On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 4:20 AM, Alaric Snell-Pym <ala...@snell-pym.org.uk>
> I eagerly await further news from Google, but my hunch is that a local
> Kenya Google office, steeped in "traditional" Kenyan business practices,
> decided to go down this route (and it's not the screen-scraping that's
> the issue, it's the lying to customers); and Google (as a corporation)
> has failed in keeping sufficient control of standards at its outlying
> reaches. Ensuring your corporate ethos percolates to all the little
> branch offices is as crucial, as difficult, and as fatal if done wrong,
> as it was to any world-spanning empire of history...


Google cuts head of Kenyan operation after scraping Mocality database

In the wake of accusations and apologies from the search giant, it has
reportedly parted company with the head of its organisation in Kenya - but
is keeping details under wraps

   - Charles Arthur <http://www.guardian.co.uk/profile/charlesarthur>
   - guardian.co.uk <http://www.guardian.co.uk/>, Monday 30 January 2012
   17.22 EST
   -  larger <http://www.guardian.co.uk/help/accessibility> |
   - Article 

[image: tom mboya street, nairobi, kenya]
Google's head in Kenya has left the company after an investigation
triggered by Mocality's accusations. Photograph: Alamy

Google has reportedly fired the head of its Kenyan operations following the
discovery that people working for it had been pulling data without
permission from the Mocality
misrepresenting themselves to local clients.

The company is also understood to be tightening internal procedures about
the use of contractors for projects involving contacts with outside

While the search giant has posted no more than a bare-bones response after
an internal investigation, Nairobitech
the Kenya <http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/kenya> country lead for Google,
Olga Arara-Kimani, formerly of the telecoms company Safaricomm, had left
the company. The site reported that a member of Google's technical team in
Zurich has also left the company following the investigation, which was
triggered when an elaborate sting operation by Mocality demonstrated that
staff working for Google were accessing its database without permission.

Nelson Mattos, vice-president for product and engineering in Europe and
emerging markets, said in a brief
"We've concluded our investigation into the serious allegations about our
use of data from Mocality's website in Kenya. We're very sorry this
happened. We've taken appropriate action with the people involved and made
changes in our operations to ensure this doesn't occur again."

However he did not elucidate on what action had been taken. Google declined
to comment further on the matter. It apologised to Mocality after its
initial investigation discovered that allegations by Stefan Magdalinski,first
aired on the Mocality blog on 13
were correct.

Asked by the Guardian whether he was satisfied with Google's actions, and
whether Google had made any reparations, Magdalinski responded "We're still

In his initial blogpost, Magdalinski said that Google had a number of
questions to answer, of which his top three were:
• "If Google wanted to work with our data, why didn't they just ask?"
• Who authorised this?
• Who knew, and who SHOULD have known, even if they didn't know?

Google declined to respond to the Guardian's request for more information
beyond its statement.

The Nairobitech blog has
by failing to explain what went wrong, Google's Kenya operation is failing
both its clients and potential customers.

Homer: Hey, what does this job pay?
Carl:  Nuthin'.
Homer: D'oh!
Carl:  Unless you're crooked.
Homer: Woo-hoo!
Sudhakar Chandra                                    Slacker Without Borders

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