Could anyone give me some ideas with making a colloidal silver gel?  I have 
been trying to use beeswax beads, coconut oil, small amount of vit. E oil and 
colloidal silver gel.  I am having a hard time getting the oils and waxes to 
blend with the silver water.  It keeps separating, even when I bring it to a 
very high temperature in a double broiler.  Is there some sort of natural agent 
that would break down the oils so that they can mix with the water.  When the 
"gel" sets up at the end,  I have a hard top of waxy stuff and then silver 
water liquid at the bottom.   I would love any ideas. 
Thanks  -  Beth

Methven Colloidal Silver - Try a natural antibiotic that has been used for 
thousands of years!  (907) 357-8954 or