Re: [Zope-CMF] Plone participation in the CMF list

2005-08-01 Thread Geoff Davis
Tres Seaver wrote:

> Geoff, we *do* want the Plone developers to participate here.  Some of
> the past history we can let pass, in order to share better in the
> future.  In general, we would like to see "infrastructure" components
> shared, where possible.

I'm glad to hear it.  My sense is that my fellow Plone folks would also
like to have infrastructure living in the CMF so it will get wider usage
and support.  We could definitely do a better job of systematically
evaluating what should live where and then acting accordingly, and I
think the CMF community could do a better job of engaging in that
discussion with us.

Once the dust clears from the Plone 2.1 release, I will see if we can
get some discussion going on the plone-developers list about moving some
things to CMF.

I agree that SecureMailHost is a good candidate for a move.  Perhaps
ResourceRegistries as well.  There are a number of utility methods that
we have added to CMFDefault's base tools that could easily be moved over
to CMF.  I'd also like to have the CMFFormController discussion

In addition there are a number of things in the Plone SVN collective
( that might find a good home in
the CMF (though not necessarily in their current form).  A few
candidates: the functionality in PortalTransitions I think would make a
nice addition to DCWorkflow; ETagCacheManager (once it is refined a bit)
would make a nice addition to the standard cache managers.


Zope-CMF maillist  -

See for bug reports and feature requests

Re: [Zope-CMF] Plone participation in the CMF list

2005-08-01 Thread Jens Vagelpohl

We have contributed quite a few bug fixes to CMF, though that has been
hampered by problems getting CVS access (I sent in my contributor form
over a year ago and have yet to hear anything; as Tres has indicated,
this has been a problem for several other Plone developers as well).

I'm hoping that will move along faster now. That's out of the hands  
of any of the active developers unfortunately.

We have also offered some fairly substantial pieces of code to the CMF
(Archetypes, CMFFormController, SpeedPack), but have met with
indifference and/or active rejection.  I have several products I think
could find a home in the CMF, but given the response to previous  

I'm not sure it's worth the trouble to make the offer.

I don't claim to know the details of how that went down, but I  
distinctly remember from the time both Tres and I were still at ZC  
that Tres offered to incorporate AT and have it become part of CMF.  
I'm not sure who exactly he talked to, but from what I remember that  
was met with the same indifference you're attesting the CMF community.

In general, I sense a fair amount of hostility to Plone expressed  
on the

list in the form of gratuitous sniping.

If you want us to participate, it might help to play more nicely.

I would like to note that CMF != Plone. Plone is the largest  
"consumer", correct, but that doesn't mean everyone who uses CMF uses  
Plone, or that individual participants are forbidden to have a  
negative opinion about Plone. Life on mailing lists is tough and full  
of taunts and flame throwing. The CMF list is actually one of the  
least "offensive" lists I am on.

That said, I have heard some good ideas from e.g. Paul about how to  
re-align the "factions" better in the future and I hope both Paul and  
Tres can talk about it more in Vienna, and pull in suitable Plone  
leaders. It would help everyone if the CMF side opened up a little  
more to ideas coming down from Plone, and if the Plone side stopped  
reinventing wheels that would be much better off (and benefit  
everyone) in the CMF or other non-Plone core products.


Zope-CMF maillist  -

See for bug reports and feature requests

[Zope-CMF] Plone participation in the CMF list

2005-08-01 Thread Geoff Davis
> P.S.: I too think that more participation from the main "consumers",  
> the Plone developers, is sorely needed on this list.

Rest assured that those of us who are involved in the low-level plumbing
of Plone do read the list regularly.  

We have contributed quite a few bug fixes to CMF, though that has been
hampered by problems getting CVS access (I sent in my contributor form
over a year ago and have yet to hear anything; as Tres has indicated,
this has been a problem for several other Plone developers as well).  

We have also offered some fairly substantial pieces of code to the CMF
(Archetypes, CMFFormController, SpeedPack), but have met with
indifference and/or active rejection.  I have several products I think
could find a home in the CMF, but given the response to previous offers,
I'm not sure it's worth the trouble to make the offer.

In general, I sense a fair amount of hostility to Plone expressed on the
list in the form of gratuitous sniping.  

If you want us to participate, it might help to play more nicely.


Zope-CMF maillist  -

See for bug reports and feature requests