Thelma Lou

2016-08-29 Thread Elizabeth Busby
HAPPY BIRTHDAY THELMA LOU Hope you have a good one. Elizabeth in Ga. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

animals in Mayberry

2016-10-07 Thread Elizabeth Busby
This subject may have been discussed before but in a discussion with one of my cats (call me crazy) he wanted to know what animals were seen or mentioned over the years in Mayberry. I recall dogs, cats, horses, cows, fish and a possum. Are there any others? I explained to my cat the episode of a

animals in Mayberry

2016-10-09 Thread Elizabeth Busby
Wow! There sure were a lot of animals of Mayberry! Every one mentioned brings back a memory of that episode. Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

favorite squad car scene

2016-11-13 Thread Elizabeth Busby
When Barney uses the siren to take Gladys to the Post Office across the street. He tends to make a moulage out of pretty women. Elizabeth in smokey Georgia ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry aromas

2016-10-11 Thread Elizabeth Busby
O, I'm sure there will be many of Aunt Bee's famous meals on that list but first and foremost is her apple pie. I just thought of another animal, too. The white horse going east to west. Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

animals in Mayberry.

2016-10-09 Thread Elizabeth Busby
Yep, I fergot the goat. And if you have chickens to throw, ya got chickens to sell, and eat. Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB mailing list


2016-10-15 Thread Elizabeth Busby
I heard Andy say Barney was a bird in this world. Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

girly pictures

2016-12-09 Thread Elizabeth Busby
While watching the episode where Opie was banned from the court house to plant spinach, at the end when Andy was tucking him into bed, I noticed Opie's bedside lamp had a picture of a girl and flowers on it. Then the camera went up and there was a picture of a girl in a frame on the wall. They

women's work

2016-12-31 Thread Elizabeth Busby
I think it is interesting that in the 60's, Barney lived in a boarding house and Thelma Lou lived in a house on her own. Now I know Barney was cheap, but Thelma Lou must have had a good paying job being a woman at that time. My Aunt was single living in Charlotte, worked at the phone company (like

Aunt Bee Takes a Job

2017-08-09 Thread Elizabeth Busby
This episode was on this morning and I just realized how slow I am at catching on the some things. After Aunt Bee tells Andy and Warren she got the job at the printing company, Warren makes the comment 'a good printing shop can be a money making thing'. Elizabeth in Ga

Andy and Helen

2017-08-08 Thread Elizabeth Busby
Randy, I have been thinking about the same thing after reading the Andy and Don book. I wonder if some of this on the show was a slight carry over from their real life relationship. I wonder if Andy had any input on the scripts of these shows. Elizabeth in Ga

No drinks at the table

2017-08-16 Thread Elizabeth Busby
I wonder if there were no drinks to avoid spills. You know how Nora's boys are and how Briscoe and the boys passed food. Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Gun safety

2017-08-22 Thread Elizabeth Busby
One episode that comes to mind is the random shooting between the Wakefield's and Carter's. It wasn't a gun, but there was Opie and his slingshot. (Barney, too) I think we all learned a lesson from that show, responsibility. Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB

His name was Don

2017-06-03 Thread Elizabeth Busby
While waiting at a restaurant to pick up a friend, a man noticed I have an Andy Griffith show car tag frame. He came over to me and said he liked what I had on the back of my car. We talked some and then he introduced himself - his name was Don. I said, 'wouldn't you know your name is Don'. It is

Ken's service

2017-06-10 Thread Elizabeth Busby
Ken, I thank you for your service BECAUSE I know what you are about. Elizabeth in Ga. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Streets in Mayberry/Mt. Airy

2017-09-12 Thread Elizabeth Busby
Joe, If you go to Mt. Airy and take the squad car tour, you will actually be taken to the corner of Rockwood and Haymore! Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB mailing list


