Cream User Preferences

2007-04-16 Thread Barnaby Robson


I'm looking for some documentation on setting user preferences in Cream.

Specifically, if anyone would like to help  I want to set "Tab 
Expansion" to always be on. Currently any time I switch windows, Tab 
Expansion turns itself off. (It remains checked in the menu, however)

I've tried putting "set expandtab" in my ~/.cream/cream-user.vim but 
that does nothing.

Thank you for any pointers 


Re: Making vim more friendly under windows with non ascii codepage

2007-04-16 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Pavel Shevaev wrote:

I often type in vim using cp1251 charset under windows and currently I
have to switch to english charset every time I need to execute any
action in command mode which is quite inconvenient.

For example I have "ш" Russian symbol along with "i" on the same
button on my keyboard. It would be very nice if while in command mode
"ш" would actually map to "i". The same story with other keys. Thus I
won't have to switch to ascii in command mode.

See ":help 'langmap'". The example is for a Greek locale but I believe the 
adaptation for Russian should be trivial.

You may have to check v:ctype if you use Vim in various locales, e.g. 
ru_RU.cp1251, which needs the langmap, and en_GB.UTF-8, which doesn't (but may 
need a 'keymap' to type Russian text).

:help 'langmap'
:help 'keymap'
:help v:ctype
:help :language
:help keymap-file-format

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
172. You join listservers just for the extra e-mail.

Re: how to avoid deleting the auto-indent in a new empty line when i press

2007-04-16 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

sun wrote:
The idea of the comment shown above was to leave something to remind 
you that
you had to come back later, since, as you said, you want to leave the 
there "for future use"; also, the comment would be sure to stay in 
place even
if the "bare indent" didn't. But if just adding, let's say, a period, 
backspacing over it, makes the indent remain, then you don't have to 
type a

lengthy comment unless you need it.

You may even try (untested)

   :inoremap   .

Note: Next time, please use "Reply to all" rather than "Reply to sender",
unless you're straying off-topic.

Best regards,

> Do I need always type a char then ?
> Is there a better solution? I wander whether the vim option can do
> this automatically.

With the mapping above, you don't have to add a character then delete it: you 
hit the Return key, and Vim (with 'nopaste') maps it to "hit Return, hit dot, 
hit backspace", i.e., the insertion-deletion game is played automatically 
whenever you hit Return in Insert mode. What more do you want?

...or at least that's how I think it works.

Best regards,
Speer's 1st Law of Proofreading:
The visibility of an error is inversely proportional to the
number of times you have looked at it.

Re: let loaded_matchparen = 1

2007-04-16 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

fREW wrote:

On 4/13/07, A.J.Mechelynck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Andre Majorel wrote:
> Are there any plans to make the highlight-the-matching-thing
> "feature" disabled by default in a future release of Vim ?

AFAIK, there isn't; for one thing, it would break all the vimrc's 
which rely

on its being set by default (and therefore don't force-set it).

As your Subject line shows, you know how to remove that feature.

Best regards,
Sorry.  I forget what I was going to say.

Personally I like this feature, but I do get lost every now and then
and forget which one is my cursor.  Is there any way that I can say,
make the cursor have a red background and make the matched paren (or
whatever) have a blue background?  And is there a way to do this that
won't break if the background is already red/blue?


In gvim, with no colourscheme, the matched parens are light cyan and the 
cursor is black. In addition, with the settings I use, the cursor is blinking. 
No risk of confusion.

In console Vim, you may or may not make the cursor blink (see ":help 
cursor-blinking" and/or ":help xterm-blink") but you can change the colours, 
for instance:

:hi MatchParen ctermbg=darkcyan ctermfg=white
:hi Cursor cterm=NONE,reverse
:if exists("+guicursor")
:   set guicursor+=a:blinkwait500-blinkon500-blinkoff500

Best regards,
You can only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.

Re: Troubles configuring vim (multi-questions)

2007-04-16 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Gene Kwiecinski wrote:

Otherwise, do a '0' and ride the 'j' key a the way down a
file.  If the cursor doesn't budge, how would you be able to
tell if it was a space or multiple spaces there, or a tab

Well, if that information is truely useful and what you want to 
know, you can always

:set list

Displays "^I" just fine, but trashes actual indentation, at least for me
(dunno if there's any magical 'vim' setting, like ":set keepindent" or
something).  Iow, I wanna be able to see

indented text...

and just see whether it's indented with spaces or tabs, not

^I^I^Iindented text...$

with everything squooshed to the left of the screen.

