Re: [WSG] Cite in blockquote

2006-01-26 Thread Jeremy Keith

Ted Drake wrote:
I believe Jeremy Keith or PPK has a javascript that pulls the cite  

out of the blockquote and places it as a link after the blockquote.

Here's a quick'n'dirty version:

There's a longer version in my book which puts the attribution  
outside the blockquote, which is semantically more correct but a  
little trickier to implement.

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Re: [WSG] accessibility - opening new windows philosophy

2005-08-16 Thread Jeremy Keith

Ted Drake wrote:
Jeremy Keith recently spoke about using the class in the link to  
target a javascript to add the behavior, leaving a nice, clean link.

In the case of PDFs opening in a new window, you might not even need  
to add a class. You could write a function that looks for the file  
extension .pdf in the href attribute and open that link in a new  
window. Something like this:

function preparePDFlinks() {
if (!document.getElementsByTagName);
var lnks = document.getElementsByTagName(a);
for (var i=0; ilnks.length; i++) {
if (lnks[i].getAttribute(href).indexOf(.pdf) != -1) {
lnks[i].onclick = function() {
return !;
window.onload = preparePDFlinks;

I haven't tested that: it's just an idea really.

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Re: [WSG] implicit / explicit labels which is better?

2005-08-02 Thread Jeremy Keith

Derek wrote:

From what I remember, Safari doesn't support clickable labels at all.
Not so cool.

That's right.

Here's a little bit of JavaScript that levels the playing field and  
will make labels clickable in any DOM-capable browser:

function focusLabels() {
  if (!document.getElementsByTagName) return false;
  var labels = document.getElementsByTagName(label);
  for (var i=0; ilabels.length; i++) {
if (!labels[i].getAttribute(for)) continue;
labels[i].onclick = function() {
  var id = this.getAttribute(for);
  if (!document.getElementById(id)) return false;
  var element = document.getElementById(id);

Call the function with your favourite addLoadEvent function or just use:
window.onload = focusLabels;

Of course, for most browsers, this function will make no difference  
whatsoever: it's replicating the existing behaviour. But for the  
exceptions like Safari, it will make *explicit* labels clickable.

Jeremy Keith

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Re: [WSG] My life as an 800x600 leper

2005-07-26 Thread Jeremy Keith

Sunny wrote:

i build web sites. i'm over 40. i have 20/20 vision. i work (and play)
at 800x600. i LIKE it.

I build websites. I'm under 40. I have 20/20 vision. My monitor is  
1440 x 900 pixels but I too like to surf at 800 pixels wide (although  
usually taller than 600 pixels: just personal preference). When I  
come across a site that displays horizontal scrollbars, I *could*  
expand my browser window... but I could just as is easily hit the  
back button (which is what I'll probably what I'll do).

My computer. My browser. My choice. It's all about choice.

Normally choices are made by the designer with the user in mind:  
readable fonts, good colour schemes, etc. But when it comes to  
nailing an entire design onto a fixed layout, this is one of those  
areas where the choice of the designer conflicts directly with the  
choice of the user.

so, seriously folks, am i wrong to hope that a site will look right
in my browsing environment?

Nope, you are not wrong at all. Sites that only work for a specific  
resolution are like sites that only work for a specific browser.  
Whether it's 800 pixels wide, 1024 pixels wide or whatever the latest  
trend might be, hardcoding widths is a shortsighted strategy.

Clive Walker wrote:

We use the stats here to guide our general design choices.

I think that's missing the point. The goal is not to design for the  
majority but to design for everybody.

As Anthony Cartmell said:
HTML was designed to work as a flexible presentation medium. I hate  
the rigidity of making it work like paper

In my opinion, John Allsopp's A Dao of Web Design, though five  
years old, remains the best and most relevant article ever published  
on A List Apart:

BTW, technically this isn't really a standards question as the  
subject of user-centric, fluid layouts is something that's been  
around since before CSS/XHTML/etc. but, as a question of best  
practices, I think most people would agree that it's relevant.

Jeremy Keith

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Re: Betr.: [WSG] Window Pop-ups

2005-04-26 Thread Jeremy Keith
Kornel Lesi?ski wrote:
It uses inline JavaScript - event handlers should be assigned via DOM.
As an example, you could use a class to indicate which links should 
open in a new window:

a href=; class=popupvisit the site/a
Then in an external JavaScript file, you could have a little function 
that is triggered when the page loads:

1) Loop through the links in the document.
2) If the link has a class of popup:
1) add an onlick behaviour
2) cancel the default action
3) make onkeypress do the same thing.
function preparePopUps() {
if (!document.getElementsByTagName) return false;
var lnks = document.getElementsByTagName(a);
for (var i=0; ilnks.length; i++) {
if (lnks[i].className.indexOf(popup) == -1) continue;
lnks[i].onclick = function() {;
return false;
lnks[i].onkeypress = lnks[i].onclick;
window.onload = preparePopUps;
Because you're using a class to indicate which links open in a new 
window, you could use CSS to style these links differently.