2017-08-26 Thread Elizabeth Busby
One word-Tuscarora. Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

drinking in Mayberry

2017-11-01 Thread Elizabeth Busby
While watching The Haunted House, as Otis was taking a swig from a bottle, I wondered what was really in the bottle, and all the others. One would assume the clear liquid was water, but what about the tinted liquid? Any thoughts on that? Elizabeth in Ga

story line continuity

2018-06-08 Thread Elizabeth Busby
A BIG error in script continuity was Barney's hair while 'reciting' the Preamble to the Constitution, unless Barney had a hair-combing compelsion and kept combing his hair. This could have been editing, but it adds more little humor to the scene. Elizabeth in Ga

bucket head thinkin

2018-01-07 Thread Elizabeth Busby
Since it has been s cooold, I've been thinkin about Mayberry and all the folks that passed through. Especially those who innocently got the whole town in an uproar, like Ellen Brown and the shoe salesman. Not the ones who dealt mostly with one or two people, the whole town. Who else visited

visitors to Mayberry

2018-01-10 Thread Elizabeth Busby
This was later but the gypsy's made a BIG commotion when they came in during the drought and predicted rain. Only one way to describe that BIG. Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Bucket thinkin'

2018-01-14 Thread Elizabeth Busby
Strangers in town can cause an unintentional ruckus with the town folk. When My husband and I were is a small town several years ago we had lunch at a restaurant in town. When we walked through the door, everyone turned around to see who had come in. Since we were strangers we could sense an eerie

weapons and rules in Mayberry

2018-02-10 Thread Elizabeth Busby
In watching one of the many episodes where Barney accidentally shot his gun inside, there is no bullet hole. When he is showing off with the slingshot he breaks the glass in the bookcase. Curious. I've also been thinking about the rules, regulations and trivial trivialities that would make

Fwd: The best southern insults from 'The Andy Griffith Show'

2018-08-14 Thread Elizabeth Busby
It's hard to realize there were insults on TAGS as they just made the show funnier. How many times have we quoted them in our own lives? Elizabeth in Ga -- Forwarded message - From: ecb1554 Date: Tue, Aug 14, 2018 at 10:13 PM Subject: The best southern insults from 'The Andy

Gomer in real life

2018-08-29 Thread Elizabeth Busby
My husband (Mike) has a friend who is retired on disability but can still get around. Mike has helped he and his wife in different ways so the friend feels he should do things for us to repay. Yesterday he was at the house stacking wood and it hit me, we have a Gomer! He is very nice and when we


2018-04-01 Thread Elizabeth Busby
I am so sorry about you having the shingles. I hope you get well soon. My grandfather had them when I was a child in his eye and it hurt just to see it. They stitched his eye lid together. Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy and Helen

2018-03-29 Thread Elizabeth Busby
There has been chatter about Andy's attitude during the later years of the show. Being short with the characters. Helen could get an attitude with Andy at times, too. When Andy would try to explain things, she refused to listen and just blame him for the problem. I just wonder if their personal

future stars

2018-11-09 Thread Elizabeth Busby
Remind me when Teri Garr and Arte Johnson were in TAGS. Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

later famous

2018-11-11 Thread Elizabeth Busby
I happened to see a color episode when the Taylor's were in California while the movie Sheriff without a Gun was being shot. Gavin McCloud, future captain Stubing on the Love Boat, played the sheriff. Elizabeth in Ga. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

church in Mayberry

2018-10-03 Thread Elizabeth Busby
While in Asheville this week, we saw an All Souls church. There really is such a thing! Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB mailing list


2018-10-10 Thread Elizabeth Busby
Thanks for the reminder. I knew that but with old-timers setting in, I could not remember what is means. I like seeing what else is could mean. Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

What does it mean

2018-10-08 Thread Elizabeth Busby
After being on this site for a few years I never thought about what wbmutbb means. My guess is Watch Barney Muddy Up the Bank Burglary. Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

remembering Mayberry

2018-09-22 Thread Elizabeth Busby
I encourage you to check out this web site: The man that has this was once Don Knotts bodyguard and driver in several years after the show. He got to know many of the cast members and has a lot of memorabilia from the show. If you are ever in NW Ga this is a place to see!

future stars

2018-11-16 Thread Elizabeth Busby
We haven't thought about James Best! Jim Lindsay and later Roscoe P Coltrane on Dukes of Hazzard. Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni sighting

2018-12-20 Thread Elizabeth Busby
Looking at a piece of Gunsmoke, there were 4 people in the scene - Goober, Dud, and Emmett's brother (in-law?). The 4th person was not a TAGS person. They continued into another scene but I changed the channel. Elizabeth in GA ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry pot luck

2018-11-22 Thread Elizabeth Busby
Next question. Would you go to the pot luck, and if so, what would you bring? I like to bake so I would bring butter pecan cookies. Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

pot luck

2018-11-18 Thread Elizabeth Busby
If there were a pot luck dinner in Mayberry, what would people bring? Aunt Bee - fried chicken and homemade pickles. Clara - nesselrode pie. Opie - apple pie. Andy - his special punch. Goober - black bear stew (since he hunts). Any others, either from them or other members of the community?

