", "text");
if ("text".equals(type)) {
add(new TextField(componentTag.getId()));
} else if ("submit".equals(type)) {
add(new Button(componentTag.getId(), new
Model("do it!")));

Any thoughts on the viability of this approach? Any alternative


Wouter Huijnink
Func. Internet Integration
T +31 20 423
F +31 20 4223500

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Matthijs Wensveen
Func. Internet Integration
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Re: how to add dynamically typed form components?

2007-09-25 Thread Matthijs Wensveen
Without looking into the wicketstuff-crud project (yes, I'm lazy), can 
you please enlighten us a bit? Is Wouters idea below valid and workable 
or is he entirely mad!? ;)

Is wicketstuff-crud going about it in an entirely different way?


Igor Vaynberg wrote:

see wicketstuff-crud project in wicket-stuff svn. that should give you all
the good ideas.


On 9/25/07, Wouter Huijnink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi list,

I've seen some threads on dynamically adding components to a form, but
those mainly concern a dynamic *number* of components of the same type.
Our use case concerns adding dynamically typed components to a form. The
idea is as follows:

We have XML consisting of XHTML elements and optional nested  xml
elements from another namespace - something like:

  some silly info here
  [custom stuff for this
  even more info here, and a nested element:
[custom stuff for this

What we want to achieve, is to create a (Form?)Component subclass that
can add a FormComponent to itself (or to the form?) for each
interaction, where the actual component created depends on the 'type '
attribute of the interaction.

So the xml snippet should in the end be displayed in the user's browser

  some silly info here
  even more info here, and a nested element:


Our thoughts on this:
1. Transform the XML to wicket markup. Temporary result:

  some silly info here
  even more info here, and a nested element:


2. Feed this markup to a Panel subclass that overriding

The panel overrides getMarkupResourceStream thus:
public IResourceStream getMarkupResourceStream(MarkupContainer
Class containerClass) {
String markup = String.format("%s",
return new StringResourceStream(markup);

In the constructor of this panel the provided wicket markup is set as
its model, and the associated markup stream is iterated to dynamically
add form components backing the generated input tags:

public MarkupProvidingPanel(String id, IModel model) {
// model contains a modelObject of type String containing wicket
super(id, model);

final MarkupStream associatedMarkupStream =
while(associatedMarkupStream.hasMore()) {
MarkupElement element =;
if (element instanceof ComponentTag) {
ComponentTag componentTag = (ComponentTag) element;

if ("input".equals(componentTag.getName())) {
String type =
componentTag.getAttributes().getString("type", "text");
if ("text".equals(type)) {
add(new TextField(componentTag.getId()));
} else if ("submit".equals(type)) {
add(new Button(componentTag.getId(), new
Model("do it!")));

Any thoughts on the viability of this approach? Any alternative


Wouter Huijnink
Func. Internet Integration
T +31 20 423
F +31 20 4223500

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Matthijs Wensveen
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Re: [RFE] getMarkupId()

2007-09-23 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

Eelco Hillenius wrote:

is it a joke ?  In that case web design templates would need a unique
class attribute for each element that is going to be used via Ajax.
And in some cases it's not possible at all. For example, odd rows in a
table might have a different color than even rows. Typically one kind of
rows have the same class attribute.
If wicket will use class attribute as an identifier then there will be
no way to work with table rows.

He said that as a user. The Wicket framework won't switch to using
classes instead of ids of course :-)


Phew, I also read that the wrong way. It'd been interesting to see 
though how you'd manage to keep Ajax working and all. Outputting the 
java class as html class might be nice though. It would be useful to 
style wicket components in css. But it's easy to do this yourself already.


Matthijs Wensveen
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Re: How to get a list of the connected users ?

2007-09-11 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

landry soules wrote:


I have to display a list of the connected users in a page of my app. I 
know it sounds definitely dumb, but i don't know how to achieve this...
Users login to my site (i extended AuthenticatedWebApplication), and 
then i update a "isConnected" flag in users table.
Thus i display the connected users in a list view, retrieved by the 
"isConnected" flag.
It implies of course that users will use a "logoff" button when they 
leave, which i don't believe they will do...
I'm aware it's not a Wicket related problem, but a more generally web 
apps problem, but what is the best solution to deal with this ?

