On Wed, 6 Feb 2008, Eugen Leitl wrote:
On Wed, Feb 06, 2008 at 08:19:14PM +0530, Udhay Shankar N wrote:

Amen, brother. I've been playing with Gutsy (7.10) for a while now

Ah, the same mistake I made. Let's hope LTS will iron these out.
It's almost certainly the accelerated proprietary nvidia graphics
drivers in my case.

I'm on Gutsy too, on a Lenovo X61s; and also having to deal with the fact that suspend/resume doesn't work. Martin Pool says it now works with his X61s under HardyHeron alphas, which I'll probably try when I'm back home for awhile, but possibly not before it goes beta or live. Suspend/resume worked great on an X40 under Feisty Fawn; that X40 was stolen so I can't really tell if it was a Lenovo issue or an Ubuntu issue, but I'd be willing to bet the former changed something silly that the newer kernel in Hardy knows enough about. Bluetooth /sometimes/ works, I can't find a reliable reason why it'll just not come up at boot sometimes. Then I read that people are having similar problems under Vista, so again, I'll give Ubuntu the benefit of the doubt. Finally the wireless card is flaky - it doesn't get the same network strength that I had before on the X40/Feisty combination, and locks up so often I've got to reload the card driver and kill/restart NetworkManager to get it to work sometimes. But that's probably more my fault for getting the Atheros (rebranded "Lenovo wireless lan card") rather than the Intel one.

...it goes to illustrate that the era of excitement in IT is over.

Heh, that's true. What used to be kind of intriguing and fun is now just a f'in chore. But I've still got hopes for Ubuntu. I moved on from FreeBSD, at least for the desktop.


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