Re: [X2go-dev] Hello dead project...

2010-09-24 Thread Jörg Sawatzki

> It's ok. It is a good idea and have nothing to do with our GIT. Our GIT
> will only represent source that we publishing on our site. But GIT that
> you mean will although include work of other people. It is possible to
> install this GIT right now. Actually it was always possible to install
> it and it can do anyone who have community respect.
This is NOT true as I already explained a couple of times. GIT is a way
to actively collaborate (this needs a branch with a commit history) and
not a different way to serve the content of your tar.gz source files on
your webserver!
If it was true what you are saying, nobody would care about GIT because
everybody could download the tar.gz and have the same result!

If it would be as easy as you claim, then I'd already have the git thing
running for two months. 

Please read about the benefits and how VCS work on the web before you
give a wrong statement about things you probably have never really seen
in action.

> > Thanks,
> > 
> > Paul
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > X2go-dev mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> X2go-dev mailing list

X2go-dev mailing list

Re: [X2go-dev] Hello dead project...

2010-09-24 Thread Jörg Sawatzki

if I download a tarball every night and put it into some git repository,
the whole thing is useless.

How do you expect us to work with code and track bugs if we do not have
a source tree with concrete revisions?

You have never worked with VCS, have you? I have the impression that you
don't really have any experience with developing a project in a

Even though debian publishes tar.gz as well, they definitely have VCS
respositories (a friend of mine is Debian developer) - because else it
would almost IMPOSSIBLE to track issues and contribute.

But I am really tired of explaining that again and again. You don't see
the advantage or you don't want to see it. As I said, I could setup a
git and download your tar.gz files every night (I cannot do more than
that I'm afraid) to import the stuff, but it would probably be quite

"Hey devs, I want to file a bug I found in x2golistsessions in the
tar.gz I downloaded on July 12th, 12:34 UTC." *haha* That will be the
kind of bug reports I can give you. Doesn't make sense, does it?

You have decided to go on with a close development and we probably have
no other chance than accepting it.

It's sad that we have all this trouble and so much ideas and innovation
and energy gets lost because you cannot take those two minutes to get
your stuff (and commit history!) into a repo as paul suggested.

You have wasted hours of my time and made me frustrated as hell just
because you aren't able to hold your promise and do us all a favor that
takes you only 5 minutes. If I'd only have a small chance to do it
myself...but I haven't. We are all asking for a small thing that could
make a big improvement for all of us, but please understand that even if
somebody else setups the repository, you'd still have to contribute and
give him a snapshot of the dev branch with the history of commits.

I am moving on to some other project, I have done all I could do for
you. And I am out of energy.


Am Freitag, den 24.09.2010, 11:37 +0200 schrieb Oleksandr Shneyder:
> Am 24.09.2010 11:00, schrieb Paul Menzel:
> > Dear Oleksandr,
> > 
> > 
> > Am Freitag, den 24.09.2010, 10:36 +0200 schrieb Oleksandr Shneyder:
> > 
> > […]
> > 
> > I am sorry that you had to spend your time to answer my message. I have
> > to admit, that I am not a lawyer and that I did not read every single
> > message in all threads. But from the messages I read I think they had
> > some facts.
> That is what I mean, if I say, that he try to damage our reputation.
> There are a lot of people in the list, who didn't read all of this stuff
> and think, that we try to hide something from community. But we don't.
> > 
> > I sent my other message with the Git proposal some minutes ago before I
> > read your message. If you do not want that, please reply shortly with
> > 
> > »Please take no actions. The Git repository will be published
> > after the Baikal release.«
> > 
> > I am sorry about your sleepless nights and hope everything will turn out
> > good.
> > 
> It's ok. It is a good idea and have nothing to do with our GIT. Our GIT
> will only represent source that we publishing on our site. But GIT that
> you mean will although include work of other people. It is possible to
> install this GIT right now. Actually it was always possible to install
> it and it can do anyone who have community respect.
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > Paul
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > X2go-dev mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> X2go-dev mailing list

X2go-dev mailing list

Re: [X2go-dev] Setting up an intermediate Git repository

2010-09-24 Thread Jörg Sawatzki

> commit history will be available in "changelog" file. If person who
> administrate this GIT will do his work well, we will commit our changes
> although directly in this GIT.
a changelog is not a commit history and nobody can start setting up a
git repo if you don't want to cooperate!
Sorry, but Paul has made a really good proposal, but it is now your (or
Heinz') task to take your current dev branch (!) and give it to somebody
to setup the git! It doesn't help that you have those old tar.gz
archives on your webserver. 

Paul has made a step by step tutorial for you how that can be done.
Please honour his work and do it. And don't ignore his effort again.



> > 
> > That is also a good idea. But since I think this is only an intermediate
> > position the volunteers can maybe coordinate and decide this issue by
> > themselves.
> > 
> We will be glad if someone do this work and it will not only
> intermediate position. This will let us more time for developing and
> will be really best help from community. In best case, would be nice
> that someone help us with building of all this packages. It take pretty
> much time and we cannot always concentrate us on development.
> > 
> > ___
> > X2go-dev mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> X2go-dev mailing list

X2go-dev mailing list

Re: [X2go-dev] Hello dead project...

2010-09-23 Thread Jörg Sawatzki
Hey Paul,

thank you for your comment. That was a great statement!
Actually the first one where I didn't feel like I am the idiot.

I have a mail of Heinz here saying that VCS (read only) access is the
"next thing" - that's what he promised on July 15th. Taking that
statement seriously, I told my clients and coworkers: I have talked to
the x2go project leader and we will have GIT access very soon, you
should definitely have some money ready to fund some work on x2go that
is either done by me or by Heinz and Alex themselves.

Can you understand that it is totally embarassing for me? Heinz could
have said at this time: No, Jörg, we won't accept contributions in the
new feature - fork it, make something own, find another project.

I am now the complete idiot: My client wants to roll out a testing
environment / pilot project if it work out to provide a set of
educational and standard software to all schools in the state through
x2go. Nothing has been done and I am the stupid one who is now blamed
because I trusted Heinz' word!

In my opinion, a promise should only be given, if you can and want to
hold it. How can collaboration work, if you don't trust people?

I cannot understand that so many people on this list say: Go away, they
are doing this in their spare time, they a) do not need to hold their
promises (setting up VCS takes 2 minutes, so not really a BIG promise
that's hard to fullfill) and b) can simply ignore GPL unless they
publish the code at some time when they are not so busy.

You are all right and it's great that Alex and Heinz have done a lot of
work for us - but that doesn't mean they are allowed to bring others in
trouble and waste their time because of false promises! And that does
not mean that it is okay to wait until others do all the work again
because they are frustrated as hell by not being taken seriously!

Play with open cards please! 



Am Donnerstag, den 23.09.2010, 18:56 +0200 schrieb Paul Menzel:
> Am Donnerstag, den 23.09.2010, 12:25 -0400 schrieb John A. Sullivan III:
> > On Thu, 2010-09-23 at 11:46 -0400, R P Herrold wrote:
> > > On Thu, 23 Sep 2010, Jörg Sawatzki wrote:
> > > 
> > > > As their responsiveness is very slow, they'll either miss the deadline
> > > > or they don't want to bother a lawyer again to get the forms correctly
> > > > filled out. :)
> > > >
> > > > The failure of this project is that these guys do not think about the
> > > 
> > > Jörg:
> > > 
> > > Let me be direct.  I understand it -- you don't like the 
> > > project management choices.  You would do it differently. 
> > > You _are_ doing it differently for your customers
> > > 
> > > Please take content of this type somewhere else, as your 
> > > commercial interest makes your 'rants' suspiciously tainted to 
> > > me
> > > 
> > > It is simply inappropriate and rude to eat at a free 
> > > restaurant in the honored guest private dining room, and then 
> > > loudly complain that the portions were too small, and did not 
> > > taste good
> > > 
> > > Take your complaints outside
> >
> > Thank you, Russ.  For those who do not know, Russ has more experience
> > working on large open source projects than most of us combined.
> > Reference
> Although I do not agree with Jörg getting personal I, like others, can
> understand the frustration of Jörg and probably his last message with
> the legal threats (thread GPL violations) are his desperate effort to
> change that.
> But Russ misses the point in my opinion. Apart from that commercial
> interests are totally valid and a lot of people have already argued that
> Jörg’s point of view is legally totally correct, it is not clear for me
> why Heinz and Oleksandr do not except any help. They stated several
> times, that they are short in time. But they did not accept any help
> offer by Jörg for example.
> In my opinion it is unfair and misleading to the community, because
> people do plan their road map according to those statements. I do not
> know the reason. But if Heinz and Oleksandr are afraid that they could
> loose control over the project or do not want to share the burden, they
> should state it clearly and people can draw their own conclusions from
> their on.
> I definitely hope that this thread is not going to be any longer until
> Heinz is back from vacation. I do thank Heinz and Oleksandr for their
> work and support and I do hope that the X2go “community” will settle
> this argument and will work together in the future as stated in several
> messages to the l

Re: [X2go-dev] headless client with pyx2go

2010-09-23 Thread Jörg Sawatzki

sorry, you got it wrong! I never ever said I want to have WRITE access
to some x2go development repository!
I'd completely happy with a way to check it out, work on it and merge
later - as well as a bug tracker to easily report things.
Do you know any open source project that gives VCS write access to a 
completely unknown person? 

