
2011-07-30 Thread tubist
That very well could have been the same dog. His name was Pluto, and he was 
owned by legendary Hollywood animal trainer Frank Inn, who worked on 
practically every TV show from that era. In addition to appearing in various 
episodes of TAGS (as Blue in Barney's Bloodhound, as Spot in Man's Best Friend 
and as Sam in Jailbreak, etc.) Pluto probably appeared in many other TV series 
as well. 

Paul Mulik 

Today I saw Arthur Honeycutt(Mr. Wakefield) on "Bonanza"...
He had a mutt dog named Walter.but I would swear on a stack of Goober's comic 
books that it was Barney's dog "Blue".

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WBMUTBB mailing list

Soda, continued

2011-06-30 Thread tubist
Yesterday while the kids and I were grocery shopping at the local supermarket, 
we found a brand of soda called "Flathead Lake Gourmet Soda," with all sorts of 
unusual flavors, including (drumroll, please) ... Huckleberry! Naturally, I 
just had to try it. It's really good, the taste is somewhere between black 
cherry and blueberry. 

So even though Huckleberry Smash was most likely the product of a writer's 
imagination, there really is such a thing as huckleberry soda out there.

Paul Mulik
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WBMUTBB mailing list


2011-06-29 Thread tubist
Speaking of sodas, if you listen closely I think you'll agree that Floyd 
actually says Nectarine CRUTCH, not Crush. Either Howard McNear flubbed the 
line, or he was told not to say Crush, which was/is a real soda brand. 

Paul Mulik
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WBMUTBB mailing list


2011-06-08 Thread tubist
That was an excellent trivia question that "Orville" posed the other day, about 
naming the TAGS character who was Opie's cousin. One definition of a cousin is 
a person who is the child of your uncle or aunt, and as was pointed out, once 
Helen married Andy her siblings became Opie's aunts and/or uncles, and 
therefore their children would be Opie's cousins.

Now here's another trivia question. In three early episodes, Andy and Barney 
are said to be cousins. Assuming that they are first cousins, which of Andy's 
parents is the sibling of which of Barney's parents? There are various clues in 
various episodes. 

Paul Mulik
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WBMUTBB mailing list

I scream, you scream

2011-06-02 Thread tubist
Today my daughter's elementary school, which was not damaged by the tornado, 
had a get-together for the kids and teachers.  Tragically, a few of the 
students did not survive the storm. The kids also got a chance to retrieve 
their personal belongings which were still in the school building (there were 
supposed to be two more weeks of classes left). 

Anyway, a big ice cream truck pulled up out front and everybody got free frozen 
 treats. I ain't ever had a free ice cream before!  I ain't even had a paid 
one, lately. 

Paul Mulik
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WBMUTBB mailing list

Severe weather

2011-06-01 Thread tubist
A while back someone brought up the subject of severe weather in Mayberry. 
Mayberry was indeed once hit by a tornado. Andy mentions it in "Goober's 
Contest," when Goober asks how Floyd will react when he finds out that he did 
not really win a large prize.  

There was also a flood at some point; once when Barney wanted to swear in a 
temporary deputy, he told Andy he could get Gomer, who was "still sworn in from 
the flood." Apparently when a deputy is sworn in, it remains in effect for 
several days. 

Paul Mulik
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WBMUTBB mailing list


2011-05-23 Thread tubist
Hello friends,

This will be a very lengthy message with very little Mayberry content.  There's 
no reason to read it at all if you don't want to, but I need to get all of this 
into words.  

As reported yesterday, our house was destroyed by the tornado that hit Joplin, 
Missouri. My family are all safe and in good spirits, including the dogs, but 2 
of our cats are still unaccounted for. My wife and I were at home with two of 
our kids (the third is away at school; he graduates Saturday) when the storm 
hit. The local news reported a funnel a few miles away, and the sirens went 
off. We do not have a basement, so we grabbed the dogs, a radio, a flashlight, 
and our cell phones and huddled in an interior hallway. I made the kids put 
their shoes on first, which turned out to be a very good decision. 
We had not been there 30 seconds when our house was hit. There are no words to 
express the terror we felt.  The sky went black, even though it was only about 
5:30 p.m.  Enormous hailstones were pounding the house, then it soon became 
apparent that this was a very big tornado. At some point the power failed. The 
noise was horrendous. Glass was flying everywhere, and I was wearing shorts so 
I suffered numerous cuts to my legs but nothing serious. Later I found broken 
glass inside my pockets. The scariest moment came when my son, who is autistic 
and does not speak, wandered away from the rest of us but I kept screaming his 
name and he soon found his way back.  I guess he had tried to go get something 
out of his room.  

