RE: [WSG] standards, accessability and validation?

2005-11-02 Thread kvnmcwebn

>It does take more time and effort for the programmer.   

Even after the learning process is completed?

big help-thanks

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Re: [WSG] standards, accessability and validation?

2005-11-02 Thread Christian Montoya
> I spoke with programmers today.
> They were more receptive than i'd expected.
> They agreed give standards a go by
> easing into css based design one step at a time.

Tell those programmers we are ready for their questions. :-)

C Montoya ... ...
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RE: [WSG] standards, accessability and validation?

2005-11-02 Thread Rachel Radford
We have moved a lot into .net stuff while still keeping it css layout, and
although yes it did take time, our programmer now does this as normal
practice.  So it is possible!!  It does take more time and effort for the
programmer.  You just have to make sure that they don't use the pre-built
.net modules because visual basic puts in tables and junk around it all.  

The other thing to be aware of is that sometimes they will need to use
visual basic's id values which sometimes forces you to use classes even
where id's would be more appropriate.  However our process usually works
where I design and build the front-end code, then the programmer integrates
this code into the .net stuff, so I might have more control over the xhtml +
css than you might?  Perhaps it would be worth trying to get the rights to
build the front-end code too?

The way the css layouts look in visual basic is much like the design view of
dreamweaver - not hot and so you can't use it as an indication of what it
will look like in the browser.  Yes some stuff does generate tables, such as
the pre-built modules (which they can change, but usually don't...) and
database generated content.  However now our programmer understands
standards stuff I haven't had a problem with tables turning up where they
shouldn't be or anything.  Sometimes the data tables that it does generate
are extraneous - empty cells and such.

Best of luck!!  It will likely be something that will develop over time
while the programmers understand the importance and get used to working with
standard and accessible code.

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of kvnmcwebn
Sent: Thursday, 3 November 2005 9:00 a.m.
Subject: RE: [WSG] standards, accessability and validation?

props to everyone who provided feedback on this post earlier.
(regarding designing accessible sites 
for non standards savy programmers to mark up)

I spoke with programmers today.
They were more receptive than i'd expected. 
They agreed give standards a go by 
easing into css based design one step at a time.

I think out of all the great advice i got just being humble 
and not making them feel inferior was the most important. The
conversation would have been a lot shorter if i had tried to preach.
Also the accesibilty points/screen reader argument were huge.

The big concern is how non-table layouts will show up in visual 
studio during database/form development...also that some of the dynamic
content generation creates tables. Anyway were off to a good start. 


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RE: [WSG] standards, accessability and validation?

2005-11-02 Thread kvnmcwebn
props to everyone who provided feedback on this post earlier.
(regarding designing accessible sites 
for non standards savy programmers to mark up)

I spoke with programmers today.
They were more receptive than i'd expected. 
They agreed give standards a go by 
easing into css based design one step at a time.

I think out of all the great advice i got just being humble 
and not making them feel inferior was the most important. The
conversation would have been a lot shorter if i had tried to preach.
Also the accesibilty points/screen reader argument were huge.

The big concern is how non-table layouts will show up in visual 
studio during database/form development...also that some of the dynamic
content generation creates tables. Anyway were off to a good start. 


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RE: [WSG] standards, accessability and validation?

2005-11-02 Thread kvnmcwebn
thanks for all the brillant feedback!
I will try putting a page or two through a screen reader for them.
Also I will show them how much easier it is to do a redesign with
a standards based website as they do this quite a bit.
On top of that a lot of thier contracts specify accesibility as a
requirement so
it is possible that a client could take legal action at some stage.

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Re: [WSG] standards, accessability and validation?

2005-11-01 Thread heretic
> > That and clean XHTML is easier to hand-code than tables...
> Without wanting to open a can of worms here; how so? Do you mean in
> conjunction with CSS, or just that XHTML markup is cleaner than that of

Just that XHTML markup is faster to type by hand than nested tables
and font tags. Most coders I know/work with code by hand, so less
typing is definitely better :)


Ben Buchanan

--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson
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Re: [WSG] standards, accessability and validation?

2005-11-01 Thread Mark Harris

Paul Noone wrote:

That and clean XHTML is easier to hand-code than tables...