I think it is absolutely allright to get to know people first before you
let them commit in a public repository on that other projects depend.
I don't want to have my phone ringing here saying: I have got the latest
revision and now my webapp is broken, what to do? and then answer: oh,
well somebody I don't really know has changed some function and it
breaks it, go back to rev 123 :o)

Sorry, but I have never been demanding for that, Russ! That would be


Am Donnerstag, den 23.09.2010, 15:51 -0400 schrieb R P Herrold:
> On Thu, 23 Sep 2010, Jörg Sawatzki wrote:
> >  The pyx2go thing has NOTHING to do with the main x2go 
> > project
> > ... Clone the repository, make changes, let me check them 
> > and then I'll commit then. If I see that you are maintaining 
> > a good coding style and ...
> I am missing something, Jörg -- Why then should x2go provide 
> you a forum and resources (this mailing list and its audience) 
> to run a competing adjunct ?
> If it is a git repository, simply revert bad commits.  If you 
> have a coding style in mind, write it up and commit it too. 
> the failure to do so BEFORE starting a project is what you 
> ahve been moaning and crying about
> Do the rules of conducting a project that you want to impose 
> on others not apply to you for some reason, Jörg?
> -- Russ herrold
> ___
> X2go-dev mailing list

X2go-dev mailing list

Re: [X2go-dev] Hello dead project...

2010-09-23 Thread Jörg Sawatzki

the x2go trademark is registered with DPMA in the areas computer,
software, and financial services.
If it was registered as "food" or "washing powder", it would be
allright. But this will definitely cause them lots of trouble after the
opposition period has expired.


Am Donnerstag, den 23.09.2010, 11:21 -0400 schrieb Gerry Reno:
> On 09/23/2010 09:37 AM, Jörg Sawatzki wrote:
> > Hey Eli,
> >
> > they will have to change the name/domain anyway!
> > The brand/name "x2go" is registered with DPMA (the German patent and
> > trademark registry institution) and is owned by "sino
> > Aktiengesellschaft" in Düsseldorf. Well, and they would have to prove
> > that they have been using the "x2go" term before those guys - and they'd
> > have to do that before the opposition period has expired.
> > As their responsiveness is very slow, they'll either miss the deadline
> > or they don't want to bother a lawyer again to get the forms correctly
> > filled out. :)
> >
> >
> There are individuals and companies that are squatting both domain names 
> and trademarks.  The question would be, what date was the mark "x2go" 
> registered and what is the scope of the registration.  In other words 
> you can have two entities that register the same mark but for use in 
> different markets.  For example, Ajax is a cleanser, Ajax is also a web 
> technology.  And even if it is the same market, it comes down to who was 
> the first to use the mark "x2go" in a commercial transaction.
> Regards,
> Gerry
> ___
> X2go-dev mailing list

X2go-dev mailing list

Re: [X2go-dev] Hello dead project...

2010-09-23 Thread Jörg Sawatzki

I have been discussing with Heinz and Alex for the last two months,
because I want to CONTRIBUTE for FREE to THIS project!
Is that a very commerical interest? To help them for free?
I want to get my hands dirty - NOW! I want to make x2go the best
terminal server ever. Dont you understand it? I don't want to FORK it
and do all the work again just because they don't let me contribute!
It's more like eating in a free restaurant and wanting to give something
back to make it the best restaurant in the world. And all you get is
that your efforts are ignored!

I don't want to reinvent the wheel. Because my interest to cooperate and
join all the forces is of a commercial intention!

My "client" is the local state here with about 4000 schools - sure,
schools are very commercial! I am lucky if I get a few bucks from them,
but most of my work is voluntary!

Tell me what you would do if you want to push a great idea and they
don't let you - even though they promised it already two months ago!


Am Donnerstag, den 23.09.2010, 12:44 -0400 schrieb R P Herrold:
> On Thu, 23 Sep 2010, John A. Sullivan III wrote:
> > On Thu, 2010-09-23 at 11:46 -0400, R P Herrold wrote:
> >> It is simply inappropriate and rude to eat at a free
> >> restaurant in the honored guest private dining room, and then
> >> loudly complain that the portions were too small, and did not
> >> taste good
> > Thank you, Russ.  For those who do not know, Russ has more 
> > experience working on large open source projects than most 
> > of us combined.
> >
> > Reference
> chuckle -- decloaked -- yeah -- I have fought these fights 
> before a few times.  But I try to learn, and to be a good 
> citizen in the FOSS community every day
> I've explored getting a packaging of x2go that I like to be an 
> adjunct to Fedora (CentOS' feeder, via RHEL), and also for a 
> commercial product we've been working on for the last few 
> years.  Open Source requires a patient and fostering touch, 
> and not the bludgeon in the first instance
> - Russ herrold
> ___
> X2go-dev mailing list

X2go-dev mailing list

Re: [X2go-dev] headless client with pyx2go

2010-09-23 Thread Jörg Sawatzki

if you want insight into the way how x2go works, do not expect any help
from the developers. The pyx2go thing has NOTHING to do with the main
x2go project - I created it because I was tired after I asked again and
again for GIT access to contribute to Heinz' and Alex' work.
All the work I have done so far is based on hard reverse engineering,
trying out things, playing around - not the most effective way but
better than waiting for ages and still don't get a way to contribute.

The project is at and you should not
ask Mike to give you write access as he won't be able to do so.

Clone the repository, make changes, let me check them and then I'll
commit then. If I see that you are maintaining a good coding style and
always provide unit tests as well, you have good chances to get write
access. Even though the pyx2go stuff is still a bit hackish, I want to
maintain a high quality of code in the long run. 

So, once again to be sure you really got it: pyx2go is NOT x2go - it was
born out of my personal FRUSTRATION, because all my efforts to help with
contributions were ignored by Heinz and Alex. They have been the two
only developers of the official x2go for the last three years and they
will probably stay the only developers for the rest of their lives.


Am Donnerstag, den 23.09.2010, 18:15 +0200 schrieb Dick Kniep:
> Hi Mike and list,
> We are seasoned python developers and thus very capable in assisting in the 
> build of pyx2go client. We could fund some of the development, but we prefer 
> to assist in the development ourselves, because that way we have some 
> influence in the development and also in the speed of the development. That 
> is also why I asked for documentation.
> If you have started a project for this, we would be happy to participate. So 
> if you have an svn server or something and could give me read/write access we 
> would definitely help. But..
> We do need some information on the architecture that we would use. We have 
> looked at the way information is  exchanged with the server and I start to 
> understand some of it, but a lot is still blurry. So PLEASE give me some 
> insight in the architecture and what component implements which part.
> Dick Kniep
> Lindix BV
> tel. 036-5215580
> mob. 06-50991858
> -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
> Van: Mike Gabriel 
> Verzonden: wo 22-09-10 03:16:36
> Aan:; 
> Onderwerp: Re: [X2go-dev] headless client with pyx2go
> > Hey Dick,
> > 
> > On Di 21 Sep 2010 15:18:12 CEST Dick Kniep wrote:
> > 
> > > Hi list,
> > >
> > > We want to develop a headless client in python using pyx2go.
> > >
> > > The application should have the following features:
> > >
> > > 1. All parameters except for the password should come from a profile  
> > > stored in the users home directory
> > > 2. The user should have the possibility to enter the password, the  
> > > username and the server, where the username and the server should be  
> > > retrieved from the profile
> > > 3. The client should support clientside printing as the x2go client
> > > 4. The home directory (or another directory) on the clientside  
> > > should be mounted with fuse on the serverside
> > > 5. The client should start XMing with all appropriate parameters
> > > 6. It should be possible to start an application from the server  
> > > side by starting a file. So if a file called test.doc exists and  
> > > that file is started, MS-Word should start.
> > > 7. The profile should be maintained by a separate program (nice gui  
> > > application)
> > >
> > > We've got the running. However when it ends, the session is  
> > > terminated correctly, but a thread remains active. Probably the  
> > > thread should be joined with the mainprogram.
> > >
> > > Could anyone help us with documentation on the use of fuse and the  
> > > way commands are passed from client to server vice-versa?
> > 
> > Just last weekend I (with Jörgs great help) I have started working on  
> > such a headless client implementation.
> > 
> > The working title for the project is pyx2go-cli and once there is some  
> > stability within it, it will be available with Jörgs python-x2go  
> > library on GitHub. There will also be Debian/Ubuntu packages available.
> > 
> > If you have the possibility of funding such development work (and  
> > thus, speed it up), I (and probably also Jörg) will be happy to  
> > provide you with support and code.
> > 
> > Best,
> > Mike Gabriel
> > 
> > -- 
> > 
> > mike gabriel, dorfstr. 27, 24245 barmissen
> > fon: +49 (4302) 281418, fax: +49 (4302) 281419
> > 
> > mail:,
> > 
> > freeBusy:
> >
> > ___
> > X2go-dev mailing list
> >
> >

Re: [X2go-dev] Hello dead project...