After what seemed like an hour but was probably only 2 or 3 minutes, it 
subsided. We emerged from the hallway to find that it was the only part of the 
house that was spared. Most of the roof and nearly all of the windows were 
gone. I had two rooms full of Mayberry memorabilia, and most of that was badly 
damaged or just gone.  But that's just STUFF, and stuff is unimportant. I can 
always get more stuff later. 

Every inch of the floor was covered with broken glass. I made my way outside, 
where neighbors were beginning to congregate. Every house as for as you could 
see was demolished.  Thousands upon thousands of houses and businesses, just 
gone.  You've seen the news reports, you know what it looks like.  

A group of us went from door to door checking on the neighbors, and thankfully 
no one in the immediate area except me was even injured.  My house was the best 
on the whole block.  Most folks lost everything.  

Traffic was completely jammed in all directions and most of the roads were 
blocked; they have since been cleared, though it will be months before all the 
rubble can be cleared away. My wife's dad was eventually able to get to within 
a few blocks of our house, continuing the rest of the way on foot. We packed 
some clothes and hiked to his car, then finally made it to his house, which was 
undamaged, where we spent the night. 

It still has not stopped raining.  We spent all day today going through the 
house in the pouring rain to see what we could save. Friends from church, an 
old college buddy, and my sister and nephew came to help. The kids' rooms were 
not damaged except for a bit of water leaking through the ceiling. We got 
several carloads of stuff to my inlaws' house. We saved our computers (but not 
the chargers), important papers, and most of our clothes, photo albums, DVDs, 
and most of my daughter's books and toys.  We got a lot of the furniture moved 
out, and moved much of the rest of it into the part of the house that was still 
dry. We have three pianos (that's my business), two large grands and one large 
old upright.  Except for the finish they are undamaged but I don't know how 
we'll ever get them out. 

Every interior door in the house was blown off its hinges, so we nailed these 
up over some of the broken windows, and got tarps up over the rest. The rain 
has still not stopped, and I will not be surprised if tomorrow or Wednesday 
(what day is it, anyway?) the rest of the roof caves in.

Our garage fared much better, the two cars inside were not damaged at all (we 
got both of them out today), and the rear hatch of the Cherokee on the carport 
is smashed in, but it is still driveable.   

We are now at my parents' house in Neosho, MO, which is about 20 miles south of 
Joplin. We will probably stay here for the next few weeks. My wife's workplace 
(General Mills) was not damaged, so she still has her job, and all of my piano 
tools were in my van so I can still work too, eventually.

Very few phone calls are getting through, but I've received many emails and 
text messages from my friends in Mayberry and beyond. 

Once again, we are all safe and in good spirits. Thanks so much to everyone who 
was been praying for us. We hope you will continue to do so, or if you're not 
the praying type, then as Barney says "keep a good thought."

Paul Mulik
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Joplin Tornado

2011-05-23 Thread tubist
My house and the contents were destroyed but praise the LORD my family are 
safe. Will send more info later. 

Paul Mulik 
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WBMUTBB mailing list

I like traffic lights, but only when they're green

2011-05-22 Thread tubist
Mike got it right, Andy mentions a stoplight when giving directions to Malcolm 

Those directions sound like complete nonsense to me. The courthouse/barber 
shop/grocery store area must be the center of town, right?   Andy's house is 
roughly a block away from the courthouse, yet his directions would have Malcolm 
travel several blocks, making two or three turns along the way, before he even 
reaches the middle of town.  How can this be? 

