Re: How to eliminate $- from php words

2010-11-02 Thread Tim Johnson
* sc [101102 17:11]: On Tuesday 02 November 2010 19:51:49 Tim Johnson wrote: the verbose query will tell you, by providing a Last set from line -- you have not shown us that, you've only shared the verbose query from your --noplugin session I apologize for the oversight

Re: E792: Empty menu name

2010-10-12 Thread Tim Johnson
* Yegappan Lakshmanan [101012 07:31]: Hi, On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 6:25 PM, Tim Johnson wrote: * Tim Johnson [101011 17:22]: E792: Empty menu name Error detected while processing function SNR37_Tlist_Refresh

E792: Empty menu name

2010-10-11 Thread Tim Johnson
This is an incredibly obnoxious error message that manifests itself - to the best of my understanding when I load a new file after loading a session. I've googled this problem, but what I have found seems to come from plugins for perl. In my case I am editing python and javascript files.

Re: E792: Empty menu name

2010-10-11 Thread Tim Johnson
* Tim Johnson [101011 17:22]: This is an incredibly obnoxious error message that manifests itself - to the best of my understanding when I load a new file after loading a session. I've googled this problem, but what I have found seems to come from plugins for perl

Proper way to iunmap

2010-09-21 Thread Tim Johnson
Using vim 7.2 Huge version with GTK2 GUI on Ubuntu 10.04 I'd like to make use of ~/.vim/ftplugin/php/php.vim - that is, the php.vim that is included in the `piv' package. There is much to recommend it, however, the following characters: ({[' are remapped in php.vim and they interfere with my own

Re: Proper way to iunmap

2010-09-21 Thread Tim Johnson
* ZyX [100921 13:46]: Ответ на сообщение Proper way to iunmap, присланное в 01:07:48 22 сентября 2010, Среда, отправитель Tim Johnson: There are three ways of doing this without directly modifying the source: 1. Contact the authors and make them add `unique' to `map

Re: PHP filetype::sql syntax highlighting in strings

2010-09-15 Thread Tim Johnson
* Benjamin R. Haskell [100914 18:59]: How may I turn the feature off? syntax/php.vim has: if exists( php_sql_query) syn cluster phpAddStrings contai...@sqltop endif So, if you don't want the keywords highlighted, you shouldn't 'let' php_sql_query to anything. They

Re: PHP filetype::sql syntax highlighting in strings

2010-09-15 Thread Tim Johnson
* Benjamin R. Haskell [100915 09:06]: --help'. Not sure what switch there'd be. Can run: :scriptnames from within Vim. I s'pose you could specify that on the commandline via: vim -N -c scriptnames Yes. I found about 'scriptnames' Yeah, and my slight rant is that

Re: PHP filetype::sql syntax highlighting in strings

2010-09-15 Thread Tim Johnson
* Tim Johnson [100915 09:51]: .. vim -N -c scriptnames Yes. I found about 'scriptnames' Yeah, and my slight rant is that despite setlocal foldlevel=99 in my /after/php.vim I'm still getting folding. Again, not a problem but just an annoyance. Do you

PHP filetype::sql syntax highlighting in strings

2010-09-14 Thread Tim Johnson
Using vim 7.2 in ubuntu 10.04, Huge version with GTK2 GUI. From :h php I see the following If you like SQL syntax highlighting inside Strings: let php_sql_query = 1 In truth, I *do not* like SQL syntax highlighting inside Strings. So in ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/php.vim I have the following:

Escaping norm

2010-09-09 Thread Tim Johnson
(using Huge version with GTK2 GUI on ubuntu 10.04 32-bit) I have the following function: code function! PHPStubs() let wrd=expand(cWORD) echo wrd: . wrd if wrd == forek exe norm! bdWaforeach($array as $key=$val){\Cr}\Esck9l\Esc endif endfunction

Re: PHP trick/tips solicited

2010-08-14 Thread Tim Johnson
* Joan Miquel Torres Rigo [100813 19:44]: 2010/8/13 Joan Miquel Torres Rigo Finally I forginven the example... (I also add below a few extraction of the ~/.vimrc in my personal machine (out of my job and less elaborated) This is a

Re: PHP trick/tips solicited

2010-08-13 Thread Tim Johnson
* Joan Miquel Torres Rigo [100813 01:54]: 2010/8/13 caruso_g On Aug 12, 12:58 am, Tim Johnson wrote: I would welcome any other tips, tricks, recipes, and vim scripts, that other may have found useful for PHP

Unrequested auto folding of functions in PHP files.

