I am continuously surprised that people don't seem to read emails properly!  If 
you look again at previous posts John, you will see that it is *distilled* 
water that I am making from the tap water, NOT CS!  de

On 9 Jan 2010, at 18:24, John E. Stevens wrote:

> I am surprised at you, Dee, using tap water from all the contaminants I've 
> read about recently being in tap water (pharmaceutical drug residue, 
> fluoride, chlorine, chromium, lead, and about 140 other contaminants).  I 
> make my CS with distilled water as requested by the manufacturer of the CSW 
> machines I use.  Have you had your tap water tested?  Yuk.  I won't ever 
> drink tap water and won't let my animals drink it, either.  I draw my 
> drinking and cooking water from a deep underground spring a few miles down my 
> country road and store it in gallon glass jugs.  It's very deep in the ground 
> and very pure.  On a 90 degree F day it's 40 degrees F.  I haven't had a 
> glass of tap water in 15 - 20 years. And it'll be a cold day in hell before I 
> ever drink tap water or use it to make CSW.
> John

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