Hi Jason,

I understood that the cleaning process was an electrolytic process in
distilled water which involved only adding a temporary aluminum strip
as the (+) electrode and connecting battery (-) to the two silver
electrodes and running current through them for a short time.

So, although I haven't tried it, it doesn't seem like it will cause
any sort of degrading of the electrodes.  In fact, it seems as if it
might be less degrading than mechanically cleaning them.


On Sat, Sep 24, 2011 at 1:09 PM, Jason R Eaton <ja...@eytonsearth.org> wrote:
> Hi Dan:
> I've always taught people to pay extra careful attention to keeping
> electrodes in good shape.
> I don't think using any type of chemical solution is anywhere near as
> effective as a bit of old fashioned elbow grease and non-reactive abbrasive.
> And the problem with using any dipping or chemical solution to cleanse the
> silver rods is that no matter how hard you try, you are still going to get
> uneven wear on the silver ( even if you at first can't see it with the naked
> eye).  That means, that nothing short of polishing will return silver
> electsrodes to their most ideal state for brewing.  And it does make a very
> big difference in quality.
> That's my one problem with the SG-7; it's difficult to properly clean the
> electrodes; a bit of an art form, but with practice, it gets easier.  I know
> there are alot of people who think that cleaning electrodes is not
> necessary, but I can easily demonstrate the difference between batches done
> with pristine electrodes, and ones that aren't.
> Oh, and don't forget to add Ivan to the list; not sure what ever became of
> his laboratory grade CS generator project, but I also learned alot from his
> creative exploits.
> ~Jason
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Dan Nave" <bhangcha...@gmail.com>
> To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
> Sent: Saturday, September 24, 2011 10:42
> Subject: Re: CS>[List Owner] Whew!
> You wrote:
> "> So if someone wants to throw a simple resistor between two leads on a
> nine
>> volt battery, toss two curved electrodes in distilled water and call it a
>> holy smoke device, that's great... but it's nothing new."
> I think that, if nothing else, we will find that the idea and method
> of "desulfurizing" *is* new and will be an extremely useful tool for
> EIS making.
> Also, In spite of any disagreements over chemistry equations, I
> appreciate the efforts of many people including Ole Bob, Bob Lee,
> Marshall, Ode, and Mike Monett in making the process of CS or EIS
> production more understandable and removing it from the realm of
> having to make it by the "phase of the moon" or thinking that there is
> no way to get understandable or consistent results.
> Dan
> On Sat, Sep 24, 2011 at 11:46 AM, Jason R Eaton <ja...@eytonsearth.org>
> wrote:
>> Hi David:
>> Indeed. Certainly a forgiveable offense, in my book.
>> The problem I have with individuals who display similiar tendencies (I'm
>> certainly not going to comment directly about MM in particular, because I
>> do
>> not know him), is that they tend to leave a wasteland of human carnage
>> wherever they go.
>> Healing isn't about science, it's about people. Science isn't about
>> technical pursuit, it's about rigorous honesty and meticulous observation.
>> Where I draw the line is the true motives of an individual. It is quite
>> normal for people to say their motive is one thing, and have it be very,
>> very different. Sometimes you have to listen very, very carefully in order
>> to hear.
>> For example, there's a reason I refer people to Trem and 'Ode, and that
>> reason only superficially has to do with the quality of their products. I
>> know that neither of them are going to tell the people I send to them
>> something that is going to cause them harm, and that they are going to be
>> as
>> honest as they know how to be, and for no other motive than it's the
>> decent
>> thing to do.
>> If I were to send someone to MM currently, and they had strep throat, his
>> advice could possibly kill them. You don't treat throat infections with
>> sublingual anything, least of all strep. I also wouldn't appreciate very
>> much if he told his "single mother with three kids" that her pneumonia or
>> bronchitis couldn't be helped with EIS nebulization because she would get
>> something similiar to mesothelioma.
>> And I don't think it is very brilliant science that states that there is
>> no
>> oxidation in the EIS process; and the individual turns around and talks
>> about silver hydroxide formation (silver hydroxide is an oxide, which is
>> formed through oxidation).
>> When I run into a bad case of suspected strep, I tell the individual if
>> they
>> want to treat it with silver, and without modern medicine, they need to
>> follow instructions exactly, and if they don't choose to do it, that's
>> fine;
>> they need to go see a doctor.
>> Treatment is simple and has always been effective, but requires a constant
>> supply of fresh ions. Just 1/2 ounce or so, held under the tongue for
>> about
>> a minute or so, and trickled down the throat, at least every 15 minutes
>> until the throat starts to feel better, and then about every hour or two
>> until the problem is gone. If results are not achieved within 48 hours
>> (which has never happened in my experience), then one would still need to
>> see an qualified MD.
>> Some strep infections are really simple, and some are very aggressive. One
>> cannot know offhand how aggressive the infection is, or why.
>> I'm all for methods to improve EIS. I'd be working on them myself, only I
>> haven't ever had the need. The stuff we make works extremely well, and
>> always works for the things I believe it WILL work for.
>> So if someone wants to throw a simple resistor between two leads on a nine
>> volt battery, toss two curved electrodes in distilled water and call it a
>> holy smoke device, that's great... but it's nothing new.
>> ~Jason
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "David Bearrow" <chip...@verizon.net>
>> To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
>> Sent: Saturday, September 24, 2011 08:05
>> Subject: RE: CS>[List Owner] Whew!
>>> Mike Monet originally joined the group back in 2006 with complaints about
>>> mold spores which is why he came to us. He was so desparate to find an
>>> answer about his mold problem to the point where he was triple washing
>>> his
>>> clothes and burning holes in his bedsheets with strong chemicals. He even
>>> mentioned fires in the microwave in his zealous though misguided attempt
>>> to
>>> kill the spores he supected were poisening him.
>>> Mike is a brilliant electronics engineer. At some point his mind fogged
>>> and
>>> he suspected the mold. As a result he came here and gleaned information
>>> from
>>> the group. He improved his eating habits and developed scientific methods
>>> of
>>> EIS production. His mind began to clear and he began to refine the
>>> process.
>>> Mike's intelligence is such that he has no social skills nearly to the
>>> point
>>> of being a sociopath. As he got his mind back (who knows if it was spores
>>> or
>>> what) he refined existing protocols for EIS production and now has hit on
>>> something that makes logical sense to his electonics trained mind.
>>> However
>>> his focus on things electrical and scientific was to the exclusion of
>>> social
>>> skills and so he blasted through the group like a bull in a china shop
>>> never
>>> considering he might be hurting peoples feelings. Indeed he would scoff
>>> that
>>> a person would allow their rational mind to be overcome by a feeling.
>>> I write this so that you the reader might understand a little of the
>>> psyche
>>> of Mike Monet and perhaps be able to forgive the crude manner in which he
>>> communicated. Maybe even have empathy for him as he is surely a lonely
>>> person.
>>> David Bearrow
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: M. G. Devour [mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com]
>>> Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 10:09 PM
>>> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
>>> Subject: CS>[List Owner] Whew!
>>> Hi folks,
>>> Whew!
>>> Mike M. has safely unsubbed from the group, and I wish him well in his
>>> venture.
>>> --
>>> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>>> Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org
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>>> http://www.mail-archive.com/silver-list@eskimo.com/maillist.html
>>> Off-Topic discussions: <mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com>
>>> List Owner: Mike Devour <mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com>