I just wanted to know what some of you might think of this detoxification of 
squalene.  As per Dr. Rebecca Carley, when the squalene is injected into the 
bloodstream, the immune system kicks in and tries to remove it, and when it 
does, not knowing what is foreign anymore, will remove squalene from the body 
in areas such as joints, brain, .....which in turn turns into auto immune 
diseases.  I guess this is why there were so many sick with the Gulf War 
Syndrome, what what they experienced was stiffness of the body.  This man 
discusses that CS will take care of metals, but as for squalene, since squalene 
is an oil, you need a degreaser to remove it from the bloodstream.  These are 
his words:

"I recommended only a few drops of liquid dish soap, 1 TIME, after the vax, to 
clear the squalene oil from your blood stream, so as to prevent your suffering 
rheumatoid arthritis when your body begins antibody production against this 
natural oil that's SUPPOSED to be in your brain and joints AND NOT in your 
blood stream.'  This is the YOUTUBE video   
Any input is appreciated, since I have been looking for a way to detox in case 
of forced vaccination.  I have heard that clay and MMS could be helpful.  Here 
is the youtube video from that man.


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