There's one post where he talks about the reaction, and foaming. I don't recall right off the bat everything it said, but if you check the archives It should be there:) If it's mixing and not separating you should be fine, although your actual Lip C may not be as high a percentage. If you can take it without gastric adventures then you're probably absorbing it one way or the other.:) The way the Lip C manufacturers are doing the encapsulation is mechanical, but at a much higher PSI. Even if it's just emulsified and buffered and not a very high percentage of Lip C, if you're actually absorbing it, it's all good:)


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:
Well, I have done it just as he said, but in a Magimix.  I did get a bit of 
foam--which then dispersed.  The liquid has remained like a creamy (slightly 
orange) milk and has not separated.  Is this right do you think?  dee

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