Paul Mulik
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WBMUTBB mailing list

O Sole Mio

2011-05-20 Thread tubist
Last night's American Idol featured a song which was used on TAGS. I believe it 
was the Italian national anthem. 

Paul Mulik
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WBMUTBB mailing list


2011-05-16 Thread tubist
Ken, your nursing home story reminded me of another one. A friend was telling 
me about the time her little boy visited such a place, and when he got home he 
reported that one resident was 101 years old, another was 103, and one was 105! 
 When she asked how he knew this, he said each person's door had a number on it 
to let everyone know how old they were. 

Obligatory Mayberry content: Why don't we go up to the old people's home 
sometime and wax the steps?  That'd be funny, too. 

Paul Mulik
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WBMUTBB mailing list

Scooby Doo

2011-05-15 Thread tubist
To my knowledge Don Knotts never played Barney Fife in any incarnation of 
Scooby Doo, however, Don Knotts did play himself (not Barney Fife) in two 
episodes of The New Scooby Doo Movies.  In one of them (The Spooky Fog of 
Juneberry) the on-screen character did look and act like Barney, but the gang 
called the character Don. 


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Heating system

2011-05-09 Thread tubist
It seems the folks in Mayberry County couldn't make up their mind what sort of 
heating system the courthouse should have. As has been mentioned, in certain 
episodes there is a large gas heater in the corner. 

However, when Barney industriously cleans the room in preparation for Gentleman 
Dan Caldwell's visit, Andy remarks "This place ain't been so clean since the 
boiler busted and flooded the place," which seems to imply that they once had 
steam radiators or some such.

Further, when Barney puts Newton Monroe to work, he makes him go to the 
basement (which we never see) to clean the furnace, which is said to have a 
flue.  From the huge cloud of black smoke that billows up soon afterward, I 
would guess there was a coal-burning furnace down there. 

Paul Mulik
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WBMUTBB mailing list

Cheap weddings

2011-04-23 Thread tubist
Shoot, my Mommer and Daddy just shuck hands on their deal.  

Andy does seem to favor cheap weddings; we see him perform three on The Show, 
and all were very simple affairs. He also says Romeo and Juliet would have been 
better off with a cheap wedding. 

BTW, there's no evidence that Charlene wore her mother's wedding dress.  
Speaking of that dress, according to Maggie Peterson, she and Don Knotts wore 
the exact same dress in that episode.  It seemed to fit both of them pretty 

--Paul Mulik 

Ken wrote:
>>>I watched the first episode of Mayberry RFD last night, "Andy and Helen Get 
>>>Married".  What a beautiful and simple wedding they had...  And look how 
>>>nice Charlene's wedding was and she wore her ma's dress and they got married 
>>>underneath a tree. 
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Odd duet

2011-04-19 Thread tubist
I heard a funny song on the radio just now, it was a duet between Johnny Cash 
and Barney Fife (sung by an impersonator). The lyrics contained several 
references from The Show, such as going to Mt. Pilot and dating Thelma Lou, and 
numerous references to old Johnny Cash songs, such as A Boy Named Sue, Walk the 
Line and Ring of Fire. Has anybody else heard this?

Paul Mulik
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WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry sighting

2011-04-18 Thread tubist
Well, actually a hearing. There's a Christian comedian that I've heard on the 
radio several times. I don't know her name, but she speaks with a rather strong 
Southern accent. 

I heard one of her bits today in which she was talking about watching TV as a 
child. Her parents were careful about what the family watched, so the only 
programs she ever saw were evangelists, news documentaries and "Andy Griffith." 
She went on to say that these days, the stuff on the news tends to be so 
negative that the only thing left worth watching is Andy Griffith. 

Paul Mulik
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WBMUTBB mailing list

Spelling (again)

2011-04-16 Thread tubist
While we're on the subject of words, I would like to point out another common 
error that pops up from time to time. Folks here sometimes discuss The Cow 
Thief episode, in which Mayor Stoner accuses Andy of having "hair brained 

This too is incorrect. The correct word is HAREBRAINED. I know many folks don't 
care one way or the other, but some of us are sticklers when it comes to 
grammar and spelling.  

