For what it is worth, here is my experience.

Some years ago, near enough to twenty, I had a shoulder problem and went to 
a specialist, who was going to inject it with steroids.  He told me what 
degree of immobility it had. I didn't fancy the treatment, so looked up my 
books and concocted an ointment out of essential oils, possibly in a base of 
emu oil, maybe just added to comfrey ointment.  I forget.  The choice was 
based on the action of the oils, and there were a number of them.  I was 
scared enough of the needle to remember to apply the ointment morning and 
night, and quite possibly in between.  I cancelled my appointment, and went 
for a later one; he was extremely surprised to find that the range of 
movement had improved, so the jab was not necessary.  I then told him I what 
I had done, and that it was with that variety of oils, and he said it was a 
pity there were a number, as that meant it was not possible to work out 
which one had done the job.  (So sad, I was a housewife and I could do the 
research and fix it . . . you finish the sentence.)  How much easier to 
research it now with the Internet.

Anyway, a few years later I was in trouble again in my left (other) 
shoulder, and went to a Chinese Traditional Medicine practitioner. 
Actually, he was a professor, in his eighties but looked like early sixties, 
trained in China in Western Medicine first, then later CTM.  He said this 
was called the fifty year shoulder (I think) because it usually happened 
around the time people were fifty years old.  He rubbed and manipulated very 
hard on an area on the top left hand area of my chest, I think he said it 
was where the nerve went through a small channel.  It should be possible to 
locate it on an appropriate chart.  I have never had trouble with it again.

Some days after this treatment I attended my (great) masseur, and he was 
immediately concerned about the bruise, and said nobody should give 
treatment that bruised a patient.  Well, maybe so, but Prof fixed me.  I 
explained what Prof had said about the nerve going through etc. and he 
agreed that this was true, but still was not happy about the bruise.  I 
mention this in case it helps anyone name the process.

Looking at acupuncture charts, the closest I could spot a possible site for 
the "bruise" spot was  Lu 1 on the lung meridian, but it seems a bit high..
I think he was targeting an anatomical spot rather than an acupressure 
Despite wading through charts and photos galore I haven't been able to 
identify the spot conclusively.


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