2010-08-11 Thread Tim Johnson
FYI: I am using vim 7.2 huge version on ubuntu 10.04. I have used vim for a long time, but am new to PHP and don't make much use of folding. I am finding that vim folds certain (but not *all*) PHP functions and futhermore, even with zR will 'refold' the same functions when the window containing

Re: Unrequested auto folding of functions in PHP files.

2010-08-11 Thread Tim Johnson
* Benjamin R. Haskell [100811 14:34]: On Wed, 11 Aug 2010, Tim Johnson wrote: :help 'foldmethod' As an aside, I am not clear about the difference between zR and zE. zR just opens them all -- open, but they're still there zE gets rid of them (for fdm=manual or fdm

PHP trick/tips solicited

2010-08-11 Thread Tim Johnson
I've used vim for years for other programming languages other than PHP. Now I'm starting to learn PHP. I have downloaded the *piv* package. I am sure that `piv' is going to be really helpful. I would welcome any other tips, tricks, recipes, and

Starting an ex edit command with default file path

2010-08-03 Thread Tim Johnson
I have the following function: -- Start an edit command with the Project root file path -- function! EditWithProjectRootPath() let path=GetFilePath()

Re: Starting an ex edit command with default file path

2010-08-03 Thread Tim Johnson
* Tim Chase [100803 12:47]: On 08/03/10 15:22, Tim Johnson wrote: :nnoremap f4 :e c-r=GetFilePath()cr (note the trailing cr is for the expression-register, not the Ex command). Thanks Tim and Gary. That works. Now I must 'bone up' on the expression-register! PS

Re: I think should have a common plugin package on

2010-08-03 Thread Tim Johnson
* Teemu Likonen [100803 11:15]: * 2010-08-04 02:54 (+0800), H. Xu wrote: Many people quit using vim because they think vim is not as powerful as emacs. I don't know if many people quit using Vim because of that. How did you get that impression? I believe that Vim is a

Can't suppress autofolding for php files

2010-08-03 Thread Tim Johnson
I have just started working with php, so I have no previous experience as a metric. I have downloaded and installed piv.vim. I have the following in my .vimrc: let g:DisableAutoPHPFolding = 1 Yet, vim insists on automatically folding php functions. I hate this feature, it is very annoying. How

Re: Can't suppress autofolding for php files

2010-08-03 Thread Tim Johnson
* Tim Johnson [100803 17:12]: I have just started working with php, so I have no previous experience as a metric. I have downloaded and installed piv.vim. I have the following in my .vimrc: let g:DisableAutoPHPFolding = 1 Yet, vim insists on automatically folding php

Re: Can't suppress autofolding for php files

2010-08-03 Thread Tim Johnson
* Gary Johnson [100803 18:40]: On 2010-08-03, Tim Johnson wrote: To have just PHP files open with folds open, put this in ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/php.vim: setlocal foldlevel=99 Thanks Gary I *think* that fixed it. I am qualifying the results because

Re: Programatically executing a search and storing regular expression

2010-08-02 Thread Tim Johnson
* John Beckett [100801 20:32]: Tim Johnson wrote: What do I need to add the the command strings above that 'stores' the regular expression? An example is here (you set the @/ register): Thanks John `:h

Programatically executing a search and storing regular expression

2010-08-01 Thread Tim Johnson
Here is the snippet from from a function that I wrote: function! StdNextFunction() let fileType = ft if fileType == 'taglist' execute '/function' execute ':nohls' elseif fileType == 'php' execute '/function ' execute ':nohls' I bind this to gn I

How to suppress a message

2010-05-18 Thread Tim Johnson
Using vim 7.2 on slack 13.0 32-bit. Example: : bdelete 54 result E516: No buffers were deleted How may I suppress the message above? Note: I have tried using 'silent', it doesn't stop the message. The goal is to use this in script. As in exe :silent bdelete i or whatever is correct

Re: How to suppress a message

2010-05-18 Thread Tim Johnson
* Bryan Venteicher [100518 14:39]: As in exe :silent bdelete i or whatever is correct Try 'exe :silent! bdelete i' Thanks to Bryan and Gary. -- Tim tim at or -- You received this message from the

Re: Close all buffers, stay open

2010-02-28 Thread Tim Johnson
* Tim Johnson [100227 19:04]: * sc [100227 17:03]: On Saturday 27 February 2010 07:11:05 pm Tim Johnson wrote: For my purposes, it would be great if I could close all buffers, but keep vim open. ... one thing i like to [easily] do is close

Close all buffers, stay open

2010-02-27 Thread Tim Johnson
I'm using vim 7.2, normal version on slackware 13.0 32-bit. For my purposes, it would be great if I could close all buffers, but keep vim open. I note ':on', but that just closes all windows, buffers remain. The end game is: Close all buffers, load a different session. thanks -- Tim