Without wanting to open a can of worms here; how so? Do you mean in
conjunction with CSS, or just that XHTML markup is cleaner than that of

I read him to mean that any clean mark-up is easier to hand code than 
tables and I'd agree


haha - freudian slip - I mis-typed "mark-up" as "murk-up"! I think I'll 
trademark that one...

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Re: [WSG] standards, accessability and validation?

2005-11-01 Thread Christian Montoya
> hello all,
> Ive started designing sites for this company that specilizes in .net
> databases driven/xml feed type sites. I just give them a graphics file and
> they slice it up.  Anyway they asked me yesterday if i could do this
> particular job with web accessability in mind. But heres the thing-when they
> mark up my designs and ad the vb .net code a typical page will be running
> validation errors in the hundreds. I told them that they need to start with
> web standards and get thier pages to validate before they start on
> accessability.
> Was that sound advice?

The process of graphics mockup -> slicing -> table layout is the
problem. That process has nothing to do with the content or the
document flow. Document flow is the big deal with accessibility; if
they want to make accessible websites, you need to tell them that the
tables have to go, HTML or XHTML. Show them what semantics are, talk
about doing graphics as background, using divs, text/image replacement
techniques, navigating with a keyboard, etc.

Most importantly, and this is a long term approach, I think your place
in the design process needs to change... the layout / content etc
should come before the graphics. With CSS and semantic code you can
build the layout first and then add all the graphics in. It sounds
like right now your graphics drive the layout and then the content is
just dropped in, and to be really semantic it's probably better to
work the other way around.

C Montoya ... ...
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RE: [WSG] standards, accessability and validation?

2005-11-01 Thread Paul Noone
> That and clean XHTML is easier to hand-code than tables...

Without wanting to open a can of worms here; how so? Do you mean in
conjunction with CSS, or just that XHTML markup is cleaner than that of

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Re: [WSG] standards, accessability and validation?

2005-11-01 Thread heretic
> i dont know if i will be able to sell them on
> it. I was going to try the angle that web standards are helpful/essential
> for accessability-which they get alot of requests for these days. The
> programmers dont want me to do any coding or as little as possible-so as not
> to step on thier toes.

If they actually care about accessibility, that'll be a good angle.
Just make sure they don't turn it into "you're making more work for
us". Also be careful not to let them mistake "validates" for "is
totally accessible" since they are related, but not the same.

I'd also talk about how going to standards will make future
redevelopment much easier. If they're worried about you stepping on
their toes, they're missing the point about separation of code and
interface. If they've seen the CSS Zen Garden they probably don't
think it has any practical applications... put the idea in their head
that the swap could be from a client's old look and feel to their new
corporate identity.

That and clean XHTML is easier to hand-code than tables, which coders
tend to like :)

Hope that helps.


Ben Buchanan

--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson
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Re: [WSG] standards, accessability and validation?

2005-11-01 Thread Tim Smith
Quoting Mike Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> There's not at the moment. It would be great to have some, but I haven't
> any experience in captioning and not sure what's involved or how long it
> might take. Any volunteers? :)

Sadly I am about to leave the Australian Caption Centre but I would be more than
happy to liaise with Leslie and Mike on the issue of captioning events such as


Tim Smith

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Re: [WSG] standards, accessability and validation?

2005-11-01 Thread Mike Brown

Leslie Riggs wrote:

We are hoping to have this available online as a Quicktime file soon. 
When it is, it's definitely worth showing to people. Jonathan is a 
wonderful speaker and funny speaker, and I guarantee that no one will 
see his presentation and go away feeling the same about accessibility!

Um, I'm kind of afraid to ask, but would there be any captioning on that 
for us poor deaf folk who won't hear this but do work for hearing clients?

There's not at the moment. It would be great to have some, but I haven't 
any experience in captioning and not sure what's involved or how long it 
might take. Any volunteers? :)

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Re: [WSG] standards, accessability and validation?

2005-11-01 Thread Patrick H. Lauke

Leslie Riggs wrote:

Um, I'm kind of afraid to ask, but would there be any captioning on that 
for us poor deaf folk who won't hear this but do work for hearing clients?

Hmmm...should I fire up my SMIL-a-tron again? (which has been busy out for an announcement soon...)

Patrick H. Lauke
re·dux (adj.): brought back; returned. used postpositively
[latin : re-, re- + dux, leader; see duke.] |
Web Standards Project (WaSP) Accessibility Task Force
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Re: [WSG] standards, accessability and validation?