Thanks for your answers.

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If you don't want to tread on the lower-level servlet API, maybe you 
could do something with WebApplication.sessionDestroyed or 
ISessionStore.unbind. Although I'm not exactly sure when they are called 
(just browsing javadoc, that's all).


Matthijs Wensveen
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Re: Any interest in a Wicket User Group meeting in The Netherlands?

2007-09-10 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

I'm interested, and I think several of my co-workers are too.


Danny van Bruggen wrote:

I'm interested. I've only just started, so every topic is helpful to
me :) Amersfoort is fine for me.


On 9/7/07, Johan Compagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I can organize one if there is enough interest
Martijn and i will be there then.

And for example if people are also interested in the wicket security i will
also drag Maurice to the table.


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Matthijs Wensveen
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Re: Form.updateFormComponentModels bug?

2007-09-10 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

Johan Compagner wrote:

The extra memory for the ClickListener is negligible and does give you
more flexibility because now you can have more than one interested party
for the link click. My use case (fetch nested component, add listener)
was already answered sufficiently by Martijn (bad OO, components should
publish own events that make sense in the problem domain), but I still
an eventlistener-based design could have merit (see the move towards
Delegation Event Model in AWT:
While wicket is not swing or awt, it's an interesting read.

with the link abstract class you don't have any extra memory overhead
but with the listener interface you have quite a lot because you need
and extra reference in link itself, that holds an extra List (that again has
its own stuff)
The trick in awt is to only hold one reference to a listener that 
recursively fires the event on registered listeners (see 

and then you have an extra instance of the listener itself which by itself
has its internal representation
Don't underestimate this. especially because we also can use them in
tableviews with a lot of cells.

But as i said, if you want a listener interface then you can build it quite
True, but of course my goal is not to create a fork, but to discuss 
different views on the used event model.
I'm not an expert on memory or profiling, so I'll believe you. I do 
think that such a choice should not only be made on the basis of memory 
usage. But since the choice is already made, I'll go with it until I can 
find a more convincing argument (although the link I supplied has some 
quite convincing ones).


Matthijs Wensveen
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Re: Form.updateFormComponentModels bug?

2007-09-10 Thread Matthijs Wensveen
Okay, I get the whole conversion is validation thingy. Not entirely 
convinced whether validation is the only place where conversion should 
take place, but I'll leave this subject for now. It's already a lot 
clearer to me now.

We have this also because it preserves memory, If you have to make an

(inner)class instance
and a link instance and attach those 2 each other that can consume much


then when just making a new class and have there one instance.


I'm not sure I see what you mean, but doesn't the (inner) class also
need instantiation, consuming just as much memory?

Yes but only 1 instance.. for example:

Link link = new Link()
   // do your thing


Link link = new Link();
link.add(new LinkClickListener()
// do you thing.

the second approach makes 2 instances and link has now also a special extra
map to hold the listener.



The extra memory for the ClickListener is negligible and does give you 
more flexibility because now you can have more than one interested party 
for the link click. My use case (fetch nested component, add listener) 
was already answered sufficiently by Martijn (bad OO, components should 
publish own events that make sense in the problem domain), but I still 
an eventlistener-based design could have merit (see the move towards 
Delegation Event Model in AWT: 
While wicket is not swing or awt, it's an interesting read.


Matthijs Wensveen
Func. Internet Integration
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Re: why final?

2007-09-10 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

Martijn Dashorst wrote:

On 9/10/07, Matthijs Wensveen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Off-topic: Why are so much methods marked final? This might prevent
API-misuse but also prevents innovative _use_! I can understand you want
framework users to do it the wicket way, because they will probably only
spam the users list with questions that have obvious solutions (like me
:D ). But sometimes it's just frustrating.

