[ZION] You just don't get it

2002-10-30 Thread Gary Smith
Just to show "I do get it," let me clarify my position.
First off, there was  a Great Apostasy. The Lord began sending light and
truth down to prepare the way for the restoration through Joseph Smith.
The fulness of the gospel was restored through the living prophets.

The Church is different than all other Churches for two reasons: we have
fuller truths, the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and we have authority of God.

We have the truths and authority to exalt, to give a fulness of

Now, let me explain the Great Apostasy. It was a loss of authority, and
much truth was lost, also. However, people still have the light of Christ
to guide them (as well as the Holy Ghost) to give them some saving
truths. These truths are enough to save most in a kingdom of glory. If
the world had been in a total apostasy of Satanic darkness, there would
have been nothing but sons of perdition and no one to save.  

God wants all his children to be exalted, but accepts giving his children
what level of light they are willing to receive. Though other Churches do
not exalt, they can help save. If a Baptist or Muslim church can help a
person live a terrestrial life, that person has received a great
blessing. Hopefully that person would later accept the fuller truths in
the LDS Church.

I understand your viewpoint, John. And I agree with it in many ways.
However, I do not see the point of using vinegar all the time. The other
day, I was with the Elders teaching a young woman the second discussion.
We were discussing baptism, and she asked if she needed to be rebaptized,
as her old minister had baptized her and he was one of the greatest men
in her life. He had helped her turn her life around from living a life of
drugs and teen pregnancy, into a wholesome life as a stay at home mother
and wife.

Should we have told her that her old minister was an apostate and his
baptism was of Satan? Yeah, that would have gone far in getting her
converted, eh? Vinegar.  Instead, we explained that many ministers do
much good work, yet there has always been a question of authority between
Catholics and Protestants. In the LDS Church, we know that the Lord gave
his priesthood authority to Joseph Smith, so there isn't any question on
authority. She was satisfied with the answer and has accepted baptism for
next month.

I know these other religions cannot exalt. That is what we are here for.
Yet, I do recognize the good they do, just as Brigham Young, Spencer
Kimball and other prophets have noted.  The prophets know there was an
apostasy. They condemn false doctrines, as I do. But they don't go around
with a chip on their shoulder, either. They teach our truths without
seeking to offend.  Alma said to be bold without overbearing. That is my
goal, to teach the truths of God without offending. 

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
"No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

To those who defend apostate sects:

You just don't get it.  There was a Great Apostasy during the first two 
centuries of the Christian era.  It was caused by the devil and his 
followers introducing false doctrine.  The apostasy was complete.  The 
priesthood was taken from the earth.  The churches not only lost their 
right to perform the saving ordinances, but they also began to teach

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Re: [ZION] You Just Don't Get It

2002-10-29 Thread Marc A. Schindler
Thanks -- now I see what he was getting at.

Stephen Beecroft wrote:

> -Marc-
> > Are there people here who defend apostate sects? Or is this a
> > high council talk ;-)
> Actually, I agree with John in this. It's one thing to say that
> some/many/most/all religions contain truths. It's quite another to say
> that God directed that they be established as a sort of "halfway house"
> for sinners in their journey to him. The former seems obvious; the
> latter is directly contrary to my understanding of God's dealings with
> us. Yes, good and honest men and women, working through the light of
> Christ, can bring to pass good works. That does not mean that those
> works, be they social contributions or religious organizations, are
> inspired by God, approved of him, or granted any special status outside
> what the Lord told Joseph Smith about the creeds of his (and our) day.
> I would not choose to lead into a conversation with a non-member by
> citing this fact, however. In some instances, our similarities are much
> more important than our differences. But let's not be deceived into
> believing that Such-and-such Church or sect or religion has been set up
> under the inspiration of God for the edification of his children. I
> disbelieve that, and in fact believe it to be in direct contradiction to
> our teachings, as I mentioned above.
> Stephen
> /
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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

Guns don’t kill people; people with guns kill people

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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RE: [ZION] You Just Don't Get It

2002-10-29 Thread Stephen Beecroft
> Are there people here who defend apostate sects? Or is this a
> high council talk ;-)

Actually, I agree with John in this. It's one thing to say that 
some/many/most/all religions contain truths. It's quite another to say 
that God directed that they be established as a sort of "halfway house" 
for sinners in their journey to him. The former seems obvious; the 
latter is directly contrary to my understanding of God's dealings with 
us. Yes, good and honest men and women, working through the light of 
Christ, can bring to pass good works. That does not mean that those 
works, be they social contributions or religious organizations, are 
inspired by God, approved of him, or granted any special status outside 
what the Lord told Joseph Smith about the creeds of his (and our) day.

I would not choose to lead into a conversation with a non-member by 
citing this fact, however. In some instances, our similarities are much 
more important than our differences. But let's not be deceived into 
believing that Such-and-such Church or sect or religion has been set up 
under the inspiration of God for the edification of his children. I 
disbelieve that, and in fact believe it to be in direct contradiction to 
our teachings, as I mentioned above.