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Re: [WSG] a required field marker in forms

2005-04-22 Thread Jeremy Keith
Here's a little piece of DOM scripting that will redress the lack of  
label behaviour in Safari. It's basically just doing what's built in to  
many browsers: clicking on a label brings the associated from element  
into focus:

function makeLabelsWork() {
if (!document.getElementsByTagName) return false;
var allforms = document.getElementsByTagName('form');
for (var formcount=0;formcountallforms.length;formcount++) {
var labels = 

for (var i=0;ilabels.length;i++) {
if (!labels[i].getAttribute('for')) break;
labels[i].formfield = labels[i].getAttribute('for');
			labels[i].formnumber = formcount;
			labels[i].onclick = function() {

You'll need to call the function when the document loads:
window.onload = function() {
It isn't targetted at any specific browser(s). If the browser already  
does this, then the script is just duplicating what's already there. If  
the browser doesn't have this behaviour by default, it has now.

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Re: [WSG] Standard JS events and properties?

2005-04-16 Thread Jeremy Keith
Kornel Lesinski asked:
 Where can I find authoritative list of standard
 (i.e. future-compatible, non-deprecated)
 JS properties for HTML/CSS manipulation?
If you stick to the DOM Core, you can't go wrong. Basically, that means 
using a small but powerful arsenal of methods and properties like:

When in doubt, I always go for the standardised DOM way of doing 
something even if it's more verbose, e.g. I'll use:
instead of:

I'm using W3C DOM and events (I don't care about IE-compatibility)
Actually, IE has very good DOM support. IE's problem is that it 
supports too much: it has all those proprietary methods and properties 
which, even though many of them have been implemented by Mozilla and 
other browsers, are *not* part of the standardised DOM. innerHTML 
springs to mind.

 Should I stick to pure DOM or is select.options, select.selectedIndex
 the right way?
Well, when it comes to the forms object, that isn't going anywhere. 
It's part of the HTML-DOM which is here to stay.
selectedIndex is a good example of a situation where the DOM Core 
doesn't really offer an alternative.

 Which way of getting position and size of elements on page is supposed
 to be the proper one?
Ah, the CSS-DOM. A whole other kettle of fish :-)
Wherever possible, try to use the style property:
The big problem with reading style properties like this is that it only 
works when the style properties have either been set using JavaScript 
or using inline styles. In other words, it *won't* pick up styles 
declared in external stylesheets :-(

So, yeah, it is a bit of a jungle out there.
Peter Paul Koch has done a lot of research on browser compatibility 
with various DOM methods (both standard and proprietary). His website 

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Re: [WSG] CSS Document layout/structure

2005-04-07 Thread Jeremy Keith
Jacobus wrote:
I also tend to split my css in different files.
structure.css - keep all structure css
Text.css - all text related formatting
Small.css - used in style switcher to set text to small
Medium.css - used in style switcher to set text to medium
Large.css - used in style switcher to set text to large
Hacks.css - any hacks I might use to help IE ;)
I have my CSS split up according to task.
I begin with a very bare-bones CSS file called via link which then 
contains @imports for the following:

layout.css  controls the structure.
typography.css  anything to do with fonts, decoration, etc.
colour.css  just what you'd imagine.
In each file, the structure tends to mimic the flow of the document.
I find separating the styles like this can be useful when I need to go 
back later to change something small. If it's the colour of a specific 
element I need to change, I know exactly where to make the change.

There are some fuzzy areas though. If I add margins to an element, 
should that go in layout or typography? Margins, paddings and borders 
are kind of grey areas, I find.

Jeremy Keith
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Re: [WSG] CSS drop-down menus

2004-10-30 Thread Jeremy Keith
Shane Helm asked:
I am about to start a project that I am going to use CSS drop-down 
menus at the very top of the web page.  Directly below the menu bar 
will be a banner bar that will be done in Flash.  So before I begin, 
will the CSS drop-down menus drop down over the Flash banner 
No. Embedded content (Flash, Quicktime, etc.) always appears above 
other content, regardless of z-index.