Re: Close all buffers, stay open

2010-02-27 Thread Tim Johnson
* sc [100227 17:03]: On Saturday 27 February 2010 07:11:05 pm Tim Johnson wrote: For my purposes, it would be great if I could close all buffers, but keep vim open. I note ':on', but that just closes all windows, buffers remain. The end game is: Close all

Re: Syntax highlight doesn't work for html filetype

2010-02-11 Thread Tim Johnson
* Tony Mechelynck [100210 18:43]: On 11/02/10 01:33, Tim Johnson wrote: I'm using version 7.2/normal/Gui on slackware 13/32-bit. I have vim runing, loaded with a session file, and then opened for editing some html files. Syntax highlighting *will not* work

Syntax highlight doesn't work for html filetype

2010-02-10 Thread Tim Johnson
I'm using version 7.2/normal/Gui on slackware 13/32-bit. I have vim runing, loaded with a session file, and then opened for editing some html files. Syntax highlighting *will not* work for the html filetype. Syntax highlight *is* working for other filetypes. Furthermore, if I open the same html

Re: autocmd fails for a filetype

2010-02-03 Thread Tim Johnson
* Matt Wozniski [100203 06:58]: On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 12:14 AM, Tim Johnson wrote: .. See :help new-filetype, but the problem is basically just caused by you using :setf newlisp instead of :set filetype=newlisp. What actually going wrong for you is that your check was coming

Re: autocmd fails for a filetype

2010-02-02 Thread Tim Johnson
* Tim Johnson [100202 17:27]: I'm using vim normal version, gvim huge version both of version number 7.2 on slackware 13.0. I have the following lines in my .vimrc autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.lsp setf newlisp autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.lspso ~/.vim

Re: Builing Vim on slack for console with clipboard enabled

2010-01-31 Thread Tim Johnson
* Tim Johnson [100130 16:43]: * bill lam [100130 16:12]: sab, 30 Jan 2010, Tim Johnson skribis: I could really use some tips on how to recompile with the following changes: +clipboard +xterm_clipboard, -python, -perl Thus far, I have

Builing Vim on slack for console with clipboard enabled

2010-01-30 Thread Tim Johnson
I'm using vim 7.2 on Slackware 13.0 32-bit. This system has two 'vims': the gui version compiled as gvim and `vim' compiled without the gui. I would like to recompile the console `vim' with support for the clipboard and without the embedding of the perl and python interpreters, but with the

Re: Builing Vim on slack for console with clipboard enabled

2010-01-30 Thread Tim Johnson
* bill lam [100130 16:12]: sab, 30 Jan 2010, Tim Johnson skribis: I could really use some tips on how to recompile with the following changes: +clipboard +xterm_clipboard, -python, -perl Thus far, I have not found invoking: ./configure --help sufficient to my

How to Create a pick (select) list

2010-01-03 Thread Tim Johnson
I'm using gvim 7.2 huge version on ubuntu 9.10. Is it possible to create a pick list from an internal array? What I have in mind would be something like i_CTRL-P (word completion). Only that the pick list would be initialized by the array. References to keywords would be a good starting point

Re: Use visual mode to insert delimiters

2009-12-10 Thread Tim Johnson
* Tim Chase [091210 17:04]: Let's say I select some text in vim using visual mode, and I want to place a '/*' at the beginning of the selected text and I want to to place a '*/' at the end of the selected text. Were there any existing scripts to do that, I'd love

configuring vim for slrn - headers

2009-10-29 Thread Tim Johnson
Greetings: I'm using vim as my default editor for slrn. I am using this entry in .slrnrc: set editor_command vim '+set tw=72' +%d '%s' Here is the example of the header for a _new_ post to slrn: #Newsgroups: comp.lang.python #From: Tim Johnson #Subject: self.__dict__

Re: configuring vim for slrn - headers

2009-10-29 Thread Tim Johnson
* James Michael Fultz [091029 19:00]: Sorry, I don't know the solution to the wrapping. Nor do I know whether Again, note the '#'s and possible wrapping. The Hi James I'm sorry. Obviously bad phrasing. Wrapping is not a problem. I just called attention to it. it's

Re: configuring vim for slrn - headers

2009-10-29 Thread Tim Johnson
* Tim Johnson [091029 19:18]: newsgroups, and reply is directed to mail. I know, but I am a dummy when using newsgroups - which I do infrequently. Thus, I am prone to typing 'r' instead of 'f'. Perhaps my question should be: Is there a way to make 'r' act like