I hope I don't get a rude for pointing this out. 

And speaking of this episode, does it strike anyone else as odd that when the 
man and the cow walked through the mudhole, each of the six feet involed left 
exactly one footprint?  I would have expected dozens of footprints in that 
large muddy area.  

Paul Mulik
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WBMUTBB mailing list

Spelling and whatnot

2011-04-16 Thread tubist
In case the Count might be listening, yes it does sound as if Barney says 
"Countess von Telecky," but the correct name is "Count Istvan Telecky" (or 
maybe Telecki.) In certain Eastern European languages, Istvan is a form of the 
name Steven/Stephen. It's like how John, Juan, Ian, Sean, Ivan, Johann etc. are 
all forms of the same name in various languages. 

Paul Mulik 
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WBMUTBB mailing list

Hawthorne buildings

2011-03-27 Thread tubist
Hey Sheryl or anybody else who might be interested, I have an extra Floyd's 
Barber Shop from the original Hawthorne Mayberry set.  Email me if interested.  

Paul Mulik
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WBMUTBB mailing list

Spelling Bee (get it?)

2011-03-23 Thread tubist
Now you old-timers know this, so this is for the new arrivals. On The Andy 
Griffith Show, it is Aunt BEE, not BEA. It is always spelled B-E-E in the 
credits, never B-E-A, and it is seen spelled BEE on screen within episodes a 
few times too (example: painted on the window of her Chinese restaurant). 

Just remember: it's I before E except after C, and E after E in Aunt Bee. 

Now that I'm the subject of spelling, here's a trivia question: which recurring 
character's name was once misspelled in the closing credits?  Not the actor's 
name, the character's name. 

--Paul Mulik
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WBMUTBB mailing list

Breaking the fourth wall

2011-03-08 Thread tubist
They used to break the fourth wall on Green Acres from time to time. I remember 
one very funny scene in which the Douglases were in bed while the credits 
rolled on the screen, and they made silly comments about the words appearing 
(in midair, mind you) at the foot of their bed.

Paul Mulik 
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WBMUTBB mailing list

TAGS tags

2011-02-24 Thread tubist
Concerning TAGS tags (get it?), when I had my squad car I had the Missouri 
license plate  JL-327. I know that Jack Fellenzer had it for Iowa several years 
back when he lived there, and Jim Clark had it for Tennessee (Jim probably 
still does).  I do not know if anyone else in Missouri or Iowa currently has 
JL-327; I'm not even sure if the law allows for the same vanity plate to later 
be issued to someone else. 

Paul Mulik
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WBMUTBB mailing list


2011-02-17 Thread tubist
Andy almost used the word mollycoddling once; in Andy's Vacation he was having 
a pretty bad day, and while talking to Barney he barked "I'm tired of coddlin' 
these people. From now on when they break the law, it's either fine 'em or jail 

Paul Mulik
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WBMUTBB mailing list

TAGS ringtone

2011-02-13 Thread tubist
I use The Andy Griffith Theme for my ringtone too, but lately I've kind of 
regretted it. Here in The Ozarks, school has been cancelled for the past nine 
days straight, and my teenaged son has been watching TAGS a great deal of that 
time. Every time he started up a new episode I reached for the phone. 

I also use Andy singing "Cindy" for the ringtone when my wife calls me (but she 
doesn't spell her name that way). There aren't too many ways to spell Taylor, 
but there are a LOT of ways to spell Cindy. 

Paul Mulik
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WBMUTBB mailing list

Bob Hope comes to Mayberry

2011-02-09 Thread tubist
Hi folks,

In the last few days word of a video clip has been spreading on Facebook, 
however there seems to have been no mention of it here on the Digest (unless I 
missed it). 

In this video from 1964, Bob Hope plays a gangster who for some reason decides 
to turn himself in at the Mayberry Jail, however Andy can't be bothered to lock 
him up because he wants to go fishing.  Friends, you do not want to miss this!  
It's almost as if a lost episode of TAGS were just rediscovered. It was not 
filmed on the actual courthouse set, but it's a pretty good facsimile.  

