On Mon, 7 Mar 2022 11:29:08 GMT, Johannes Bechberger <d...@openjdk.java.net> 

> The WXMode for the current thread (on MacOS aarch64) is currently stored in 
> the thread class which is unnecessary as the WXMode is bound to the current 
> OS thread, not the current instance of the thread class.
> This pull request moves the storage of the current WXMode into a thread local 
> global variable in `os` and changes all related code. SafeFetch depended on 
> the existence of a thread object only because of the WXMode. This pull 
> request therefore removes the dependency, making SafeFetch usable in more 
> contexts.

Regarding the names of the new methods: Most of the usages for ThreadWXEnable 
use it to set the WXMode to WXWrite. The suggested names are therefore a bit 
misleading (when used in this context).

One could add another two methods:

class os {
// Platform does whatever needed to prepare for execution of generated code 
inside the current thread
os::pre_current_thread_jit_code_gen() NOT_MACOS_AARCH64({})
// Platform does whatever needed to clean up after executing generated code 
inside the current thread
os::post_current_thread_jit_code_gen() NOT_MACOS_AARCH64({})

But one would still have the problem of nesting (e.g. when code generating code 
calls code generating code).


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/7727

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