You probably weren't taking enough from what I understand.  Most people can
take 5000 IU a day for maintenance, if their levels are already up.  (Said
with the thought that you will do your homework and find out how much you
personally need to take!) is a very good site for Vit D info.  This video
in particular is fantastic:  It's 30 minutes long,
but worth every second to watch it.


>From what I can tell, Vit D is super important.  I will never be without it




From: Jeff Maahs [] 
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 3:11 PM
Subject: CS>OT Vitamin D


Right after joining this group someone posted how important Vitamin D3 was
to our health. My daily vitamin wasn't going to cut it during the flu season
so following suggestions I ordered some for myself and smaller dosage for
the kids. 

I've been taking 2000IU daily for over 3 weeks. Today I got results from my
physical blood test on Vit D and it was 25! The doctor called in a
prescription for 50,000/week. 

Does Vit D take time to build up or was I simply not taking enough do you

I also wanted to say thanks to those that had the Vit D discussion. I would
not have thought to check otherwise.