Ron Howard's mother

2019-01-26 Thread Elizabeth Busby
What do we know about Ron's mother? We know his Father and brother were involved in the show but never heard anything about her. If she was a 'stay at home' mom and raised the kids, she wasn't paid enough. She did a great job raising the boys. Elizabeth in Ga


2019-02-21 Thread Elizabeth Busby Check out this link. It is interesting on the link between Gunsmoke and TAGS. Elizabeth in Ga where Brooke Benton can predict the weather. ( he sang Rainy Night in Ga)

Food in Mayberry

2019-03-19 Thread Elizabeth Busby
I've been wondering about the 'food' we see on the show. Is it real or props? Do they eat it? If it is real where does it come from? Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Food on TAGS

2019-03-22 Thread Elizabeth Busby
I happened to come across an article that said the ice cream Opie ate on the show was really cold mashed potatoes since they would not melt. Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Fwd: The Andy Griffith Show: 11 Things You Didn't Know

2019-02-03 Thread Elizabeth Busby
If you go to this link, there are 11 things listed about TAGS. I would like for you all to especially look at #5 and get your input on the subject. You might need a bucket for your head before you start. Elizabeth in Ga.

Mt. Airy meet-up

2019-07-11 Thread Elizabeth Busby
Is anyone going to the meet-up next week in Mt. Airy? Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

music on Mayberry

2019-11-29 Thread Elizabeth Busby
While watching the TVLAND marathon I got to thinking about the incidental and background music on the show. Who wrote it, recorded it, added it. Some characters had 'themes', there was Barney's duck walk, sentimental music with Andy and Opie, etc. Anybody know? Elizabeth in Ga

Music in Mayberry

2019-12-02 Thread Elizabeth Busby
Thank you ,Joe, for that information. I will check it out. Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

movie stars

2019-10-05 Thread Elizabeth Busby
I remember Rock Hudson and Gabby Hayes. Elizabeth (melting) in Ga ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

TAGS names

2020-02-10 Thread Elizabeth Busby
Other than Andy, did anyone else use their real name on the show? Including guests. Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

TAGS names

2020-02-12 Thread Elizabeth Busby
Thanks for all the 'real' names! That added even more TAGS trivia to my mental storage file. Elizabeth in Ga, will be going to Mt. Airy with friends in April. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

TAGS theme park

2020-02-24 Thread Elizabeth Busby
I think the theme park is a great idea. They did have a carnival in town in the episode with Jerry Van Dyke. Just think of all the characters that could be in the park, and how much more fun Mayberry days would be! Just don't ask Aunt Bee's cousin Bradford to finance it. Elizabeth in Ga

Things there and then not

2020-03-04 Thread Elizabeth Busby
While watching the very first episode, it appears there is a step inside the living room at the door, like an inside stoop. They stepped down into the room. That is the only time I recall seeing that. By the way, where are those gypsy's and their radio? We could use them in the south to stop the

Mayberry Man

2020-02-27 Thread Elizabeth Busby
I just read an article about a movie to be made in Indiana called 'Mayberry Man'. Has anyone else seen this? Elizabeth ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Lincoln commercial

2020-01-28 Thread Elizabeth Busby
The man is at a fishin' hole - get it? "going down to the Fishin' Hole". Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Gomer singing and the Lincoln commercial

2020-01-22 Thread Elizabeth Busby
While watching Gomer sing the other day, my husband asked me 'how did he learn to sing like that.' Some of the other singers on the show have formal training. I looked up Jim Neighbors on Wikipedia and it did not show any formal training in his back ground. As for the Lincoln commercial, I

inside the fillin' station

2019-12-31 Thread Elizabeth Busby
I do remember one where Goober (or Gomer?) was working on something and a barrel of oily rags started burning. Andy came in and stopped it. Then the one where teen Jimmy was accused of stealing stuff from the garage but it ended up being someone storing their car overnight. Just like a Trojan

