The homeschooling decision was reversed in the state appeals court. As
of now, homeschooling is legal in California.
 - Steve N

-----Original Message-----
From: Clayton Family [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2008 7:35 AM
Subject: Re: CS>MRSA and CS

I just heard that homeschooling has become illegal in california, don't
know if it is true...

When my kids were little, I had a pretty good relationship with their
doc, I did not know about cs, and did not believe too much in the herbs
etc. It was when it all stopped working, I ran into the wall medically,
that I found the alternatives that worked. What an education!

I ended up getting them some shots, and not others, even their doc did
not agree with all the shots that were being recommended, and here, made
into law. I had to sign a form in front of a notary (why- to make sure I
am who I say I am, or just to put one more hurdle in to discourage me?),
but no problem. At times I thought I may have been the only thinking
mother in the school.

Was it here I read about the family that had to move to another state to
avoid the overzealous doc that wanted to use their poor kid as a lab rat
for cancer drugs? Who turned them over to the state when they did not
want to let him kill their child that way?  I guess he probably died
anyway, poor thing, but hopefully not tortured to death with their
experiments.  It sounded disturbingly like Nazi Germany....

Oh well, no lack of big problems around right now. I am thinking of
stuffing my money in my mattress, or bury it around my house like my old
auntie used to do...


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