Now, maybe if there were a "show" character in list-mode, so it'd look

>>>indented text

that'd work for me, too.

Worse comes to worse, I just do "/^I" and have all tabs highlighted in
fiery-red, but I can't deal with too much of that, as it sunburns my
retinas fairly quickly.

About the fiery red highlight, change your colourscheme; or move it to (on 
Windows, but in Vim terminology) $HOME/vimfiles/colors/ under a changed name 
(create the directories if necessary) then change the highlight for the Search 
 and/or IncSearch groups.

About the width of tabs, see ":help 'listchars'":

With 'list' on, then if 'listchars' doesn't contain "tab:" each tab is 
replaced by ^I, trashing indentation. But if it contains "tab:xy" where x and 
y are any two characters (the same or different) then x marks the start of 
each tab and y the rest of it. Note that spaces, double quotes, bars and 
backslashes must be backslash-escaped.

Examples (assuming ts=8):

:set list listchars=tab:\ \ ,eol:¶
keep tabs as up to 8 spaces, show ends-of-lines with
the Pilcrow mark

:set list listchars=tab:\|_,eol:$
show each tab as one bar followed by 0 to 7 underlines,
ends-of-lines as dollar signs.

:set list listchars=tab:^\ ,trail:§,extends:>,precedes:<,nbsp:~
- a hard tab as one caret followed by zero or more spaces
- end-of-line is not highlighted
- trailing spaces as §
- last character before overflow right in 'nowrap' mode as >
- first character after overflow left in 'nowrap mode as <
- no-break spaces as (blue) tildes


Best regards,
According to Arkansas law, Section 4761, Pope's Digest:  "No person
shall be permitted under any pretext whatever, to come nearer than
fifty feet of any door or window of any polling room, from the opening
of the polls until the completion of the count and the certification of
the returns."

Re: how to avoid deleting the auto-indent in a new empty line when i press

2007-04-16 Thread fREW

On 4/16/07, Tom Whittock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > What I need is to always keep the auto-indented spaces.  So next time
> > I can start to insert from the spaced cursor.

Alternatively use cc to edit the ostensibly blank line. This will open
the line using the correct auto indent. Get into this habit and it
doesn't matter what state the line was in before - you always get the
right indentation.


I tried cc and S and neither of them correctly reindented the line for
me.  What gives?

Re: A nice efm for javac

2007-04-16 Thread Bram Moolenaar

Michael F. Lamb wrote:

> I've put some spare time into an errorformat string and a filter script
> which I think makes plain-old javac compilation (read: not using JUnit,
> not using Ant) quite a bit nicer than the examples from :help
> errorformat-javac, without being too heavy or complicated. I've tested
> this with only Vim 7.0.122 on Linux, Sun Java 1.6.0, and only minimally
> at that.
> It correctly discovers the column number even if you use tabs in your
> source code, doesn't fill the "error message" variable with extra crud,
> shows the "symbol:" and "location:" lines in the quickfix window, but
> properly skips over them when doing :cnext and :cprevious. Note that
> "symbol:" and "location:" will appear above their related error message
> in the quickfix window.
> Here's the sed script to filter the output from javac. I named it
> 'vim-javac-filter' and placed it in my path.
>   #!/bin/sed -f
>   /\^$/s/\t/\ /g;/:[0-9]\+:/{h;d};/^[ \t]*\^/G;
> In English, that sed script:
>  - Changes tabs to spaces and
>  - Moves the line with the filename, line number, error message to just
>after the pointer line. That way, the extra gunk between doesn't
>break vim's notion of a "multi-line message" and also doesn't force
>us to include that gunk as a "continuation of a multi-line message."
> Here's the corresponding efm:
>   :setlocal errorformat=%Z%f:%l:\ %m,%A%p^,%-G%*[^sl]%.%#
> To make it work using ":make":
>   :setlocal makeprg=javac\ %\ 2>&1\ \\\|\ vim-javac-filter

Assuming this works well, it's only for Unix.  Thus I would add it to
":help errorformat-javac" instead of replacing the existing example.
How about this:

Here is an alternative from Michael F. Lamb for Unix that filters the errors
first: >
  :setl errorformat=%Z%f:%l:\ %m,%A%p^,%-G%*[^sl]%.%#
  :setl makeprg=javac\ %\ 2>&1\ \\\|\ vim-javac-filter

You need to put the following in "vim-javac-filter" somewhere in your path
(e.g., in ~/bin) and make it executable: >
   #!/bin/sed -f
   /\^$/s/\t/\ /g;/:[0-9]\+:/{h;d};/^[ \t]*\^/G;

In English, that sed script:
- Changes tabs to spaces and
- Moves the line with the filename, line number, error message to just after
  the pointer line. That way, the extra gunk between doesn't break vim's
  notion of a "multi-line message" and also doesn't force us to include that
  gunk as a "continuation of a multi-line message."