2010-09-23 Thread Jörg Sawatzki
Hey Eli,

they will have to change the name/domain anyway!
The brand/name "x2go" is registered with DPMA (the German patent and
trademark registry institution) and is owned by "sino
Aktiengesellschaft" in Düsseldorf. Well, and they would have to prove
that they have been using the "x2go" term before those guys - and they'd
have to do that before the opposition period has expired. 
As their responsiveness is very slow, they'll either miss the deadline
or they don't want to bother a lawyer again to get the forms correctly
filled out. :)

The failure of this project is that these guys do not think about the
consequences before they act and that they ignore efforts of people
willing to contribute unless they force them to justice court.

GIT was the "next thing to do" that was promised by mighty Heinz on July
15th - and I bet it won't be available before I have forked the server
side as well!

Instead of pushing the project into an open development to join the
forces (that's the only way to have success if you aren't a big
profitable company), they focus on QtBrowserPlugin? 

I heard NONE of the community members ever saying they don't like the
plugin as it is and it would be important to switch to QtBrowserPlugin.
Nice that you do it, but why don't u first do the important things that
are really needed?


Am Donnerstag, den 23.09.2010, 11:50 + schrieb Eli K.:
> I just wan't to be fair comment the things that going on here. 
> Dear project,
> whats going on here is business strategy. Somebody wants to earn money or 
> wants to have good reputation and needs influence on the tool he is using - 
> at best not influence but control. 
> This is needed to proof customers or what ever you address that you are the 
> only competence.
> It is always esier to show the world failures of people, but in this way it 
> was showing failures AND developing something better.
> I too wanted to get control here and I've began to work on my own fork. And 
> I've caused trouble to existing project.
> I bet this project is dead even if you don't know now. The failures of the 
> project was: No awareness of trademarks, no awareness of fast reacting and 
> wrong marketing. If you want to keep control you should develop such things 
> as company - not as project.
> To give you a last chance - you can keep your little domain. It will be 
> wanted soon by sombody else - so make your homework... ...this time...
> Congratulations to the new way - I bet with contributions a fork will grow 
> faster and better.
> Here my thoughts about how this would be better:
> * Don't spend time on own clients - integrate your work into existing clients 
> like krd, tsclient, vinagre,...
> * Have every functionality as a module so that somebody can use SMB and 
> others SSHFS or WEBDAV
> * As Plugin you should only make a google native client project. This is much 
> better than every Plugin and Googles Browser even runs on phones - and you 
> don't even need to compile it especially. I bet this can be soon done with 
> python too.
> * Face the future - there will only be google and ubuntu - javacript and 
> python.
> Your work is to be compared with spice and nx4!!!
> so long...
> ___
> X2go-dev mailing list

X2go-dev mailing list

Re: [X2go-dev] Hardware SSH acceleration

2010-09-22 Thread Jörg Sawatzki

no, definitely not. These hardware accelerators usually just take over
the CPU consuming public key encryption at the beginning of a connection
when keys are exchanged. You can use that hardware if you have issues
with CPU load. But it doesn't speed up the data being sent after the
connection is established. The bottleneck is the bandwidth of your
internet connection and that cannot be upgraded through purchasing such
a "magical device". :o)
Video is probably even choppy if you connect through LAN - better forget
about it and play it locally :)


Am Mittwoch, den 22.09.2010, 21:56 -0600 schrieb Dimitris Anogiatis:
> Dear List,
> Does anyone know of any advantages from installing a hardware ssh (or
> crypto) accelleration device on a server machine running x2go?
> For example I've tried to tweak my SSH server but despite some
> improvements in responsiveness video playback (I tried a youtube
> video) is still choppy.
> Would a device like that help or does x2go's design not allow it to
> benefit from such an enhancement?
> I'm using my x2go client from a remote location using wifi and not in
> a LAN.
> Regards,
> Dimitris
> ___
> X2go-dev mailing list

X2go-dev mailing list

Re: [X2go-dev] X2go-dev Digest, Vol 21, Issue 20

2010-09-22 Thread Jörg Sawatzki
You forgot

3. Fight for my right and get the sources through justice court :P

The only thing that was thoughtless was to publish a GPLed binary
without the sources. I'd as well do that and then go on vacation for two
months until I get an invitation to the court! It's so cl to be in a

They are project leaders and they have to think about the consequences
of their action before. That's all I want to say.

They should be familiar with the license and either publish a) nothing
or b) binary + source!

But maybe I expect to much from an OSS project leader :P


Am Mittwoch, den 22.09.2010, 19:24 -0400 schrieb brian mullan:
> Joerg
> You just said in  one of your responses... 
> "I am asking for the source for a month or two"..  
> Okay...
>   * Alex was on vacation a month ago.
>   * Heinz is on vacation now 
>   * each was 1 month off.
> I know it was thoughtless of them to take vacations and I'm sorry
> their responsiveness didn't meet your needs.
> You DO have choices...
>  1. wait until the new x2go is actually released and then see if
> you can get what you want
>  2. go elsewhere and find another solution such as:
>   * NoMachine's NX v4.0 is do out soon
>   * FreeNX 
>   * NeatX
>   * or look into the Spice client & server software from
> Red Hat.
> Thanks for your comments and opinions but I'm not sure the discussion
> is very productive at this point
> and perhaps the forum could go back to answering other questions?
> Brian
> On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 6:18 PM, 
> wrote:
> Send X2go-dev mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more
> specific
> than "Re: Contents of X2go-dev digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>   1. Re: X2go-dev Digest, Vol 21, Issue 18 (J?rg Sawatzki)
>   2. Re: GPL violations (das.t)
>   3. Re: GPL violations (J?rg Sawatzki)
>   4. Re: GPL violations (John A. Sullivan III)
>   5. Re: Plugin building (Oleksandr Shneyder)
>   6. Re: Plugin building (John A. Sullivan III)
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2010 23:02:56 +0200
> From: J?rg Sawatzki 
> To:
> Subject: Re: [X2go-dev] X2go-dev Digest, Vol 21, Issue 18
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> They are violating the GPL and the philosphy of OSS for months
> and you
> say: give them a break! Great!
> A lot of people on this list seem to have the opinion that
> Alex and
> Heinz are so great and they work is so valuable that they
> don't need to
> follow law and order today...but maybe tomorrow?
> What would you do if you have asked for sources for months?
> You won't
> say: Oh well, give them a break!
> There is absolutely NO way around it: Even if they were called
> Barrack
> Obama and Bill Gates, they would need to fullfill the
> requirements of
> the license.
> It is sad that lots of people try to find weird reasons why
> these two
> guys don't have to follow the same laws and duties as
> everybody else
> does.
> J?rg
> Am Mittwoch, den 22.09.2010, 16:43 -0400 schrieb brian mullan:
> > Joerg
> >
> > I agree with John in his view of Hienz and Alex.   They are
> good folks
> > BUT everyone has to remember they are ONLY 2 people !
> >
> > They have a separate life where they have to earn money to
> support
> > themselves & families too.
> >
> > x2go is something they have dedicated themselves to because
> it aids
> > them in their other income related activities.
> >
> > There's an old saying:
> >
> > Nothings impossible for
> those that
> > don't do the work.
> >
> > Given that Heinz and Alex have been working for the past
> year to
> > create this new release of x2go ... again while working on

Re: [X2go-dev] GPL violations

2010-09-22 Thread Jörg Sawatzki
Hi Russ,

> Did the authors holding the copyright receive some 'thing of 
> value' from you that is 'consideration' underlying formation a 
> contract requiring them to deliver something to you.  If they 
> are the creators of the code, they can be as stingy and slow 
> as they wish as to releasing sources as they wish, unless you 
> have some contractual right to get at their properly (again, 
> the g p LICENSE is a license applying to persons DISTRIBUTING 
> binaries derived from sources [but who are not the copyright 
> holder]
True! Heinz and Alex distribute plugin binaries that contain GPLed
NoMachine libraries - and as they are both not holding the copyright of
that code, they cannot simply publish it under some other (proprietary)
license. They can distribute their own code under a commercial license,
but then they could not integrate it with NX and their stuff would be
So, after all: Sources need to be published with any binary if they are
built from only a single line of thrid-party code where you don't have
the copyright!

Anyway, seems like the source thing is quite clear now and they seem to
have published it.

> If the authors need help publishing sources, they may contact 
> me out of band, and I'll be happy to assist with resources to 
> get a public archive up and running
I offered that more than two months ago. As I really have paying
customers who want me to contribute, fix things, make extensions for
x2go. It seems they don't want help. Or everything else is more
important than honoring the work of their community. 

If you want to get forward with it, fork it like I did with my pyx2go
client, host it on github and be independent. Setting up a repository
there is a lot faster than waiting for months.


> -- Russ herrold
> ___
> X2go-dev mailing list

X2go-dev mailing list

Re: [X2go-dev] GPL violations

2010-09-22 Thread Jörg Sawatzki
Am Donnerstag, den 23.09.2010, 01:18 +0200 schrieb Oleksandr Shneyder:
> And two words I forgot to say in my last E-mail.
> We are very appreciative to all you people who trying to make our life
> easier and helping other people in our list. Thank you very much, guys.
> Without you we couldn't do all that work.
Ha ha! You haven't accepted a single contribution or let anybody help
you with the code. No need to say thank you!

> ___
> X2go-dev mailing list

X2go-dev mailing list

Re: [X2go-dev] Plugin building

2010-09-22 Thread Jörg Sawatzki
Hi Alex,

Great, thanks. And why did it take months and heaps of discussions to
get this link? 

