Lisa ,John,Dee and all other milk bashers;
  Since every one is different a blanket statement like that is not  always
I have never had a mucous build up from milk. It's the only thing that makes
me feel refreshed, Not water or juice. I drink a tall glass with every meal
and sometimes in between.
 Back in the good old days about 45 years ago I was a heavy drinker. I was
snowed-in in Idaho for a winter and the tavern owner in the ghost town
(seasonal) left the bunker keys, where he stored the beer,with me as he
thought I would go into withdrawal and we could settle up in the spring.  I
never opened the bunker,the only thing I craved was a tall cold glass of
milk so I walked and skied 16 miles to a dairy farm and packed home two
gallons of milk,OH WAS that good!

On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 4:26 PM, Lisa <> wrote:

>  And yes I guess that was my fault believing that that part was
> “understood”. Raw milk is way better for you than store bought…but still one
> should never use it as their primary source liquid (due to the mucous
> factor).
> L
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* John E. Stevens []
> *Sent:* Friday, February 12, 2010 12:13 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: CS>Fwd: Safer Milk With Silver Nanoparticles
> Not really...  better than the super homenized and the super pasteurized,
> but who ever told you milk, even raw milk is good for you?  Too much mucus
> formation from all of it - raw - or the other junk food.
> John
> On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 7:31 PM, Lisa <> wrote:
> Ah…but *raw* milk IS good for you!
> L
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* John E. Stevens []
> *Sent:* Thursday, February 11, 2010 12:18 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: CS>Fwd: Safer Milk With Silver Nanoparticles
> Hi, Sandee:
> The Chinese may have not known anything about colloidal silver water
> killing bacteria in milk until recently.  Personally, I think milk is "junk
> food" and I never drink it.  At first I went to Rice Milk and eventually to
> Coconut Milk which is what I use on my cereal these days.  Our milk in the
> states is too over processed - over pasteurizd and over homogenized.  From
> my research there isn't anything good, nutrient-wise, that one can digest
> and metabolize.  The vitamin D, calcium and other nutrients just wash
> through the body unused, for the most part.  The enzymes in the milk are
> "dead," so there is no way to digest it.   Milk causes too much mucus to
> build up in the body.  And the mucus is not good.
> Sad, because I am a cheese lover.  Yes, I am a Hulda R. Clark reader and
> follower and what she had to say about milk is correct.  Dr. William
> Campbell Douglass II says the same thing, but there are so many folks in
> this country, and other countries, that falsely believe milk is 'good for
> you," it's hard getting the truth out there.  "Off with that phony milk
> mustache!!!!"
> John
> On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 10:28 AM, Sandee George <> wrote:
> Hi There John, EIS is a preservative, it is an anti bacterial, so why would
> it take so long for them to use it
> in milk, since I started making EIS, if I do have any milk around, the
> first thing that happens is about 6
> drops of EIS goes into the bottle/carton and it keeps, and I know it is rid
> of any impurities that may be there, if you have read and studied Hulda
> Clark's work she makes it very clear what milk contains and why adults do
> not need, and in fact use milk to their detriment !!!!
> Knowledge unused is a waste of time !!!!
> Regards
> Sandee
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