Luckily, I have always hated milk in *any* form!  dee

On 12 Feb 2010, at 17:29, Harvey Metzler wrote:

> Nature tells the tale. Do you know of any other animal besides man that 
> continues to feed their babes mother's milk when the animal is grown?
> Pasteurized and Homogenized milk when given to a baby calf will kill the calf 
> in a few short weeks.  The processed became popular when automatic milkers 
> started dominating the large dairy farms as they did not have time to wipe 
> the cow manure off the udders before snapping on the milking machines.  Cow 
> manure in milk is bacteria food and spoilage before consumption had to be 
> considered.  It was ok to ingest cow manure but we don't want you seeing 
> spoiled milk as you might no buy it.  So, we heat process and cut down the 
> long fat molecules into short fat molecules and make it have a longer shelf 
> life but not be fit for human consumption.  We then tell you that it is a 
> good source of calcium when the truth be know, it robs the body of calcium. 
> Dairy Industry is a very powerful lobby.
> Milk as we know it is not fit for human or baby calf consumption.

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