Anyway, go to YouTube and search for "Andy Griffith Bob Hope" and it will be at 
the top of the list. 

And speaking of Facebook, I would be very glad to add anyone reading this to my 
friends list, just send me a friend request and be sure to add a note about 
Mayberry so I know who you are. 

Paul Mulik
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WBMUTBB mailing list

Philomathian Literary Society

2011-02-08 Thread tubist
Trained noticers will remember that one of the clubs mentioned in Barney's high 
school yearbook is called the Philomathian Literary Society. As Andy explains, 
it was a group that cut current event clippings from the newspaper and pasted 
them into a book. 

I am a lover of words (just TRY to beat me at Scrabble) and I subscribe to's "word of the day." Matter of fact, that daily email arrives 
right around the same time as this digest. Anyway, today's word was PHILOMATH, 
which means a scholar or lover of knowledge. So in case you didn't know what 
Philomathian meant (pertaining to a philomath), now you do. 

Paul Mulik
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WBMUTBB mailing list


2011-01-21 Thread tubist
Steve asked about which animals are said to have been hunted in Mayberry. I'm 
not sure if shooting crows qualifies as hunting or not, but anyway here are 
some animals Andy is said to hunt:

Frog hunting/gigging in The New Housekeeper and The Inspector

Ducks in Opie and the Carnival

Quail in The Clubmen

"Northern Honkers" (geese, I assume) in High Noon in Mayberry

Tigers (jokingly) in Opie the Birdman

There's a mounted deer head in Andy's living room in some early episodes, so 
maybe he hunts deer as well. Also, Goober goes on a hunting trip in Goober 
Makes History, but I don't recall if any specific prey was mentioned, and Dud 
Wash "keeps his nose to the possum hole" during possum season. Ernest T. Bass 
mentions a .22 repeater in one episode and possum steaks in another episode, so 
he probably hunts or traps as well. 

If hunting people counts, Andy and Barney sometimes go out on a man hunt (or 
woman hunt) and Opie and hs friends consider "hunting Indians" in Runaway Kid. 

Paul Mulik
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WBMUTBB mailing list

Maybe some old tramp's been in here

2011-01-13 Thread tubist
As far as I can remember we never saw a fire burning in the Taylors' fireplace. 
From a production standpoint, it would have been very complicated (not to 
mention dangrous), to have real firewood burning in a "prop" fireplace, since 
there would not have been a flue or anything.  

Trivia time: name an occasion where we DO see a real fire burning inside a 
structure in Mayberry (candles don't count). There are numerous correct 

Paul Mulik, who remembers The Grit newspaper well. 
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2011-01-11 Thread tubist
Recently Bob wanted to know if Joanna Moore wore a wig in the 4 episodes in 
which she appeared as Nurse Peggy. As far as I know she did not, however Arlene 
Golonka definitely wore a wig on The Show. After she auditioned for and won the 
role of Millie, she had her hair cut very short, only to be told later that 
"women in Mayberry do not wear their hair like that." So she was required to 
wear a wig on TAGS, but later on MRFD that was Arlene's real hair. 

Paul Mulik
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WBMUTBB mailing list

Quotes amd misquotes

2010-12-14 Thread tubist
I don't mean to be cantankerous, and I do enjoy reading quotes from The Show, 
but if you only get half of the words right then it's not a quote.  To quote 
Bob Newhart, it's sort of like Mark Antony saying, "Friends, Romans, 
countrymen, I've got sump'n I wanna tell ya." 

Paul Mulik 
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WBMUTBB mailing list

Frog giggin'

2010-11-25 Thread tubist
Apparently I'm not too much like Sam Allen, but if anyone should choose to try 
frog-giggin', be sure to check your local laws. In many states, it is illegal 
to use a light to "stun" or attract prey while hunting or fishing.

Paul Mulik

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WBMUTBB mailing list

Newspaper headlines

2010-10-03 Thread tubist
Disclaimer: please do not turn this thread into a political debate!

