Bulls' testicles, AFAIK, and confirmed recently by a guy who grew up on a farm where they were 'harvested'.

By the time of cooking, let alone eating, they're steer's testicles. I believe not even Chuck Norris eats bull's testicles.

Carbonated drink made from lacto-serum, the transparent liquid that
remains after you've taken all the fat and protein out of the milk.

Lacto-serum is, in other words, what remains after making cheese. Therefore, eating cheese and drinking rivella reconstitutes, in principle, the original milk; however, the shelf life (and transportability) of the former two is vastly superior to that of the latter.


:: :: ::

God appears one day to a swiss farmer, Jakob Püür.

G:      Salü Kobi

P:      Mein Gott! Hoi! How's it going?

G: My only son ran off and joined a Fischli-Sekte, wäsch? Other than that, pretty good. Yourself?

P:      Not bad; the farm's doing well.

G:      You had enough rain this year?

P:      Plenty, and it was nicely sunny during the haying.

G:      And your grass grew well?

P:      Even got an extra cut.

G:      And your cows are fat?

P: Milk production's way up; Emmi's not paying so much this year but we've made up for it in volume.

G: Good to hear you're doing so well. Mind if I have a glass of milk, then?

P:      No problem ... here you go ... that'll just be CHF 1,50 please

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