Sorry, I worded that wrongly.  I meant to say that we give EIS to our dogs, 
etc., NOT silver salts or MSP.  dee

On 23 Jan 2010, at 17:43, Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

> Most people on this list have been taking CS for years and years with nothing 
> but good results Joanne.  I am a newbie and have been taking it for five 
> years.  Correctly made CS (NOT silver salts or mild silver protein) but ionic 
> plus colloidal silver has never been found to be toxic.  Argyria is caused by 
> the ingestion of silver salts or MSP and even that (which causes the blue 
> colour) is not toxic only aesthetically displeasing.  We all give it to our 
> dogs, cats, bunnies, birds etc., with no ill effects, only good ones.  dee
> On 22 Jan 2010, at 20:31, wrote:
>> I