> Q: Why x2goclient don't use libssh or shared ssh connection instead of
> starting a lot of ssh connections?
> A: There are several reasons not to use shared connections. X2go client
> starting ssh to run some commands on server. But also x2goclient
> starting a couple of ssh-tunnels and reverse ssh-tunnels. All client
> ssh-connections have the same options as a master connection. This make
> impossible to use shared ssh connections to create reverse tunnels. We
> are testing now if libssh can do all this stuff in one connection and
> how stable it running on all platforms. If all tests with multiply ssh
> tunnels and reverse tunnels running at the same time will be successful,
> we will integrate libssh in x2goclient.
Sorry, but have you ever checked out my little pyx2go project? It uses
only one SSH connection and it is dimensions faster than your client!
There's nothing impossible with forward/reverse tunnels and a shell on a
single connection!
> Q: Where is a git !!
> A: Coming soon. I promise.
Same statement came from Heinz on July 15th - can we expect to have GIT
in the beginning of next year? *LOL*

> Q: What is current status of project? What are you doing all this time?
> A: A lot of things. We are working hard to make x2go better.
Cool,and why don't you let others help you? Shall I fork it and develop
it from scratch or is there a little chance that my work is honoured and
I don't need to do all the work again but can help you??

Thanks for sharing the information and thanks that (again) nothing


> ___
> X2go-dev mailing list

X2go-dev mailing list

Re: [X2go-dev] GPL violations

2010-09-22 Thread Jörg Sawatzki
Thank you for sending me away, John! Very friendly.
I will go away - after I got the source of the software running on my
computer right now! And not the source of the software that is released
in a couple of months. Please respect that this is my guaranteed right
and that I won't go away before I have enforced it.
And I will do that - even if I need a lawyer and a judge. This is not a
banana republic where you can only follow the laws and requirements if
you like them or if you have time to do that.

Am Mittwoch, den 22.09.2010, 18:01 -0400 schrieb John A. Sullivan III:
> We're not treating you like an idiot for correctly pointing out the
> things that should be done; we are grateful for that.  We're treating
> you like an idiot for the way you are going about it.
> Yes, they should follow the requirements of the GPL.  Yes, they did not
> have to accede to the many requests to have access to the plugin before
> they were really ready to give either the binaries or the source to
> everyone.  Yes, they did not have to share any of this project but could
> have kept it as a simple in-house project.  Given all of of those yeses,
> I do eagerly await the release of the source and will wait until it is
> released realizing that the delay hurts me but not more than not having
> the project at all.  In fact, I eagerly await the time when our business
> turns cash positive so we can financially support the project.  If they
> were a corporation making a profit off the backs of open source
> developers and hoarding the source code for nefarious reasons, I'd be
> far less patient.  If you are tired of waiting, go away.  Peace - John
> On Wed, 2010-09-22 at 23:26 +0200, Jörg Sawatzki wrote:
> > Tobias,
> > 
> > it is very nice that you want to protect the two. 
> > Oh yes, and I am a stupid idiot who unnecessarily "bugs" people because
> > he wants to get his right.
> > I sometimes wonder if we live in a banana republic when people tell me
> > heaps of reasons why they don't have to follow the law...
> > 
> > I am asking for the source for a month or two. Taking the build
> > environment, putting it in a .tar archive and uploading it to a
> > webserver takes not more than ONE MINUTE and it would absolutely
> > fullfill the requirements of the GPL and I would never ever have been
> > complaining. Do I expect too much if I ask him to take ONE MINUTE to
> > follow the laws and license requirements? 
> > 
> > And btw. I want the code of the plugin that I have downloaded right now.
> > And not the code of a polished release that comes out next year or so!
> > I want to submit extensions and bugfixes BEFORE the next release and not
> > after!
> > 
> > But thank you for treating me like an idiot just because I fight for my
> > right.
> > 
> > 
> > Jörg
> > 
> > 
> > Am Mittwoch, den 22.09.2010, 23:04 +0200 schrieb das.t:
> > > the developers were so nice and _due_to_great_demand_ to give us a PREVEW 
> > > of what is going to come. this was pure generosity. nothing has been 
> > > released, this is absolutely inofficial and i am _more_than_sure_ that
> > > we _are_ going to get the source code. 
> > > 
> > > if you are reading this list you will know that heinz is on vacation, so  
> > > there will nothing happen right now. i do not want him to work now as i   
> > > know how stressed he is. give him a rest!!! 
> > > 
> > > if you say x2go is rubish and can be done within minuts - fine, then go 
> > > for it. but please do not bug people who are investing more than enough 
> > > in 
> > > oss! especially stop threatening them in this absolutely unnecessarily 
> > > rude manner.
> > > 
> > > if you think a project is rubish, do something better. 
> > > 
> > > enough said. i am off this threat now.
> > > ___
> > > X2go-dev mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > X2go-dev mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> X2go-dev mailing list

X2go-dev mailing list

Re: [X2go-dev] GPL violations

2010-09-22 Thread Jörg Sawatzki

it is very nice that you want to protect the two. 
Oh yes, and I am a stupid idiot who unnecessarily "bugs" people because
he wants to get his right.
I sometimes wonder if we live in a banana republic when people tell me
heaps of reasons why they don't have to follow the law...

I am asking for the source for a month or two. Taking the build
environment, putting it in a .tar archive and uploading it to a
webserver takes not more than ONE MINUTE and it would absolutely
fullfill the requirements of the GPL and I would never ever have been
complaining. Do I expect too much if I ask him to take ONE MINUTE to
follow the laws and license requirements? 

And btw. I want the code of the plugin that I have downloaded right now.
And not the code of a polished release that comes out next year or so!
I want to submit extensions and bugfixes BEFORE the next release and not

But thank you for treating me like an idiot just because I fight for my


Am Mittwoch, den 22.09.2010, 23:04 +0200 schrieb das.t:
> the developers were so nice and _due_to_great_demand_ to give us a PREVEW 
> of what is going to come. this was pure generosity. nothing has been 
> released, this is absolutely inofficial and i am _more_than_sure_ that
> we _are_ going to get the source code. 
> if you are reading this list you will know that heinz is on vacation, so  
> there will nothing happen right now. i do not want him to work now as i   
> know how stressed he is. give him a rest!!! 
> if you say x2go is rubish and can be done within minuts - fine, then go 
> for it. but please do not bug people who are investing more than enough in 
> oss! especially stop threatening them in this absolutely unnecessarily 
> rude manner.
> if you think a project is rubish, do something better. 
> enough said. i am off this threat now.
> ___
> X2go-dev mailing list

X2go-dev mailing list

Re: [X2go-dev] X2go-dev Digest, Vol 21, Issue 18

2010-09-22 Thread Jörg Sawatzki
They are violating the GPL and the philosphy of OSS for months and you
say: give them a break! Great!

A lot of people on this list seem to have the opinion that Alex and
Heinz are so great and they work is so valuable that they don't need to
follow law and order today...but maybe tomorrow?

What would you do if you have asked for sources for months? You won't
say: Oh well, give them a break! 

There is absolutely NO way around it: Even if they were called Barrack
Obama and Bill Gates, they would need to fullfill the requirements of
the license.

It is sad that lots of people try to find weird reasons why these two
guys don't have to follow the same laws and duties as everybody else


Am Mittwoch, den 22.09.2010, 16:43 -0400 schrieb brian mullan:
> Joerg
> I agree with John in his view of Hienz and Alex.   They are good folks
> BUT everyone has to remember they are ONLY 2 people !
> They have a separate life where they have to earn money to support
> themselves & families too.
> x2go is something they have dedicated themselves to because it aids
> them in their other income related activities.
> There's an old saying:
> Nothings impossible for those that
> don't do the work.
> Given that Heinz and Alex have been working for the past year to
> create this new release of x2go ... again while working on their
> day jobs ... oh, and while building the new x2go wiki etc.
> Now that they are in what is hoped to be the final stages and frankly
> I'd rather they focus on that and worry about where to post the
> source code when they have some breathing space.
> Give them a break is my vote.
> Brian Mullan
> --
> Message: 3
> Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2010 14:51:42 -0400
> From: "John A. Sullivan III" 
> To:
> Subject: Re: [X2go-dev] GPL violations
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"
> On Wed, 2010-09-22 at 19:47 +0200, J?rg Sawatzki wrote:
> > Hey list,
> >
> > I just got an email back from Heinz - a private mail!
> > You know that I have been discussing about the plugin and
> sources with him and Alex on this list for a couple of months
> now.
> > Other people have asked as well where the sources for the
> plugin are.
> >
> > Obviously they think that I cannot read C++ code and sent me
> the link to the plugin.cpp source
> ( again -
> > in the hope that I believe them. But unfortunately I had a
> look into the code (trying to build it) and saw that it
> executes a binary: an extended
> > version of x2goclient with heaps of new command line
> options.   Asking for the source (which is your and my right
> according to GPL) I
> > got one of these famous excuses saying "oh, we are in the
> process of changing to QTBrowserPlugin" and so on.
> >
> > In short: 99% of x2goplugin's sources are not published -
> this affects (modified and not modified) third-party
> components as well.
> > Everybody who publically distrubtes GPL software in binary
> form and does NOT provide a link to the sources violates the
> license. The GPL doesn't
> > say "if you have time and the weather is nice you can
> publish the sources if you want to".
> >
> > Therefore I would not recommend anybody to use the plugin in
> a production environment and integrate it into any project! It
> will be you
> > who will get into court if one of your customers enforces
> his GPL rights and you have distributed it in your project.
> >
> > Just to let you know: I feel a bit fooled with all the
> excuses and that they try to somehow get around legal
> requirements by sending me some
> > stuff that's only a 7.5K file wrapping around the actual
> component.
> >
> > In my opinion, the way they deal with community
> input/ideas/contributions is ignorance. Nothing of the critics
> and
> > proposals was taken seriously. We still don't have a GIT
> repo - and that would take them 5 minutes or less!
> > But that's alright - we don't have to have git. But we HAVE
> to follow legal requirements in the GPL. And not next year,
> but NOW!
> >
> > I spent a lot of time and energy into this and the result: I
> am maintaining my own python code externally now, because they
> don't let me
> > contirubte! And the worst result: I am frustrated as hell,
> that I spend months waiting and writing dozens of mails to

Re: [X2go-dev] GPL violations

2010-09-22 Thread Jörg Sawatzki

> This article was not approved / written by the x2go-devs!
Does that change the fact that the binaries are available on a public
server for everybody? 