Innovative use is something we frown upon. Seriously: we *NEED* the
ability to be able to get stuff out of the way. Sometimes the hiding
capabilities of Java are not enough in a good OO hierarchy. When we
open up something to be overridable we do so *only* when we are
confident it will not break stuff. This gives us leeway to replace
parts of our api we aren't proud of (yes we are still learning) with
an api that is much better suited.

More from an old faq (I added it to our wiki):

Classes and methods in Wicket are generally declared as final until
the need for extensibility is well understood. While this defensive
approach may seem obsessive to some, the major benefit is that classes
and methods which haven't been designed for extension cannot be
extended until the problem(s) at hand are examined by the Wicket
development team. This helps to ensure that the best approach is
taken. Sometimes, straightforward extension is not the best approach.
Sometimes, features of the API have been misapplied or misunderstood.
It's best to catch this early.

While this does provoke more discussion and sometimes a bit of
annoyance, the discussion generally improves Wicket and will help
ensure greater backwards compatibility in the future. It's really a
matter of how the development team manages API commitments. By making
fewer commitments in the API in terms of extension points, we are more
likely to be able to support those extension points that we do allow
in the future. We are also more likely to catch anti-pattern use cases
and provide features appropriate to the problems you are trying to

Honestly, we aren't trying to annoy anyone and we do aim to respond
quickly to any extension needs that arise which make sense. If you
really don't agree with all this, remember that Wicket is open source.
You can always check out the source code, remove the final keyword
that offends you and rebuild the project.

Okay. I'll try to live with it. And when I find use-cases where I really 
need final to be removed, I'll spam the list and either there is a 
better way and I learn something, or I get my way and the final keyword 
is removed. Sounds like a win-win situation! :)

Maybe this is a consequence of the fact that wicket forces you to
subclass components so much. It's just too tempting to override so much
methods. I love wicket (I really do!) but I'd rather see wicket more
event listener oriented. This would also make it easier to listen to
events that are very deeply nested (fetch the component, register a
listener), which is almost impossible now.

This is not good OO IMO. Here you break encapsulation big time. It is
much cleaner IMO to provide extension points as part of your API, not
to give full access to a component.

The following panel illustrates my point: the panel clearly publishes
two important extension points: onLogin and onLogoff. Giving direct
access to the form and having to register an onSubmitListener or the
link and having to register an onClick listener breaks encapsulation:
I am then bound to always supply the link and form. I can't make it an
ajax panel without my clients having to know about it.

public abstract class LoginPanel extends Panel {
public LoginPanel(String id) {

if(Session.get().getUser() != null) {
   add(new LogoffFragment("content"));
} else {
   add(new UsernamePasswordFragment("content"));

protected abstract boolean onLogin(String username, Stringpassword);
protected abstract void onLogoff();

private class LogoffFragment extends Fragment {
   add(new Link("logoff") {
   protected void onClick() {

Okay, I see what you mean. A component designed to do XX should publish 
onXX methods that are overridable. That's so crazy it just might work!


Matthijs Wensveen
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Re: Form.updateFormComponentModels bug?

2007-09-10 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

Johan Compagner wrote:

On 9/10/07, Matthijs Wensveen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


According to the javadoc Form.updateFormComponentModels should update
all the models of all FormComponents in a form (without validation
presumably?). This sets all the model objects to the convertedInput

no it updates the form component models where conversion and validation did
go alright.

Okay, so the difference with Form.process() is that process() does not 
update at all when one of the FormComponents is invalid, and 
updateFormComponentModels updates all that ARE valid, right? So that's 
usually what you want (and what I want in this case). Thanks for making 
this clear.

In Form.process() where this method is called, the form is validated 
first, so conversion took place as a side effect of validation. There I 
can see how it works. Maybe the javadoc of 
Form.updateFormComponentModels should state that Form.validate should be 
called first. Form.validate does state that: "This method is typically 
called before updating any models." which is good.

value (in FormComponent.updateModel), unfortunately convertedInput is

only set after a call to validate(). This really makes
updateFormComponentModels useless as a protected method. If validation

It is only protected final if you want to do some of your own processing
see IFormSubmittingComponent.getDefaultFormProcessing()

is really mandatory (which I doubt), processInput should be the only

callable method as it validates first and then updates the model.

checking required, conversion and validation is mandatory before updating

In any case, the call to convertInput() inside validate() strikes me as

odd (the wrong place to call such a method).

no not really, FormComponent.validate() is really all the validation that
can happen
first required validation, then conversion validation and then user
validation on the converted type

We could split up the methods again, like in Form.process()
which calls the above validate only. We could split that up in to
validateRequired(), validateConversion(), validateXX()
but what do we gain then?


