Here is a doctor wanting to do a study if CMO will help lupus, and appears to be willing to provide it free of charge to anyone with lupus who wants to try it:

This site: says:

Within the first week I got a call from a doctor that said, "What effect does this have on Lupus?" And it took me back. Why are you asking me that? And he said basically, he had a patent with Lupus who had arthritis and was given CMO™ for arthritis and it brought down the patient's Lupus symptoms to zero in about 5 days. Well, I told him I would have to think about that and would get back to him. And the next day I got a call from another doctor who said what effect does this have on sarcoidosis? More calls. What does this do for emphysema? What is this doing for diabetes? And all of a sudden, while looking at all the information and feedback, we had to come to the conclusion that we had a general immuno-modulator that was not just correcting the memory T cells programs for arthritis but for virtually all kinds of chronic inflammatory processes and chronic autoimmune diseases . It is not just arthritis we are talking about but ankylosing spondylitis It's sarcoidosis. It's writers syndrome. It's Crohn's disease. It's virtually any disease that has a long-standing chronic inflammatory process and this is one of the greatest things that you can do to [lessen future processes*] from developing in your body.


Marshall Dudley wrote:
Scott wrote:
Hey, Friends!

Please let me know if any of you have experience with Lupus and the use of CS and any other natural alternatives in treating/healing it. I just found out last Friday that I have SLE. The doctor prescribed Prednisone - 5mg per day and it made me feel a little bit better but the side effects are another story. Anyhow, I am a 48 y.o. male, live in the San Joaquin Valley of California and was working as a substance abuse counselor prior to getting ill. The most difficult things I am currently dealing with are not working, pain throughout my body, skin rashes with purple coloring and hair loss in those areas and chronic fatigue. I have been taking CS for almost two years and I currently drink about 8 oz per day of it along with about 32oz of distilled water per day (separately). So, please give me some suggestions.

In His Service,
Scott Young<><

Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally, mobile search that gives answers <*>, not web links.
CS is somewhat iffy on lupus. I believe it is a great preventative, but once it develops it is limited on helping. It can probably stop the progression, by killing off the pathogen that the body is reacting to, but the autoimmune part it is not going to do much with once it develops. You might consider CS to kill off the pathogen the body is reacting to, and a course of CMO treatment to get the immune system back in line. I have no information that CMO will in fact help lupus, but logically it seems it should.


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