Listen, I downloaded the x2goplugin from - so the guys
behind are required by license to give me the sources if
I ask for it! That has nothing to do with the fact who has written the
article on linux magazine! 

> Stefan

X2go-dev mailing list

Re: [X2go-dev] GPL violations

2010-09-22 Thread Jörg Sawatzki

> [ ] you are aware of that the plugin has not been released yet, that the 
> binaries that actually are out are not a release and _not_ intended for a 
> productive environment right now?
Is was published in the German "Linuxmagazin" - so there are thousands
of people knowing the link!
Once again: GPL applies to ANY binaries that you distribute! It does NOT
matter if they are part of an official release! 
If it was true, what you are saying, anybody could violate a licenses
for years by just saying "oh, it's not released yet". The license
applies to anybody who publishes binaries built from GPL code. 

> [ ] you are aware of that x2go drains loads of energy from the two with 
> promoting the procect etc?
I have been trying to contribute bug fixes and extensions since July.
Got lots of promises and excuses - and no result! I have already written
my own python based client because it frustrated me that I couldn't
contribute! It drains them loads of energy to write all the excuses why
they don't follow GPL requirements, why they don't give access to the
code and why they don't honor the work of contributors.
I think getting the community involved and getting further with
development should be more important than promoting the product. Most
stuff is two years old and they still spend a lot of time promoting
that??? How about focus on development and new releases instead of
giving talks about how great they were two years ago?
> [ ] you are aware of that heinz has stated that he already is facing 
> dificulties that make a lawyer necessary, time, nervers, money?
Yes, uploading the sources and the build environment would be cheaper -
but he obviously prefers the lawyer! He has had enough time to fix it.
If he's ignoring it and going on violating the license he has got to
face the consequences. I don't see another way - I have sent heaps of
mails explaining that he is required to publish the sources as soon as
he publishes the binaries.
> [ ] you give credid that this project is happening in spare time, that we 
> get a great software for free? and there _is_ a life next to a pc. i am 
> more than grateful that we do get such a great project, that they put this 
> much effort and energy into x2go. i do want to honor it. 
Go and say thank you to Nomachine, Xming, OpenSSH, sshfs, pulse! They
did the work. I personally cannot honor it anymore, because I had to
reimplement the whole x2go client stack just because I need a few extra
features and these guys are not able to collaborate. I bet I have
reimplemented the server stack and session manager as well before they
are able to accept contributions. It is so frustrating to do the work
again that Heinz and Alex have already done. But well, otherwise I will
probably be dead before I am allowed to contribute to this project!

> [ ] you know that they are huge supportes of oss, gpl and the like, that 
> they have released the source code to the released (!) components and i am 
> 100% sure that this will also happen to the new plugin ... once it has 
> been released?
Once again - the plugin is available on a public webserver and the GPL
applies. If they don't want that, they have to take the binaries offline
or protect access to them through username/password to only selected
> i am sorry, but even though i believe that you are right to ask for 
> sourcecode, i firmly do believe that in this case you are going too far, 
> hitting the very wrong people!
What would you do if you spent hours and hours and the result is that
you still don't get the code even so you have the RIGHT to?
What would you do? You want your right, you are writing mails to the
responsible persons and after months, you still don't have it?

It is very sad, but if Heinz doesn't want to do it voluntarily, a judge
will have to force him to sit down for two minutes and upload the code.

He is the project leader and has the responsability - if he waits until
people get a lawyer to enforce their rights, it's his problem.

> tobias
> ___
> X2go-dev mailing list

X2go-dev mailing list

Re: [X2go-dev] GPL violations

2010-09-22 Thread Jörg Sawatzki

didn't build the plugin with it yetbut if that is really true that
this is the version that they have used for the plugin
Congratulations, you know more than the so called project leaders
It's so ridiculous!

I am not in the mood of building the whole thing now to check if it's
really the right version, but thanks.

I will probably completely drop x2go - it is making me and my customers
more trouble than it gives advantages to us.
I cannot tell my customers: Two gurus play the mighty gods of x2go and
don't let us help ourselves, if we need to fix bugs or extend things.

I don't see x2go as a great new project - it's just some wrappers around
nomachine's libraries and can be done in a couple of days. The
technology is old: ssh, nx, sftp! 
I have already rebuilt the client side in python and the server will
follow - after that I won't care anymore that Alex and Heinz are not
able to setup a git repository within two months!


Am Mittwoch, den 22.09.2010, 21:04 +0200 schrieb
> On Wed, 22 Sep 2010 20:37:46 +0200, Jörg Sawatzki
>  wrote:
> > where? All the files on are two years or
> > older! Where's the corresponding x2goclient for the plugin? 
> 01-Jul-2010 20:12 6.7M
> The new-but-not-released client is in "heuler".
> Did you tried it ?
> > Heinz wrote me that the build environment for the plugin was already
> > changed for QtBrowserPlugin and it's not available anymore *LOL
> > But maybe you know more than the project leaders ^^
> If we get the sources of the QtBrowserPlugin version, it's really good
> news !
> I was expecting it in med/long term.
> Guillaume
> ___
> X2go-dev mailing list

X2go-dev mailing list

Re: [X2go-dev] GPL violations

2010-09-22 Thread Jörg Sawatzki

> However, I believe you are seriously misreading Heinz (with whom I have
> now worked for a couple of years) and Oleksandr.  Yes, they should (make
> that "must") publish the code but I also realize they are two honest and
> sincere fellows with full time jobs outside of X2Go who have given us an
> enormous project with no significant financial backing of which I'm
> aware.  Sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day (week,
> month) to get it all done.  Perhaps we may disagree with their
> priorities but let's not think there is some malicious, hidden agenda.
> Receiving such emails probably does more to make them wonder why they
> ever launched this project than it does to help the situation.
Come on, that is ridiculous! The GPL is valid for everybody, doesn't
matter that they have full-time jobs and that the day has not enough
Heinz promised us on July 15th that GIT and source access is the "next
thing" to get his hands on. Now it's two months later and nothing
happened. I have clients wanting to modify and extend x2go - they want
to pay me for that. It is absolutely embarassing to tell them this

X2go would be the greatest thing in the world if these guys stopped
blocking the community contributions! Why do they have time to develop a
plugin but not for setting up git (5 minutes)? Why do they follow
invitations and hold a talk about x2go at Linuxstammtisch Munich?

I'd love to go to that talk and tell them: guys, this talk will end 10
minutes earlier and we gonna setup GIT!

Why do they have time to write heaps of mails with excuses? Why do they
have time for publicity things? 
> I am painfully familiar with being a completely overwhelmed open source
> maintainer.  Sometimes there is not even enough time to enable
> volunteers who are willing to help (set up git, wiki, code, etc.) to
> help.  It can just feel completely overwhelming.  So let's please
> contribute, guide, even positively correct but let's not jump up and
> down on the dev's heads. That doesn't help at all.  I'm am sincerely
> grateful for what Heinz and Oleksandr have done despite my concerns
> which are very close to yours.  Peace - John
If it is overwhelming, you should get somebody else to manage the
project. They have the position of the project leaders and the
responsability. If it comes to court, they can explain to the judge that
they have felt overwhelming with following the law!

For what should I be thankful? That all my customers that wanna do
something with x2go run away? Because they block all my contributions
for months? That I couldn't get on in the garden today since I was busy
with this stuff? 

What would you tell your clients if they ask you to do this and that
with x2go? And you say: Nope, I cannot! And they say: Whaaat, isn't it
Open Source? :(

It is so embarassing and frustrating...

You have no way to help them, they have no time and they even ignore it
when you want to enforce your right.

If I count all the mails and execuses it must have taken them a lot more
time than just setting up this bloody git!


