And yes I guess that was my fault believing that that part was "understood".
Raw milk is way better for you than store bought.but still one should never
use it as their primary source liquid (due to the mucous factor).





From: John E. Stevens [] 
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 12:13 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Fwd: Safer Milk With Silver Nanoparticles


Not really...  better than the super homenized and the super pasteurized,
but who ever told you milk, even raw milk is good for you?  Too much mucus
formation from all of it - raw - or the other junk food.


On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 7:31 PM, Lisa <> wrote:

Ah.but raw milk IS good for you!





From: John E. Stevens [] 
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 12:18 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Fwd: Safer Milk With Silver Nanoparticles


Hi, Sandee:

The Chinese may have not known anything about colloidal silver water killing
bacteria in milk until recently.  Personally, I think milk is "junk food"
and I never drink it.  At first I went to Rice Milk and eventually to
Coconut Milk which is what I use on my cereal these days.  Our milk in the
states is too over processed - over pasteurizd and over homogenized.  From
my research there isn't anything good, nutrient-wise, that one can digest
and metabolize.  The vitamin D, calcium and other nutrients just wash
through the body unused, for the most part.  The enzymes in the milk are
"dead," so there is no way to digest it.   Milk causes too much mucus to
build up in the body.  And the mucus is not good.
Sad, because I am a cheese lover.  Yes, I am a Hulda R. Clark reader and
follower and what she had to say about milk is correct.  Dr. William
Campbell Douglass II says the same thing, but there are so many folks in
this country, and other countries, that falsely believe milk is 'good for
you," it's hard getting the truth out there.  "Off with that phony milk


On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 10:28 AM, Sandee George <> wrote:

Hi There John, EIS is a preservative, it is an anti bacterial, so why would
it take so long for them to use it
in milk, since I started making EIS, if I do have any milk around, the first
thing that happens is about 6
drops of EIS goes into the bottle/carton and it keeps, and I know it is rid
of any impurities that may be there, if you have read and studied Hulda
Clark's work she makes it very clear what milk contains and why adults do
not need, and in fact use milk to their detriment !!!!
Knowledge unused is a waste of time !!!!

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