2005-11-01 Thread Leslie Riggs

We are hoping to have this available online as a Quicktime file soon. 
When it is, it's definitely worth showing to people. Jonathan is a 
wonderful speaker and funny speaker, and I guarantee that no one will 
see his presentation and go away feeling the same about accessibility!

for Web Standards New Zealand / Wellington WSG
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Um, I'm kind of afraid to ask, but would there be any captioning on that 
for us poor deaf folk who won't hear this but do work for hearing clients?

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Re: [WSG] standards, accessability and validation?

2005-11-01 Thread Mike Brown

Mark Harris wrote:
At a WSG meeting in Wellington, earlier in the year (see, Jonathon 
Mosen did a live demo of JAWS to an audience of web developers. Watching 
the light bulbs go on as it read out an interminable database URL from 
an link was almost funny - you could see the ones who were 
thinking "but *we* produce databases like that!"

We are hoping to have this available online as a Quicktime file soon. 
When it is, it's definitely worth showing to people. Jonathan is a 
wonderful speaker and funny speaker, and I guarantee that no one will 
see his presentation and go away feeling the same about accessibility!

for Web Standards New Zealand / Wellington WSG
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Re: [WSG] standards, accessability and validation?

2005-11-01 Thread Mark Harris

Graham Cook wrote:

Having been in your position for some time until recently (I was standards
manager for Telstra), I found that the best way to achieve change toward
accessibility was to meet with the stakeholders and either take a
transcript, or play directly a Jaws readout of a page that had been sliced
and diced into tables, especially if non-semantic markup is also
incorporated. Their reaction is often one of horror when they realize how
incomprehensible their page becomes. If they need further convincing, just
ask them how to find one or two of the most visually obvious items within
the Jaws rendition.

At a WSG meeting in Wellington, earlier in the year (see, Jonathon 
Mosen did a live demo of JAWS to an audience of web developers. Watching 
the light bulbs go on as it read out an interminable database URL from 
an link was almost funny - you could see the ones who were 
thinking "but *we* produce databases like that!"

IMHO semantic mark-up is a big chunk of accessibility but it is only 
part of the battle. A carefully planned information architecture is 
equally important - it needs to allow concise, persistent navigation, 
even for transient information.

As others have said, accessibility isn't just about blind people. An 
associate, legally blind but still able to see somewhat, uses IE as her 
browser, without assistive technology. She needs high contrast text and 
easily identified links. A text-based alternative won't cut it for her.

At a seminar last year, someone raised the point of dyslexics, who have 
as much trouble with text-based alternatives as they do with the 
original text-heavy page. I still haven't got my head around a solution 
for that.

People with poor mobility, people with reduced cognitive capability, 
colour-blind people - accessibility is about all these.

And then there's the technologically challenged - those who don't live 
near a major city and are doomed to dial-up, and degraded dial-up at 
that. Oz is like NZ in that the telephone lines in rural areas have to 
traverse a lot of electric fences and that causes problems for the signal.

I don't know if this can all be solved simply by guerilla mark-up - I 
rather believe that it has to start in base design of content, and that 
goes back to the productivity templates, not usually within the 
web-geek's purview. And that means corporate change.

By all means, code to standards without direct instruction - as a 
professional, you should do the best job you can, not the minimum the 
client requires. And the consensus around here is that standards-based 
design is the best way, else why are we reading this?

But also work to increase corporate understanding of the business 
advantages around standards-based design - refer them to NUblog's [*] 
excellent summary of the 2000 SOCOG complaint 
( or or point them at Joe Clark's page 
( [**]) of suit 
references as examples. The accessibility lawsuit is coming to a court 
near you in the future. Convince your manager not to be a test case.


Mark Harris

[*] also one of Jo Clark's, I notice
[**] although I'm a little concerned about the goatse-like cover of his 

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RE: [WSG] standards, accessability and validation?

2005-11-01 Thread Herrod, Lisa
well if they don't have an understanding of coding to standards, it appears
that a couple of their toes are actually missing. In which case, you
certainly won't be standing on them.

