
I agree 100% with you. I have been a German working bloodlines, pure GSDs breeder, for several decades. Our dogs were mostly destined for family and property protection or for police work, some of them for Schutzhund sport. They have always basically had raw food. Even though I have been practically retired for the last 6 years, I am just now retaking German Shepherd breeding.

Since I moved to Margarita Island 6 years ago, I only left with our family one of our female puppies, from the last two litters that were precisely born here just upon arriving, a week separation between litters.

Forced by the circumstances, the diet this dog has had since she was born (she is now 6 y.o.) has been ¨top quality¨commercial food, Purina's ProPlan, when I can find it, which is a good part of the time. Second choice, Pedigree, not available any more. Third choice, Purina Dog Chow. Fourth choice, whatever other trash I can find. The only raw food she eats several times a month is sardines. The water she drinks is from a pail size container which I carefully rinse every 3 days, without disturbing the green algae and the rest of the beautyful vegetation plus all types of larvae and the most unbelievably astonishing live beings that form there (we see all kind of miraculous beings under the microscope), and refill with normal chlorinated tap water. The water receives around 6 hours/day of morning sun.

Now, here comes the important thing:

In all her 6 years of life, this dog has never ever been sick, not even a mild cold, not even a reddish eye, not even one single sneezing, not one soft deposition, much less even a hint of a diarrhea.

She has never consequently seen even a photograph of a veterinarian, much less a vaccination.

Not even Ehrlichiosis, which 99,99 of all dogs in the island have, has affected her. She probably would be an asymptomatic carrier of the disease.

As a matter of fact, she is the healthiest dog I have ever had or known.

?  ?  ?  ??



From: Teri Johnston <t...@welshspringers.com>
Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Maximizing Dog Health.....Minimizing cost
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2007 19:19:34 -0500


You can feed what you choose to that is your right. But common sense dictates a carnivores ideal diet would be meats and bones. It is really a shame that you refuse to believe that the way your are feeding your dog could be harmful.

The current crop of kids here in the US are being fed terrible diets I'm sure you can concur. So yes they adapt to eating fast food or Hamburger Helper etc. But the health of these kids is not the best, few are really healthy eating that way. Common sense dictates feeding organic food not chemical laden food. Wherein lies a difference between children diet and health and dogs, diet and health?

Do you use a homeopathic veterinarian or an allopathic one? What does the vet say about you feeding a vegetarian diet to your dog?

Dr. Mech has as others have pointed out stated wolves shake out the stomach contents prior to eating the stomach.

Can I ask you to get Dr. Mech's books and read them before you close your mind totally to these facts?

I didn't get where I am today by not researching the best possible diet for my dogs and myself. I have many puppy buyers who are veggans and they feed the dogs they get from me a raw meaty bones diet. They get it that maybe their body dictates what they eat but they accept dogs are carnivores and require meaty bones.

One of my puppy buyers recently commented about how his raw feed, unvaccinated dog had never been to a vet and healthy as can be (dog is 4 yrs old) but that the neighbor who got a pup at the same time, well that dog who was given all the recommended vaccines and HW preventives, flea and tick treatments is being taken to the vet all the time for one problem or another. This is the typical scenario.

I know you are a good person as I've been reading your posts on this list for a long time. I just want what is best for all dogs not just my own.


Teri Johnston
Fireside Welsh Springer Spaniels
Young Living Essential Oil
Distributor #935975
Natures Pharmacy

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