Hi There David - not in my opinion, Australia cottoned on to the product
and so 
availed the country of a more open acceptance, one very large company  in
Melbourne did the marketing work and they really got it going, (today
there are many others who are riding on their backs) and supply all over
the continent both in the liquid and a gel - in  fact their gel sells in
the States and maybe Canada - however I do not know about this  for sure,
I know they sell to some of the Caribbean Islands as well, because I have
run into the product here, I have to admit that mine is better than
theirs in the tropics as I tweaked mine to have a better shelf life - so
I have matched them here in the Islands, however they do not make a pure
colloidal silver gel, like I do, they mix it with Aloe -  their product
is a very good one, but as I said, does not like the humidity or the heat
of  the tropics - I have no idea how it does, if it does, in Darwin which
would be a similar climate to ours !!!!   There are many manufacturers in
that country today - I actually trained under one of them and learned all
I know, along with all the added info. gained from those who have been
involved for many many years on this site in the States - one 
of the best assets Australia has over the rest is that the Kidney
Foundation makes a 
00.00 dead water, which is the very best for making an EIS second to
none, unless one
has one's own distiller, and even then it is difficult to get that
quality reading, I went around the factory which makes the water for the
foundation - they are in Perth, and it was a joy to see such a well run
and designed factory.   So Australia has one over all the rest in my
humble opinion - I am sure the boys would adore to be able to put their
hands on that quality of water !!!!!   It is not easy to take on Big
Pharma and the FDA in the States, so it has been far harder for those
involved to get their products out in that country - however the product
is a must in my book, so no matter what they do or what they say I
learned my profession for me and anyone who wants to join me,  I know I
will always have it to use - I swear by it over everything else - I will
never be blue but will always be in vibrant good health !!!!!   So much
for that, it is only my opinion !!!!!    I work on the principal of KISS
at all times !!!!!!   I found two brands for sale in the UK
and their ppm was over 10 or close when I tested both - however no gel of
any kind !!!!!   There is only one company I found with quality distilled
water and they are going every Friday very happily to the bank - I bought
from then when I was in the UK to make my own EIS there !!!!
Regards to all

Peace is easy ... it is a Mindset

Bottled Colloidal Silver can be found on the shelves of just about every
Health Food store in Australia. Usually there are at least 2 or  3 brands
to choose from. Out of interest I'm wondering if CS is as commonly
available in the US, Canada, UK, etc.

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