As an addition...I've just remembered the method for determining ionic content, 
a centrifuge is required, as this is one thing I failed to ask about at the 
time (mainly cos back then I didn't know that at the time) I don't know if was 
used for my samples...I suspect not.


The salt test for ionic component doesn't add up to much for me either as the 
Distilled Water I use (even though it may read zero on a meter) still results 
in cloudyness, which obviously signifies something else is still present in 
that water BEFORE I even start production process, but that's something beyond 
my control I guess.  Probly could make the effort to seek out or produce purer 
water but I don't see a need to be that concerned/precise or pedantic about it.


Didn't mean to take up too much of your time with my essays, and appreciate 
your assistance Marshall, but I guess unless I have the availability of 
additional analysis equipment on hand I'm content with where I'm at for the 
moment...flaws and all praps <g>.


Thanks and Cheers


> Date: Tue, 8 Dec 2009 13:25:50 -0500
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>CS Marshall Part 3.
> Can you tell me exactly how you are determining the total silver level, 
> the ionic silver level, and the colloidal silver level? I do take issue 
> with the notion that a colloid only contains particles that are over 1 
> micron. Virtually none of good EIS is over that size. A colloid is a 
> suspension of particles of any size that is not dissolved or in 
> solution. As such, no filter paper is going to remove a significant 
> number of them, that would require would be reverse osmosis.
> Marshall
> Neville Munn wrote:
> > Sincere apologies for stretching this out Marshall but just as an example:
> > 
> > One result...Total Ag (acidified HNO3)=23.5mg/l (clear solution)
> > 
> > 12.0mg/l was soluble (filtered thru 0.45 micron paper), now ignore the 
> > filter part cos that doesn't mean a great deal to me, in fact it means 
> > nothing to me due to agglomeration of silver during filtering process, 
> > so I'd like to work on the soluble part.
> > 
> > AAS was incorporated somewhere in this sample testing also.
> > 
> > That 12.0mg/l soluble part would obviously contain ions and particles, 
> > and some, probly most...? would be well within the smallest size which 
> > is deemed a *must have size*, however, the larger ones, the ones that 
> > STILL passed thru that filter, would have to still be bio-available. 
> > I am not so much concerned with that larger particle component as the 
> > other silver content will still be in abundance and still be somewhat 
> > efficacious. Literature I have read states "for a substance to be 
> > classified as a 'colloid' that substance should be no larger 
> > than 1000nm or 1 micron in size". Now couple that with the fact that 
> > I believe ALL the silver content falls WELL below that limit, and my 
> > visual observation of NIL settlement, you can see where I get my idea 
> > from, flawed as that may be praps, so if you can expand on all I have 
> > noted here it could be of some assistance to me.
> > 
> > If a suitable explanation requires considerable chemistry details and 
> > equations then don't worry about it cos it would go straight over my 
> > head, I'm just basically wanting to know if it's possible for you to 
> > give me a SIMPLE reason for why my clear solution came back with such 
> > a close balance of ions to particles, and why that result seems to be 
> > at odds with some. Praps it's been said before at some time but if 
> > it's in chemistry language it probly went in one ear and straight out 
> > the other.
> > 
> > I'll let you decide if a reply is worthy of the time and/or effort.
> > 
> > N.
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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