Re: {W&P} (almost) on behalf of militarism

2000-11-24 Thread CAROL L SEATON

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I so much appreciate your different point of view.  This form of
communication and the people using it, gives me hope for humanity.

I grew up in Los Angeles, California,  when violence was beginning to
become a problem.

Witnessing the problem of violence of increasing, was the first days of
cold weather in fall and wondering if the transition to winter had begun.
 That is to say there were increasing incidences of behavior problems
with increasing police type efforts to counteract the problem and this
just increased the problem.  There was a rather sudden loss of good
manners and respect for others, and it was my experience, law and police
efforts can not make things right when society becomes less civil.

I think mental detectors in high schools is just awful.  I think we can
note this has developed since we stopped using public education to
transmit a culture and focused education on technology for military and
industrial purpose.  I do not understand why so few people understand the
importance of culture, but this problem goes all the way to our
presidents who are also quite ignorant in this matter.

Please, note since the beginning of the United States, citizens have been
armed.  It was an important ritual of manhood for a young man to be given
a rifle, used for hunting and protecting the family.  Often it was his
grandfather's rifle.  What went with this was a strong value system that
put God first, then country, then family.  This was maintained by
cultural expectations, and cultural expectations are more powerful than
laws and police in controlling social behavior.  We have changed our
cultural expectations and our society.  My concern is we did this without
awareness of what we were doing, why and how.  

While it is tempting to agree with the idea that citizens shouldn't be
armed, I think there is good reason for them to be armed.  But this
thinking goes with past culture.  I am concerned if we give up our guns,
we will loose our past culture, and I would rather we revitalize that
past culture, at least until the world agrees to disarm, which I also
think is a possibility that can be manifest from changed consciousness-

I hold this concern not just because our nations may go to war.  I think
this is less likely than what we will happen if we continue down the path
of militarism.  I think the biggest threat to citizens is our own army
and government.  I think our forefathers understood this possibility when
they wrote the Declaration of Independence.  But remember, this distrust
of authority is what began our country.  Our Declaration of Independence
could also be called a Declaration of Responsibility.  We aren't
educating for that any more.
We began using education to produce products for industry.  Our heritage
and present education is, a BIG PROBLEM!

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RE: {W&P} (almost) on behalf of militarism

2000-11-24 Thread Tamar Herzberg

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Carol wrote: - 

> I have spoken so much against militarisms, that it
> may surprise some, I
> am in favor of an armed public.  I don't the
> forefathers' of the United
> States were ignorant of the future when they assured
> citizens the right
> to own arms.  Our Declaration of Independence leaves
> open the possibility
> that our own government may stop serving the people
> and need to be
> replaced.  

Let's agree to disagree. Most countries don't have
such free gun laws as the 2nd amendment allows in the
United States, and are yet free and democratic. Every
time I bring up this subject, people tell to look at
the UK and the high crime statistics in a country that
is "ungunned". Well, first of all, the UK is still far
less violent than the United States, and criminals
will always have guns. The question is accesibility. I
didn't hear of many other countries with metal
detectors in high schools the way you have in the
United States. Second, I don't believe that the right
to bear arms will solve the problem of ctizens to
protect themselves, for two reasons -
mistakes/accidents (I remember a case where a Japanese
exchange student wanted to ask for directions and was
shot by a man because he entered his property); and
thefact that not every citizen wants to be a militia
man. I had a gun (and gas) when I was in the military.
I'm afraid to say that I'm glad no rapist or terrorist
came in my way because I would have surely shot myself
or some innocent by stander. 


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Re: {W&P} (almost) on behalf of militarism

2000-11-23 Thread CAROL L SEATON

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Your response to the question of the military does good, is excellent! 
Yes, how do we control the use of military force?  How do assure it is
citizens who have control and not a dictator or industrial interest?

I have spoken so much against militarisms, that it may surprise some, I
am in favor of an armed public.  I don't the forefathers' of the United
States were ignorant of the future when they assured citizens the right
to own arms.  Our Declaration of Independence leaves open the possibility
that our own government may stop serving the people and need to be

I think when kings or an elite power circle controls military force and
not the citizens, this military power can be abused.  Industrialization
and modern military technology have shifted control of all forms of power
from the citizens, to elite power circles.  It is my hope when citizens
around the world, are communication with each other as we are doing here,
it will return power and control to citizens.  We might able to use each
others governments and military forces to keep each other in check?

The people who protested the School of the Americas, are not anarchist or
rebelling citizens.  They are good citizens opposed to a military
solution that we can not control and assure is not a terrorist force
being used by dictator type people, against good people in South America
who need protection from what we are promoting.  What this school is
doing is as bad as entering an inner slum and passing out guns to
teenagers, because there is no control over how the military force is
used.  I maybe wrong, but I think the purpose of the school is to provide
jobs for people who like military might and don't care who the students
are.  It does not seem equal to Buddhist monks who learn much more than
marshal arts.   Before we arm people, we need to civilize them.

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