Re: [Wicket-user] Wicket customizability

2007-07-25 Thread Eelco Hillenius
> i don't really understand what you're talking about because i don't know
> your
> requirements.  but don't forget two things: 1) the primary unit of reuse in
> wicket is the panel and 2) you can put any component (such as a panel) in a
> completely self-contained jar because of packaged resources.  if you just
> want
> users to be able to add panels that work on entities exposed through an API
> maybe all you need is jarred panels.

Also, take a look at and IInitializer. Basically,
this is Wicket's mechanism for auto-discovery. When starting up, it
loads all instances of it can find it the (root of
the) classpath, and instantiates the IInitializer class that is
configured in it. That initializer can then for instance register the
components it has in case you would work with a central component
registry (sounds like this is something you might want to have). OSGi
can do even more for you, including automatic discovery at runtime (so
you drop in a jar and it should connect without even having to
restart... actually now that I think of it, we could poll for new
additions as well if we wanted) and it provides a much broader module
mechanism. Not an expert on this field though. Maybe on of the OSGi
experts on this list can throw in their opinion?

Btw, the system that I'm working on (and others on this list,
including Igor) works like a component system where business
components (can't think of a better name) provide their own panels for
end-users and tasks like administration/ configuration of the
components etc. It's all perfectly doable, but you gotta do some
upfront thinking :)


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Re: [Wicket-user] Wicket customizability

2007-07-25 Thread Jonathan Locke

i don't really understand what you're talking about because i don't know
requirements.  but don't forget two things: 1) the primary unit of reuse in 
wicket is the panel and 2) you can put any component (such as a panel) in a 
completely self-contained jar because of packaged resources.  if you just
users to be able to add panels that work on entities exposed through an API
maybe all you need is jarred panels.

Wander Grevink wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have just created my first wicket app: a simple JCR (jsr-170)
> browser/editor with a tree showing nodes on the left, a
> form for editing node properties on the right, and a menu with some
> actions (add, delete, save etc.) on top.
> All 100% Ajax, it just works!
> As a side note: I started from scratch (completely new to wicket), and it
> took me two weeks to learn wicket and build
> the application. Needless to say that I'm a definite a convert, thank you
> guys for creating this wonderful thing called
> wicket!
> Now for my question(s):
> What my shop actually needs is a customizable gui. We develop a core
> module and users can write plugins for it, think
> eclipse, firefox etc.
> I know of Pax Wicket which is an "An OSGification of the Wicket web
> framework". It sounds very interesting and reading
> the documentation it looks like exactly the thing we need. However
> creating a 'Pax Wicket' application is something very
> different from an ordinary Wicket app. I have the impression that 'going
> OSGi' is a decision comparable to 'going J2EE'
>   and should not be made overnight, but I might be wrong there.
> I would prefer a simpler way of going this. Therefore I did some
> experimenting and tried to inject a wicket Component (a
> Label) with wicket-spring, but found that injecting Wicket Components
> doesn't work. The proxy will try to access a
> protected method on Component and fail. My guess is that that is a Good
> Thing because you're not supposed to inject
> wicket Components this way, but I may be wrong there, am I? Is there
> another way?
> What I did manage with just base Wicket was a custom
> ModalWindow.PageCreator that dynamically loads a Page (using
> Class.forName) in it's createPage() method. That works, and because the
> class name is stored in the Model (it's a
> property of the selected node in the tree) I now have a 'dynamic' modal
> window whose implementation (java + markup)
> depends on the selected treenode and can be plugged in by adding a jar
> file to the project.
> However, extensibility 'just' through popup dialogs is not enough, and as
> far as I understand it is not possible to do
> the same trick for 'inline' (on the main Page) Components. Or is it?
> I guess that my question boils down to this: Am I on the right track or
> should I stop doing this and go to my boss and 
> tell him that we should go OSGi (and Java 5 btw. currently we are strictly
> bound to jdk1.4)
> Regards
> Wander
> -
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Re: [Wicket-user] Wicket customizability

2007-07-25 Thread Igor Vaynberg
sounds to me like what you need is indirection

something like

IComponentFactory { Component newComponent(String id, IModel model); }

then you can configure these in whatever context (in your case spring) and
inject those into pages/panels/etc and let them create children.

this is essentially the same as osgi or anything else would work. a "named"
component factory is an osgi service/spring bean/plugin/whatever


On 7/25/07, Wander Grevink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have just created my first wicket app: a simple JCR (jsr-170)
> browser/editor with a tree showing nodes on the left, a
> form for editing node properties on the right, and a menu with some
> actions (add, delete, save etc.) on top.
> All 100% Ajax, it just works!
> As a side note: I started from scratch (completely new to wicket), and it
> took me two weeks to learn wicket and build
> the application. Needless to say that I'm a definite a convert, thank you
> guys for creating this wonderful thing called
> wicket!
> Now for my question(s):
> What my shop actually needs is a customizable gui. We develop a core
> module and users can write plugins for it, think
> eclipse, firefox etc.
> I know of Pax Wicket which is an "An OSGification of the Wicket web
> framework". It sounds very interesting and reading
> the documentation it looks like exactly the thing we need. However
> creating a 'Pax Wicket' application is something very
> different from an ordinary Wicket app. I have the impression that 'going
> OSGi' is a decision comparable to 'going J2EE'
>   and should not be made overnight, but I might be wrong there.
> I would prefer a simpler way of going this. Therefore I did some
> experimenting and tried to inject a wicket Component (a
> Label) with wicket-spring, but found that injecting Wicket Components
> doesn't work. The proxy will try to access a
> protected method on Component and fail. My guess is that that is a Good
> Thing because you're not supposed to inject
> wicket Components this way, but I may be wrong there, am I? Is there
> another way?
> What I did manage with just base Wicket was a custom
> ModalWindow.PageCreator that dynamically loads a Page (using
> Class.forName) in it's createPage() method. That works, and because the
> class name is stored in the Model (it's a
> property of the selected node in the tree) I now have a 'dynamic' modal
> window whose implementation (java + markup)
> depends on the selected treenode and can be plugged in by adding a jar
> file to the project.
> However, extensibility 'just' through popup dialogs is not enough, and as
> far as I understand it is not possible to do
> the same trick for 'inline' (on the main Page) Components. Or is it?
> I guess that my question boils down to this: Am I on the right track or
> should I stop doing this and go to my boss and
> tell him that we should go OSGi (and Java 5 btw. currently we are strictly
> bound to jdk1.4)
> Regards
> Wander
> -
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