When a method is called validate() I expect it to validate, and validate 
ONLY. Conversion of input is a side effect of validation.

Also, the javadoc of FormComponent.updateModel() states: ".. it expect

that the object is already converted through the convert() call", but
there is no convert() method in FormComponent.

thats then an error in the doc, there are some changes in that area so that
should be improved
make a jira issue for this.

Ehmokay. Do I really need to file a bug for this small documentation 
bug? Done:

Maybe this is a consequence of the fact that wicket forces you to

subclass components so much. It's just too tempting to override so much
methods. I love wicket (I really do!) but I'd rather see wicket more
event listener oriented. This would also make it easier to listen to
events that are very deeply nested (fetch the component, register a
listener), which is almost impossible now

If you want listeners like swing then that is very easy for you to make
just extend link or what ever component or behavior you have once
and make the add/removeXXX and fire methods on them.

We have this also because it preserves memory, If you have to make an
(inner)class instance
and a link instance and attach those 2 each other that can consume much more
then when just making a new class and have there one instance.
I'm not sure I see what you mean, but doesn't the (inner) class also 
need instantiation, consuming just as much memory?

Thanks for clearing some things up for me.

Matthijs Wensveen
Func. Internet Integration
T +31 20 423
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Form.updateFormComponentModels bug?

2007-09-10 Thread Matthijs Wensveen


According to the javadoc Form.updateFormComponentModels should update 
all the models of all FormComponents in a form (without validation 
presumably?). This sets all the model objects to the convertedInput 
value (in FormComponent.updateModel), unfortunately convertedInput is 
only set after a call to validate(). This really makes 
updateFormComponentModels useless as a protected method. If validation 
is really mandatory (which I doubt), processInput should be the only 
callable method as it validates first and then updates the model.

In any case, the call to convertInput() inside validate() strikes me as 
odd (the wrong place to call such a method).
Also, the javadoc of FormComponent.updateModel() states: ".. it expect 
that the object is already converted through the convert() call", but 
there is no convert() method in FormComponent.

Off-topic: Why are so much methods marked final? This might prevent 
API-misuse but also prevents innovative _use_! I can understand you want 
framework users to do it the wicket way, because they will probably only 
spam the users list with questions that have obvious solutions (like me 
:D ). But sometimes it's just frustrating.
Maybe this is a consequence of the fact that wicket forces you to 
subclass components so much. It's just too tempting to override so much 
methods. I love wicket (I really do!) but I'd rather see wicket more 
event listener oriented. This would also make it easier to listen to 
events that are very deeply nested (fetch the component, register a 
listener), which is almost impossible now.

Matthijs Wensveen
Func. Internet Integration
T +31 20 423
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Re: AjaxFallbackButton really require Form in constructor?

2007-09-03 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

Ah yes, you're right. Sorry 'bout that.

Matej Knopp wrote:

This would be wrong, as during constructor the component is not yet added to
any parent.


On 9/3/07, Matthijs Wensveen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Or maybe:

public AjaxButton(String id)
this(id, getForm());

This could work the same for AjaxFallbackButton.


