On Mon, 21 Dec 2009 07:59:44 -0700, Nenah Sylver <nenahsyl...@cox.net> wrote:

 Honey, which I believe also contains a type of fungus
the same thing.


It could, Sol. But "the runs" could indicate cleaning out, too.
Nope, it is what I get when the only diet addition/change is honey/raw vinegar.

By the way, I never heard of honey containing fungus. It does contain
enzymes, though. So does raw ACV (apple cider vinegar).

I was mis-remebering, I was thinking about honey and water mixtures being deadly to hummingbirds, it is a bacterium not a fungus:

Why You Should NEVER Use Honey:

A honey water solution served up in hummingbird feeders can quickly become toxic and deadly. Honey rapidly ferments and also cultures >a deadly bacterium. Contrary to popular belief, honey is not "more natural" than the cane sugar that is sold as white sugar. Honey >has been chemically altered by honey bees: it is flower nectar and whatever ever else the honey bee ingested, digested, and spit back >out again. Honey is nothing like the sucrose found in flower nectar and white sugar.

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