When watching DVDs, whenever there's a scene of someone reading the newspaper, 
I like to hit the pause button and try to read the headlines.  Today while 
watching "Opie's Fortune," when Barney discovers the ad about the lost purse, I 
noticed for the forst time that the Mayberry Gazette headline appears to read 
"Let Surry Vote Democratic, We'll Get Results, Says Pell."  I wonder if this 
was something Andy had inserted into the prop newspaper as a subtle way of 
making a political statement to the folks back home.  Mt. Airy is in Surry 
County, and Andy Griffith has often stated "I vote Democratic" in interviews.

Again, please don't turn this observation into a political debate.  
--Paul Mulik
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Searching for Mr. Schwamp

2010-10-03 Thread tubist
I like the idea of hunting for Mr. Schwamp, but wouldn't a Facebook page be 
simpler than a newspaper ad?  Not only that, it's free.  Somebody with more 
Internet smarts than I could create the page, then all of us who use Facebook 
could "like" it and before you know it hundreds of folks would know about the 

Paul Mulik
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WBMUTBB mailing list

Tom Sawyer

2010-09-25 Thread tubist
I've just finished reading The Adventures of Tom Sawyer for the first time in 
my adult life. I was struck by a lot of events in the story that also happen in 

•Boys play Robin Hood in the woods

•Folks recite incantations in a superstitious manner

•People search for buried treasure

•A "haunted house" is used as cover for crooks

•A big search is organized to find two people lost in a cave

•A funeral is held for someone (named Tom!) who was thought to be dead, who 
later turns up alive and well

Surely these can't all be coincidences. I expect many of the writers of TAGS 
were fans of this novel. 

--Paul Mulik

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Monday Night Mayhem

2010-09-21 Thread tubist
The other night I watched the film "Monday Night Mayhem," which tells the story 
of the early days of Monday Night Football. It stars John Turturro, one of my 
favorite actors, as Howard Cosell. An enjoyable film if you're a football fan. 

Anyway, there's a scene in the film that takes place in the fall of 1971, and 
it is implied that the surprise success of Monday Night Football was the reason 
Mayberry RFD, which also aired on Monday night, was cancelled. Not exactly 
accurate, maybe, but it was nice to hear Mayberrry RFD mentioned. 

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Zeke Dooley

2010-09-17 Thread tubist
Vern got it right, Dooley's first name is Zeke. If you do an Internet search 
for "Mitch Jayne Zeke Dooley" you can find some of these hilarious stories. 

Many of them were published over the years in a magazine called The Missouri 
Conservationist. Even better than reading the stories off the page is hearing 
Mitch read them in his own voice. Folks who live in Missouri can hear the audio 
version of the magazine at any public library (at least, it used to be 
available on cassette; I haven't checked lately.)  I don't know if you'll be 
able to find the audio version online though.  Maybe Allan can work some into a 
podcast someday if copyright laws allow.  

Paul Mulik
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WBMUTBB mailing list


2010-09-15 Thread tubist
My nephew Barney just started kindergarten, and as part of a class project he 
is trying to get postcards mailed to him from as many different places as 
possible. I thought it would be cool if someone could send him a Barney Fife 
postcard from Mayberry Days. Email me if you'd like to help. 

Paul Mulik
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WBMUTBB mailing list


2010-09-14 Thread tubist
The Dooley of the song was based on a real person that The Dillards knew back 
in the Missouri Ozarks.  Actually, according to Mitch he was sort of an amalgam 
of two or three old-timers. 

Anyway, Dooley is the character's  last name, and he does have a first name.  
It is not given in the song, but it is used in a series of hilarious short 
stories written by Mitch.  Hint: since we've been talking about Old Testament 
names recently, I will tell you that Mr. Dooley's first name is a shortened 
version of a prominent figure from the Old Testament.

--Paul Mulik
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WBMUTBB mailing list

Hard trivia

2010-09-11 Thread tubist
You want some harder trivia, Orville?  Tell me Dooley's first name.  Ya know, 
that feller the Darling boys sang about.  