> -Original Message-
> From: Paul Noone [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, 2 November 2005 10:10 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [WSG] standards, accessability and validation?
> > The programmers dont want me to do any coding or as
> > little as possible-so as not to step on thier toes.
> Don't just step, STOMP! If they're not going to do their job 
> right then let
> it be known there is someone who can...and provide the 
> reasons why. At the
> end of the day, if it can save time and money, then any 
> decent manager will
> go for it.
> **
> The discussion list for
>  See
>  for some hints on posting to the list & getting help
> **
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RE: [WSG] standards, accessability and validation?

2005-11-01 Thread Paul Noone
> The programmers dont want me to do any coding or as
> little as possible-so as not to step on thier toes.

Don't just step, STOMP! If they're not going to do their job right then let
it be known there is someone who can...and provide the reasons why. At the
end of the day, if it can save time and money, then any decent manager will
go for it.

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RE: [WSG] standards, accessability and validation?

2005-11-01 Thread Graham Cook
Having been in your position for some time until recently (I was standards
manager for Telstra), I found that the best way to achieve change toward
accessibility was to meet with the stakeholders and either take a
transcript, or play directly a Jaws readout of a page that had been sliced
and diced into tables, especially if non-semantic markup is also
incorporated. Their reaction is often one of horror when they realize how
incomprehensible their page becomes. If they need further convincing, just
ask them how to find one or two of the most visually obvious items within
the Jaws rendition.


Graham Cook

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Re: [WSG] standards, accessability and validation?

2005-11-01 Thread Kenny Graham
Having a validating vs non-validating site doesn't make much of a
difference in accessibility, as long as the errors are minor.  What
-does- make a huge difference is semantic vs non-semantic.  Having a
list marked up as a list but missing a  (in a DTD that requires
it) it still much much more accessible than a list marked up as a
two-column table with a ton on font tags.  I've seen plenty of
perfectly validating XHTML websites that completely ignore semantics,
and in my opinion they're wasting their time.
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Re: [WSG] standards, accessability and validation?

2005-11-01 Thread Terrence Wood
Here's some things to think about that will keep accessibility in mind:

* resizable text (designer)
* sufficent contrast (designer)
* associate labels with form controls (designer/developer)
* meaningful link text (content owner)
* content chunks with good headings (content owner)

Accessibility does not start with valid code.

Valid code is nice, of course, however, accessibility is a usability
concern that goes beyond machine validation and into areas such as the
structual, IA, visual design, and content of a site.

It is possible to have create pages which validate (including WAI Priority
1) that present siginificant barriers to people with (and without)
disabilities. Conversely, it is possible to produce a very accessible site
where the markup does not validate.

What's more important IMHO is that you use structural markup as it is
intended (e.g. h1-h6, strong, em). My understanding is that it takes some
extra effort to get .net to produce good markup and getting the dev's to
do their bit first is a good.

The hardest part is getting content owners to write well for the internet
and the intended audience.

kind regards
Terrence Wood.

phone: +64-4-8033354
mobile: +64-21-120-1234

kvnmcwebn said:
> hello all,
> Ive started designing sites for this company that specilizes in .net
> databases driven/xml feed type sites. I just give them a graphics file and
> they slice it up.  Anyway they asked me yesterday if i could do this
> particular job with web accessability in mind. But heres the thing-when
> they
> mark up my designs and ad the vb .net code a typical page will be running
> validation errors in the hundreds. I told them that they need to start
> with
> web standards and get thier pages to validate before they start on
> accessability.
> Was that sound advice?

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RE: [WSG] standards, accessability and validation?

2005-11-01 Thread Patrick Lauke
> Seona Bellamy

> I know that there were some really good articles floating around on
> the list a while back when someone was asking how to sell web
> standards to clients.

MACCAWS is fairly nice

Just to give my GBP0.02 on the issue, I usually (unless clients
specifically enquire) just say that I follow "current best practices
in terms of web standards and accessibility"

Patrick H. Lauke
Webmaster / University of Salford
Web Standards Project (WaSP) Accessibility Task Force
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Re: [WSG] standards, accessability and validation?

2005-11-01 Thread Seona Bellamy
On 01/11/05, kvnmcwebn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks seona and josh,

You're welcome. :)

> -thats a key point, i design with standards in mind but they've been slicing
> my ai files into a tables and calling it a day. I am meeting with them this
> week to talk about this. I will try and talk the programmers into
> transitioning to standards but i dont know if i will be able to sell them on
> it. I was going to try the angle that web standards are helpful/essential
> for accessability-which they get alot of requests for these days. The
> programmers dont want me to do any coding or as little as possible-so as not
> to step on thier toes.