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Re: [WSG] Stadards Site Section

2004-10-25 Thread Jeremy Keith
Mordechai Pellar wrote:
Very nice, though it would be even nicer were your JavaScript to be 
Here's one way of doing that...
In your (X)HTML, assign a class of popup to any links that you want 
to open in a new window:

a class=popuplink text/a
Then in a JavaScript file called from the head of the document:
function popUps() {
if (!document.getElementsByTagName) return false;

var lnks = document.getElementsByTagName('a');

for (var i=0;ilnks.length;i++) {

if (lnks[i].className == 'popup') {

lnks[i].onclick = function () {'href'),'popup');
return false;


lnks[i].onkeypress = lnks[i].onclick;
window.onload = popUps();
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Re: [WSG] Stadards Site Section

2004-10-25 Thread Jeremy Keith
Chris Kennon wrote:
So the most standards compliant method would be loading each portfolio 
piece into a new window without JS.
Perhaps I've misunderstood you here. Do you man the same window or a 
new window?

If you mean a new window then the only way you can do it without 
JavaScript is to use the target attribute. And you can only use that 
if you're using XHTML Transitional. If you are using XHTML Strict, then 
the target attribute is deprecated. And with good reason...

In the same way that old-school tags like font and attributes like 
bgcolor mixed presentation in with semantics, an attribute like 
target stirs a behavioural trigger into the mark-up. Semantically, 
target doesn't say anything about the link except how it should be 
handled by the browser... which is very presumptuous: it assumes not 
only that the page will be viewed in a web browser on a computer but 
also that the browser will have the technology to spawn new windows. 
That kind of behavioural instruction should be handled by JavaScript, 
leaving XHTML to mark-up the content semantically. Hence, the attribute 
is deprecated in XHTML Strict.

 So if this is the case, why have so many sites resorted to the 
carnival that is often JS, with window upon window soaking up screen 
real estate?
I'm not sure why you'd see a difference in screen real estate between 
windows spawned using target and windows spawned using JavaScript. As 
long as the window is named consistently (either with target or 
JavaScript), only one window is spawned and the content is updated. Or 
have I misunderstood? Did you mean the same window?

John Horner asked:
my question is, are we not allowed to use frames any more?
Sure, but again, you have to use the right doctype. In this case, XHTML 

Remember, there are three flavours of XHTML:
If you're going to use attributes like border, target and some 
other vestigial presentation/behaviour stuff, use the XHTML 
Transitional DTD:

If you're going to use frames, use the XHTML Frameset DTD:
If you're going to mark-up your documents purely semantically (using 
CSS for *all* presentation and JavaScript for *all* behaviour), use the 

... or, of course, you could use any one of the many HTML DTDs, all of 
which would allow for more flexibility in mixing and matching tags 
and attributes but at the price of dated mark-up that won't be 
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Re: [WSG] Select form element doesnt validate

2004-10-25 Thread Jeremy Keith
Michael Kear wrote:
And also I was sure that SELECTED=selected was correct, but 
not.   Again I looked for the dinkum definition  but couldn't find it.
Anyone know where it is?
Your syntax is correct, it's just a matter of case:
selected=selected would be correct (lower case).
One of the most common validation snags (along with unencoded 
ampersands) is not making all attributes lowercase. It crops up a lot 
with JavaScript event handlers which have traditionally been written as 
onClick or onLoad instead of onclick or onload (which is why 
one of the positive side-effects to moving all event handlers out of 
the document altogether is fewer validation snags).

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Re: [WSG] 256 colours or the whole enchilada?

2004-10-21 Thread Jeremy Keith
Andreas Boehmer asked:
Out of curiosity: what's your stand to the 216 web colours? Do you 
with them or do you go the full 16 bits?
I subscribe to the More Crayons school of thought:
That gives me 4,096 colours while also allowing me to predict *how* 
they will degrade (they will dither to nearest web-safe colour) on 
older displays.

Basically, what it boils down to is that in my CSS my shades of grey, 
for example, aren't limited to just:

#333, #666, #999, etc.
I also have colours like:
#444, #888, #bbb, etc.
The same applies to any other colours:
#83b, #2f5, #456, etc.
In fact, the CSS shorthand way of writing hex values is tailor made for 
using the more crayons technique.