Butterscotch pie

2019-12-29 Thread Elizabeth Busby
Thanks Harriett, I looked up the recipe. I also thought I could put butterscotch chips in a pecan pie. When I heard Aunt Bee talking about the pie, it got my attention because I thought Opie's favorite apple. Maybe he didn't want to eat any more apple pie after eating too many apples in the back


2019-12-27 Thread Elizabeth Busby
While watching the episode where Opie mistakenly gets all A's on his report card, Aunt Bee made his favorite Butterscotch Pecan Pie. I like to bake and have Aunt Bee's dessert cookbook and the Mayberry cookbook and this recipe is not in either one. I know I can get it somewheres else, but I was

Speech in Mayberry

2020-03-08 Thread Elizabeth Busby
For Aunt Bee and all others not used to 'southernisms', listen to Jeff Foxworthy's explanation of the way we say things. They may not be exactly what Andy says, but it is a lesson in southern speech. There is a town near where I live called Armuchee. Now you would think it is pronounced

Keevy Hazelton

2020-03-14 Thread Elizabeth Busby
While watching the 'My Music' program on PBS, they were talking about Bobby Darin. He sang rock and roll in Vegas before going to slower folk music, and it was a hit for him. I wondered if that's where the idea of Keevy Hazelton came from. Curious. Elizabeth in Ga

Eleanora Poltise

2020-04-08 Thread Elizabeth Busby
Why doesn't Eleanora Poltise, Barney's voice teacher, sing in the choir? Did she have real music training in real life? She seems to know what she is doing most of the time. Maybe it was just the actor in the woman. Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB mailing

Leg o' lamb

2020-04-12 Thread Elizabeth Busby
I wonder if a leg of lamb is big enough to consider it a small weapon. A chicken or turkey leg - more southern - is too small to do any damage. Maybe that's how it got into the script. Elizabeth in Ga Also, thank you for reminding me that Eleanora Poltise was a professional. She sure inspired

the music of Mayberry

2020-04-09 Thread Elizabeth Busby
A few weeks ago I asked about the music in Mayberry and where it came from. I got a good response. A few days ago I was browsing through Weaver's store and came across a book titled 'Mayberry Melodies' by R. A. Leath. What a gold mine! It not only has the music, it has bits of trivia and and


2020-03-13 Thread Elizabeth Busby
In the first episode where the Darlings come to Mayberry, Andy tells Charlene he is old enough to be her father. How old was she supposed to be? Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB mailing list


2020-04-04 Thread Elizabeth Busby
While watching a Batman TV show from 1966, the Penguin was the villain and Al (Dove) Checco was one of his toadies. I looked him up and found he was a friend of Don Knotts from WWII army days. He and Don performed for their army unit. Al would sing a song or two then Don would bring his dummy and

Mayberry virus response

2020-03-29 Thread Elizabeth Busby
In response to the virus, I think about how they responded to Emma and her 'illness' when she could not get her pills, or when Andy was in bed a few days with a cold. They could run the virus out of town by smothering it with kindness. Elizabeth in Ga.

Floyd/Mr. Lawson

2020-04-22 Thread Elizabeth Busby
In the early B/W shows Floyd was called Floyd by all the Mayberry residents from Opie to Aunt Bee. I saw a color show where Opie addressed him as Mr. Lawson. It sounded strange. Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

people of Mayberry

2020-05-03 Thread Elizabeth Busby
I would imagine the people of Mayberry were so healthy because they ate fresh food usually cooked at home, had a good social life, good friends, and a good belief system. Now they could sit on the front porch and visit with their neighbors close by or from the side walk. Speaking of health, how

The Dipsy Doodle

2020-05-09 Thread Elizabeth Busby
Martha, I know what you mean about the Dipsy Doodle getting into your head. Since I am a musician, I just had to study on this and found some answers. It was written by Chick Webb and Ella Fitzgerald during the big band Era. If you look this up on youtube, you will hear it and apparently there is