> PS - regarding the plugin specifically, I believe they have made it
> clear that the plugin is NOT released.  They have kindly responded to
> requests for access to the plugin by list members by making it
> available.  Perhaps now they wish they had not been so kind and kept it
> under wraps until it was ready for release including source.
The plugin is available online! As soon as you publish binaries you MUST
publish sources according to GPL. Released or not!
> ___
> X2go-dev mailing list

X2go-dev mailing list

Re: [X2go-dev] GPL violations

2010-09-22 Thread Jörg Sawatzki

where? All the files on are two years or
older! Where's the corresponding x2goclient for the plugin? 
Heinz wrote me that the build environment for the plugin was already
changed for QtBrowserPlugin and it's not available anymore *LOL
But maybe you know more than the project leaders ^^


Am Mittwoch, den 22.09.2010, 20:31 +0200 schrieb
> Jörg,
> On Wed, 22 Sep 2010 19:47:40 +0200, Jörg Sawatzki
>  wrote:
> > in the hope that I believe them. But unfortunately I had a look into the
> > code (trying to build it) and saw that it executes a binary: an extended
> > version of x2goclient with heaps of new command line options.
> Which new command line options ?
> I've seen "--embed-into" and "--config", though it was new, but after
> reading the sources of the client I've found them.
> Do you see other options ?
> Guillaume
> ___
> X2go-dev mailing list

X2go-dev mailing list

Re: [X2go-dev] Resume specific session with x2goplugin

2010-09-22 Thread Jörg Sawatzki

> Are you sure that the plugin isn't buildable ?
> I don't know what is required to build a firefox plugin…
Heinz, one of the main developers just confirmed it in a private e-mail 
to me. The sources of the extended x2goclient that is used in the plugin
are not available. The only thing we have is two year old sources - but
they won't help us!
Sorry for that - but the only thing you can probably do is mail Alex or
Heinz and tell them that the requirements of the GPL are not voluntary
but mandatory. I have been fighting for this for months now (since the
plugin's binaries are available) and I am quite exhausted and depressed
by the nerver ending excuses of them. They pretend that law and order
does not apply to them. 


> Guillaume
> ___
> X2go-dev mailing list

X2go-dev mailing list

Re: [X2go-dev] Resume specific session with x2goplugin

2010-09-22 Thread Jörg Sawatzki

better get yourself a coffee and relax. Don't try to build the plugin.
Yes, it is GPL and you should theoretically have access to the sources
but the developers ignore that fact for months now.
So better do something productive than trying to modify that plugin.
Just got a mail from Heinz saying he is in a train and very busy (as
usual) and the plugin sources are not available.


Am Mittwoch, den 22.09.2010, 18:16 +0200 schrieb Jörg Sawatzki:
> Hi Guillaume,
> it's nice to hear that you use paramiko. It would be cool if you could
> have a look at the pyx2go stuff ( and
> see if you can use some parts of it or contribute missing things, as we
> have the paramiko approach as well in there. I know, for the list
> sessions thing it's not really necessary to use it - but I think it's
> better to early start discussing ideas/requirements and join our forces
> to avoid that somebody does work that has already been done!
> Thanks,
> Jörg
> Am Mittwoch, den 22.09.2010, 16:33 +0200 schrieb
> > On Wed, 22 Sep 2010 16:17:55 +0200, " (UNTRUSTED, sender
> >  is not authenticated)"
> >  wrote:
> > >> 2: This is probably the point where it all breaks: As far as I can see,
> > >> the x2goplugin does not have an option for this "x2go.server" file that
> > >> tells it to resume a specified session. Maybe dig through the docs if
> > > 
> > > Indeed, I didn't see any option in the docs and the code.
> > 
> > It's not mentioned in "x2goclient --help", but the client has the
> > "sessionid" option.
> > 
> > Unfortunately x2goplugin doesn't seem to recognize it. So, I have to
> > try to build the plugin…
> > 
> > 
> > Guillaume
> > ___
> > X2go-dev mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> X2go-dev mailing list

X2go-dev mailing list

[X2go-dev] GPL violations

2010-09-22 Thread Jörg Sawatzki
Hey list,

I just got an email back from Heinz - a private mail!
You know that I have been discussing about the plugin and sources with
him and Alex on this list for a couple of months now.
Other people have asked as well where the sources for the plugin are.

Obviously they think that I cannot read C++ code and sent me the link to
the plugin.cpp source ( again -
in the hope that I believe them. But unfortunately I had a look into the
code (trying to build it) and saw that it executes a binary: an extended
version of x2goclient with heaps of new command line options.
Asking for the source (which is your and my right according to GPL) I
got one of these famous excuses saying "oh, we are in the process of
changing to QTBrowserPlugin" and so on. 

In short: 99% of x2goplugin's sources are not published - this affects
(modified and not modified) third-party components as well. 
Everybody who publically distrubtes GPL software in binary form and does
NOT provide a link to the sources violates the license. The GPL doesn't
say "if you have time and the weather is nice you can publish the
sources if you want to".

Therefore I would not recommend anybody to use the plugin in a
production environment and integrate it into any project! It will be you
who will get into court if one of your customers enforces his GPL rights
and you have distributed it in your project.

Just to let you know: I feel a bit fooled with all the excuses and that
they try to somehow get around legal requirements by sending me some
stuff that's only a 7.5K file wrapping around the actual component.

In my opinion, the way they deal with community
input/ideas/contributions is ignorance. Nothing of the critics and
proposals was taken seriously. We still don't have a GIT repo - and that
would take them 5 minutes or less!
But that's alright - we don't have to have git. But we HAVE to follow
legal requirements in the GPL. And not next year, but NOW!

I spent a lot of time and energy into this and the result: I am
maintaining my own python code externally now, because they don't let me
contirubte! And the worst result: I am frustrated as hell, that I spend
months waiting and writing dozens of mails to enforce my rights that I
have by law.

After all, I'd just like to inform all of you, that I am going to report
this to as after explaining it again and again I
still see no change. I'll inform NoMachine as well and advise them to
enforce their legal rights as well - it is their code as well!

I am sorry for bothering you with this, but I think it is important to
draw things like this into plubic attention 


X2go-dev mailing list

Re: [X2go-dev] Resume specific session with x2goplugin

2010-09-22 Thread Jörg Sawatzki
Hi Guillaume,

it's nice to hear that you use paramiko. It would be cool if you could
have a look at the pyx2go stuff ( and
see if you can use some parts of it or contribute missing things, as we
have the paramiko approach as well in there. I know, for the list
sessions thing it's not really necessary to use it - but I think it's
better to early start discussing ideas/requirements and join our forces
to avoid that somebody does work that has already been done!



Am Mittwoch, den 22.09.2010, 16:33 +0200 schrieb
> On Wed, 22 Sep 2010 16:17:55 +0200, " (UNTRUSTED, sender
>  is not authenticated)"
>  wrote:
> >> 2: This is probably the point where it all breaks: As far as I can see,
> >> the x2goplugin does not have an option for this "x2go.server" file that
> >> tells it to resume a specified session. Maybe dig through the docs if
> > 
> > Indeed, I didn't see any option in the docs and the code.
> It's not mentioned in "x2goclient --help", but the client has the
> "sessionid" option.
> Unfortunately x2goplugin doesn't seem to recognize it. So, I have to
> try to build the plugin…
> Guillaume
> ___
> X2go-dev mailing list

X2go-dev mailing list

[X2go-dev] Plugin building

2010-09-22 Thread Jörg Sawatzki
Hi Heinz, Alex and list,

as there are lots of questions and wishes arising on this list and by my
customers, I'd like to build my own version of x2goplugin and x2goclient
to be able to play around and implement new things.

As you told me some days ago, the plugin source is here:

That is indeed true - but where's the rest of it? As far as I can tell
from the code, it starts an instance of x2goclient with some "secret"
command line options. Where is that modified x2goclient's source? It's
not the 3.01 x2goclient that is floating around around somewhere in, is it?



X2go-dev mailing list

Re: [X2go-dev] Resume specific session with x2goplugin

2010-09-22 Thread Jörg Sawatzki
Salut Guillaume,

> I don't want to use the resuming form showed by the plugin (my users 
> are confused with it).
> I'm making a webapp, and I would list sessions in a web page, and make 
> it possible to resume
> paused sessions just by clicking on a link.
Basically, I'd say this is actually not a plugin specific question. What
you need to do is (1) make your webapp talk to the x2go server to get
the list of sessions. The webapp should then dynamically create a
configuration file that is loaded by the plugin, which then (2) resumes
the session.

1: Getting the list of sessions shouldn't be a problem at all: If your
webapp is in python, you can use the pyx2go library and only need three
lines of code - if not, find an ssh library for your programming
language, connect to the x2go host using ssh, execute x2golistsessions
and parse the output.

2: This is probably the point where it all breaks: As far as I can see,
the x2goplugin does not have an option for this "x2go.server" file that
tells it to resume a specified session. Maybe dig through the docs if
you can find something. If not - get the source code for the plugin and
the x2goclient and modify it to your needs. It is GPL and it should
_theoretically_ be possible to get it.


