On Mon, 7 Mar 2022 11:29:08 GMT, Johannes Bechberger <d...@openjdk.java.net> 

> The WXMode for the current thread (on MacOS aarch64) is currently stored in 
> the thread class which is unnecessary as the WXMode is bound to the current 
> OS thread, not the current instance of the thread class.
> This pull request moves the storage of the current WXMode into a thread local 
> global variable in `os` and changes all related code. SafeFetch depended on 
> the existence of a thread object only because of the WXMode. This pull 
> request therefore removes the dependency, making SafeFetch usable in more 
> contexts.

Hi Johannes, just some drive-by comments, not a full review. Also please see my 
comment toward David, proposing a more generic interface in os instead.

Cheers, Thomas

src/hotspot/os_cpu/bsd_aarch64/os_bsd_aarch64.cpp line 537:

> 535: #endif
> 536: 
> 537: static THREAD_LOCAL WXMode _wx_state = WXUnknown;

All this wx coding inside bsd sources should be guarded with `__APPLE__` out of 
politeness toward the BSDs.

src/hotspot/os_cpu/bsd_aarch64/os_bsd_aarch64.cpp line 552:

> 550:     _wx_state = new_state;
> 551:     pthread_jit_write_protect_np(_wx_state == WXExec);
> 552:   }

I would simplify this:

if (_wx_state == unknown) {
  _wx_state = write; // No way to know but we assume the original state is 
"writable, not executable"
WXMode old = _wx_state;
_wx_state = new_state;
pthread_jit_write_protect_np(_wx_state == WXExec);

that is simpler and avoids calling pthread_jit_write_protect_np twice for the 
"unknown->exec" transition.

src/hotspot/os_cpu/bsd_aarch64/os_bsd_aarch64.cpp line 558:

> 556: void os::current_thread_reset_wx() {
> 557:   current_thread_change_wx(WXWrite);
> 558: }

I find the naming a  bit misleading. You use this as initialization, so I would 
call it "init" something.

Then, I'm not sure it is even needed. I know you just transformed it from the 
original `init_wx()`, so the question is directed more at the original authors 

AFAIU we use this to initialize wxstate for newly attached threads to "dont 
execute". But should this not already be the case? And if its not - e.g. 
because that thread had been calling into another library that also does call 
generated code - is it not impolite to switch the state to "executable false"? 
I know this is highly unlikely, I just try to understand.

src/hotspot/share/runtime/os.hpp line 943:

> 941:   static WXMode current_thread_change_wx(WXMode new_state);
> 942: 
> 943:   static void current_thread_reset_wx();

Please add comments what this is supposed to do


Changes requested by stuefe (Reviewer).

PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/7727

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