On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 7:16 PM, Kiran K Karthikeyan <
kiran.karthike...@gmail.com> wrote:

> number of people attending, but just 200
> would mean a donation of 10 lakhs.
> Try asking the very people who would attend this event to donate 5000 a
> head
> and you'll see why something like this is required.

Totally agree Kiran. Such event tap two things...the luxury class, and the
"feel good" factor....it enables the glitterati to meet each other in
sanitary surroundings far from the actual suffering they are helping to
alleviate, and they feel good that instead of just enjoying themselves, they
are doing this for a good cause. You need the glitz and glamour, as Kiran
says, for the coffers to open.

Last weekend, we had such a fund-raising event for ASHA for Education in
St.Louis. Last year, the St.Louis NET-IP (Network of Indian Professionals)
had donated $2500, so the volunteers (from their own pocket) spent the
amount needed to host a "Pakoras in the Park" afternoon do. This year, they
donated $250, and were willing to give another $100 against receipts for the
expenses of another "Pakoras in the Park" event. Certainly we would have
preferred a donation of $350 instead of $250 and the hassles of organizing
the event, inviting the NET-IP lot, and cleaning up afterwards...but...the
event was a requirement. This, when ASHA is not a "social" organization.


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