Johan Compagner wrote:

It is needed i guess if we say that the method
protected abstract void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget ajaxrequesttarget,



needs a form parameter that can't be null

Also i see something strange in the AjaxButton because if you dont give


form then the form parameter
can be null:

 public AjaxButton(String id)
this(id, null);

public Form getForm()
if(form != null)
return form;
return super.getForm();

public AjaxButton(String id, final Form form)
this.form = form;
add(new AjaxFormSubmitBehavior("onclick", form) {

protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target)
AjaxButton.this.onSubmit(target, form);

protected void onError(AjaxRequestTarget target)
AjaxButton.this.onError(target, form);

i think this is wrong, but maybe it was on purpose?
i think it should be:

 public AjaxButton(String id)
this(id, null);

public Form getForm()
if(form != null)
return form;
return super.getForm();

public AjaxButton(String id, final Form form)
this.form = form;
add(new AjaxFormSubmitBehavior("onclick", form) {

protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target)
AjaxButton.this.onSubmit(target, getForm());

protected void onError(AjaxRequestTarget target)
AjaxButton.this.onError(target, getForm());

So that we return the given form or try to find one.


On 9/3/07, Sam Hough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Since neither AjaxButton or Button require Form in the constructor why
AjaxFallbackButton? Seems a shame to make it required if not really

I'm not quite clear from the source or comments what the difference is


AjaxButton between the behaviour from the two different constructors...
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Matthijs Wensveen
Func. Internet Integration
T +31 20 423
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Matthijs Wensveen
Func. Internet Integration
T +31 20 423
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Re: AjaxFallbackButton really require Form in constructor?

2007-09-03 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

Or maybe:

public AjaxButton(String id)
   this(id, getForm());

This could work the same for AjaxFallbackButton.


Johan Compagner wrote:

It is needed i guess if we say that the method
protected abstract void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget ajaxrequesttarget, Form

needs a form parameter that can't be null

Also i see something strange in the AjaxButton because if you dont give the
form then the form parameter
can be null:

 public AjaxButton(String id)
this(id, null);

public Form getForm()
if(form != null)
return form;
return super.getForm();

public AjaxButton(String id, final Form form)
this.form = form;
add(new AjaxFormSubmitBehavior("onclick", form) {

protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target)
AjaxButton.this.onSubmit(target, form);

protected void onError(AjaxRequestTarget target)
AjaxButton.this.onError(target, form);

i think this is wrong, but maybe it was on purpose?
i think it should be:

 public AjaxButton(String id)
this(id, null);

public Form getForm()
if(form != null)
return form;
return super.getForm();

public AjaxButton(String id, final Form form)
this.form = form;
add(new AjaxFormSubmitBehavior("onclick", form) {

protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target)
AjaxButton.this.onSubmit(target, getForm());

protected void onError(AjaxRequestTarget target)
AjaxButton.this.onError(target, getForm());

So that we return the given form or try to find one.


On 9/3/07, Sam Hough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Since neither AjaxButton or Button require Form in the constructor why
AjaxFallbackButton? Seems a shame to make it required if not really

I'm not quite clear from the source or comments what the difference is in
AjaxButton between the behaviour from the two different constructors...
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Matthijs Wensveen
Func. Internet Integration
T +31 20 423
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Re: wantOnSelectionChangedNotifications causing table redraw

2007-09-02 Thread Matthijs Wensveen
Instead of using wantOnSelectionChangedNotifications you could add an 
AjaxEventBehavior or AjaxFormSubmitBehavior on "onchange", depending on 
whether you want the form to be processed or not.
wantOnSelectionChangedNotifications is a bit strange in that it uses 
normal javascript to submit the form the formcomponent is in.

I'd rather have that onSelectionChanged would be called _any_ which way 
the form was submitted, be it javascript (wantOSCN), normal submit or 
ajax. Would this be the same then as onModelChanged?


salmas wrote:

I have a DataTable in which I have a panel which contains a textfield and a
radiogroup. When the user changes the selection in the radiogroup I'd like
to populate a value in the textfield. I subclassesed RadioGroup to catch the

RadioGroup choice = new RadioGroup(workflowFrame_radioPanel_radioGroup,new
protected void onSelectionChanged(java.lang.Object newSelection) {
//Figure out what is selected and set value in textfield

	 protected boolean wantOnSelectionChangedNotifications() { 
	   return true; 

As soon as I override the wantOnSelectionChangedNotifications method I get
the notifications but the table is redrawn as soon as the user selects an
option in the radiogroup while if I do not override this method the UI does
not do this ugly redraw when the user toggles the selection in the
radiogroup. I am using AJAX to redraw my table in other instances so that
the table redraw is smooth. Is there any way I can catch the selection
changed event and have the table not redraw? I can redraw it myself with an
AJAX target after I set the value in the textfield.


