Hi, I just wanted to add my experience using some of these options. 

I have found that running a single optimization using MD.VariableCell True 
virtually always finds the same optimized structure as doing a two-step (frozen 
cell -> variable cell) optimization. This is true as long as the starting 
coordinates are reasonably accurate. 

In my understanding, if you use the Monkhorst_Pack k-grid during variable cell 
optimization, the number of k-points won’t change, but their effective density 
will change a little bit. For example, if the unit cell shrinks during 
optimization, the same number of k-points will reflect a less dense k-grid. 

Possibly one approach would be to optimize the system with a reasonable guess 
for the number of k-points necessary and then, when you have the optimized 
coordinates, run a single energy calculation with a larger number of kpoints to 
see if the energy/forces/strain change significantly.

Lastly, I’ve found that the MD.TypeOfRun Broyden is the most efficient 
optimization algorithm. The default settings for it seem to work fine, too. 

Anyway, as I said, these are just my experiences, so they certainly won't be 
helpful for every situation. I thought I would share though, just in case they 
might be helpful for someone else. Have a nice week everyone,


On Jul 21, 2014, at 8:10 AM, Максим Арсентьев <ars21031...@gmail.com> wrote:

> When you perform internal optimization with MD.VariableCell false, cell 
> parameters are fixed, so if you further perform full opt. with this option 
> "true" cell parameters will be the same. So in both these cases cell 
> parameters are the same and you should chose the same kgrig_Monkhorst_Pack 
> block and Briollin zone will not change when you transfer from internal to 
> full geom. optim.     
> 2014-07-21 15:38 GMT+04:00 Kanhao Xue <xuekan...@gmail.com>:
> It is strange argument. When the cell parameter changes, the Brillouin zone 
> will change, therefore the Monkhost-Pack K points will change their 
> locations. However, one is just concerned with the rough density of K points 
> in this scheme. Why one cannot use Monkhorst-Pack?
> On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 11:48 AM, 邵德喜 <dxshao...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I was told that when  MD.VariableCell  is setted True, then  we can not use  
> block kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack option .
> Thanks very much .
> 2014-07-21 15:31 GMT+08:00 Максим Арсентьев <ars21031...@gmail.com>:
> You right, you should perform 2 structural relaxations. Before doing this do 
> calculations without geom. optim. with different density of kpoints by 
> "%block kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack" and see convergence of kpoint density on 
> forces. This also should be checked for meshcutoff - convergence in forces is 
> very important for geom. optim.  
> 2014-07-21 6:59 GMT+04:00 邵德喜 <dxshao...@gmail.com>:
> Thanks very much.
> Do you mean that I should do structual relaxation twice?First with 
> MD.VariableCell False,then  with MD.VariableCell True?
> If I could just do structual relaxation once with MD.VariableCell True? And 
> if   " kgrid Monkhorst Pack" option can be reserved at  the same time?
> Yours Sincerely!
> Dexishao 
> 2014-07-21 4:55 GMT+08:00 Максим Арсентьев <ars21031...@gmail.com>:
> Dear, Dexi!
> You can vary residual strain by MD.MaxStressTol.
> Use CG, relax with MD.VariableCell False first, then input coordinates 
> obtained to a new file with MD.VariableCell True.
> Note you may need to shift some atoms manually before geometry optimization: 
> if all atoms are in 2D plane, then all of them will remain in plane after 
> geom. optim. because z forces are zero, so you need to shift any atom to 
> unlock z forces and avoid such a false state.
> 2014-07-20 4:01 GMT+04:00 邵德喜 <dxshao...@gmail.com>:
> Dear everyone:
> I really want to know how to get a structure wuthout strain.For example 
> ,Let's consider graphene ,I get the structure from materials studio,and use 
> it as initial one for siesta structual relaxation.
> If in the relaxation set some options as follows:
> MD.TypeOfRun CG/Verlet
> MD.VariableCell True
> ...
> At the same time ,I replace " kgrid Monkhorst Pack" option with k-grid cutoff.
> When the relaxation is done,I want to ask if  the final structure after 
> relaxation is
> one  structure without strain?
> In general ,how to get a structure without strain is what I care.
> Thanks in advance.
>  Dexi Shao
> -- 
> Best wishes,
> Maxim Arsent'ev, D.Sc.(Chemistry)
> Laboratory of research of nanostructures
> Institute of Silicate Chemistry of RAS
> -- 
> Best wishes,
> Maxim Arsent'ev, D.Sc.(Chemistry)
> Laboratory of research of nanostructures
> Institute of Silicate Chemistry of RAS
> -- 
> Sincerely yours,
> Kanhao Xue
> Laboratoire de Réactivité et Chimie des Solides (LRCS)
> UMR CNRS 7314
> Université de Picardie Jules Verne
> 33 Rue Saint Leu, 80039 Amiens Cedex, France
> -- 
> Best wishes,
> Maxim Arsent'ev, D.Sc.(Chemistry)
> Laboratory of research of nanostructures
> Institute of Silicate Chemistry of RAS
> -- 
> Best wishes,
> Maxim Arsent'ev, D.Sc.(Chemistry)
> Laboratory of research of nanostructures
> Institute of Silicate Chemistry of RAS

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