Re: Reading keypad input

2009-09-29 Thread Tim Johnson
* pansz [090928 22:53]: Hi - Thanks for the reply. If you are using console vim you should check the capabilities of your terminal program. Understood. if you are using gvim you should check X settings. Not sure where to look for X settings. (In the KDE

Reading keypad input

2009-09-28 Thread Tim Johnson
I'm using vim 7.1 - huge model on Linux with KDE 3.5.10. Back in my emacs days, I was able to use emacs functions with escape sequences to enable that system to interpert all keypad input as unique keys. Example: the minus key on the keypad is read as kp-minus. I have observed that on my

Accumulating text with cuts or yanks

2009-08-19 Thread Tim Johnson
Using ver 7.1 on linux. I'd like to cut a series of lines and append each line to a contiguous block of test that would then be pasted en masse. Example. cut line 2, line 6, line 10. Move to line 20, paste all 3 lines there. Probably telling me the right keyword for 'help' would suffice.

Re: Accumulating text with cuts or yanks

2009-08-19 Thread Tim Johnson
* vimtexhappy [090819 16:45]: -- Add . :help A Yup. That did it. thanks -- Tim --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message from the vim_use maillist. For more information,

Re: newbie: python

2009-06-26 Thread Tim Johnson
* gary_p [090626 05:56]: On Jun 25, 11:07 pm, Tim Johnson wrote:   I can't. Here's what I use.   1)The standard vim syntax files for python   2)My local vim ../after/syntax/python.vim     which customizes #1 is that file something you

Re: newbie: python

2009-06-26 Thread Tim Johnson
* gary_p [090626 06:26]: I prefer: my_function_call( one, two, three ) [ In a fixed width font the o, t, t, and ) all line up under the ( ] I've been coding in python using vim for 9 years. I've

Re: newbie: python

2009-06-25 Thread Tim Johnson
* gary_p [090625 18:31]: Thanks to everyone who gave me great tips to get started. I program in python. I think I've found three vim files for a python mode. (don't kill me if that's an emacs term). There's one that came with my installation (a Windows installer).

Re: Can somebody help me get off this list?

2009-03-02 Thread Tim Johnson
On Monday 02 March 2009, Bob Koss wrote: I visited the email link below but vim_use is not on that page. I have unsubscribed from everything there, yet I continue to get email from this list. Hi Bob: At I searched for the following string To Unsubscribe

Re: clipboard copy problem with gvim on linux

2009-02-28 Thread Tim Johnson
Hello Tony: Thanks for all of the information. I haven't had my coffee yet, and it will take a while to absorb all of this. But a couple of follow-up questions: In vim, when I make a selection with my pointing device, whether in a file window or in the command line, that selection is

Re: clipboard copy problem with gvim on linux

2009-02-28 Thread Tim Johnson
On Saturday 28 February 2009, Tony Mechelynck wrote: On 28/02/09 17:26, Tim Johnson wrote: I'm curious as to why you feel it is a bad thing. Your opinion is of interest. Mainly for its wastefulness. I feel that not clobbering the clipboard unless I specifically say so, and using only

clipboard copy problem with gvim on linux

2009-02-26 Thread Tim Johnson
Using vim and gvim 7.1 on kubuntu 7.10 I've used vim for years, gvim, more recently. In vim, when I make a selection with my pointing device, whether in a file window or in the command line, that selection is always copied to the clipboard. == That's a good thing. ==

Re: Menu gone in gvim (guioptions)

2009-01-14 Thread Tim Johnson
On Wednesday 14 January 2009, mmarko wrote: The menu disappeared after a regular software update when a newer version of vim was installed. To fix it, I deleted ~/.gnome2/Vim. To recap my problem ( I believe that I originated this thread), the menubar disappeared after perl was updated - I

Re: Writing text to a file (invisibly)

2009-01-03 Thread Tim Johnson
On Saturday 03 January 2009, Tim Johnson wrote: select text in visual mode y yank to register :let lines = @ read register into variable :call writefile(lines,'targetfile') this command fails since writefile() needs the first arg as list so either another function

Writing text to a file (invisibly)

2009-01-02 Thread Tim Johnson
I'm using vim 7.10 on ubuntu 7.10 with python compiled in. I would like to be able to 1)select some text 2)write that text to a file in either 'w' mode or 'a' mode I.E. 'w' = original contents of file are removed (truncated) something like emacs write-region =

Re: Menu gone in gvim (guioptions)