> Thanks in advance !
> Regards,
> Guillaume
> ___
> X2go-dev mailing list

X2go-dev mailing list

Re: [X2go-dev] a2go-client for MAC

2010-09-21 Thread Jörg Sawatzki
Hej Jarle,

I am not really a MAC expert - but I'd say if other X clients can
connect through UNIX sockets, the x2goclient should be able to do that
as well. When developing my python x2go library, I ran into pretty much
the same issue with win32 - nxproxy didn't really want to use unix
sockets in the cygwin environment. 
It might be that this is actually not a mac/cygwin problem, but that
there is something wrong with nxproxy, which is the component that gets
a compressed stream through SSH, builds a cache and plays back the
uncompressed X11 messages to the local X server.
Even though I cannot really help you, I have some ideas how you could
track down the issue: You have probably heard of who
actually invented the NX stuff. Go to their website and download their
NX Client for Mac OS X and see if that needs you to open the TCP X11
port or not It's using nxproxy as well (maybe even exactly the same
version/binary) - so the communication between X and the proxy follows
the same scheme as x2go does. The NoMachine website has a "TestDrive"
section that you can use to play around with - no need to setup an NX
test server!

I hope that will get you a bit closer to the solution what's going
wrong ;)

Good luck!


Am Mittwoch, den 18.08.2010, 10:25 +0200 schrieb Jarle Bjørgeengen:
> Hi,
> first, thank you for a nice application. I've been looking for a  
> suitable free NX low-bandwidth solution and x2go seems to fit the  
> purpose well.
> I'm using the MAC client, and I'm a bit puzzled that it is necessary  
> to turn on remote connections (and hence open the X11 TCP port for  
> listening) in order to locally display the desktop received over NX  
> protocole (presumably tunneled over SSH) . So first you tunnel over  
> SSH for security, and then it is required to open a potentially  
> vulnerable service in order to display that picture ... ?
> When starting X programs (like XTERM) in OSX it seems that the default  
> behavior is to communicate over a internal unix socket. Would it be  
> possible to have x2goclient for mac using the same mechanism rather  
> requiring the opening of unsafe services ?

X2go-dev mailing list

Re: [X2go-dev] headless client with pyx2go

2010-09-21 Thread Jörg Sawatzki
Hey Dick,

thank you for your interest in pyx2go! First of all, let me say that
pyx2go is not an official library by the x2go developers - it was
basically just an experiment to see if I could integrate python with the
x2go stuff. It is a quite new project and it still contains bugs and
some things are missing (e.g. sound and printing). The sshfs things are
only implemented for demo purposes and need to be secured and tested for
production use.

> The application should have the following features:
> 1. All parameters except for the password should come from a profile stored 
> in the users home directory
> 2. The user should have the possibility to enter the password, the username 
> and the server, where the username and the server should be retrieved from 
> the profile
> 3. The client should support clientside printing as the x2go client
> 4. The home directory (or another directory) on the clientside should be 
> mounted with fuse on the serverside
> 5. The client should start XMing with all appropriate parameters
> 6. It should be possible to start an application from the server side by 
> starting a file. So if a file called test.doc exists and that file is 
> started, MS-Word should start.
> 7. The profile should be maintained by a separate program (nice gui 
> application)
All these points are definitely possible with python and pyx2go - just
running MS Word on a linux server could be tricky - do you want to proxy
Windows remote desktop sessions through x2go/nx? Or was it just a
confusing example and an instance starting up on a linux
box was meant? :)

> We've got the running. However when it ends, the session is 
> terminated correctly, but a thread remains active. Probably the thread should 
> be joined with the mainprogram.
Thank you for the hint! That might be because either a sub process doesn't 
correctly terminate or some greenlet (thread) e.g. a forward tunnel hasn't 
terminated and blocks the app from exiting. I am going to have a look at
it tomorrow - but just to be sure: What revision are you using? The
latest from github, right?

> Could anyone help us with documentation on the use of fuse and the way 
> commands are passed from client to server vice-versa? 
Well, what you mean is sshfs, isn't it? Basically it just mounts a
directory on a remote SSH host by using the SFTP subsystem that you
should already know through the "scp" command line utility and others.

On Debian based distros, you usually just need to apt-get install sshfs
and then mount something: sshfs /home/dick/mnt

You really don't need a deeper understanding of FUSE to use sshfs - but
if you are interested, there's plenty of python specific information in
the "Language Binding" section at

I hope that helps for now - if you have further questions or need help
with coding I will be happy to assist you.


> Dick Kniep
> Lindix BV
> tel. 036-5215580
> mob. 06-50991858
> ___
> X2go-dev mailing list

X2go-dev mailing list

Re: [X2go-dev] Plugin Sources?!

2010-09-15 Thread Jörg Sawatzki
Hi Heinz,

thx for your answer - I somehow thought it must be more code than these
7.9 kb in plugin.cpp!
But it seems that it just forks a new x2goclient process with some
undocumented command line options as well as a temporary cfg file and
embeds it into the browser window. No secret magic behind it, it
seems ;)

Concerning the legal stuff: I'd register the name X2go as a trademark -
in Germany that is easily done through


Am Mittwoch, den 15.09.2010, 11:14 +0200 schrieb Heinz-M. Graesing:
> Hello Joerg,
> I'm still on vacation (Alex was first, now it is my turn) but I wan't to
> answer this E-Mail to provide further confusion. The question "where is
> the plugin source?" was answered before on this list:
> The article on Linuxmagazin is NOT written by us. The plugin is still
> not released. The whole new version is still not released.
> The last weeks I was forced to visit my lawyer because of the name "x2go".
> As I know that our community want's to access the source in a more
> convenient way, we'll work on a public git.
> As we don't know if we can keep the name "x2go" we'll do this after this
> decision is made - or at last after I'm back from vacation to meet Alex
> again.
> bye,
> Heinz
> Am 15.09.2010 05:13, schrieb Jörg Sawatzki:
> > Hi,
> > 
> >> I do not know about the plugin - John
> > I just wonder - that plugin has been around for quite a long time - and
> > even the "Linuxmagazin" has published an article glorifiying x2go and
> > the new plugin this month. How is that possible that a renommated tech
> > magazine presents this as the latest open source tool but actually the
> > source is not available anywhere.
> > Anybody who distributes GPLed software in binary form is required to
> > provide access to the sources as well. And that means from the beginning
> > and not after the binaries have been around for some months!
> > 
> > I sometimes have the impression that something needs to be hidden or
> > there's a secret business strategy behind this project why things are
> > delayed or community input is ignored. Remember that we had a discussion
> > about VCS? Shouldn't there be a git repository available very soon? ;)
> > 
> > Hope to see a statement or some direct action from the project
> > leaders/developers...After having quite a big publicity through the
> > media it would be even more important to show the world that you care
> > about being a TRUE OSS project!
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > Jörg
> >>
> >>
> >> ___
> >> X2go-dev mailing list
> >>
> >>
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > X2go-dev mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> X2go-dev mailing list

X2go-dev mailing list

Re: [X2go-dev] Plugin Sources?!

2010-09-14 Thread Jörg Sawatzki

> I do not know about the plugin - John
I just wonder - that plugin has been around for quite a long time - and
even the "Linuxmagazin" has published an article glorifiying x2go and
the new plugin this month. How is that possible that a renommated tech
magazine presents this as the latest open source tool but actually the
source is not available anywhere.
Anybody who distributes GPLed software in binary form is required to
provide access to the sources as well. And that means from the beginning
and not after the binaries have been around for some months!

I sometimes have the impression that something needs to be hidden or
there's a secret business strategy behind this project why things are
delayed or community input is ignored. Remember that we had a discussion
about VCS? Shouldn't there be a git repository available very soon? ;)

Hope to see a statement or some direct action from the project
leaders/developers...After having quite a big publicity through the
media it would be even more important to show the world that you care
about being a TRUE OSS project!


> ___
> X2go-dev mailing list

X2go-dev mailing list

Re: [X2go-dev] x2goclient-cli don't terminates correctly?

2010-09-14 Thread Jörg Sawatzki
Hi Thomas,

I recently wrote a small python library for the x2go client side stuff
( as I had more or less the same issues
that you have. Basically, my idea was to integrate x2go client
functionailty into some USB stick portable environment for schools by
invoking the CLI in the background. I ran into a lot of issues (missing
sshfs/file sharing options, pulseaudio and others) and the cli seemed to
crash/freeze randomly with a lot of zombies left over...
As there's no documentation about x2go's internals available at present
I had to read the sources and got a pretty good feeling for how it
works. My impression of the code is that it is very "hackish" and was
quickly glued together, especially the cli perl stuff: None of the
x2goclients included in the project seem to use an SSH library to handle
connections. They all fork an external OpenSSH process (ssh/ssh.exe) and
control them through command line arguments and pipes. The worst thing
about this is the fact that for EVERY command that is executed on the
server, a separate SSH client is started and a new connection is made.
E.g. list sessions, cancel an existing session, make a new one, run a
command, setup a tunnel for graphic forwarding, setup a tunnel for sound
forwarding - that would fork 6 (!) openssh processes, six connections
and six times auth (which makes the whole thing very SLOW). Some of them
die immediately, some of them keep running and prevent the cli from
exiting. The result is that you have to kill the cli and as the sshs
lost their parent process, they become zombies. 
That's the technical background from my point of view. A quick and dirty
solution would be to fix the perl script to take care of child processes
and properly terminate them at exit. A cleaner solution would be to
rewrite the script to use a proper ssh library, only use ONE connection
and fork no ssh child process at all. 
And well, the third solution is to take the pyx2go stuff - it does not
have these issues as it uses the paramiko python ssh libs and adapt it
to your needs. The only thing is that pyx2go is a python library and
doesn't provide you with a ready to use CLI. If you want to integrate it
into a python program it should be cool, if not, write a small
CLI/wrapper around it. The pulseaudio thing would still need to be
added, but it is an easy peasy tcp port forwarding and some external
processes needing to be started.
I'd be happy to help you with getting this integrated/working and even
write some code and extend the library - as long as your project is
non-commercial/OSS. Otherwise we'd have to agree on some kind of
payment ;)

