You're right there. I've been buying it on sale, when I can find it. And water purified by RO and ozonation when I can't get DW. Last I bought was 6 cases of 24 bottles because it was BOGO And was cheaper per gallon when I worked out the math.

It worked out to 8 or 9 dollars. I need something to make my own supply, I may have to buy 2 ditillers, run simultaneously, to get enough water every day for everyone, since most distillers only produce 1 gallon every 4 - 5 hours:) I'm basing that on approx 1 gallon per person per day, and cooking purposes, plus CS.

If we could sell our experiences for what they
cost us, we'd all be millionaires.
Abigail Van Buren

sol wrote:
At 05:19 AM 1/10/2010, you wrote:
But is RO water good enough for CS?

I don't think it is, but distilling RO water is supposed to make extremely pure distilled water. And I think Ode told me once he knew of a couple of people who had to do that to get decent DW (correct me if I am wrong).

Since I also drink DW and use it for coffee and tea, and for cooking (if I have enough), my still ran nearly daily, at least one gallon and often two. If my husband drank DW it would have had to produce much more, he drinks double filtered tap water. I do use around a gallon to a gallon and a half of CS per week.

When I figured up how much DW we'd need to purchase per week to replace what I was distilling at home, it came to about 10 gallons. I can't imagine doing that for 6 people and an infant. The 10 gallons a week here is for me to drink and for making CS for my two cats, my husband and myself (and neither of us actually drinks CS routinely though we do use it for mouthwash and lots of other uses, including, misting eyes and hands and cleaning around the kitchen, etc). I also wipe down most bottles and food containers that come from the store and go right into the refrigerator. The cats DO drink straight CS, and go through quite a lot.

It seems to me that 10 gallons per week is about the maximum practical to haul home from the store.

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