2008-12-31 Thread Tim Johnson
On Wednesday 31 December 2008, Tony Mechelynck wrote: 1. Does :view $VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim display a Vim script? Yes. If it doesn't, you have a problem. Interestingly, if I run gvim as root : = sudo gvim I get the menubar. 2. You are running gvim aren't you? The following will

Re: Menu gone in gvim (guioptions)

2008-12-31 Thread Tim Johnson
On Wednesday 31 December 2008, Tony Mechelynck wrote: 2. You are running gvim aren't you? The following will give you menus even in Console Vim (normal or bigger version) when you hit Ctrl-Z: if has('wildmenu') set wildmenu if has('menu') if !has('gui_running')

Menu gone in gvim (guioptions)

2008-12-30 Thread Tim Johnson
Just restarted my computer. Menu is gone in (g)vim :-( :set quioptions = guioptions=aegirLtm To restore toolbar :set guioptions+=T works but :set guioptions+=m does not restore menu cuz it is there already! Don't have a clue, need some help ... I'm using ver 7.10 on linux ubuntu 7.10 - huge

Re: Menu gone in gvim (guioptions)

2008-12-30 Thread Tim Johnson
On Tuesday 30 December 2008, Tim Johnson wrote: Just restarted my computer. Menu is gone in (g)vim :-( :set quioptions = guioptions=aegirLtm To restore toolbar :set guioptions+=T works but :set guioptions+=m does not restore menu cuz it is there already! Don't have a clue, need

Re: Finding a delimiter programmatically

2008-11-29 Thread Tim Johnson
On Friday 28 November 2008, Tim Johnson wrote: Using vim 7.1 (huge) on kubuntu 7.10 Thanks to all for the edification on this topic. I especially appreciated Matt's distinction between characterwise and linewise searches for / and ? cheers tim

Finding a delimiter programmatically

2008-11-28 Thread Tim Johnson
Using vim 7.1 (huge) on kubuntu 7.10 Executing the following ?[\|(\|{ Gives me the expected results. I.E. The cursor is placed at the closest previous '[' or '(' or '{' Executing the following /]\|)\|} Gives me the expected results. I.E. The cursor is placed on the closest next ']' or ')'

Assigning the value of a register to a variable

2008-11-20 Thread Tim Johnson
Using vim 7.10 kubunut 7.10 I'd like to be able to assign the contents of a register to a variable example: let arg = contents_of_unamed_register let cmd = !myscript . arg exe cmd Just some examples or references to :help would be sufficient. thanks again. tim

Re: Assigning the value of a register to a variable

2008-11-20 Thread Tim Johnson
On Thursday 20 November 2008, David Fishburn wrote: On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 9:25 PM, Tim Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Using vim 7.10 kubunut 7.10 I'd like to be able to assign the contents of a register to a variable example: let arg = contents_of_unamed_register let cmd

Re: Auto Indent + 1 in insert mode or normal

2008-11-19 Thread Tim Johnson
On Wednesday 19 November 2008, fritzophrenic wrote: I would first suggest using an indentexpr or the indent ftplugin for your file type. See :help 'indentexpr' and :help :filetype-indent-on If this doesn't work for you, a simple mapping will suffice. Great! I was looking for some

Auto Indent + 1 in insert mode or normal

2008-11-18 Thread Tim Johnson
Using vim 7.1 (huge version) on Kubuntu 7.10 I would like to be able to type enter or Ctrl-J in insert mode and open a new line indented one more tab than the previous: example - type block: [] move cursor between the braces type Ctrl-J result might be: block: [ ] alternatively, a

Re: vim only opens one file

2008-10-30 Thread Tim Johnson
On Thursday 30 October 2008, Tim Johnson wrote: I'm using vim 7.1 on kubuntu 7.10 A very bizarre and disturbing thing is occuring. When I start vim, it logs one and only one file. regardless of the file on the command line. Furthermore, if I do :ls! regardless of where I have started vim, I

VimScript to Clipboard

2008-10-28 Thread Tim Johnson
Using ver 7.1 on kubuntu 7.10. (Huge version with GTK2-GNOME GUI) In vim, I can make a selection in visual mode, then press +y and the selected text is copied to the X clipboard. I'd like to be able to programmatically copy a composed string to the clipboard. any ideas? I've tried: :h

Re: Recommend Plugin for DHTML/Ajax

2008-10-25 Thread Tim Johnson
On Saturday 25 October 2008, Tony Mechelynck wrote: On 25/10/08 04:09, Tim Johnson wrote: Hello: Using ver 7.1 on kubuntu 7.10 compiled as the huge version with GTK2-GNOME. I'm preparing to do a lot of mixed-syntax coding: I.E. html files with a mixture of html, css and javascript

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