On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 5:16 PM, Suresh Ramasubramanian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Dorothy Sayers .. well, her detecting is good, but Lord Peter Wimsey is a
> bit of a twit.
Since everybody's confessing their book loves...

Richard Bach and Nevil Shute
Devan (of CID Chandru and *Thuppariyum Saambu*)
PG Wodehouse
Roald Dahl and O. Henry and bits of Raymond Chandler
JT Edson and Louis L'Amour and Enid Blyton and Franklin W. Dixon
Kalki and Bhaarathiar and SM Natesa Sastri
and a few more.

If you folks haven't read Nevil Shute's 'A town like Alice', please do.




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