On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 10:31:23AM +1300, Charles Haynes wrote:
> Top posting and not trimming due to primitive "smart" phone interface.
> If rate of cognition goes up doesn't ability to predict do so as well? Is

Good point. But we're at a fixed point at the moment, given that
there is no easy way to make the average bear smarter. Nootropics
nor external augmentation tools really work yet.

> there a combinatorial effect that makes predictability intractable?

I happily admit that I have no idea. In general it means the overall
rise in ecosystem complexity will outrun even the biggest/smartest 
players, but there's no way of knowing that. 

I'm rooting for diversity, so not really invested in the pantheon's
capabilities. Chances are they're just as bewildered as the rest of
us. That's a feature, not a bug.

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