Understandable on their part. I guess the big thing here is to try and
sell it to them in such a way as it doesn't seem like you're saying
"You guys are doing a bad job and I could do it so much better because
I know more than you do". That's immediately going to put them on the
defensive, as most people get rather touchy if they think you might be
trying to do them out of a job.

I know that there were some really good articles floating around on
the list a while back when someone was asking how to sell web
standards to clients. Maybe you could find something in the archives
of the list? If you can present some good solid arguments in favour of
it and back them up with some research, it might help a bit.

Best of luck!


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RE: [WSG] standards, accessability and validation?

2005-11-01 Thread kvnmcwebn
Thanks seona and josh,

".although when they say "accessibility" they are probably thinking of
screen readers and users who can't use a mouse, accessibility also
includes being able to access the information and basic functionality
of a site in numerous browsing devices."

yes thats the case

"Besides, since I'm assuming you'll be developing with 
standards in
mind, it may as well be going into something that's standard. 

-thats a key point, i design with standards in mind but they've been slicing
my ai files into a tables and calling it a day. I am meeting with them this
week to talk about this. I will try and talk the programmers into
transitioning to standards but i dont know if i will be able to sell them on
it. I was going to try the angle that web standards are helpful/essential
for accessability-which they get alot of requests for these days. The
programmers dont want me to do any coding or as little as possible-so as not
to step on thier toes.


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Re: [WSG] standards, accessability and validation?

2005-11-01 Thread Joshua Street
On 11/1/05, kvnmcwebn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hello all,
> Ive started designing sites for this company that specilizes in .net
> databases driven/xml feed type sites. I just give them a graphics file and
> they slice it up.  Anyway they asked me yesterday if i could do this
> particular job with web accessability in mind. But heres the thing-when they
> mark up my designs and ad the vb .net code a typical page will be running
> validation errors in the hundreds. I told them that they need to start with
> web standards and get thier pages to validate before they start on
> accessability.
> Was that sound advice?

I'd say it depends on what they're already doing. The fact they ask
this means they're aware there is an issue, so how ingrained in their
development process is consideration for accessibility? If the
"validation errors in the hundreds" are just unencoded ampersands or
odd tag that doesn't self-close (such as  or , etc.),
then who cares if their stuff validates? (Apologies to anyone offended
by such a laissez faire approach!)

Accessibility and validation are often paired, but that seems to be
more of an incidental thing (because those who care enough to follow
specs are also more likely to take an interest in best practices,
including what we term "accessibility"). Also, if you're in a design
role, was there an element of "can you make your designs USABLE" in
their request? Without falling too much into a discussion of the
division between that and "accessibility", that's a fairly valid
concern for them to voice.

I'd say you're right if their validation errors are non-trivial, but,
as John Allsopp's recent survey [ ] of
practices in large Australian sites demonstrated (amongst other
things), otherwise respectable sites can fall down on little things
such as that... and claiming validation is prerequisite to
accessibility CAN (not neccessarily) be potentially unhelpful.

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Re: [WSG] standards, accessability and validation?

2005-11-01 Thread Seona Bellamy
On 01/11/05, kvnmcwebn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I told them that they need to start with
> web standards and get thier pages to validate before they start on
> accessability.
> Was that sound advice?

Well, while validation might not be seen as technically essential to
accessibility, I'd say that this is still sound advice. Reason being,
although when they say "accessibility" they are probably thinking of
screen readers and users who can't use a mouse, accessibility also
includes being able to access the information and basic functionality
of a site in numerous browsing devices. Validation won't always get
you that without a hitch, but it certainly puts you a long way towards
that goal.

Besides, since I'm assuming you'll be developing with standards in
mind, it may as well be going into something that's standard. :)

Not sure if any of that made any sense. It's been a long day.


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[WSG] standards, accessability and validation?

2005-11-01 Thread kvnmcwebn
hello all,
Ive started designing sites for this company that specilizes in .net
databases driven/xml feed type sites. I just give them a graphics file and
they slice it up.  Anyway they asked me yesterday if i could do this
particular job with web accessability in mind. But heres the thing-when they
mark up my designs and ad the vb .net code a typical page will be running
validation errors in the hundreds. I told them that they need to start with
web standards and get thier pages to validate before they start on
Was that sound advice?


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