The way they vacuum pack pickles is to blast the surface of the brine with very hot steam and slap the lid on.
When the steam condenses..instant vacuum.

Hot air from a heat gun might work.


At 07:15 PM 5/26/2010 -0500, you wrote:
Renee and PT,
Thanks for your comments. Maybe juicing is still a viable option. I had forgotten about the pump-n-seal; thanks for suggesting it.
- Steve N

From: Renee []
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 12:24 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Sous Vide Cooking

Hi Steve. There is a handy little device called a pump-n-seal. $20 I think, somewhere in there.

This device, which is nothing more than a hand vacuum pump, will suck all the air/oxygen out of a container. This keeps juices from turning brown and from loosing nutrition.

You can Google for it.

What you do is either save jars that have been vacuumed sealed already, that when you look at the lids there is a white vinyl or plastic ring on the inside. This makes a pressure seal. Or you can buy canning jars. Those lids will work perfectly.

The kit for the pump comes with a thumbtack (:-) that you poke a hole into the jar lid. Then you take one of the little yellow reusable tabs they give you and place the black spot over the hole. Fill with your juice, veggies, nuts, whatever, place the pump over the tab and start pumping. When it becomes difficult to pump (or the liquid reaches the top) stop pumping. Your jar is now sealed. Refrigeration is best for juices, but so long as you drink them up that day non-refrigeration should be ok too. Without air, it's hard for things to spoil, but remember you won't be able to get every air molecule out--so use it up in a day if not refrigerated.

Then to open the jar you must lift one corner of the yellow tab. This allows air to flow back into the jar, releasing the vacuum so that you can unscrew the jar. Pretty handy.

The pump can also be used with regular ziplock bags, but it's a bit messy. To make a tight seal there you have to get a qtip or your finger and run a small line of some type of oil inside the zip part. Fill the bag first, run the line of oil, insert the tube for the pump into a corner of the bag, zip up to the pump tube, then pinch that shut as you pump. When all the air is out quickly pull the tube out and zip it closed. The oil keeps the vacuum in place.

But I have purchased one of those little battery vacuums that come with zip lock bags. They work really good too, so long as you don't vacuum it too hard, like trying to suck every little gasp of air out. :-)


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