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Re: [WSG] auto generated PHP sessions identifier causes valodation errors

2004-07-03 Thread Jeremy Keith
Andrey V.Stefanenko wrote:
I  am not able to confignure auto generated PHP output
and not able to avoid ampersands in URL
Should I and how i can setup my PHP?
I'd like to know if there's a solution to this as well. It's the one 
thing that stops some of my sites from validating:

But i can avoid links - change them with forms and buttons. Is this 
the BEST
solution  for this trouble?
That might just create a different problem. PHP will insert a hidden 
input field:
input type=hidden name=PHPSESSID 
value=6a2db2de31fb7e15728cc68dd01899c4 /
But it won't wrap that tag in a block level element so there'll still 
be validation issues.

Any PHP gurus out there know if there's a way of customising how PHP 
passes the session id?

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Re: [WSG] Hybrid layouts

2004-05-28 Thread Jeremy Keith
Kym Novan wrote:
Using the 3 column example I mentioned earlier a single 3 column table 
holding the column content exactly as you want it (if I remember 
correctly the earlier discussion was about a layout with a fixed width 
RH column for news and proportional for the left and centre columns) 
is a lot less messy than the equivalent in pure CSS.
There's definitely a case for this compromise, hybrid approach. I 
believe that's basically the approach that Jeffrey Zeldman takes in his 
book. It's certainly a good thing not to see CSS and tables as two 
diametrically opposed ideas: you can choose the best aspects of both.

Tables do have a certain amount of in-built rigidity. Your example of a 
three columned layout could be accomplished simply using a single 
table. But what happens when you decide it should no longer be a three 
columned layout? What if you want the left column on the right and the 
right column on the left? You would have to go in and change the 

That's a fairly extreme example, I know. But it does highlight one of 
CSS's biggest advantages: the separation of content and style.

MInd you, if the content isn't well marked-up (read: semantically 
meaningful) to begin with, then CSS isn't going to help you much when 
you want to alter the layout.

It took me a while to truly appreciate how working with CSS is like 
looking at (X)HTML documents in a whole new way. Instead of thinking:
That's the left-hand column. It contains the navigation.
I find myself thinking:
That's the navigation. It's on the left (for now).

That said, each website is different. If you know for a fact that the 
three column layout won't be changing and you need to get the layout 
taken care of ASAP, then a simple table is probably your best bet. You 
just need to be aware that you are, to a certain extent, tying your 

I've also simplified my argument a bit. The order of document elements 
in the page flow can make an enormous difference when you're using 
floats for positioning (although it's not an issue at all with absolute 
positioning) so you could still find yourself having to alter the 
mark-up in order to achieve a different layout.

On balance though, I believe that starting with semantically correct 
mark-up and well-labeled elements , e.g. (navigation rather than 
leftcol) significantly reduces the likelihood of ever needing to muck 
about with the mark-up in the future.

P.S. I've added a subject to this thread: I hope that doesn't count as 
hijacking :-(

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Re: [WSG] legal requirements for accessability

2004-05-26 Thread Jeremy Keith
Lachlan Hardy wrote:
I understand the concept of just
doing it. And that's what I do. Until the client asks about such and 
and I let slip either of those cursed words : 'standards' or
Whoa. Reign in there, fella! Who told you to go around doing 
like this? How much is that costing me?
I understand what you're saying Lachlan, but surely the important point 
is what your answer to such a question would be. I know that in my case 
the answer would be nada, zip, zero, not a penny extra.

Standards compliant mark-up and accessibility hooks aren't extra 
features that get bolted on with an associated cost. They're simply a 
regular way of working (which, as I understood it, was the point of 
Jeffrey Veen's speech).

If your client is going to get extremely pedantic about it then I guess 
you could answer that adding labels to form elements, summary 
attributes to tables and alt attributes to images could cost minutes 
of time. All in all though, they probably take less time than the 
duration of your bathroom breaks during any given project. ;-)

As for valid mark-up costing more, my experience has been the opposite. 
If the mark-up is written in a sloppy or non-standard fashion to begin 
with, then the time spent debugging for various browsers/platforms 
increases greatly.

Every time I have quoted for a job by mentioning standards or 
my quote has been rejected. If I don't mention it in the quote and it 
up later, I'm royally stuffed
I don't see why. Unless they're labouring under the misapprehension 
that standards and accessibility cost money. The truth is they're just 
good habits.

So don't fear the money question. Just give them a straight, truthful 

Oh, and while you're at it, you might want to tell them about the 
Search Engine Optimisation benefits of standards-compliant, accessible 
mark-up. In my experience, clients who couldn't care less about 
visually impaired human beings care greatly about making their sites 
accessible to the Googlebot. Explain to them that Google is essentially 
blind. Then they'll get it.

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