Evening Dee, Faith and others interested.

Be aware that I am not picking on you by any means.
I need to address the message to someone.  <grin>

>> At 12:15 PM 9/4/2007, you wrote:

And maybe the use of chemical fertilisers?  Dee
I have done all but beg someone to tell me the name of an organic plant nutrient. And I mean the chemical composition.

I realize that most cannot do this.

Most organic nutrient products will not tell you that, even if the people selling them know. I think some of the do in fact know.

One thing I failed to point out in the example that Faith gave, is that, the strong ammonia smell of the manure indicates strongly that part of the Nitrogen is in fact Ammonia form nitrogen.

The plant cannot eat it, not one molecule of it.

More study will suggest that Organics have some of the same problems as the non organic plant foods have.

Consider this, ........  ( organics )
Nutrient release by microbial activity, in general, occurs over a fairly long time period. One potential drawback is that the organic fertilizer may not release enough of their principal nutrient when the plant needs it for growth.

They are saying this is a "Time Release" mixture, and not a controlled one at that.

You must keep in mind that there are many forms, types, ages, conditions, and value in organic anything. Be it food, plants, animals, fish, snakes, and you name it.

One of the best is a tubful of rotten, decaying, smelling catfish.
Even the Indians knew this.

Still, without specific soil conditions and soil ingredients, growth is not possible and will not exist, to a satisfactory level at least.

This is the reason I issued, a few years ago, a challenge for anyone, using only organics to grow more tomatoes on a single plant that I can. I can grow one 75 to 100 feet tall.

I have a tower that I have considered erecting and doing this, and growing the tomato plant to the top of the tower. I have grown 37 feet or main stalk without even trying.

Fact is, all nutrients came from the same place. The route is only different.

Marshall pointed out a few facts, that are not true in all cases.
Likewise, many of the statement about Organics are not true in all cases.

A molecule of nitrate nitrogen is in fact a molecule of nitrate nitrogen, no matter where you get it.

And all nutrients in Organic stuff is in fact Chemical Fertilize.

Boron and the trace minerals ?  Where do you think they came from?

No organics can make them, as no compost pile can make them.

If we get into chelation, that is another ball game with lots of innings and possibilities.

Everyone needs to stop bad mouthing nutrients, stabilized oxygen, organics, chemicals, MMS and everything else if they do not have knowledge about them.

State your facts and data,  and let them do the bad mouthing for you.  <grin>

Or...... state opinions and say "This is my opinion".

We should stop talking about this on this list.

I appreciate Mikes patience and understanding.
He should give us a kick........ he is overdue.  <grin>

One final thought, Chemical fertilize used properly in the right place is no threat to man kind or anything else. All fertilize is Chemical, no two ways about it. So, call a Spade a Spade.



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