[WSG] Safari, , and attributes.

2005-11-05 Thread ivanovitch
Apologies if this has been discussed before, but is it my bad coding,
or does Safari (v2.02, latest build) not honour any  styles?

Further, is there a way to dictate how  can display styled
font attributes across all CSS-compliant browsers? My aim is to make
the drop-down in the same style as the rest of the page, but I'm
having limited success. Firefox and IE have no problems, on WinXP and
OS X (though IE on OS X does odd things when options are selected).

TIps? Suggestions? Am I going the wrong way here?
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Re: [WSG] Safari, , and attributes.

2005-11-05 Thread ivanovitch
Thanks, Philippe - I was hoping that I'd hear otherwise. I'm not
attempting to make radical changes to the user interface: just aiming
for consistency. Interesting that certain widgets are off-limits in
this sense, yet  can be OS-built, text, or image. I had
considered using dropdown menu scripting for this, but sense massive
overkill (and I don't like javascript unless absolutely needed).


On 06/11/05, Philippe Wittenbergh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 6 Nov 2005, at 10:54 am, ivanovitch wrote:
> > Apologies if this has been discussed before, but is it my bad coding,
> > or does Safari (v2.02, latest build) not honour any  styles?
> >
> > Further, is there a way to dictate how  can display styled
> > font attributes across all CSS-compliant browsers? My aim is to make
> > the drop-down in the same style as the rest of the page, but I'm
> > having limited success. Firefox and IE have no problems, on WinXP and
> > OS X (though IE on OS X does odd things when options are selected).
> Styling form widgets across browsers is notoriously difficult:
> <http://www.456bereastreet.com/archive/200410/
> styling_even_more_form_controls/>
> (and from a usability perspective, not always the recommended option)
> And no, Safari doesn't allow styling of the  and , the
> same goes for Camino and iCab. Opera has a user option to disable
> author styling of form widgets (something I really like...).
> Philippe
> ---
> Philippe Wittenbergh
> <http://emps.l-c-n.com/>
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Re: [WSG] hover div fill query

2005-11-14 Thread ivanovitch
Thanks for the prompt response, Tim - but your suggestion did not
alter the output (in my browser, at least). Sounded plausible,
though... Anyone else?

On 14/11/05, Tim Burgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If I remember correctly (others, please correct me if I'm wrong)..
> Make your links block elements with a height and width.
> e.g. div.item a ( display: block; height: 100%; width: 100%; }
> I think that should do the trick.. maybe?
> Tim
> ivanovitch wrote:
> >Dear all
> >
> >I've been trying very hard to propel myself into the 21st century and
> >apply web standards and use good CSS as much as possible, but I'm
> >stuck on getting a div to honour a hover state that I am trying to
> >build. Guidance appreciated...
> >
> >The demo page is at http://imeet.com.au/aa2/ - it's cut right backto
> >highlight my problem. Ignore the content, and the site URL
> >
> >I'm trying to find a way to make blocks of text in a div (item) to
> >display the hover background for the entire div, and not just the
> >linked text. I'd also like the hover state to apply to only the divs
> >in question, and not all other linked text. What am I doing wrong?
> >
> >I can do this standing on my head and one hand behind my back using
> >tables, but I'm not going back now. And yes, I've googled myself to
> >death on this one, which is why I'm asking!
> >
> >Thanks in advance.
> >
> >I.K.
> >**
> >The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/
> >
> > See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
> > for some hints on posting to the list & getting help
> >**
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> **
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Re: [WSG] hover div fill query

2005-11-14 Thread ivanovitch
Thank you: this is a great improvement, but not quite there. I've
added the  extra declaration as shown, but...

This addtion only hovers the text component, not the entire span area.
A table cell would go to the ruled edges - it's only a few pixels, I
know, but it's important. (and I've not solved the white text on
hover, either!).