--Paul Mulik

It is getting almost impossible to post any trivia question that the wbmutbb 
readers will not solve immediately.
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Bob and Ray

2010-07-17 Thread tubist
Congrats to David Quinn and Dewey, who knew that Mary McGoon was a character on 
The Bob and Ray Show (aka Matinee with Bob and Ray, and other various similar 
titles). The duo would often sign off with "Write if you get work" and "Hang by 
your thumbs," the former phrase being the one Andy Taylor used on TAGS once 
when releasing a prisoner.  

The final incarnation of The Bob and Ray Show was on NPR, in which these catch 
phrases were updated for Internet users, to "Hang by your modems" and "Write if 
you get it to work." 

Paul Mulik
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WBMUTBB mailing list


2010-06-19 Thread tubist
TAGS had exactly one sponsor during its entire eight years: General Foods 
(makers of Post cereal, JELL-O, Sanka, etc.)  At no time did any tobacco 
company ever sponsor it. 

Andy smoked both in real life and on The Show until around 1964, which is when 
the surgeon general started issuing warnings about the dangers of cigarettes. 
After that,  both Andy Griffith and Andy Taylor stopped smoking. 

Paul Mulik
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WBMUTBB mailing list

Question marks

2010-05-18 Thread tubist
I'm still stumped as to why some messages on this digest appear with those 
pesky question marks mixed in here and there. I have noticed that when I send a 
message from my computer, they show up every time I put two spaces after a 
period (which is what I was taught back in high school, but maybe they don't do 
it that way nowadays), and also one sneaks in every time I type something and 
them go back and change it, for example if I spot a typo. I've also noticed 
that I don't see so many question marks in my posts when I send from my 
BlackBerry, as I'm doing right now, except in the tag which is added 
automatically. Curious, curious, curious. 

Paul Mulik
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WBMUTBB mailing list


2010-05-17 Thread tubist
The subject of left-handed folks in Mayberry comes up every now and again. I 
tend to notice when someone writes that way, as I am left-handed myself. 

Anyway, only two people have been spotted (so far) writing left-handed in 
Mayberry; one is Eleanora Poultice when she gives Barney an A in breathing, the 
other is Frank from the school board when he and Helen are working on that 
blamed grading manual. A while back someone mentioned Howie Pruitt, but I 
haven't gotten around to double-checking that one yet.  

Paul Mulik
Sent from my U.S. Cellular BlackBerry® smartphone
WBMUTBB mailing list

Math trivia

2010-05-16 Thread tubist
Boy, do I hate it when Dewey gets obtuse. 

Paul Mulik
Sent from my U.S. Cellular BlackBerry® smartphone
WBMUTBB mailing list


2010-05-14 Thread tubist
Ron Howard hosted SNL a number of years ago. They did a Mayberry skit that was 
rather funny, but not in the best of taste. The biggest laugh came when Ron 
called one of the characters by the wrong name and had to ad lib. 

Andy Griffith sort of made an appearance in the episode; through a little video 
magic, his face appeared in the air and he chatted with grown-up Opie as if Ron 
were dreaming or talking to Andy's spirit or whatever. Some of Andy's comments 
were very un-Mayberry-like, and I will not repeat them here. Perhaps the clip 
is available on YouTube if anyone is interested. 

Paul Mulik
Sent from my U.S. Cellular BlackBerry® smartphone
WBMUTBB mailing list

Glenn Cripe

2009-12-03 Thread tubist
Singer Glenn Cripe was played by actor Delos Jewkes (pronounced "duh-LOSS.") He 
also appeared (along with Ronny and Rance Howard and many other Mayberry 
actors) in the movie version of The Music Man.  

Paul Mulik
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from U.S. Cellular
WBMUTBB mailing list

more Halloween references

2009-10-31 Thread tubist
While not specifically mentioning Halloween, there are more episodes which 
refer to it. One is at the end of Mayberry Goes Hollywood, when the townsfolk 
are told to "get out of those trick-or-treat outfits," and one other is in The 
Inspector, when Barney gets his skinny little veins to poppin' over Andy's 
comical hat and tie, saying he's dressed for trick-or-treats. Seems like Opie 
and Joey also mentioned the custom when they saw Barney wearing a dress in The 
Bookie Barber. 

Paul Mulik

P.S. Don't tell me daughter-in-law.   
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