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Re: [ZION] You Just Don't Get It

2002-10-29 Thread Marc A. Schindler
Are there people here who defend apostate sects? Or is this a high council talk

Reminds me of a true story (do I tell any other kind?). Once, in the 80s, when
the Cold War was at its, er, hottest, I gave a talk in my ward in Ottawa. People
knew I travelled a lot, and was only at sacrament maybe half the time due to my
demanding travel schedule. At the beginning of my talk, I said, straight-faced,
that I had recently been to Moscow, and had been picked up along with 3 other
people, all USAmericans, by the KGB. We shared a cell in Lubyanka Prison for the
night. Our crime was being caught with religious material, namely, our
scriptures. I was nothing (actually my calling was back-up GD teacher iirc) but
the other 3 consisted of a Relief Society president, a high councillor and a
bishop.  The guards came and granted each of us a last wish as we were going to
be shot at dawn.  The bishop said he wanted his scriptures back so he could read
in them until his execution. This was granted.  The high councillor said he had
been scheduled to give a talk in his home ward back home, and he wanted to give
it to the rest of us so he could do his best at completing his assignment.  This
was granted. All eyes turned to the RS president, who said, immediately, "My last
wish is to be shot before the high councillor gives his talk"

One elderly lady came up to me later and said, "Oh, it's such a vicious regime
over there, isn't it? It's a miracle you got out of there alive."  Sigh. As the
subject line says, "you just don't get it." :-)

"John W. Redelfs" wrote:

> To those who defend apostate sects:
> You just don't get it.  There was a Great Apostasy during the first two
> centuries of the Christian era.  It was caused by the devil and his
> followers introducing false doctrine.  The apostasy was complete.  The
> priesthood was taken from the earth.  The churches not only lost their
> right to perform the saving ordinances, but they also began to teach false
> doctrine.
> Remember, outside of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints this
> apostasy is still going on.  More and more true doctrine is lost as century
> after century the vestigial, true doctrine is replaced with false doctrine.
> The Restoration has begun.  It is ongoing.  Once again angels visit the
> earth and teach our Savior's pure and redeeming doctrine.  Among the
> Latter-day Saints, and among them alone, the truth has been restored by
> angels, the Holy Ghost, and true prophets.
> But outside the Church the apostasy continues.  Satan has been successful
> in corrupting "all flesh" and "darkness prevails upon the earth, among the
> children of men."
> (Doctrine and Covenants, Section 38:11) There is only one shining ray of
> hope, one glimmer of light in the darkness.  And that is the Church of
> Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint, the restoration of the true doctrines of
> Jesus Christ.
> There are good people in the other churches.  Because of the Holy Ghost
> these good people do not believe everything their ministers tell them.  But
> the religion those ministers teach, the doctrines they learned in the
> seminaries and post divinity degree programs, are false.  And it is evil to
> teach them, just as it is a fatal mistake to believe them.
> True, the growing darkness is not a perfect darkness.  There are still some
> vestiges of truth among the other sects.  That is why President Hinckley,
> and every prophet before him, tells those of other religions to keep the
> truth that they have and let us add to it.  But let there be no mistake,
> the doctrine taught by their religious leaders is evil.  It is evil because
> it perverts the right way of the Lord.  And in many cases, perhaps most, it
> does not prepare them for our missionaries.  Rather it hardens them in
> their wrong way.
> Your friend and brother,
> John W. Redelfs, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> /
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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

Guns don’t kill people; people with guns kill people

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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[ZION] You Just Don't Get It

2002-10-29 Thread John W. Redelfs
To those who defend apostate sects:

You just don't get it.  There was a Great Apostasy during the first two 
centuries of the Christian era.  It was caused by the devil and his 
followers introducing false doctrine.  The apostasy was complete.  The 
priesthood was taken from the earth.  The churches not only lost their 
right to perform the saving ordinances, but they also began to teach false 

Remember, outside of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints this 
apostasy is still going on.  More and more true doctrine is lost as century 
after century the vestigial, true doctrine is replaced with false doctrine.

The Restoration has begun.  It is ongoing.  Once again angels visit the 
earth and teach our Savior's pure and redeeming doctrine.  Among the 
Latter-day Saints, and among them alone, the truth has been restored by 
angels, the Holy Ghost, and true prophets.

But outside the Church the apostasy continues.  Satan has been successful 
in corrupting "all flesh" and "darkness prevails upon the earth, among the 
children of men."
(Doctrine and Covenants, Section 38:11) There is only one shining ray of 
hope, one glimmer of light in the darkness.  And that is the Church of 
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint, the restoration of the true doctrines of 
Jesus Christ.

There are good people in the other churches.  Because of the Holy Ghost 
these good people do not believe everything their ministers tell them.  But 
the religion those ministers teach, the doctrines they learned in the 
seminaries and post divinity degree programs, are false.  And it is evil to 
teach them, just as it is a fatal mistake to believe them.

True, the growing darkness is not a perfect darkness.  There are still some 
vestiges of truth among the other sects.  That is why President Hinckley, 
and every prophet before him, tells those of other religions to keep the 
truth that they have and let us add to it.  But let there be no mistake, 
the doctrine taught by their religious leaders is evil.  It is evil because 
it perverts the right way of the Lord.  And in many cases, perhaps most, it 
does not prepare them for our missionaries.  Rather it hardens them in 
their wrong way.

Your friend and brother,
John W. Redelfs, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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