Hi, if you can get agreement on who quarantines the quarantine workers, or how they a supply to the quarantine should be approached, perhaps the best quarantine for all is at home. Less likely to spread within the school population, if it is contagious to the healthy, plus they would be able to stay healthier at home I imagine, if the windows are open. WHich is what is needed to stop an epidemic amongst people...good air (although that's a medical re-discovery waiting to be tested and patented and sold).

Basically, when the air is so poor, and still, we are dying, when it is not we are healing and thriving. That's why small outbreaks spread in public places (buildings).

Whoever designs the air-conditioning however they can, if it is used, will never beat an open window for health, because the planetary air-conditioning system (patent pending) is superior and always required, even for the puny contraptions to work.


--On 18 October 2007 14:22:38 +0900 "Jonathan B. Britten" <jbrit...@cc.nakamura-u.ac.jp> wrote:

One of the fundamental questions goes beyond the issue of immunizations,
which is a very, very complex issue, and probably not entirely one way or
the other, as some discussants would have it.   (For example, some
immunizations may well be more effective and safer than others, and as
for the mercury, it absolutely does NOT have to be used as a preservative
if smaller doses were prepared.   That the stuff stays in is a damning
indictment of the profit motive, but not necessarily of the immunizations

The issue that seems to trouble one member the most is the idea of
government control and the use of violence to enforce some social action.
I think this issue troubles a good number of people in the government
before, and I've heard discussions about what would be done in various
hypothetical cases.  Here's one:  a boarding school full of kids has to
be quarantined because one or more of them suddenly develops   something
like Ebola.   As soon as quarantine is declared, hordes of parents, some
armed, descend on the school determined to get their kids out, and to
hell with anyone else, the authorities included.

In such a scenario, how would one respond?   I'd say the everyone in the
boarding school would have to be quarantined and that the angry parents
would have to be disarmed.   I imagine others would say otherwise.
Other very tough calls involve efforts to stop fetal alcohol syndrome by
imprisoning irremediably alcoholic mothers during pregnancy.    It would
be interesting to hear some reasoned opinions about the broader issue of

As for the hypothetical question below, I think the problem may be that
immunizations are not 100% effective for everyone over all of a lifetime,
and even advocates admit that.   The game plan is to keep infectivity
low, I think.   I'm no expert.

On Thursday, Oct 18, 2007, at 13:15 Asia/Tokyo, Simon Jester wrote:

I repeat my question...

If you believe vaccinations work, and you are vaccinated, WHY ARE YOU

Sometimes the greater good for society is bitter medicine, pun

Sounds familiar - like something Hitler or Stalin would have said...

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