Zip Fizz has as much B12 as a shot from the doctor.   Don't take it within 5
hours of bedtime though.

On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 1:13 PM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick <>wrote:

> Hi Ruth, the best form of B12 is methylcobalamin and it comes in a spray
> form by Advantage.  This is the one I use and I've just had my B12 levels
> checked and they are fine on this.  Other types just don't get through the
> stomach acid.  Vitacost do this, but take some time to deliver, although
> this *is* the UK!  Also, Enzymedica do a really good protease enzyme called
> Virastop which has actually had clinical trials done and has had success
> with things like fibroids and cancer i believe.  I use Pancreatin for
> digestive problems and have had good results.  dee
> On 13 Aug 2009, at 15:03, Ruth Bertella wrote:
> Would y'all please provide your recommendation (brand name, where to order,
> etc.) for a good Vitamin B12?  I'm thinking either a liquid to use
> transdermally or one to use sublingually?  If you could provide
> recommendations on that too I'd really appreciate it.  I'd like to order
> some tomorrow when I re-order my probiotics (PB8) and I just don't have any
> experience using B12 yet and don't know which brand/form might be best.

Day Sutton