I have pneumonia in my right lung. {{ as well as a unary tract infection  & 
a gastric problem }} guess I'm a mess--- Wonder if it would be a good idea  
to add some EIS to the mix ???   A couple drops of DMSO ???Lois
White Pine Needle Tea:  Healing 
Pine needle tea has  been around a  very long time. It was first used by 
Native American’s for  its healing properties. In fact they introduced pine 
needle tea to the early  settlers (in Canada and New England) as a cure for 
scurvy, which is caused by  lack of vitamin C. 
Pine needle tea is  great for colds, chest congestion and upper respiratory 
illnesses, though it is  also rumored to help with many other ailments as 
well. You can do your own  search on the web to find out more. It is packed 
with antioxidants, vitamin C  and vitamin A. 
I want  to give thanks to Grandmother Bobbie for introducing me to pine 
needle tea and  its healing effects. I experienced its healing first hand. This 
tea made my  chest congestion disappear in less than a day. I thought for 
sure I was going to  get bronchitis or pneumonia! But instead, I drank pine 
needle tea and it helped  heal my chest and sinuses. I could literally feel 
my chest “loosen up” and my  breathing became much easier. 
Luckily pine trees  are found in abundance all over the U.S. so it’s an 
easy and free tea that you  can make at home. We just happen to have a white 
pine tree in our back yard, so  it’s very easy to make this tea all year 
round, even in the midst of  winter.  
1/2 cup of pine  needles--green young needles are best..  
    *   1.5 pints of  water  
    *   Bring water to  boil in a stainless steel pan (do not use aluminum) 
    *   Add the pine  needles, reduce heat to a simmer for 20 minutes to 
    *   Strain needles  and drink warm or cold  
    *   you can also put  them in unbleached tea bags  
    *   The tea should be  red in color with a little oil floating on top.  
You can add honey or cinnamon if you like, (since I have type 2  diabetes I 
add cinnamon). It really doesn’t taste like pine; it has a very  mild 
flavor.White pine needles have 5 needles on  each sprig…
but you can use any pine or fir tree (though the recipe  may differ).