DENNIS: Look,  strange women lying on their backs in ponds handing out
swords ... that's no basis for a system of government.  Supreme
executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some
farcical aquatic ceremony.
 "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY) PICTURES LTD

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\download, build and distribute --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

Re: :args -> buffer list mapping issue

2007-04-16 Thread Bram Moolenaar

Chuck Mason wrote:

> A coworker (who is not on VIM Mailing List) has asked me to forward this
> issue here.  Is this already known about or what do we do to submit a
> bug?
> I have verified that it happens on my build of vim.  His repro steps are
> below.  My :version is

You don't mention the version of the netrw plugin that you are using.
That's important here.

> From: Boris Kazanskii=20
> Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2007 2:43 PM
> To: Chuck Mason
> Subject: :args -> buffer list mapping issue
> :args allows to insert directory browser buffers into the buffer list,
> which cause :bn, :bufdo and friends to fail

After ":args" you should use ":next" to move to the next argument.

> To reproduce:
>   - Open vim (win32)
>   - :args D:\Program\ Files\Vim\**\co*.* (or whatever matches your
> configuration)
>   - :bfirst
>   - do a couple of :bn, this will never ever get over the first
> directory browser buffer (D:\Program\ Files\Vim\vim70\colors\ in this
> case)
>   - :bufdo echo expand("%") will also stop after it encounters the
> first directory browser
>   - :bd/:bw are unable to delete these "bad" directory buffers
>   - the only way to get rid of these is to do :1,1000bd

Does this still happen when using a path without a space in it?

ARTHUR:Be quiet!  I order you to shut up.
OLD WOMAN: Order, eh -- who does he think he is?
ARTHUR:I am your king!
OLD WOMAN: Well, I didn't vote for you.
 "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY) PICTURES LTD

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\download, build and distribute --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

Vimperator, vim extension for firefox

2007-04-16 Thread Brendon Van Heyzen
Just saw this posted on digg and tried i out, gotta say i'm very  

Has a list of commands here
BTW, i'm not the developer i saw this posted on digg and thought i'd  
let you guys know


Re: setting title of gvim window inside a bash script

2007-04-16 Thread Thomas Adam

--- Kamaraju S Kusumanchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I tried
> /usr/bin/gview -c 'set ft=man nomod nolist titlestring="$1"' -
> /usr/bin/gview -c 'set ft=man nomod nolist titlestring=$1' -

The problem here is that you're forgetting that string interpolation
_doesn't_ happen within single quotes.  Hence what you want to do is use:

/usr/bin/gview -c "set ft=man nomod nolist titlestring=$1" -
-- Thomas Adam

Yahoo! Mail is the world's favourite email. Don't settle for less, sign up for
your free account today* 

RE: Troubles configuring vim (multi-questions)

2007-04-16 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
>Try ':help listchars'

Tnx.  Kinda figured there was some option to do that, but never bothered
to look up what it might be.  Complacency and all...

Good to know, but I still just like the cursor jiggling back'n'forth
between col0 and col7 when I ride the down/'j' key.  It's so much
easier...  :D

Actually, the whole 'listchars' thing gives me some ideas...

Re: Describe-key ?

2007-04-16 Thread Yakov Lerner



 is there anything like "describe-key" (EMacs)in vim ?

 In EMacs vou can submit this command, press a combination
 of keys and EMacs will tel you the naming convention
 of this key (for example "Meta-p") and its current
 bindings of that combination of keys.

 Anything like that in vim ?

For builtin commands, :help Keys
For user-remapped keys, :map Keys

Vim is multimode, so you have several meanings for each control-key.
(normal mode, insert, mode, commandline mode, etc).

Every mode for every command is documented in the help.

You need to learn the help navigation by tags and completion.
If you have these settings 'set wildmode=list:longest  wildmenu',
and you type :help ^X (that's ':','h',space,'^','X,Tab)
you'll commands involving Ctrl-X in all modes.

You need to know how to find meaning for keys X for every mode in the help.
Help uses uniform prefixes for that.


Re: file operation in vimcommander?

