Thanks, Lee. You made my point, e.g., clear policies and procedures,
training, and enforcement. It's not just laptops we need to be concerned
about in health's all of the other portable devices, such as


-----Original Message-----
From: Kelly, Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: Laptop Losses

In response to >>What other mechanism do you have in mind to preclude the
loss/theft of portable devices?<<
 Not meaning to sound glib, but in most cases nothing can be 'totally
prevented'. That being said there are two basic thoughts on theft of
portable devices:
 The target is the data thought to be stored on the system - To combat this
the following can be done:
o Awareness - let the users know of the policies/procedures regarding
storage of sensitive data on portable devices
o Disk encryption - there are tools/products that allow users to store
sensitive data in portions of the hard drive that are encrypted. A word of
caution though, in most cases if the user forgets the password to the
encrypted files they are un-recoverable unless some other measure has been
taken to maintain the password (a sealed envelope in the office for example,
but this also raises questions)
o There are tools/products that will 'phone home' if the laptop is plugged
into a phone/network connection (if the network connection includes Internet
* The target is the laptop itself, regardless of the data - To combat this,
the following can be done:
o Awareness - let users know how to better protect portable devices.
Security awareness training should incorporate this into the material. They
should still be made aware of policies/procedures for storing sensitive data
on these devices. The users should also be aware of who to call in the event
their system is stolen.
 The same measure should also be applied to PDA's, Blackberries (and similar
devices) and the newer cell phones that can receive/transmit e-mail.

Lee Kelly, CISSP
Manager, Assessment Services
Fortrex Technologies, Inc.
1-877-367-8739 (Office)
301-906-6269 (Cell)

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