Thanks Marshall.


On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 3:47 PM, Marshall Dudley <> wrote:
> Dan Nave wrote:
>> Marshall,
>> Can you give general dosages and protocol used for each for reference?
>> Also, what type of chelation, and products.
>> Thanks
>> Dan
>> On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 12:43 PM, Marshall Dudley <>
>> wrote:
>>> Our family has had a number of successes with alternative protocols in
>>> the
>>> last few months.  I would like to share with everyone what ailments we
>>> have
>>> successfully treated:
>>> 1. Completely got rid of high blood pressure, no longer taking drugs,
>>> with
>>> serrapeptase
> Two 100,000 SerraGold per day, one morning, one night.  After about a month
> the blood pressure had dropped to normal. Still continuing with 1 Doctor's
> Best a day 40,000 units, for my prostate, and my wife's inflamation.
>  Switched due to the difference in cost purchasing the Dr. Best via the net.
>>> 2. Bluing of fingernail moons on 6 of the 10 fingers completely gone on
>>> wife, and other 4 moons much lighter with about a month of oral chelation
> Following the standard protocol on the bottle of the Heart Chelation for
> Extreme Health, basically, one a day of the AM and PM pill, after 10 days, 2
> a day, then go to 3 a day of each after another 10 days.
>>> 3. Brought fasting blood sugar back into normal range with Agaricus
>>> Blazei
>>> Extract
> Taking one with each meal along with a product called Glucose enhancer.
>  Still taking doctor's prescribed medicine at half dosage, but hope to stop
> it completely in a few weeks.  With full dosage of the doctor's prescribed
> medicine, fasting was high, about 106 to 125 every morning, now it is 89 to
> 99.
>>> 4. Cured my grandson of autism with oral chelation in 30 days.  This was
>>> absolutely remarkable.  Within one week there was significant improvement
>>> (started establishing eye contact for first time), and now 30 days later
>>> all
>>> signs of autism are gone.  Unfortunately he has had to deal with this
>>> condition for the last 5 years or so.
> The child protocol for the Extreme Health Heart product.  I think it was
> something like half a pill (AM and PM) every other day, then half a pill
> every day, then 1 pill every day, and finally 2 a day. We followed the
> directions they gave us in the shipment.
> Note that when I say one pill, I mean one PM pill which is the chelation
> pill and the morning one AM pill which is the mineral supplement to replace
> all the good minerals the chelation may have taken out of the body.
> Marshall
>>> Marshall
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