Barney's middle name

2020-03-19 Thread Elizabeth Busby
A picture of Barney from the high school yearbook has his name 'Bernard Milton Fife'. On one show Andy says 'I though your middle name was Oliver'. In another show he was Bernard P. Fife. Were these disguises? What did the P stand for? Elizabeth sitting in Ga with nothing to do.

the Mendelbright's

2020-03-17 Thread Elizabeth Busby
Were the Mendelbright sisters and Mrs. Mendelbright related? The Mrs would be the sister's sister-in-law. Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB mailing list


2020-03-23 Thread Elizabeth Busby
I wonder if one of the girls on the truck is Andelina. Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry music

2020-03-16 Thread Elizabeth Busby
that it was mine, people in the room started whistling. For several minutes they were either whistling the tune or having discussions about how they whistle. It was more catching that a virus. Elizabeth Busby ___ WBMUTBB mailing list http


2020-05-06 Thread Elizabeth Busby
I am from Georgia but both of my parents are from small towns in NC. I have spent a lot of time in that great state and yes, 'studying' means you are going to give it a think. Although, I never saw anyone with a bucket on their head while thinking. Elizabeth in Ga


2020-09-03 Thread Elizabeth Busby
Does anyone know how the town name of Mayberry was chosen? I know the 'founder's day story', but when they were developing the show, how did they come up with Mayberry? Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

TAGS ratings

2020-10-05 Thread Elizabeth Busby
TAGS has been #1 on my TV ratings for a long time. When it first came out my father watched the news and westerns, while we did our handwritten homework, then turned off the TV. I had an 8:00 bedtime anyway so did not have a chance to see it in the 60's. When I grew up and moved out, I could watch

We want Ellie

2020-10-14 Thread Elizabeth Busby
While watching Ellie run for city council, as the men stopped all store charges, one woman was in a dress shop trying on dresses right in the middle of the shop where anybody could see her. The front door was right there! Then she walked out of the store with just her slip on. Quite risque for

Mayberry Days

2020-08-15 Thread Elizabeth Busby
Is there any information on where Mayberry Days in Mt Airy stands? Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Aunt Bee at the dump

2020-09-21 Thread Elizabeth Busby
Maybe Aunt Bee snuck out of the house through the kitchen and hid in the back of the squad car, then got out after Andy parked and got out. Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

The dump

2020-09-19 Thread Elizabeth Busby
In 'Opie's newspaper', when they go to the dump to see that the newspaper is destroyed, Andy drives the squad car, Barney says he needs to get Gobers truck back to him and Aunt Bee just shows up at the county dump. How did she get there. Usually the dump is several miles out of town and it was at

dumb criminals

2020-06-01 Thread Elizabeth Busby
Ken, you are right about the dumb criminals. There have been several 'spin-off' shows over the years showing dumb criminals, like the one with lights on his shoes lighting up as he ran from the police, at night. There is a lot of real life on TAGS. That makes me think about how some things on the

Miracle salve

2020-10-26 Thread Elizabeth Busby
Curt, I bought a tin of Miracle Salve in Mt Airy on a trip and it does work on skin conditions. Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB mailing list


2020-07-20 Thread Elizabeth Busby
I guess I missed something in the translation. Barney was talking to Juanita over at the diner when he talked about wearing their uniforms. So just what did Thelma Lou do? My guess would be she was a secretary. She does mention getting back to the office at some point. Elizabeth in Ga, where M's

Clara Edwards?

2020-06-30 Thread Elizabeth Busby
While watching the color episode about the Battle of Mayberry, Clara Edwards shows Opie a sword belonging to her ancestor, Col. Edwards, which would imply she never married. Now in Mayberry time, several years before this episode (b/w) when Clara convinced Aunt Bee to give Andy and Helen more time

Pork chop sandwich

2020-07-14 Thread Elizabeth Busby
If you look in Aunt Bee's Mayberry Cookbook,the blue one, on page 126 you will find the recipe for the Snappy Lunch Pork Chop Sandwich. I have made it several times and it is gd. Elizabeth in Ga. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Senator Canfield

