or worse........

WARNING: Potassium is NOT a mineral to fool around with or experiment with as a dietary supplement! It is one of the main electrolytes in the body and you can get a HEART ATTACK from an overdose. Potassium is one of the drugs that heart surgeons use to stop the heart during heart surgery. The BALANCE of daily intake between potassium and sodium is VITAL. Most people get too much sodium in their diet, REDUCE sodium to the required amounts and INCREASE intake of potassium rich FOODS. Potassium supplements can be a benefit, but it should not substitute a healthy diet.
      As my teachers said many years ago, ..............

"When you mother says,   All the boys like Spinach,
      tell her to NAME 3."

I know many main stream nurses, doctors, and pharmacists that do not have the brains of a 10 year old idiot relative to potassium.

No pharmacists yet has been able to tell me how much potassium is in a 10 MEG tablet.

>>>  Then I started giving him 1000 mg. of potassium whenever
>>  it would occur, and that stopped the cramping in its tracks.

This sounds like a very foolish thing to do PERIOD ! I have taken near an 18 wheeler load of vitamins, minerals, dozens of protein supplements and other things.

And....... I would not take 1000 mg per dose.

It would take a real genius to take several smaller doses ...........
BEFORE the Cramps. Darn, ........ it has been a long time since the days of the cave man.

First, I say,  If anyone has cramps because of no potassium, ..........
Let them hurt !

One will have a hard time eating enough celery, bell peppers, raw squash,
cantaloupe, watermelon, raw corn, tomatoes, ect to get too much potassium.

Try eating enough raw almonds to get a potassium overdose, or black strap molasses. These two foods are higher than a banana.

People get an overdose or water, wine, beer, whiskey, coffee, ice cream, pie, junk food every day.

I would guess that an overdoes of alcohol kills about 5 million times more people than an overdose of potassium has killed since the beginning of time.

Yes, that is a bogus Mainstream warning for Mainstream Nurses, Doctors, and Pharmacists, .......... not for people with Half a Brain, and a tenth grade education.

Read it and believe it or read it a weep.

If you think the warning is worth the paper is printed on, .........
I hope you get an overdose before dark.

Just two or three overdoses, and they will remove this from the market.
Likely they are thinking of ways to do it already.

And I know, ......... you can buy prescription potassium by the pound. It cost very little. I have a friend that is a millionaire. He bitches about the cost of prescription potassium.

Mr Humble mentioned the woman that mixed a few drops of MMS with a half cup of vinegar. Yes, she drank that......... and wished she had an overdoes of something else. He said he told her clearly, several times how to mix the stuff.

I have talked to pharmacists about potassium. They know virtually nothing, and what little they know is brainwashing by then mainstream.

I about FED UP with stupid doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and Common People.

They can bury their head in the sand, or read and believe the mainstream.

If the flu epidemic hits, any MMS I have will be about 50 dollars a drop or I will watch them lay there and DIE ! And many will.

My first message of the day.   They may get worse as the day progresses.

Don't bother disagreeing. My mind is made up, ........ after about 300,000 hours of study.

How long have you studied to justify any disagreement ?

So what if I am a wee bit wrong. I am never 1/1000 th as wrong as the mainstream.



 "Many people would sooner die than think. In fact they do.

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