On 14/11/05, The Visual Process <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  This will get the background color through the whole div:
>  div.item a:link {text-decoration: none; display: block; height: 100%;
> width: 100%;}
>  And if you want the hover text to turn white you'll have to take a look at
> the way your classes and id's are working, the .author class is overriding
> other settings from what I can see.
>  I'm in a rush to go out so maybe someone else can explain.
>  ivanovitch wrote:
>  Dear all
> I've been trying very hard to propel myself into the 21st century and
> apply web standards and use good CSS as much as possible, but I'm
> stuck on getting a div to honour a hover state that I am trying to
> build. Guidance appreciated...
> The demo page is at http://imeet.com.au/aa2/ - it's cut right backto
> highlight my problem. Ignore the content, and the site URL
> I'm trying to find a way to make blocks of text in a div (item) to
> display the hover background for the entire div, and not just the
> linked text. I'd also like the hover state to apply to only the divs
> in question, and not all other linked text. What am I doing wrong?
> I can do this standing on my head and one hand behind my back using
> tables, but I'm not going back now. And yes, I've googled myself to
> death on this one, which is why I'm asking!
> Thanks in advance.
> I.K.
> **
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Re: [WSG] hover div fill query

2005-11-14 Thread ivanovitch
Nope: it's the demo page that is failing. Might be the browser (I'm
using Safari and Firefox at present, and rebuilding my Windows box
after a trojan popped in).

We're only talking a few pixels: the text does show the hover state,
but if I were to use a table cell, the entire cell would show it. At
present, the hover finishes at exactly the edge of the text, and not
to the div border.

Also, haven't licked the white text on hover bit, either - and yes, I
can see a conflict with the author/comment/timestamp tags.

On 15/11/05, Patrick H. Lauke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ivanovitch wrote:
> > Thank you: this is a great improvement, but not quite there. I've
> > added the  extra declaration as shown, but...
> >
> > This addtion only hovers the text component, not the entire span area.
> > A table cell would go to the ruled edges - it's only a few pixels, I
> > know, but it's important. (and I've not solved the white text on
> > hover, either!).
> Adding the proposed declarations to your DEMO page works just fine. Are
> you checking it there, or are you adding the extra CSS to your actual
> live project, rather than the cut back demo one? If that's the case, you
> probably have some more rules in your full page that are interfering
> with the proposed styles. Can you not post the URL to your full page?
> P
> --
> Patrick H. Lauke
> __
> re·dux (adj.): brought back; returned. used postpositively
> [latin : re-, re- + dux, leader; see duke.]
> www.splintered.co.uk | www.photographia.co.uk
> http://redux.deviantart.com
> __
> Web Standards Project (WaSP) Accessibility Task Force
> http://webstandards.org/
> __
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Re: [WSG] hover div fill query

2005-11-14 Thread ivanovitch
Tried height adjustments (0, 1, 99%) in Safari, but no dice. It seems
as though the padding (needed here) is getting in the way no matter
what. I didn't think that the full-width div color would be so tricky.

I think that I can work my head around Terence's advice on the text
color (Thanks, Terence), but the issue of the div not taking the full
color is bothering me. I've also yet to see what transpires in Win/IE
- so might ask others to check it out once I'm closer to the final

On 15/11/05, Thierry Koblentz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Patrick H. Lauke wrote:
> > Ah, hang on, missed the bit about the white space. Why not just set
> > the padding on both div.input and div.item to 0, and reapply the
> > padding in div.item a:link? Also, you don't need the width: 100%; and
> > height: 100% in the a:link
> The width is not needed, but I believe the height should be equals to "0",
> "1%" or whatever (but *not* 100%),  to prevent IE5 from doing some
> "shrink-wrapping".
> Thierry | www.TJKDesign.com
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Re: [WSG] hover div fill query

2005-11-14 Thread ivanovitch
On 15/11/05, Terrence Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is a really brief answer, but should get you started on the right
> track to thinking about the "C" in CSS =)
> First, some house work: "id" must be unique, "class" can be reused on any
> number of elements.

Oops - leftover from the bigger site... Thanks!

