
1 fluid oz of CS to 16 Tbsp (8 oz) of oil does not seem like a enough CS?
That is a 1:9 dilution?

A 1:9 dilution of  20ppm CS gives you an approximate 2.2 ppm concentration
of CS.  Is that enough to do any good?




On Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 7:27 PM, Scotty <> wrote:

> Do you want it to be natural or not? Gel or lotion? If not, use the
> Carbomer 940. If so, use 1 fluid oz CS, 16tbsp oil (almond preferably),
> citric acid (1tsp) or Citricidal (25 drops), 2tbsp filtered beeswax, 5 drops
> essential oil for fragrance (if desired).  Melt beeswax at low temp,
> add oil, let heat for a few minutes, add CS, stir until all is melted and
> emulsification will start, turn heat down to simmer and continue to stir for
> 10 mins. No more, no less. *Remember to stir or else you may get an oil
> "pop"*. Take off heat, put in a glass or ceramic mixing bowl,
> add remaining ingredients and use a hand mixer to "whip it". And whip it
>! Pour the mixture into a container while still warm and 'voila'
> you have a great lotion! If you want it be more of a salve add another
> tbsp of beeswax up front. Hope this helps. I've been making this for the
> past year and it works great. It's a bit oily at first but the skin loves
> it! Have fun and let me know if you have any other questions.
>  *
> Scott <><*
> "With God, all things are possible." - Mark 10:27
> *
> *
> --- On *Fri, 11/6/09, Bethany Methven <>* wrote:
> From: Bethany Methven <>
> Subject: CS>silver gel
> To:
> Date: Friday, November 6, 2009, 10:10 AM
>    Could anyone give me some ideas with making a colloidal silver gel?  I
> have been trying to use beeswax beads, coconut oil, small amount of vit. E
> oil and colloidal silver gel.  I am having a hard time getting the oils and
> waxes to blend with the silver water.  It keeps separating, even when I
> bring it to a very high temperature in a double broiler.  Is there some sort
> of natural agent that would break down the oils so that they can mix with
> the water.  When the "gel" sets up at the end,  I have a hard top of waxy
> stuff and then silver water liquid at the bottom.   I would love any ideas.
> Thanks  -  Beth
> *Methven Colloidal Silver - Try a natural antibiotic that has been used
> for thousands of years!  (907) 357-8954 or