2007-04-16 Thread Mikolaj Machowski
On poniedziałek 16 kwiecień 2007, wrote:
> hi,
>   I found vimcommander which is a wonderful file management script for
> vim, but when I select a file, say foo.pdf, it just open it in vim, not
> xpdf I expect, so I have a question, whether vimcommander can use other
> progam to open the file and how, or it's taget is just simple file
> management like copy/move?

Don't know vimcommander but if it uses for underlying operations netrw
you can use gx to "execute" files.


RE: Troubles configuring vim (multi-questions)

2007-04-16 Thread spencer . x . collyer
Try ':help listchars'

"Gene Kwiecinski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
16/04/2007 16:36

To: "Tim Chase" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
Subject:RE: Troubles configuring vim (multi-questions)

>>Otherwise, do a '0' and ride the 'j' key a the way down a
>>file.  If the cursor doesn't budge, how would you be able to
>>tell if it was a space or multiple spaces there, or a tab

>Well, if that information is truely useful and what you want to 
>know, you can always
>:set list

Displays "^I" just fine, but trashes actual indentation, at least for me
(dunno if there's any magical 'vim' setting, like ":set keepindent" or
something).  Iow, I wanna be able to see


and just see whether it's indented with spaces or tabs, not

 ^I^I^Iindented text...$

with everything squooshed to the left of the screen.

Now, maybe if there were a "show" character in list-mode, so it'd look

 >   >   >indented text

that'd work for me, too.

Worse comes to worse, I just do "/^I" and have all tabs highlighted in
fiery-red, but I can't deal with too much of that, as it sunburns my
retinas fairly quickly.

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Re: Troubles configuring vim (multi-questions)

2007-04-16 Thread Tim Chase
Well, if that information is truely useful and what you want to 
know, you can always

:set list

Displays "^I" just fine, but trashes actual indentation, at least for me
(dunno if there's any magical 'vim' setting, like ":set keepindent" or
something).  Iow, I wanna be able to see

indented text...

and just see whether it's indented with spaces or tabs, not

^I^I^Iindented text...$

with everything squooshed to the left of the screen.

Now, maybe if there were a "show" character in list-mode, so it'd look

>>>indented text

that'd work for me, too.

Looks like you want the "listchars" setting:

:set listchars+=tab:>.

That will turn your above example into

  >...>...>.indented text

when you use ":set list".  If there isn't a "tab" clause in your 
'listchars' setting, it defaults to the standard "^I" that you 
see by default.

You can choose your characters to be anything[*] you like, and as 
they have their own syntax group, they should stand out and not 
get confused with "regular" characters.  To duplicate your above, 
you want your listchars to be "> " (with the space), which you'd 
have to enter as  ":set listchars+=tab:>\ "  (with the escaping 
backslash before the space) or possibly

:let &listchars=&listchars.'tab:> '

You can

:help 'listchars'

I personally find it horribly distracting 99.9% of the time, but 
for that 0.1% of the time that I find it useful, nothing compares 
to having the feature already available and just turning it on.  :)


(okay...not quite anything, I tried setting it with

:set listchars+=^I.

where ^I was a literal tab, and Vim choked on it...I suspect it's 
the same for other control characters, and perhaps other odd 
characters such as multi-byte characters or double-wide 
characters.  But ASCII 0x20-0x7e should work fine.  YMMV)

Re: Troubles configuring vim (multi-questions)

2007-04-16 Thread Jean-Rene David
* Gene Kwiecinski [2007.04.16 11:45]:
> Displays "^I" just fine, but trashes actual
> indentation, at least for me (dunno if there's
> any magical 'vim' setting, like ":set
> keepindent" or something).

set listchars+=tab:>-


RE: Troubles configuring vim (multi-questions)

2007-04-16 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
>>Otherwise, do a '0' and ride the 'j' key a the way down a
>>file.  If the cursor doesn't budge, how would you be able to
>>tell if it was a space or multiple spaces there, or a tab

>Well, if that information is truely useful and what you want to 
>know, you can always
>   :set list

Displays "^I" just fine, but trashes actual indentation, at least for me
(dunno if there's any magical 'vim' setting, like ":set keepindent" or
something).  Iow, I wanna be able to see

indented text...

and just see whether it's indented with spaces or tabs, not

^I^I^Iindented text...$

with everything squooshed to the left of the screen.

Now, maybe if there were a "show" character in list-mode, so it'd look

>   >   >indented text

that'd work for me, too.