2020-06-19 Thread Elizabeth Busby
I just got a glimpse of Aunt Bee and Sen. Canfield asleep on the front porch at the end of the show. I think he would be my pick for a husband for Aunt Bee. I wish he were on more episodes. Who would you choose for a husband for Aunt Bee? Elizabeth in Ga

The Rock

2020-06-10 Thread Elizabeth Busby
I get a trivia question on my email every day that has multiple choice answers. Today, the question was, what famous prison was known as 'The Rock'. The Mayberry jail was not one of the choices! Elizabeth in Georgia ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

cell phone

2020-06-05 Thread Elizabeth Busby
Ken you are a bird in this world. You made my day with the cell phone. When you by chicken legs are they the front legs or the back legs? Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Coors beer truck

2020-06-14 Thread Elizabeth Busby
In the episode where Andy and Goober are in the big city for an auto show and they stop to get gas. A Coors beer truck goes by in the background. Coors was not on the east coast at that time. My daughter-in-law cleared it up for me. It was Cletus and Fred from Smokey and the Bandit going by.

O'Malley cabin

2020-07-24 Thread Elizabeth Busby
They were recycling before it was the right thing to do. Elizabeth ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Thelma Lou's job

2020-07-20 Thread Elizabeth Busby
Gus, that makes sense to me, it just seems like we would know that, what with Barney's injuries and ailments. And back then, nurses wore all white and the special nurses cap. ( my mama was a nurse) Maybe that's part of the mystery of the show. Thelma, which one do you think Thelma Lou would most

Thelma Lou's job

2020-07-18 Thread Elizabeth Busby
I guess while staying home most of the time, watching TAGS more, my sense of catching odd things on the show is heightened. Today, while Barney was on the phone making date plans with Thelma Lou, he said she would not have time to change her clothes after work. That she would have to wear her


2020-07-16 Thread Elizabeth Busby
While watching Andy show Trey Bowden Barney's gun, from the angle of the camera, it looks like the gun is turned towards Trey. It just got me thinking about times guns played a role in the show. Like when Andy got a rifle out of the rack and pointed it at Goober and told him to get the car out of


2020-11-23 Thread Elizabeth Busby
What characters are mentioned as being in the armed services? Andy, Barney, Sam Becker, Milo boys Dud Wash. Was it mentioned that Sam Jones was? The Wright brothers got laughed right off Wright Air Force Base. Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB mailing list


2020-11-26 Thread Elizabeth Busby
Even though we do this on veterans day, Give thanks to those who helped us have a free country from the first explorers to the pilgrims. The first brave men and women who started it all until the ones serving today. Thank you. Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB

Wally at the service station

2020-12-12 Thread Elizabeth Busby
Since I have been watching a LOT of TAGS in the past year, I've noticed that each time Wally is in the show, they are different actors of various ages. I wondered if they were like the Beamon family - Wally senior, Wally junior, plain Walley and Wallette. Elizabeth in Ga

Well I be dog

2021-01-08 Thread Elizabeth Busby
Watching the show a LOT, I've noticed how much Andy says '(well) I be dog'. My Aunt lived in a small town in western North Carolina and she said it, too. Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

White briefs

2021-01-23 Thread Elizabeth Busby
Recalling the 60's, I think most straight laced men like my father wore white underwear. There was the occasional light blue and conservative vertical stripe with white background. My mother even ironed them! I doubt Mayberry had anything fancier than than. You'd have to go to the state capital to

the Emancipation Proclamation

2021-01-01 Thread Elizabeth Busby
The Emancipation Proclamation was enacted on this here day. Barney and Miss Crump could tell us all about it. It's in your history book. Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Give a little,sugar

2021-01-12 Thread Elizabeth Busby
Sugar is a sweet kiss on the jaw. You would give it to a friend or relative as a greeting or a thank you. Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB mailing list


2021-06-12 Thread Elizabeth Busby
Ken, I've noticed the suits on several old shows. They wore suits to ballgames, kept them on when returning home from work, even criminals wore suits and hats. Guess it's a sign of the times. Another curiosity I noticed is that in the episode when the Darlings come to pledge Andelina to Opie, at


2021-06-29 Thread Elizabeth Busby
I don't normally watch Matclock but I saw the last part of one while stringing beans. Ms Rosemary was the neighbor of the man that was killed. Elizabeth in Ga ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

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