Hope that helps for now! :o)

Greetings to the capital from small town Lower Saxony (Osnabrück),


Am Dienstag, den 14.09.2010, 12:26 + schrieb Thomas T.:
> Hi,
> I have noticed that x2goclient-cli doesn't close all "Childproceses" after I 
> closed/terminated a session.
> If I try to use sound , can't get artsd running properly :/ , there will be 2 
> SSH connections left, else only one SSH connection.
> Example with --use-sound -no :
> ps -A -f
> During running session:
> admin 22945 22534  0 13:53 pts/000:00:00 /usr/bin/perl 
> /usr/bin/x2goclient-cli --user oldpc --server --use-sound no 
> --port 
> 22 --command gnome-session 
> admin 22954 22945  0 13:53 pts/000:00:00 sh -c DISPLAY=:0 
> SSH_ASKPASS=/home/deka/.x2go/ssh/askpass setsid ssh -p 22 -N -L 
> 30001:localhost:30001 ol...@
> admin 22955 22954  0 13:53 ?00:00:00 ssh -p 22 -N -L 
> 30001:localhost:30001 ol...@
> admin 22957 22945  0 13:53 pts/000:00:00 sh -c 
> nxproxy  -S nx/nx,options=/home/deka/.x2go/S-oldpc-50-1284465225/options:50 
> 2>>/home/deka/.x2go/S-oldpc-50-
> admin 22959 22957  0 13:53 pts/000:00:00 /usr/lib/x2go/nxproxy -S 
> nx/nx,options=/home/deka/.x2go/S-oldpc-50-1284465225/options:50
> After closing/terminating the session:
> admin 22955 1 0 13:53 ? 00:00:00 ssh -N -L 30001:localhost:30001 
> ol...@
> Starting a new session brings me to
> bind: Address already in use
> channel_setup_fwd_listener: cannot listen to port: 30001
> Could not request local forwarding
> and my System is collecting zombie ssh processes after several sessions ;)
> Is this a small Bug, got any else that Problem or is my fault aka messed up 
> sys 
> config?
> PS: No Problem with qt/gtk x2goclient but I forced to use the cli client and 
> is 
> there a chance for an pulseaudio update for x2goclient-cli?
> Sincerely,
> Thomas, Berlin 14.09.10
> ___
> X2go-dev mailing list

X2go-dev mailing list

Re: [X2go-dev] x2go windows client

2010-07-22 Thread Jörg Sawatzki
Hi Malic,

thanks for that information - I think that will be fixed in the long run
as soon as the developers have more time or the community gets access to
the sources/VCS.
The client is still very "hackish" at that point and calls these
external openssh programs to take care of the connection. As this
doesn't only result in bad performance but in weird DLL problems as you
just pointed out, this will certainly one of the first things to fix.


Am Donnerstag, den 22.07.2010, 13:55 +0200 schrieb Malic Zilyas:
> Dear members,
> Currently I'm switchin from FreeNx to x2go.
> i must say everything looks very good!
> Especially when using linux platforms only.
> When using the windows client I've had the following problem. When 
> trying to open a session:
> A first dialog with an empty msg, title: "Host key verification failed 
> ..." and option "Yes" and "No". Pressing Yes opend up the same dialog 
> again. Pressing No give me the error: "ssh_askpass: No such file or 
> directory Host key verification failed."
> The client is installed on a system that has the latest cygwin 
> installed. I was already using ssh and sshd from the cygwin package. 
> This gave conflicting cygwin1.dll versions. Copy the latest dll the x2go 
> folder did not resolve the problem completely. A new error occured, 
> something like could not create directory /home/mz/ssh. I don't remember 
> the exact error msg. I did a full scan of all cygwin1.dll. I found that 
> I was running a little tool on the background (xplanet) that was also 
> using a cygwin1.dll but a much older one. After closing down that tool, 
> restoring the x2go original cygwin1.dll to its folder and trying 
> again... All is well ...
> I started up my cron and sshd services again with the new cygwin1.dll 
> and starting the x2go client with its original dll. Everything worked again!
> I just want to share this information, maybe put it in the faq or 
> something. When using the windows client, be carefull to look for other 
> (older) cygwin1.dlls
> For the rest I'm very happy using x2go.
> Thank you all
>   Malic Zilyas
> ___
> X2go-dev mailing list

X2go-dev mailing list

Re: [X2go-dev] convert X11 to RDP

2010-07-22 Thread Jörg Sawatzki

have a look at xrdp -
This is, as far as I know, the one and only RDP server for Unix-like
systems and works quite well on my Ubuntu 10.04 box here. If you are
using Ubuntu as well, it is alreaddy in the repositories and the only
thing you have to do is: sudo apt-get install xrdp

Hope that helps,


Am Donnerstag, den 22.07.2010, 09:45 +0800 schrieb 秦桂杉:
> hi
> Is it possible to use x2goagent  to covert X11 to RDP?
> I want to use XP tsclient to  view a remote X11 desktop , is there
> open source project  like this?

X2go-dev mailing list

Re: [X2go-dev] source code repository

2010-07-17 Thread Jörg Sawatzki
Hi Heinz,

that all sounds very good and promising.

> I would like to handle this like debian: to combine your ideas with x2go
> directly or let you create some "meta distributions" (like debian med or
> debian edu).
A good idea in general, but I am not sure if this makes sense with a
rather small project (compared to a whole linux distribution). What kind
of flavours/meta distributions should x2go have? With linux
distributions, it is different, because users have a lot of different
purposes like using it in education, in a small business, on a netbook
or an embedded system like a router or a smartphone.

But x2go? Isn't the purpose of all users to create a fast and reliable
terminal server environment? x2go-edu? x2go-netbook-edition? :o) 

Maybe I am on the wrong track, but I can hardly imagine a single meta
distribution of x2go that would make sense.

My suggestion: Make ONE x2go-core that you maintain and where you decide
what contributions and features you include - everything else (things
that have specific purposes not needed by all users) is provided as
plugin/module that is maintained by the contributor himself. Saves you
work, makes it easy for contributors and is a very clear concept. I'd
rather install one x2go and choose the additional modules I need instead
of trying x2go-foo, x2go-edu, x2go-bar to see what could fit best.

> We are working with git and now that is a big whish of you, the next
> thin we'll do is to get working.
Why don't you use github or *forge? It saves time and money and you have
the same (and more) possibilities than with your own server.
Apart from that, you'd have to setup a bug tracker, wiki and stuff like
that as well - and run, administer, update and maintain it. I'd rather
invest my time to get on with development instead of reinventing the
wheel at this point. :)

> We wan't to use our own server to be able to autobuild packages etc...
> but I will push a copy to github too.
There is absolutely no need for this - for example, if you have a
project page on Launchpad, their servers can autobuild .deb packages for
you - for all kinds of architectures and ubuntu/debian versions.
If you still want to build packages on your own server, just build them
from the github/*forge repository. 

Of course it is up to you - but keep in mind that it will cost you a lot
more time (and money) to build and run an infrastructure that is as good
or better than what all these *forge sites offer you for free.


X2go-dev mailing list

[X2go-dev] CLI / plugin

2010-06-12 Thread Jörg Sawatzki
Hey folks,

first of all I'd like to thank you for your excellent work! I just gave
x2go a try on my virtual server running ubuntu hardy and I am quite
impressed how easy it was to set it up and how fast it works.

One short thing concerning the new plugin (which is not yet released, I
know): I am on ubuntu lucid here (amd64) and firefox 3.6.3 - browsing to and installing the plugin works perfectly.

But: After installation, browsing to makes firefox crash
with the following command line output:
firefox-bin: ../../src/xcb_io.c:249: process_responses: Assertion
`(((long) (dpy->last_request_read) - (long) (dpy->request)) <= 0)'

Just as a hint - but probably you already know this issue...

Anyway, now my actual question: I am developing a portable learning and
working environment for the state of Lower Saxony targeted to schools
( Basically users put it on their USB stick to
manage their portable programs and get updates using an apt-get like
repository providing software and learning materials. 
If they e.g. install openoffice through the package manager, they can
double click an *.odt file in the builtin file manager and it is opened
with their openoffice. You probably already guess what I am thinking
about: It would be cool if they had an option to say "Edit online" - in
the case they don't have the appropriate application on their stick. Our
portable desktop would then start x2goclient and popup an openoffice
window on the remote x2goserver configured in the user's settings.

I had a look at x2goclient-cli which could easily be executed by our
python app.
A few questions:
- most of the users are using Windows - is or will the CLI be available
for windows as well?
- is there a way to tell the CLI that it should let the local window
manager render the windows? If I use it with --command xterm for
example, a 800x600 virtual desktop pops up and contains an xterm window.
I have seen the x2goclient-gtk/qt can do that, but I am not sure how to
do it with the CLI.
- if the user clicks a file on his USB drive the terminal server will
need access to it - is it possible to get that working with the CLI?

Thanks once again and have fun at LinuxTag :o)


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