> Second, the following demonstrates the use of the cascade - "C" - to color
> the author class:
> a:hover .author {color:#fff;}

Got it - Thanks again. So simple when you know how, no? Now for the
'div complete fill problem'.
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[WSG] hover div fill query

2005-11-15 Thread ivanovitch
Dear all

I've been trying very hard to propel myself into the 21st century and
apply web standards and use good CSS as much as possible, but I'm
stuck on getting a div to honour a hover state that I am trying to
build. Guidance appreciated...

The demo page is at http://imeet.com.au/aa2/ - it's cut right backto
highlight my problem. Ignore the content, and the site URL

I'm trying to find a way to make blocks of text in a div (item) to
display the hover background for the entire div, and not just the
linked text. I'd also like the hover state to apply to only the divs
in question, and not all other linked text. What am I doing wrong?

I can do this standing on my head and one hand behind my back using
tables, but I'm not going back now. And yes, I've googled myself to
death on this one, which is why I'm asking!

Thanks in advance.

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[WSG] University textbook or other resources?

2005-11-22 Thread ivanovitch

I've been asked if there are useful university-focused textbooks or
other resources suitable for teaching accessible web design.

So far 'Effective website development' (Darlington) and 'Principles of
web site design' (Skalr) have been proposed as possible options.

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[WSG] 2-col question

2005-12-04 Thread ivanovitch
Folks - you've helped out before, and I'm asking again. Pardon if this
sounds all too simple, but I've yet to find a solution either in this
list's archives, or on the web.

I'm trying to create a fluid layout with two columns, but whilst the
left column is variable width, the right column (sidebar) is to be a
fixed width (190px). This is entirely because the right column
contains an image in every instance. But I want the left column to
take up the remainder of the space (viewport width - 190px).

Everything that I've seen or reviewed works fine if I wish to break
the columns by percentage, or pixel widths on both. And min-width
doesn't seem to work for IE.

Having divved up some non-table examples using the usual suspects, my
efforts result in my finding that when making the viewport window very
small (or when enlarging the text to huge sizes), the left column
slides under the righthand column.

Do I need to use double-divs to set a width for the troublesome right
column? The most frustrating part of this is using tables and cells,
this is a no-brainer.

I'd show you an example of where I'm at, but my test site is down at the moment.
The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

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Re: [WSG] 2-col question

2005-12-04 Thread ivanovitch
Thanks everyone: it was the float clearing that proved to be the thorn
in my side (right side). And the IE-Mac fix is also appreciated.

Only one more nut to crack with the site. I'll return for assistance
with another right floater if I can't use what I've just learned.

Thanks again: a terrific resource!

On 05/12/05, Mark White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There's a simpler way of "clearing" floats without using the "clear"
> attribute.
> If you apply "overflow: hidden;" to the container DIV it will then
> expand to contain all the floats (as long as a height hasn't been
> specified, then it will possibly clip the floats).
> The only issue with this is that IE needs a width (a few other
> attributes work as well) to make its "special" float rendering engine
> kick in, so I generally give the DIV a width of 100%; which DIVs do by
> default so there are unusually no adverse effects.
> Here's the code:
> -
> .expand
> {
>width: 100%;
>overflow: hidden;
> }
> -
> For a more detailed description of the above method look at
> "http://www.quirksmode.org/css/clearing.html";, which includes the names
> of who first found this method.
> Paul Noone wrote:
> >If you have any problems the clear div being applied after the column divs
> >(as I did) you can try applying the following to the "contentwrap" div, and
> >any other container that holds floats.
> >
> >   /* *** Float containers fix:
> >   http://www.csscreator.com/attributes/containedfloat.php *** */
> >   .clearfix:after {
> >   content: ".";
> >   display: block;
> >   height: 0;
> >   clear: both;
> >   visibility: hidden;
> >   }
> >   .clearfix{display: inline-table;}
> >
> >   /* Hides from IE-mac \*/
> >   * html .clearfix{height: 1%;}
> >   .clearfix{display: block;}
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Mark White
> Implementation Specialist
> Squiz.net
> T: 02 9568 6866
> F: 02 9568 6733
> W: www.squiz.net | http://matrix.squiz.net
> .>> Open Source  - Own it  -  Squiz.net ./>
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