
What type of  Magnesium or brand would you suggest one take or consume.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Brooks Bradley 
Sent: 5/22/2008 9:03:01 PM 
Subject: Re: CS>True Magnesium Level Determination

Dear Dee, 
I cannot offer a reliable answer to your question about magnesium oil because 
of so many possible variables (e.g. the 
actual composition of the compound being applied; the transporting fraction, 
the total surface area being treated, the length of time involved for the 
protocol, etc.) My SHORT observation is that anything less than an UNREASONABLE 
long-time saturation of large body surfaces..... would not be a concern 
if I was utilizing almost any of the magnesium oil preparations offered by the 
legitimate commercial market. 
We do not give medical advice on any circumstance. However, I do, on occasion, 
relate comments on what 
I would do for MYSELF....under certain circumstances. Bearing such in mind, I 
will hazard a comment. Since over-dosing on ingested magnesium is 
not a common condition.....when coupled with the fact that a majority of adults 
(men in particular)are markedly deficient in dietary intake of magnesium, 
it would appear unlikely to pose a health threat for an adult to consume a 
total of 1500 mg daily (if uncertain, the addition of 400 mg of calcium would 
mitigate against the the probability of systemic imbalance. As a matter of 
fact, I consume 2000 mg of magnesium daily with only a 500 mg dose of 
and have done so for 15 years----with no evidence of difficulty. Our experience 
has been that TOO HIGH calcium fractions are FAR MORE common that the reverse. 
Others may have experienced different results. Magnesium is a very forgiving 
element; loose stools being the most obvious indication of high oral intake. 
One reason for high calcium titers is the high volume of calcium ingested in 
today's "average" western diet. There is, in my opinion, far too much calcium 
added to purchased foodstuffs. Magnesium demonstrates a very low toxic 
challenge, compared to other metals in its periodic the fact that 
it is one of the STAR PERFORMERS in the firmament of cardiovascular well-being. 
My apologies for being unable to supply a more definitive address to your 
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley. 


---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------

Subject : Re: CS>True Magnesium Level Determination

Date : Thu, 22 May 2008 11:41:43 +0100 (GMT Standard Time)

>From : "Dee " <>

To : <>

Thank you Brooks for this posting. Can you tell me if it is possible to 

*over* dose on magnesium. I am trying to get my husband to rub mag oil in 

and also to take things like spirulina, because he had a slight 'leakage' 

into the brain at one point. I also take mag citrate (400mgs) and rub in 

mag oil to help stiffness. Would this be too much in your opinion? Many 

thanks. Dee 

-------Original Message------- 

From: Brooks Bradley 

Date: 22/05/2008 00:54:48 


Subject: CS>True Magnesium Level Determination 

The recent commentary on Magnesium by list members prompts me to a comment 

on determining the "actual" levels of magnesium in the human body. To wit: 

since magnesium (to quote Dr. Russell Blaylock) "is mostly an intracellular 

ion----meaning that normal blood levels will tell nothing of tissue levels". 

This circumstance calls attention to the fact that even NORMAL titers of 

magnesium in the bloodstream in no way guarantee satisfactory levels in the 

tissue beds of the body. In point of fact, one could be expressing SEVERE 

systemic tissue level magnesium deficiency while a current blood level test 

might indicate normal concentrations. This circumstance can greatly 

complicate the issue.....because most doctors, presently, utilize "blood 

levels to assess magnesium deficiency." 

One thing you can count on is.....if the blood levels ARE low, the tissue 

levels will be distinctly, possibly dangerously, lower. 

I have a suggestion for any (especially men) who have had by-pass surgery, 
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