Worse comes to worse, I just do "/^I" and have all tabs highlighted in
fiery-red, but I can't deal with too much of that, as it sunburns my
retinas fairly quickly.

Re: Troubles configuring vim (multi-questions)

2007-04-16 Thread Tim Chase

Otherwise, do a '0' and ride the 'j' key a the way down a
file.  If the cursor doesn't budge, how would you be able to
tell if it was a space or multiple spaces there, or a tab

Well, if that information is truely useful and what you want to 
know, you can always

:set list



RE: Troubles configuring vim (multi-questions)

2007-04-16 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
>By default Vim (and vi) has always put the cursor on the end of a
>character that occupies multiple spaces on the screen. I don't know
>why this decision was taken, unless it was to make it easier to spot
>the difference between lines indented with tabs and those indented
>with spaces, but the cursor has to appear somewhere and it might as

That's what I imagine, and appreciate it.  Otherwise, do a '0' and ride
the 'j' key a the way down a file.  If the cursor doesn't budge, how
would you be able to tell if it was a space or multiple spaces there, or
a tab character?  You'd have to go down-right-left, down-right-left,
down-right-left, etc., just to see if the cursor advances to position 1
(space), or skips to position 7 (tab).

Personally, I'd rather exfoliate with a cheese-grater than have to do

Re: Resp.: Help needed on pt_BR spell checking

2007-04-16 Thread Bram Moolenaar

Leonardo Fontenelle wrote:

> Finally, I have a working pt "dictionary" for vim.
> I attached a shell script, which means I gave up learning AAP. Not
> that it's hard, but it took me long enough to sit down and write the
> script, and I wouldn't like to stall any longer.
> I believe I wrote all the relevant comments in the script.
> The gzipped spl file is 1,3M large, so I didn't attach it yet. May I
> send it directly to you, Bram? I have no sug file because it seems
> that the MAP's are doing a better job than I could do with SOFO's.

Thanks.  I updated the Aap script according to your shell script.

I also changed the .aff files to include the FOL/LOW/UPP lines.  That
works better when switching languages.

I also added the MIDWORD line to make clear a quote can appear halfway a

I don't understand why you need to remove words that contain a dot.  In
English words with an embedded dot works just fine.

I can't do much with the .pdf file that replaces the README file.
Please ask the maintainers to provide a plain text file with the
Copyright notice.

I produced the .spl files this way.  You can find them on the ftp
You can see the Aap recipe and diff files here:

Please verify the .spl files I produced are the same (or better :-) than

FIRST SOLDIER:  So they wouldn't be able to bring a coconut back anyway.
SECOND SOLDIER: Wait a minute! Suppose two swallows carried it together?
FIRST SOLDIER:  No, they'd have to have it on a line.
 "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY) PICTURES LTD

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\download, build and distribute --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

Re: how to avoid deleting the auto-indent in a new empty line when i press

2007-04-16 Thread Tom Whittock

> What I need is to always keep the auto-indented spaces.  So next time
> I can start to insert from the spaced cursor.

Alternatively use cc to edit the ostensibly blank line. This will open
the line using the correct auto indent. Get into this habit and it
doesn't matter what state the line was in before - you always get the
right indentation.


Re: how to avoid deleting the auto-indent in a new empty line when i press

2007-04-16 Thread panshizhu
sun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 2007-04-16 15:57:21:
> What I need is to always keep the auto-indented spaces.  So next time
> I can start to insert from the spaced cursor.
> The typing S is a reasonable way although I really want to know how to
> change indent-deleting behavior for a empty line in vim.
> Best Regards,
> sun

Few people need that "feature", so it is not there, I believe more than 99%
of vim users think it is better to just delete the trailing blanks.

If you still insist that the indent-deleting should be changed, then you
can do-it-yourself. The indent script and vim source are all open to you
and please feel free to change them (for your own custimized version, of

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: how to avoid deleting the auto-indent in a new empty line when i press

2007-04-16 Thread sun

>  Do I need always type a char then ?
>  Is there a better solution? I wander whether the vim option can do
>  this automatically.

A better solution to what problem?  If vim automatically indents
properly when you add a new line, what difference does it make
whether it leaves leading spaces in that line you left or not?

If you want to leave a blank line and add properly indented text to
it later, you can resume editing that line by typing S which should
automatically move your cursor to the proper indentation.


What I need is to always keep the auto-indented spaces.  So next time
I can start to insert from the spaced cursor.

The typing S is a reasonable way although I really want to know how to
change indent-deleting behavior for a empty line in vim.

Best Regards,