Matthijs Wensveen
Func. Internet Integration
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Re: IndicatingAjaxSubmitButton and download after form submission problem

2007-08-21 Thread Matthijs Wensveen
Incidentally, when I woke up this morning, I was thinking about this 
exact same problem :)

In the case of an Ajax button, the request is from an XmlHttpRequest 
javascript (browser) object. I'm not sure if that even supports binary 
results (mime types other than text/xml and text/plain), but if it does 
you'd have to do something on the client side to show a download dialog 
or something.

A direction to a possible solution would be to respond with some kind of 
redirect to the URL of the binary (RequestCycle.urlFor(..)). Now your 
only problem is how to send a redirect over the XmlHttpRequest. Your 
best bet would be to send a little bit of javascript (window.location = 
"[url]"), or maybe there is a component for this already.

Good luck!

Martin Bednář wrote:

I have problem when I use IndicatingAjaxSubmitButton for dowload after 
form submission.

I use this code, normal Button working correctly. it's bug in 
IndicatingAjaxSubmitButton or I'm doing something wrong ?


 //This dosn't work
   form.add(new IndicatingAjaxSubmitButton("submit", form) {
protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form 
form) {

processSubmit(); }
 //This working
  form.add(new Button("submit") {
  protected void onSubmit() {

private void processSubmit() {
  final String zipArchiveFilename = "/tmp/";
  RequestCycle requestCycle = this.getRequestCycle();

  final ResourceStreamRequestTarget exportTarget = new 

  new FileResourceStream(new wicket.util.file.File(
  zipArchiveFilename)), "application/zip") {
  protected void configure(Response arg0, IResourceStream arg1) {
  super.configure(arg0, arg1);
  WebResponse response = (WebResponse) arg0;


Matthijs Wensveen
Func. Internet Integration
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Re: Wicket vs. ZK

2007-08-19 Thread Matthijs Wensveen

1. Design concern (Wicket vs. ZK)
Both frameworks are thin-client and generate AJAX, the biggest difference is
Wicket uses Java and HTML while ZK uses XUL or other scripting language.
What's the advantage and disadvantage in both cases?

Advantage of HTML is that you can work with web designers & standard
tools for laying out and that you have very direct control of what
will be in your users' browsers. XUL might be nice if the framework
can decide to send it directly to the client if that supports it.


I think XUL as a semantic UI language is great. If only more browsers 
would support it, we could drop HTML altogether :)
I suppose one could write XUL components with wicket and have a servlet 
filter translate it to XHTML.  The challenge would be wiring the events 
from the generated HTML to the wicket framework. It's an interesting 
idea though (I think).

Matthijs Wensveen
Func. Internet Integration
T +31 20 423
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wicket:child in a WebMarkupContainer

2007-08-15 Thread Matthijs Wensveen


I have an interesting problem. I am trying to get a subclass of a 
component to add it's children to a container in the superclass. This is 
the markup:






   my label

The problem is that when in I say:
   this.add(new Label("myLabel", "label text"));
the label is added to the SuperComponent instead of myContainer. This is 
an error in the markup hierarchy.

The solution that first came to mind was to override add(Component) in  
SuperComponent so that it would add the added component to myContainer 
instead of 'this'. Unforunately, the add method is final (why!?), so 
this can't be done.
The workaround is to provide a addToContainer(Component) method. I think 
this is ugly because SubComponent has to have intricate knowledge of 
SuperComponent and use addToContainer where it would normally use add. 
SubComponent already has some knowledge of SuperComponent anyway because 
it's a subclass, but still I think it's ugly.

Is there another solution to my problem? Maybe using enclosure or border 
or somesuch? Any ideas?

BTW: I use wicket 1.3.0-beta2.


Matthijs Wensveen
Func. Internet Integration
T +31 20 423
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